"But as the days of Noah were, so shall also the coming of the Son of man be." Matthew 24:37


Emergency Freedom Alerts: 9-14-20-Part 4

By Dr. Scott Johnson | September 15, 2020

Table of Contents:

  • Author of Dystopian Classics Predicted Face Masks to Enforce Conformity 90 Years Ago!!! Ernst Jünger said masks would become commonplace to eradicate individuality
  • Cathy O’Brien On the Real Reason for Masks: ‘My Daughter Was Made to Wear a Mask from the Age of Two as Part of Her CIA MKUltra Mind Control’
  • Gotta Get the Fake Covid-19 Numbers Up So: ‘Operation Moonshot’: £100BILLION plan could see entire UK population tested for coronavirus in just a week
  • UCLA, Stanford CDC Finds Chances of Dying from #faux Virus is 1-in-19 Million!!!
  • Trump Attacking Anybody Who is “Anti-Vaccine” Now!!!!–Q-Heads Say Trust The Plan–Just Get Your D*** Vaccine–Both Sides Work for 👿 Satan!!!!
  • Trump Officials Propose Collecting DNA From Citizens Sponsoring Immigrants, Expanded Biometrics Term
  • Bigger Than Snowden Neuro Weapons Directed Energy Weapons Mind Control Targeted Individual

PDF: Emergency Freedom Alert 9-14-20

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Emergency Freedom Alerts: 9-7-20-Part 1

By Dr. Scott Johnson | September 7, 2020

Table of Contents:

  • Dave Hodges, Tom Horn, Steve Quayle, Alex Jones, Mike Adams, Numerous Christian “Prophets” and Ministries, etc.…like so many other “Christian” broadcasters state/believe: “Trump Is the Greatest Threat to Globalist Rule” So He Just Has to Be Good—Totally Ignoring the Right/Left, Good/Bad, Coke/Pepsi Paradigm That Satan Has Used to Build this Whole Lie!!!–Almost all the alternative conservative and “Christian” broadcasters are totally on the Trump train and are defending him to the bitter end, despite all the atrocities and evil he is actively engaged in and so easy to document!!!! Almost none of them will call him out on it!!!!

PDF: Emergency Freedom Alert 9-7-20

Click Here To Play The Part 1 Audio

Emergency Freedom Alerts: 9-7-20-Part 2

By Dr. Scott Johnson | September 7, 2020

Table of Contents:

  • Important!!–How to Bind and Loose Spirits
  • How To Pass From Curse to Blessing by Derek Prince & Win Worley Deliverance

PDF: Emergency Freedom Alert 9-7-20

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Emergency Freedom Alerts: 9-7-20-Part 3

By Dr. Scott Johnson | September 7, 2020

Table of Contents:

  • Important–Listener Question Regarding Getting Enough Protein/Meat, Praising the Lord and Spiritual Warfare
  • We Are in Prophetic Times: Israel Declares “Peace & Safety” With Emerging Leader Jared Kushner
  • Prominent Rabbi Breaks Silence: ‘Messiah (Meaning the Antichrist) is Coming this Year!’–After or On Rosh Hashanna Which is September 19th

PDF: Emergency Freedom Alert 9-7-20

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Emergency Freedom Alerts: 9-7-20-Part 4

By Dr. Scott Johnson | September 7, 2020

Table of Contents:

  • Bombshell!! Christians Being Sold Out by Trump!!!!!: Analysis with the White House Correspondent (Dr June Knight)

PDF: Emergency Freedom Alert 9-7-20

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Emergency Freedom Alerts: 9-7-20-Part 5

By Dr. Scott Johnson | September 7, 2020

Table of Contents:

