"But as the days of Noah were, so shall also the coming of the Son of man be." Matthew 24:37


Emergency Freedom Alerts: 3-4-24-Part 1

By Dr. Scott Johnson | March 4, 2024

Table of Contents:

  • The Snake Mike Adams (The Health Ranger) Is Openly Yoking Up With Muslims and Encourages you to do the same! He Says: “Muslims and Christians must UNITE to DEFEAT the Antichrist! Aamar the Muslim joins Mike Adams (the Christian) in studio” Muslims are Commanded to behead and slay the Christians in the Islamic Koran but Mike thinks he always knows best–Whereas the Bible Clearly States in II Cor 6:14 & 15: “Be ye not unequally yoked together with unbelievers: for what fellowship hath righteousness with unrighteousness? and what communion hath light with darkness? And what concord hath Christ with Belial? or what part hath he that believeth with an infidel?”
  • New Lie Filled David Wilcock & Mike Adams Interview—Preparing You To Accept the Antichrist While Trying to Convince You They Are One of “Good Guys”
  • Mike Adams “The Health Ranger” Once Again Promoting New Age Freak David Wilcock who announces “The Michael Prophecies” project that is bent on destroying your faith & discrediting the Bible!! Wilcock is now loosely referring to him self as a Christian now!!!! Beware: The deception that is coming is going to colossal just as the Bible predicts!
  • Beware of Wolves in Sheep’s Clothing!!! Mike Adams of www.NaturalNews.com Takes Blasphemy to a Whole Other Level & Promotes Mega New Ager David Wilcock–Saying: PLANETARY CRUCIFIXION will lead to humanity’s resurrection and unstoppable, cosmic awakening!!!
  • Listener Comment: Mike Adams…Also, you really need to look at Mike Adams’ religious beliefs. He’s always pushed New Age beliefs; he’s never been Christian.
  • Donald Trump has a replica of The Ark of the Covenant at Mar-a-Lago now—Alex Jones Promoted Patriot Movement InfilTRAITOR PETE SANTILLI then Interviews False Prophet Kim Clement’s heretic daughter Donné Clement Petruska about this–The title of this interview is: “The World Will Soon Discover Why Trump Has The Ark Of The Covenant” + Kim Clements false prophesies
  • The Unauthorized Biography of Pete Santilli (Super High Quality) Warning Extreme Language by Pete Santilli—the guy is totally demon possessed
  • MAGA Donald Trump’s Lying Right/Left Propaganda Ad Portraying Him As America’s Only Hope
  • What Does MAGA Really Mean? MAGA = Magician in Chief & Highest Level in Church of Satan Hierarchy– Sadistic Satanist to the Stars Maria Abramovic herself even said that Trump was the “Magician to wake-up the world”
  • MAGA in Latin Means The Word ‘Witch’
  • President Trump & MAGA—Maga is the Highest Degree in the Church of Satan
  • More Right-Left Paradigm Lies: Hear the List of the True American Patriots Being Persecuted

PDF: Emergency Freedom Alerts 3-4-24

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Emergency Freedom Alerts: 3-4-24-Part 2

By Dr. Scott Johnson | March 4, 2024

Table of Contents:

