"But as the days of Noah were, so shall also the coming of the Son of man be." Matthew 24:37


Emergency Freedom Alerts: 7-27-20-Part 2

By Dr. Scott Johnson | July 28, 2020

Table of Contents:

  • The Coming Covid-19 Vaccine–“Everyone Should Know This Before It’s Too Late”
  • COVID-19 Has Been Weaponized To Demoralize And Destroy The Global Population As The Elites Are Now Bringing In The New World Order
  • Chicago to churches: Comply with coronavirus mandates or have your facilities bulldozed
  • In Governor Newsom’s California Even In-Home Church Gatherings Are Now Banned Due to Coronavirus–‘THE CREATURES OF DARKNESS’ ARE MAKING WAR ON THE SAINTS AS THE CHURCHES SIT IN SILENCE AND FEAR! 
  • California to Release 18,000 Prisoners by End of August to ‘Slow the Spread of COVID-19’–Violent criminals, pedophiles and sex offenders are being released by the thousands in California as Democrat tyrant Gov. Gavin Newsom announced his second lockdown
  • Multiple Reports of How They Are “Cooking the Covid-19 Infection Case Number Books”
  • Don’t Get the Test!! ~ Proof of Nasal Vaccines
  • Listener Comment & Warning: She Was Covid-19 Tested Twice—But the Second Time Was Very Different Than the First Time
  • EXCLUSIVE: California apartment building locked down under mandatory quarantine of all residents, with MANDATORY COVID-19 testing; all key cards deactivated, security guards posted at entrances during “lockdown”
  • SCIENCE FRAUD: Florida Gov. DeSantis calls for investigation into why people are testing “positive” for coronavirus tests they never received
  • COVID Scam About To Go Mainstream! 600K People Accidentally Told They Have COVID-19!
  • Flaw in Testing System Causing More than Fifty Percent of COVID-19 Tests to “False Positive”
  • How Everyone Will Test Positive For COVID-19

PDF: Emergency Freedom Alert 7-27-20

Click Here To Play The Part 2 Audio

Emergency Freedom Alerts: 7-27-20-Part 3

By Dr. Scott Johnson | July 28, 2020

Table of Contents:

  • President of Burundi Found Dead After He Called Covid-19 a Hoax and Expelled the WHO
  • China: Two 14-Year Old Boys Died While Wearing Masks in Gym Class
  • More Resources Proving the Masks are Detrimental To Our Health
  • Non-Mask Wearers Are The New Enemy of The Scamdemic Proponents and Have to Be Demonized–Listener Comment: Seeing more and more articles like these–Apparently “Covidiocy” are mask deniers–To deny the “obvious” goodness of a mask means you’re a “Covidiot”
  • MASKS ARE GONE IN Orange County, CA — The Healthy American, Peggy Hall – 6/11/20
  • ++ US Surgeon General Doubles Down: Face Masks Increase Virus Risk
  • ++ Face masks do not protect the wearer from transmission by others–The American Medical Association just released a position paper on masks:
  • ++ Face masks restrict the elimination of virus, recirculating the virus into the nasal/sinus and upper respiratory passages
  • ++ Constantly wearing a face mask causes you to breath in your own CO2 (carbon dioxide) at a far higher rate than if you were not wearing a mask. This will eventually cause respiratory acidosis
  • ++ Also virus particles like Covid-19 are far too small to be filtered out by the standard face masks people are wearing
  • ++ Please READ THIS FIRST BEFORE EVER WEARING A MASK: When wearing a synthetic mask the person is filtering their air through a synthetic material that outgases the petrochemically derived constituents that most are made of. The masked individual is then breathing in those aerosolized toxic chemicals\
  • ++ World Health Organization (WHO) says there is virtually no spread by asymptomatic Covid-19 carriers–Vaccines and Masks Pointless–\
  • Nearly 40 States Require Face Masks. But Is It Constitutional?
  • “UNITED WE STAND” SACRAMENTO 7/25/20–The Healthy American–Peggy Hall
  • Wink Wink—Amazing Science Teacher Explains Why Children SHOULD Wear Face Masks When They Return to School
  • Nazi USA!!!! Indiana Makes Not Wearing Mask a Class B Misdemeanor–Punishable by 6 Months in Jail!!!
  • Man Cited by “Mask Police” Outside Supermarket for Wearing Face Mask Incorrectly
  • Businesses to Boycott: Walmart, Target, CVS, Kroger, Kohls, Dollar Tree, Starbucks, Best Buy and Costco Require Masks at All Locations
  • It’s Just A Mask