  • CALEXIT & More Reports Confirm that the CHICOMS Are Amassing Thousands of Troops on the Canadian-US Border
  • Why Canada Is Helping China to Defeat the United States
  • WEAPONIZED 5G Test Caught LIVE outside Mexico City. . .
  • DHS Braces For ‘Potential EMP Attack’ As Presidential Election Nears
  • Los Angeles Emergency Management Tweets “Keep Cash On Hand, ATM’s & Credit Card Readers Won’t always be available”
  • How’s your Latin?–The mandatory vaccine mafia 70% of elderly people had FLU SHOTS in December 2019>Today, just a few months later, 70% of CoronaVirus deaths are people aged 70 or over>SAME PEOPLE who got the 2019-2020 winter flu shot all developed CV 19 symptoms died 
  • Prayer Alert–As I Have Been Warning–Top Report on Drudge & CNN–Trump fighting hard to get us all vaccinated!!!–TRUMP Says VACCINE BY NOV 1
  • The agency is telling public health officials around the US to prepare to distribute potential Covid-19 vaccines and provided planning scenarios to help them get ready–CDC tells states to prep for vaccines as soon as late October
  • Nurse Whistleblower: Hospitals Vaccinating Patients by Force Without Their Knowledge
  • “I Estimate that 80% of Covid Diagnoses are Wrong …” – Letter from a ‘Nervous, Wrecked’ Lung Specialist
  • Reminder–CDC Quietly “Revises” COVID-19 Numbers; ONLY SIX PERCENT (6%–or 9,210) of 153,504 Deaths were actually FROM COVID ! ! ! !
  • FINAL COUNTDOWN: CDC Tells Nation’s Governors To Be Ready To Open ‘Vaccine Distribution Sites’ That Will Be ‘Fully Operational’ By November 1

PDF: Emergency Freedom Alert 9-7-20

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Emergency Freedom Alerts: 9-7-20-Part 6

By Dr. Scott Johnson | September 7, 2020

Table of Contents:

  • BREAKING NEWS: Ohio Health Dept. Issues ORDER for “Non-Congregate Shelter” of “Asymptomatic” People in CAMPS – over COVID-19
  • FDA: COVID-19 VIRUS Has NEVER Been Isolated–They have never–not once–isolated the virus for which they have shut down the United States economy and through which they have denied tens of millions of Americans their most basic freedoms
  • The W.H.O PCR Test Coronavirus Primer Sequence is Found in All Human DNA (Chromosome 8)
  • Know Your Rights Australia teaches citizens how to resist “mandatory” vaccinations and medical tyranny
  • Horrifying Video Shows Pregnant Mother Arrested For Facebook Post Where She Was Protesting the Covid-19 Lockdowns!!!
  • Facemasks-How Islam Has Used them for Centuries to Accomplish Satan’s Agenda
  • Christian Missions are Setting Up Covid-19 Clinics and “Isolation Centers” for Covid Patients in Third World Countries
  • Covid-19 Remedies–HOW TO DEFEND YOUR CIVIL RIGHTS–Peggy Hall
  • Proactive Remedy–Federal Lawsuit for Mask Mandates & for people who are facing foreclosure or eviction
  • 500 German Doctors and Scientists Question Official Covid-19 Story: ‘It is High Time That We Took This Into Our Own Hands’
  • Media Blackout: Massive Gathering in Germany as RFK Jr. Exposes Bill Gates & Big Pharma
  • German Doctors on COVID-19: ‘We Have A Lot of Evidence That It’s A Fake Story All Over The World’

PDF: Emergency Freedom Alert 9-7-20

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Emergency Freedom Alerts: 8-31-20-Part 1

By Dr. Scott Johnson | September 1, 2020

Table of Contents:

  • Updated List of Current Event Prayer Points
  • Yet Another Encouraging Email From A Demon Possessed Satanist–Ironically Entitled: “The end shall come” & My Response
  • Thelema is a Satanic occult philosophy developed in the early 1900s by Aleister Crowley, also known as The Beast 666–The main tenant of Thelma is: “Do what thou wilt”.
  • The Hermetic Qabalah
  • See Scott Johnson’s Teaching: Scientology, Aleister Crowley, L. Ron Hubbard and Black Magic
  • Order of the Thelemic Golden Dawn
  • Also see Scott Johnson’s teachings: J.R. Tolkien, C.S. Lewis, The Inklings, Narnia & the Golden Dawn-Part 1 & 2 and C.S. Lewis: In His Own Words-Part 1 & 2
  • QUEEN OF HEAVEN: The Closing Moments Of The RNC Issued A Call For Help To The ‘Blessed Virgin Mary’ In The ‘Most Catholic Moment’ In American History
  • MESSAGES FROM HEAVEN? The Video Documenting the Demonic Apparitions of the Catholic Queen of Heaven “Mother Mary”
  • Hundreds of faith leaders endorse Biden to ‘restore the soul’ of US
  • Faith 2020 earned endorsements of faith leaders from an array of different religions– Christian, Jewish, Sikh, Muslim and others
  • End Time Current Events–9-11-11–Part 4 By Scott Johnson–Creeping unnoticed into the Lutheran church – meet Nadia Bolz-Weber the tattooed, female, pro-sodomy, emergent, foul mouthed, feminist, Lutheran (Catholic priest collar wearing) “pastor”