  • Maui Lahaina FIRE Mass Murder Incineration Update – NEW Aerial Video taken
  • Lahaina has almost been forgotten, BUT what happened to all the kids? Let’s revisit this and consider the possibilities.
  • INSANE! Texas Devastated by Green Laser Death Rays Amid Thunderstorm! The CIA/Biden’s Secret Direct Energy Weapon Assault on U.S. Ground!
  • Texas (Just Like Lahaina/Maui Hawaii) Is Under a massive DEW / Directed Energy Weapon Attack! These Fires Do Not Look Natural! The Texas Fires Happened In The Exact Location Of The State Where 88% Of Texas Cattle Feed Considering the relentless attacks against the beef industry in America by globalists-Is this fire a coincidence?
  • DEW UPDATE: Mysterious green laser captured on video during “storm” purportedly from the state of Texas …Over One MILLION acres have burned in Texas, which is now the largest blaze in state history..
  • Cape Coral, Florida–Green Lasers Seen Scanning the Ground from a Plane in the Middle of the Night and Nobody Knows Why-A green laser scan also happened prior to the Lahaina-Maui-HI DEW’s Attack! • Local News Investigated and spoke to the following: – City of Cape Coral, and county – Florida division of emergency management – South Florida water district & port authority None of them knew what it was. They came up with no answers.
  • Devil Biden literally just told people in Texas they were hit with a directed energy weapon–Anyone Incinerated just had the wrong color roof
  • Predictive programming–Texas fire spread forecast
  • This aerial image shows the DEW’s damage in the aftermath of Texas wildfires—Some Houses Hit and Totally Incinerated and Some Left Untouched–With Barely Any Trees That Can Even Be Seen—No to very little fuel for these “Wildfires” but that does not matter when a Directed Energy Weapon is being used!!
  • We are again seeing fires break out at food processing facilities across the country–The media claims these incidents are a coincidence while there is much online speculation that these are acts of arson–Furthermore, it appears the globalists are making their moves to prohibit small and independent farming – there are major protests by farmers worldwide who can no longer tolerate the proposals for sustainability brought on by the UN and World Economic Forum—Synthetic & GMO Frankenfoods foods are being pushed in favor of organic
  • Missing Truck Drivers everywhere! Apparently, it is a hazard of being a trucker now as many are going missing! 
  • The Fruit of 15 Minute Cities and Total Reliance on the Satanic Government
  • Do not follow China’s steps! China’s 15-minute cities are checkpoint cities Facial recognition required to enter and leave your neighborhood zone If your vaccine passport expires or you are blacklisted by Social Credit System, you can’t enter or leave
  • WOW It’s Really Happening–America’s First 15 Minute City–Car Free Communities
  • ‘This Is Scary’: Soros Prepares Takeover Of 200 Radio Stations: Audacy owns 235 radio stations in 48 media markets across the US and is the second-largest broadcaster behind iHeartMedia. 
  • “Butler County, Ohio Sheriff Rick Jones on terrorist attacks on America that are coming—Told by the FBI Director: “…There are more Red Flags going off now than before 9/11…. Red flags meaning people that are here in this country that are wanting to do harm to us…” Biden Refuses to meet the Sheriffs or Police Chiefs of the USA!!
  • UNBELIEVABLE! 17 RINO’s vote with open border Democrats on $95,000,000,000 aid to Ukraine, Israel, Gaza, Taiwan and $0 to help secure the U.S border–These people care nothing about law abiding Americans!
  • S. General Sounds Alarm on Chinese Border Crossers: ‘They Are Coming Here to Kill Us’
  • Real America’s Voice (RAV-TV) News @BenBergquam–More incredible footage from the Darien Gap as we run into Chinese Christians fleeing the CCP. They have been stuck in the jungle for 12 days after his wife sprained her ankle. Listen to what he says about the CCP sending spies and his warning to America! Please pray for him and his family. #TakeDownTheCCP
  • BREAKING REPORT: Chinese Migrant turned US Congressional Candidate Issues a Dire Warning About the ‘Highly Coordinated’ Rise of Migrant ‘Sleeper Cells’..
  • Michael Yon: “Oscar Blue just messaged from Darien Gap-This is very important- War invasion underway!
  • Intel Stream: “China has been acquiring naval bases along the coasts of South America and Mexico-Why is this not being looked at more closely as the invaders coming across our border are around 20k Chinese military-age males?
  • Scores of Chinese migrants spotted entering US illegally in California border town of Jacumba and say they’re here to ‘take the money’ along with others from Syria and Turkey
  • Beyond Bombshell Information About ‘Synagogue of Satan’ Zionist Control of Virtually Every Aspect of Society

PDF: Emergency Freedom Alerts 3-4-24

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Emergency Freedom Alerts: 2-19-24-Part 1

By Dr. Scott Johnson | February 19, 2024

Table of Contents:

  • Scott Johnson’s 3 Part Teaching: The Occult Roots of Abortion–Planned Parenthood/Margaret Sanger Exposed–Vaccines Derived From Aborted Babies+ Plus Bible Verses on Child Sacrifice
  • Planned Parenthood’s Overwhelmingly “Christian” Clergy Advisory Board says the abortion mill/industry “Is doing God’s work”
  • Massacre of Innocence–Exposing The Occult Roots of Abortion
  • 73,000,000 Abortions Happen Worldwide Each Year
  • Bible Verses–Do Not Love the World
  • Ohio Megachurch Performs Annual Super Bowl Themed Service—Woman “Pastor” Kicks Bible Across Stage Like Football & Commits Blasphemy in Numerous Other Ways

