"But as the days of Noah were, so shall also the coming of the Son of man be." Matthew 24:37


Emergency Freedom Alerts: 8-31-20-Part 4

By Dr. Scott Johnson | September 1, 2020

Table of Contents:

  • Tales from America’s COVID college campuses: College campuses have transformed into some of the most restrictive environments in America–‘COLLEGE GULAG’S’,IS WHAT THEY ARE -WHERE WILL THE JOBS BE FOR THESE KIDS? JOB MARKET IS DESTROYED!
  • FURIOUS protesters tried to storm the historic Reichstag, the German parliament building, as chaos erupted at ‘anti-coronavirus’ protests across European capitals
  • Covid-19 Protest Successes across Europe today
  • Hundreds Of Parents Protest Mandatory Flu Shot Order By State Health Officials Just wait until they attempt to mandate the COVID-19 vaccine nationwide
  • That Awkward Moment when the PRESIDENT OF GHANA goes on NATIONAL TV in Ghana …and then proceeds to tell the Entire country about the SATANIC Rockefeller plan to put out the Covid-19 Virus for GLOBAL Depopulation and to destroy the Global Economy…and WHERE TO FIND ALL THE PROOF…..
  • Coronavirus vaccines are loaded with ingredients made from aborted baby body parts
  • ANDY STANLEY DECATUR CITY CHURCH COVID19 TESTING SITE–Mega churches going along with the deception–They will also push the vaccine–They will push the mark of the beast
  • Listener Comment: It bothers me a great deal about these Christians who just accept the lies and have no idea what is going on—Plus the Answer to this from Scripture
  • Spiritually Prepare for the Coming Fight!

PDF: Emergency Freedom Alert 8-31-20

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Emergency Freedom Alerts: 8-24-20-Part 1

By Dr. Scott Johnson | August 26, 2020

Table of Contents: 

  • This is a very powerful prayer against Witchcraft…with fasting even more powerful…
  • TRUST THE PLAN!! TRUMP FIGHTNING HARDER THAN ANYONE ON PLANET EARTH TO GET ALL AMERICANS VACCINATED AS QUICKLY AS POSSIBLE!!!! HE WANTS WHAT SATAN WANTS-FOR YOUR DNA TO BE DEFILED & YOU’RE YOUR SOUL TO BE DAMANED!!!!!! Top Report On Drudge–‘DELIBERATE DELAY’–Trump calls FDA part of ‘deep state’ & accuses drug administration of slow-walking vaccine tests until after election
  • Trump is the most hysterical vaccine pusher on the planet at this point & now he is considering fast-tracking UK COVID-19 vaccine before election
  • Breaking: In secretly recorded audio, Trump’s sister says ‘you can’t trust him’…’He has no principles. None. None’…’His g**d****** tweet and lying’…
  • Another Warning About Trump by Former Trump Supporter Colonel Potter
  • TRUMP 2020 QANON #MAGA Warning—Trump Mobilizing the Military to Vaccinate the United States Citizens “In a powerful manner” & “Give it to a lot of people very, very rapidly”

PDF: Emergency Freedom Alert 8-24-20

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Emergency Freedom Alerts: 8-24-20-Part 2

By Dr. Scott Johnson | August 26, 2020

Table of Contents: 

  • UN Covid Propaganda Reaches Brazen New Levels Mandatory Vaccination–UN Troop Deployment
  • New DNC Logo: Means Death To America by Baphomet!!!
  • BLOOD in the streets: Left-wing Portland rioters display bloody guillotine as they burn American flags; new Democrat logo says “Death to America”
  • Top of Form
  • Bottom of Form
  • Forced Vaccination Bills New York and No Parental Consent Needed!
  • Covid-19 SCAMdemic Facts
  • Nurse Speaks Out, Empty Beds and no Coronavirus Cases in Devon Hospitals UK
  • MORE FRAUD: Arizona Counts Any Death Within 60 Days of Positive COVID Test As COVID Death
  • The Great Falling Away of the Church Right Before Our Eyes!!!! Coalition Of Over 2,700 Laodicean Evangelicals Join Forces To Urge Christians To Not Resist The Coming COVID Vaccine And Implantable Biometric ID + Bible Study

PDF: Emergency Freedom Alert 8-24-20

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Emergency Freedom Alerts: 8-24-20-Part 3

By Dr. Scott Johnson | August 26, 2020

Table of Contents: 