PDF: Emergency Freedom Alert 8-31-20

Click Here To Play The Part 1 Audio

Emergency Freedom Alerts: 8-31-20-Part 2

By Dr. Scott Johnson | September 1, 2020

Table of Contents:

  • The 3 evil attackers shot by Kyle Rittenhouse were a Burglar, pedophile, and domestic abuser—But 17-year-old Kyle Rittenhouse faces first degree murder charges after police say he shot three innocent rioters in Kenosha, Wisconsin, even though he did nothing wrong and it was in self-defense after trying to evade his attackers!!!!
  • Big-Name Legal Team Steps Up To Help Kyle Rittenhouse Fight Kenosha Murder Charges
  • Kenosha County Sheriff David Beth refused to deputize citizens to prevent rioting and mayhem in the city, while police also ordered armed business owners to stop defending their own property
  • “Kenosha Resident Says Police Were Powerless During Monday Night’s Riots”
  • US Marshals intercept battle supplies from Antifa, BLM support groups heading to Kenosha
  • 1K Law Enforcement Members On Mpls. Streets After Riot–This is how they are getting the national guard on our streets
  • California DA Says Cops Must Consider if Looters ‘Needed’ Stolen Property Before They Can Charge Them With Looting
  • Is September When I all Kicks Off in Earnest? Order out of Chaos? Hungary Closing its Borders to All Foreigners Starting September 1
  • Food Warfare: More States to Test/Close Farms – Wildfires & Weather Warfare
  • Big Shift Coming! Cashierless Stores Popping Up at Gas Stations, Stadiums and Even Dunkin’
  • FDA: COVID-19 VIRUS Has NEVER Been Isolated–They have never–not once–isolated the virus for which they have shut down the United States economy and through which they have denied tens of millions of Americans their most basic freedoms

PDF: Emergency Freedom Alert 8-31-20

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Emergency Freedom Alerts: 8-31-20-Part 3

By Dr. Scott Johnson | September 1, 2020

Table of Contents:

  • The W.H.O PCR Test Coronavirus Primer Sequence is Found in All Human DNA (Chromosome 8)
  • CDC Quietly “Revises” COVID-19 Numbers; ONLY SIX PERCENT (6%) of 153,504 Deaths were actually FROM COVID ! ! ! !
  • Roberto Petrella Regarding the Coming Covid-19 Shot: ‘It is Going to Be the Most Terrible Vaccine of All’ — Lasted All of One Minute on YouTube
  • THE JAB: Featuring GlaxoSmithKline
  • WHO says billions should be vaccinated for coronavirus, stands against “vaccine nationalism”
  • COVID-1984 from a two week lockdown to mandatory vaccination & life in prison
  • Police Raid Man’s Home, Forcibly Quarantine for Refusing COVID-19 Test
  • Greece Announces Up To Life In Prison For Violating Coronavirus Quarantine Rules – Greek City Times
  • Forced COVID-19 Testing At Highway Checkpoints Announced By Dems
  • Covid SCAMdemic RESTRAINING ORDER Filed Against Grace Community Church by Los Angeles County
  • Listener Comment: Just a little FYI–In the state of Oregon you can not buy or sell without a face mask except to buy online–nor can you work
  • California: Tell Your Senators That Ill-Conceived “Immunity Passports” Won’t Help Us

PDF: Emergency Freedom Alert 8-31-20

Click Here To Play The Part 3 Audio