PDF: Emergency Freedom Alerts 2-19-24

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Emergency Freedom Alerts: 2-19-24-Part 2

By Dr. Scott Johnson | February 19, 2024

Table of Contents:

  • Howard Pittman’s Near-Death Experience
  • Biblically Why Millions of People that Call Themselves Christians Are Going to Hell—This is Not Salvation by Works
  • What “The Narrow Path” Really Means (and How To Find It) Few People Understand This

PDF: Emergency Freedom Alerts 2-19-24

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Emergency Freedom Alerts: 2-12-24-Part 1

By Dr. Scott Johnson | February 12, 2024

Table of Contents:

  • Updated Group Prayer–List of Current Event Prayer Points–Part 2
  • ‘Transformation Church’ pastor trashes stage, destroys Bible and communion elements–Part of a blasphemous sermon illustration
  • Blood Sacrifice Ritual at Grammys as Olivia Rodrigo Smears Blood on Face, Walls Leak Blood During ‘Vampire’ Song while Taylor Swift was seen in the audience dancing along to the bloodletting performance!
  • The Current LOCATION of Satan’s Throne (Talked About in Revelation 2) & BIBLE PLACES | Pergamos AKA Pergamum
  • The Seat of Satan: Pergamum / Hitler / Nazi Germany
  • The Throne of Satan mentioned in Revelation 2 was moved from Pergamos Turkey to Berlin Germany in the 1800’s and later WWI & WW2 came & also brought the Holocaust
  • The Conspiracy Surrounding Hitler and The Sphere Of Destiny / Longinus

PDF: Emergency Freedom Alerts 2-12-24

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Emergency Freedom Alerts: 2-12-24-Part 2

By Dr. Scott Johnson | February 12, 2024

Table of Contents:

  • Tucker Carlson is just another devil and from an Illuminati family–This whole thing with Tucker Aligning with the Freedom Movement in America is just more theater to distract & deceive us—He is CONTROLLED OPPOSITION
  • Tucker Carlson Wears a Red Kabbalah Bracelet On National TV
  • Tucker Carlson is/was a regular at comet ping pong. He is also an elite insider… .
  • The 9/11 Conspiracy Facts Proven in Under 5 Minutes
  • 9/11 LOOSE CHANGE 2ND EDITION—More Truth About 9/11
  • For further confirmation of 9/11 being a predicted inside job see Scott Johnson’s short video “Proof the Illuminati telegraphs their punches prior to cataclysmic events”
  • ELON MUSK PSYOP EXPOSED! – Fake Truthers Promoting King Of Technocracy – Brainchips & Carbon Taxes–‘Telepathy’ chip inserted into brain by Elon Musk’s Neuralink
  • Elon Musk’s ‘truly frightening’ Neuralink chip set to ‘reshape society at its core’
  • Elon Musk Neuralink chip signals ‘end of society’ and start of ‘dark dystopia’
  • Inside Wicked Elon Musk’s Horrible Neuralink lab Where 1,500 Animals Suffered Agonizing Deaths–Pro 12:10 A righteous man regardeth the life of his beast…
  • ‘Society One Step Closer To Dystopia’: Apple Vision-Pro Early-Adopters Spotted All Around
  • CNN Satanic Lying Propaganda: ‘It’s time to limit how often we can travel abroad – ‘Carbon Passports’ may be the answer’ – ‘Drastic changes to our travel habits are inevitable’ – Suggests restrictions will be ‘forced’ upon public
  • Australia Plots Digital ID Launch For This Year–Australia has become the latest country to delve head-first into the first goal of The Great Reset, which is to digitize its citizens!
  • EXTREMELY CONCERNING Does This Confirm War Is Coming? 2024 Health Insurance Policies Updated With NEW Exclusions & Expenses Not Covered “Treatment of an injury or a sickness, which is due to war, declared or undeclared, riot, or insurrection.”