  • It’s good to know our NC Senator ole Thom Tillis has our back and is working tirelessly to defile our DNA and try to get as many as he can into hell!!!!
  • MANDATORY “quarantine camps” were just rolled out in New Zealand, a globalist testing ground for the mass extermination of humanity
  • New Zealander’s are in trouble–Forced detention & family separations for testing Covid positive
  • NZ BS-19 Concentration Camps
  • NZ-Just Outlawed Bartering-Beta Testing For What They Want to Bring Everywhere
  • 7NEWS Melbourne on Twitter: “Police are preparing to launch their aerial arsenal as part of a crackdown on COVID rule breakers–High powered drones will be used to find people not wearing masks, and cars too far from home
  • Prime Minister Scott Morrison announces free COVID-19 vaccines for Australians, says it will be ‘as mandatory as possible’ but has to backtrack due to public outrage
  • American Traveler Faces $750K Fine or 6 Months in Jail for Breaking Quarantine Rules in Canada
  • ORWELLIAN CAMPUS: Universities encouraging students to report peers who aren’t following COVID-19 guidelines
  • Teachers now calling Child Protective Services when kids miss online classes or any other insane reason they see fit to do so!!!!
  • $1,000 daily fines for non-compliance with health officials–Get ready for Comrade Contact Tracers
  • Wisconsin government agency tells employees in their own homes to wear masks on ONLINE Zoom calls!!!!
  • Professor of Ethics argues for a “morality pill” to deal with Covid Resistors
  • Veteran Warns Masked Tyrants: “Families Are Starving”, Stop Or A Revolution Is Coming Soon
  • Oops! U.S. Citizens Accidentally Find Fields of Human Cages—What Do They Have Planned and What Are They? Camps?
  • The HORRORS of the Covid-19 Vaccines – Dr Carrie Madej–CRITICAL VACCINE INFORMATION—The Coming Covid-19 Vaccines Will Change Your DNA Forever
  • Soros-backed “bioethicist” says people who refuse coronavirus vaccines should lose their jobs or be imprisoned
  • India to launch mandatory digital health card built on concept developed by globalist vaccine pimp Bill Gates
  • In Michigan, House Passes Bill To ‘Voluntarily’ Begin Placing Human Implantable Microchips Into The Bodies Of All State Government Employees
  • 2018 Netflix Cartoon (SMART MARK ZOMBIES) Shows Mark of the Beast / 5G Mind Control Grid
  • BEAST BLOCKCHAIN! USPS Files Patent for Blockchain-Based Secure-Voting System, UN’s Global Plan!

PDF: Emergency Freedom Alert 8-24-20

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Emergency Freedom Alerts: 8-24-20-Part 4

By Dr. Scott Johnson | August 26, 2020

Table of Contents: 

  • Goodyear tire company declares “zero tolerance” for anyone who supports America, law enforcement or Trump… but openly endorses BLM terrorism and LGBT child mutilation
  • 750 Million Bill Gates Genetically Engineered Mosquitoes Are Being Released In Florida & Texas Despite Environmental Opposition
  • Storable food FRAUD taking place nationwide as promoters falsely claim “non-GMO” status for GMO-derived foods
  • Warning!! The Big Boy on the Block (And the One the Majority of People in Alternative Media are Promoting) for Survival Food “My Patriot Supply”–GMO Goodness–Reviews from Customers

PDF: Emergency Freedom Alert 8-24-20

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Emergency Freedom Alerts: 8-24-20-Part 5

By Dr. Scott Johnson | August 26, 2020

Table of Contents: 

  • Further Updates on Greed In Christian Alterative Media
  • Ten Shekels and a Shirt – by Paris Reidhead – Recording cleaned up
  • Hydroxychloroquine Warning–The Questionable Drug for COVID
  • Talc Warning
  • Black Iron Oxide Warning
  • Titanium Dioxide Warning
  • Nanomaterials in Organic Food? The USDA Is Looking the Other Way
  • Common Vaccine Ingredient Polysorbate 80 allows toxins and the horrific metals and chemicals of the vaccines into the brain
  • Common Vaccine Ingredient Propylene Glycol (Which Is Also The Main Ingredient In Antifreeze) Horrific Side Effects
  • Vital Information About the Drugs: Hydroxychloroquine, Chloroquine, Quinine and Is There a Natural Way to get Quinine: The Answer is Yes!
  • hydroxychloroquine: oral tablet Side effects requiring immediate medical attention
  • This is What Medical Dr Lorraine Day Thinks About Hydroxychloroquine

PDF: Emergency Freedom Alert 8-24-20

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Emergency Freedom Alerts: 8-17-20-Part 1

By Dr. Scott Johnson | August 18, 2020

Table of Contents:

  • How To Pass From Curse to Blessing by Derek Prince
  • Millie Weaver wasn’t arrested; she was ABDUCTED by the deep state and is being held for possible interrogation–Plus An Update
  • Was Millie Weaver secretly declared an “enemy combatant”and arrested under the NDAA? Hodges asks key questions…
  • Black Lives Matter Run By 3 High Level Witches

PDF: Emergency Freedom Alert 8-17-20

Click Here To Play The Part 1 Audio

Emergency Freedom Alerts: 8-17-20-Part 2

By Dr. Scott Johnson | August 18, 2020

Table of Contents:

  • Google builds an algorithm that will allow Antifa and BLM to target non-black-owned businesses for arson attacks and extortion
  • ‘Give Up Your House!’ BLM Protesters Demand White ‘Gentrifiers’ in Seattle Hand Over Their Property
  • BREAKING: Antifa terrorists in Austin, Portland just received a large cache of weapons in preparation for coordinated multi-city “TET offensive” against America
  • Listener Comment: Startling information from the electric company
  • Sweltering California Heat Wave Prompts Rolling Blackouts–Fuels Wildfires—Expect DEWs Attacks!!!
  • IOWA Devastated By Derecho
  • DERECHO: Corn Crop Catastrophe, Grain Stores Destroyed, Food Prices
  • States Secretly Stockpiling Food for Need Ahead – “To the Roof!”
  • Coming to America: Venezuela Has Gone Cashless (And That’s Not All)
  • The next chapter of this plandemic will be the FINAL LOCKDOWN for humanity… mass extermination, door-to-door medical kidnappings, forced inoculations and engineered famine
  • Long Time Listener Asks About Trump

PDF: Emergency Freedom Alert 8-17-20

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Emergency Freedom Alerts: 8-17-20-Part 3

By Dr. Scott Johnson | August 18, 2020

Table of Contents:

  • Current Event Headlines
  • Listener Comment: The persecution by the lukewarm Christians towards the remnant believers is intensifying more than ever during these times. One of the ways this is occurring is through the mask situation.
  • Romans 13 & Unlimited Subservience to the Government: Where should a Bible Believing Christian Draw the Line?
  • The Gog and Magog War, The 1000 Year Millennial Reign of Jesus Christ, The Abomination of Desolation, The Rebuilt Temple, The Image of the Beast, The 7 Year Tribulation Bible Study
  • Yale Study To Manipulate Americans Into Taking COVID Vaccine
  • Report: Workplace Coronavirus Tracing Apps Institute Dystopian Mass Surveillance by Default
  • Listener Comment: IMPORTANT INFO FROM DOCTOR FRIEND: Covid-19 Vaccines Are Not Normal Vaccines
  • OMG! Covid-19 Vaccines must be stored at Extreme Freezing of -75 to -90 C!
  • Mainstream Media & Science Exposes COVID-19 Agenda As A Hoax
  • State-sponsored COVID TERRORISM: Los Angeles threatens to cut off electricity and water of private homes that refuse to comply with authoritarian lockdown rules
  • Tennessee “Child Wellbeing Task Force” Calls for Check on ‘ALL Children’ in the State–They Are Coming For the Children!!!
  • Listener Comment: Things have gotten pretty bad here in South Africa, they have now turned all post offices into medical facilities and when one wants to pay for utility bills, send or receive a parcel they have to go through a screening process first! This is so invasive and unconstitutional. I refused the test as I asked for validity that the test is 100% reliable which they obviously cannot prove. They turned me away and as a result I had to refund my customers for the the items I could not post…

PDF: Emergency Freedom Alert 8-17-20

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Emergency Freedom Alerts: 8-17-20-Part 4

By Dr. Scott Johnson | August 18, 2020

Table of Contents:

  • It’s about compliance, not science: Virginia officials demand students get vaccinations to participate in ONLINE learning from home
  • Newly Released Trump White House Documents Reveal Efforts To Surveil Americans Using Contact Tracing Apps
  • Coming to a City Near You Unless There is Massive Pushback and Prayer: Madness in Melbourne
  • How Bad Can Things Get? Look At Australia
  • TERROR VAX! Realistic vaccine predictions
  • Nashville councilwoman suggests charging people who refuse to obey mask mandates with murder or attempted murder
  • Lockdowns never again: Sweden was right and America was wrong
  • Listener Comment About the Invive 10,700ES Silver and Covid
  • Are the COVID-19 tests being used to covertly infect people with the novel coronavirus and/or foreign DNA or implants? COVID Tests: Targeting or Accessing the Cribriform Plate?

PDF: Emergency Freedom Alert 8-17-20

Click Here To Play The Part 4 Audio