PDF: Emergency Freedom Alerts 2-12-24

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Emergency Freedom Alerts: 2-5-24-Part 1

By Dr. Scott Johnson | February 5, 2024

Table of Contents:

  • Important Information Before Judgement Day
  • Bible Verses on Living In Sinless Perfection
  • Christians Standing At The Judgment Seat Of Christ
  • Headlines Regarding The Persecution of Christians & The Legalization and Protection of Evil
  • Twelve states sound the alarm: Globalist banks are conspiring with the UN to WIPE OUT U.S. farms and food production–CIA Chief Says US No Longer Dominant Power– Chicken Plant Fire in Texas: More Food Sabotage?– US Debt Spiral: Nassim Taleb’s Warning
  • As Chinese Purchases of US Farmland Soar–It’s Becoming Impossible to Track How Much It Owns; Foreign ownership of US cropland is drawing attention from Washington as concern rises about possible threats to food supply chains and other national security risks 
  • Bill Gates Set Up 20 Shell Companies to Hide Purchase of $113 Million of Nebraska Farmland
  • Listener Comment: The Planned Destruction of America
  • Insane Current Event Headlines
  • Americans Have No Idea How Bad Things Really Are Denver Police At Airport Off The Record “The media will not tell you this. — We’ve arrested, the Denver Police has arrested over 50 Al Qaeda members in the last two months!!!
  • Twitter Post: BREAKING NEWS! Apparently, this letter was given by mail to a person in Minnesota from a dialysis clinic where they get treatment from. Are they preparing to show the normies the Truth??
  • Biden regime expanding intrusive facial recognition scans to all 430 ‘federalized’ airports
  • The WHO’s Dr. Devil Tedros Blasts ‘Fake News, Lies, And Conspiracy Theories’ About The Pandemic Treaty–He says: ‘We cannot allow this historic agreement, this milestone in global health, to be sabotaged by those who spread lies either deliberately or unknowingly ‘ CV19 LIES 

PDF: Emergency Freedom Alerts 2-5-24

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Emergency Freedom Alerts: 2-5-24-Part 2

By Dr. Scott Johnson | February 5, 2024

Table of Contents:

  • Worms In Your Brain!! More and more cases are popping up of worms invading the human brain. As you learn in this video, contracting these worms can potentially be as easy as eating contaminated produce–Do your due diligence, wash your produce and you may want to deworm regularly–Plus, Scott Johnson Recommendations
  • Blood Sugar Issues and Parasite Questionnaire & What to Do About it
  • They are feeding your children insects without telling you! Know How to Read The Labels
  • Stand Against Totalitarian Medicine Action Alert!
  • FDA Closes in on Your Supplements Action Alert!
  • You Won’t Believe What the Feds Said About Cell Phone Radiation Action Alert!
  • Will NAC supplements be going away soon—& Why? Because (As we just reported) this is one of the main ways to get the Graphene Oxide (Which is the main contaminate in the Covid Kill Shots, The Test Kits and the Masks) Out of the body!
  • Potential Benefits of NAC Supplements
  • Castor Oils’ Amazing Healing Benefits—What is the Best Castor Oil to Purchase?
  • Ibuprofen Kills Thousands Each Year, So What Is The Alternative? Here are a 7 clinically validated, natural alternatives worth considering–Ibuprofen Can Stop Your Heart (31% Increase In Cardiac Arrest Risk)
  • The History & The Truth About Blood Pressure
  • Scott Johnson’s Healthy Living Newsletter: Cardiovascular Issues: Heart Disease, High Blood Pressure, Arteriosclerosis, HDL, LDL, High Cholesterol High Triglycerides, Arrhythmias, Angina, Rapid Pulse Rate (Tachycardia) and Obesity & What to Do About it

PDF: Emergency Freedom Alerts 2-5-24

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Emergency Freedom Alerts: 1-29-24-Part 1

By Dr. Scott Johnson | January 29, 2024

Table of Contents:

  • Updated Group Prayer–List of Current Event Prayer Points–Part 1
  • You should never just have random people lay hands on you or speaking in tongues to you…
  • Hazbin Hotel on Amazon Prime–This is complete blasphemy–Parents be careful, but how many adults will allow their kids to watch it too–Satan would love nothing more than for us to become comfortable with evil–Even be entertained by it–Even have compassion on it
  • The Serpent Seed heresy
  • LILITH Exposed
  • Trump Shares AI Image of Himself Praying With Six Fingers–Bathed in church window light, head bowed while kneeling in the pews; Donald Trump looks to be in deep contemplation. The only problem? He has six fingers on each hand
  • Feds Asked Banks to Search Americans’ Records for Gun Retailers, Words Like ‘Trump’ and ‘MAGA,’ Bible Purchases
  • Mayorkas Destroys U.S. From Within
  • Police Caught Facilitating Human Trafficking
  • Twitter/X Post: HERE IT IS!!! Y’all know who Wesley Hunt is? He’s a West Point Grad, Iraq Veteran and a member of the US House representing MY STATE!! Listen to him explain EXACTLY what Biden is allowing to happen with illegals!! -Different set of rules -Special line for illegals at the airport with NO valid ID -No vetting -An ARREST WARRANT is acceptable as a form of ID!!! A Congressman CANNOT get on a plane without an ID but illegals CAN!!!
  • Twitter/X Post: Flight got canceled on my way home–Stuck in Chicago tonight, so I decided to go check where they’re holding illegals at the airport and surprise, surprise, it’s worse! Even saw that punk thug from last time–Looks like he’s still employed by the NGO–They seem to like hiring criminals and thugs–I guess that makes sense when you’re running a criminal organization *Check out the guy I met from Venezuela–You’ll love the picture he shows me.

PDF: Emergency Freedom Alerts 1-29-24

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Emergency Freedom Alerts: 1-29-24-Part 2

By Dr. Scott Johnson | January 29, 2024

Table of Contents:

  • Welcome to Satanic America: “Contractors” Caught Moving Children Through Valley International Airport in the US At 3:00pm!! Plus Bible Verses #thisisamerica #savethechildren
  • TERRORISTS crossing the U.S. border and they’re laughing at us—Convicted Terrorist Tells Reporter “Soon You Will Know Me”
  • Gun Store Owners Being Pressured To Sell Firearms To The Illegal Alein Invaders
  • US Supreme Court Openly Endorses Collapse of US Border, Orders Texas to Submit to Illegal Alien Invasion! Evidence indicates Deep State blackmailing Supreme Court! 
  • Micheal Yan Comments on the Texas Border Showdown
  • Record Number of People in US Are Homeless Amid Continuing Surge in Rent Costs – Report
  • It’s all About Evil Painting you into a Corner!! No cash accepted’ signs are bad news for millions of Americans: People without bank accounts are shut out from stores and restaurants that refuse to accept cash–As it happens, a lot of people are still ‘unbanked’: roughly 6 million in the U.S., 
  • EXTREMELY CONCERNING–Does This Confirm War Is Coming? 2024 Health Insurance Policies Updated With NEW Exclusions & Expenses Not Covered “Treatment of an injury or a sickness, which is due to war, declared or undeclared, riot, or insurrection”
  • CRISIS: Denver Hospital Caught Injecting LIVE Ebola Vaccine In Workers Now Overwhelmed by Illegals, Has Racked Up $136M In Unpaid Care In 2023 Alone — REPORT
  • Scott Johnson’s Previous Teachings on Ebola and What You Can Do To Protect Yourself From It
  • The Next Satanic SCAMdemic–Disease X Predictive Programming
  • DISEASE X – An Overton Original Documentary–Learn how COVID-19 was a trial run to war game independent free media’s response to their lock-downs, toxic shots, mandates, and how to censor those voices when the nebulous Disease X rears its globalist head
  • Why did Congress help craft a bill last summer called the “Disease X Act” – do they know another bioweapon is about to be released?
  • The Next Satanic Agenda–“We’re undergoing a soft coup… under the pretext of pandemic preparedness and the biosecurity agenda.” Dr. Meryl Nass explains how the WHO’s proposed pandemic treaty will enable the WHO “to take over jurisdiction of everything in the world by saying that climate change, animals, plants, water systems [and] ecosystems are all central to health”. In addition to that, it will remove human rights protections, enforce censorship and digital passports, require governments to push a single “official” narrative, and enable the WHO to declare “pandemics” on a whim
  • More sudden deaths to come–Of course, this is just a cover for the vaccine deaths! ‘Experts’ Say New COVID Strain Will Cause Global “Heart Failure Pandemic”
  • Italian Health Minister Gave Orders To Conceal Vaccination Deaths – Now Under Investigation For Murder–They knew the shots were killing people from the start and gave orders to conceal deaths
  • FDA dismisses dangerous DNA contamination of COVID vaccines after allowing Pfizer to change its manufacturing process
  • Praise God! Vaccine Exemptions for school immunizations are the highest recorded in U.S. history!
  • 25,000+ Soldiers, Veterans Pledge to Court-Martial Military Leaders for Covid Vaccine Mandate–“While implementing the COVID-19 vaccine mandate, military leaders broke the law, trampled constitutional rights, denied informed consent, permitted unwilling medical experimentation, and suppressed the free exercise of religion.”

PDF: Emergency Freedom Alerts 1-29-24

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