PDF: Emergency Freedom Alert 7-27-20

Click Here To Play The Part 3 Audio

Emergency Freedom Alerts: 7-27-20-Part 4

By Dr. Scott Johnson | July 28, 2020

Table of Contents:

  • DEMOCRAT SATANIST & GOVERNOR OF MICHIGAN USES EMERGENCY ALERT SYSTEM TO DICTATE MASK WEARING ‘Business must refuse entry or service to those who do not wear a face covering’
  • China Now Forcing All Citizens To Activate Health Code On Smart Phones For Restaurant And Store Access, Only A Green Code Will Let Them in
  • Freedom of Information Dead on Arrival — Another Covid Casualty
  • America collapses into a PHARMA state, run by “legal” drug cartels
  • What the Appliance Guy Told Me: Shortages, Food Prep, and a Sound Mind
  • US enlisted soldiers to be among the first to receive the [DNA, mRNA, nanotech] COVID-19 ‘vaccine’ [gene therapy injectable] Corona War Syndrome?
  • “Direct Order” Documentary (Full) – Soldiers Ordered To Take Anthrax Vaccine & Got Brain Damaged
  • U.S. agrees to buy 100 million doses of experimental coronavirus vaccine from Pfizer in $2 billion deal
  • Bill Gates pushing for 7 billion mandatory experimental RNA injections that re-program human cells to produce coronavirus spike proteins
  • Vaccines Can Be Mandated but Not Imposed by Force
  • THEY DON’T CARE if it’s safe: UK govt. just signed deal for 90 million coronavirus vaccine doses even BEFORE safety testing has been completed

PDF: Emergency Freedom Alert 7-27-20

Click Here To Play The Part 4 Audio

Emergency Freedom Alerts: 7-20-20-Part 1

By Dr. Scott Johnson | July 20, 2020

Table of Contents:

  • Listener Comment: Update to Spiritual Warfare Prayers
  • FAA Issues Notice To Airmen Declaring Portland, OR as “BATTLE GROUND
  • Feds Use Unmarked Vans to “Kidnap” Protesters Off Portland Streets
  • St. Louis couple who defended their home had rifle seized, may face indictment – Tucker Carlson
  • Former NYC Commissioner Says de Blasio Has “27 Police Officers” a Day Guarding BLM Street Mural as Violent Crime, Murders Soar
  • US authorities uncover massive, nationwide weapons trafficking ring run by communist China to arm Black Lives Matter terrorists with powerful weapons of war & Black Lives Matter is also being financially supported by hundreds of U.S. corporations that are bowing down to the terrorists as some twisted form of virtue signaling!!!
  • ‘They are sending a clear message… that THEY rule Mexico’: Terrifying footage shows CONVOY of Jalisco drug cartel ‘soldiers’ waving military-grade weapons next to armored trucks and shouting the name of their leader ‘Mencho’
  • Banks Rejecting Credit Card Purchases of Precious Metals; Cutting-Off Entire Credit Lines of Consumers who try

PDF: Emergency Freedom Alert 7-20-20

Click Here To Play The Part 1 Audio

Emergency Freedom Alerts: 7-20-20-Part 2

By Dr. Scott Johnson | July 20, 2020

Table of Contents:

  • Glean FYI–New Source Confirms In Coming Asteroids
  • More News on Jupiter and the Asteroid Belt

PDF: Emergency Freedom Alert 7-20-20

Click Here To Play The Part 2 Audio

Emergency Freedom Alerts: 7-20-20-Part 3

By Dr. Scott Johnson | July 20, 2020

Table of Contents:

  • The Coming Covid-19 Vaccine Will Change Your DNA Permanently And You Will Be Classified as a Genetically Modified Organism–Warning From Dr Carrie Madej
  • Citizens Will Not Able to Sue for Injury or Death from COVID-19 Vaccines and Other Pandemic Countermeasures
  • Bill Gates And His GAVI Vaccine Alliance Launching AI-Powered ‘Trust Stamp’ Combining A Vaccine And Digital Biometric ID In West AfricaA new biometric identity platform partnered with the Gates-funded GAVI vaccine alliance and Mastercard will launch in West Africa and combine COVID-19 vaccinations, cashless payments, and potential law enforcement applications

PDF: Emergency Freedom Alert 7-20-20

Click Here To Play The Part 3 Audio

Emergency Freedom Alerts: 7-20-20-Part 4

By Dr. Scott Johnson | July 20, 2020

Table of Contents:

  • Trumps Backs Gates Vaccine and More
  • Stunning! Texas Coronavirus Numbers Show COVID-19 Less Lethal than Last Two Flu Seasons
  • UN Calls for Permanent Global Covid-19 Lockdown!!
  • Arizona Authorized Mandatory Vaccination…Has Your State?
  • Nazi USA!!!! Hardin County Kentucky couple on house arrest after not signing positive COVID-19 self-isolation orderIn Chilling Sign Of What’s To Come Under The Great Global Reset

PDF: Emergency Freedom Alert 7-20-20

Click Here To Play The Part 4 Audio


By Dr. Scott Johnson | July 15, 2020

Table of Contents:

  • Florida Department of Health saboteurs are RIGGING coronavirus test results, wildly inflating infection numbers to hobble reopening efforts
  • Scamdemic!!!: 333 Florida Testing Labs Showing 100% Covid-19 Positive Tests with No Negative Tests!!!!!!
  • EXTREME WARNING REGARDING COVID-19 TESTING – There is No VALID Medical Treatment and your name + Address Goes into the Police/EMS Database
  • Trump Justice Department Pushes to Suspend Habeas Corpus
  • Listener Comment: I feel like their planting something in people who are Covid-19 tested
  • Listener Comment: From a Long Time Listener and Medical Health Care Worker Regarding the Covid-19 Testing
  • Glean With Caution: “Celeste Solum – “The BEAST is Here!” Celeste is discussing that she found out by getting tested in any way—she says we are getting dosed with hydrogel quantum dot from the Covid-19 Testing!- 7/13/20

PDF: Covid-19 Testing Alerts 7-15-20

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Emergency Freedom Alerts: 7-13-20-Part 1

By Dr. Scott Johnson | July 14, 2020

Table of Contents:

  • Listener Comment: Result of Spiritual Warfare Prayers
  • Current Event Headlines
  • ‘Black Militia’ Threaten Death to White People in Cars and Demand Reparations/Money
  • Shot Twice in the Head and KILLED for Saying “All Lives Matter”
  • They’re Burning Down Churches, California, Florida, Alabama ….. Three in Just 24 Hours
  • Black Lives Matter and Antifa Headlines
  • Worldwide Population Being Tortured In Deep State Psyop
  • The response to Covid-19 mirrors Communist Chinese brainwashing torture techniques
  • States Ordered To Fraudulently Inflate COVID-19 Cases 15 Times Actual Rate
  • Indiana News On “Reporting Mask Violators”
  • Track and Trace being forced on people simply wanting a drink
  • Colorado Town Threatens Up To A Year In Jail For People Who Don’t Wear Masks

PDF: Emergency Freedom Alert 7-13-20

Click Here To Play The Part 1 Audio

Emergency Freedom Alerts: 7-13-20-Part 2

By Dr. Scott Johnson | July 14, 2020

Table of Contents:

  • Texas Health Department Trying to Mandate Mask Wearing Inside of the Home
  • The Truth Behind The Mask
  • The Face Masks are the Mark of the Beast in Larval Form
  • World Health Organization (WHO) says there is virtually no spread by asymptomatic Covid-19 carriers–Vaccines and Masks Pointless
  • US Surgeon General Doubles Down: Face Masks Increase Virus Risk
  • American Medical Association says: Face masks do not protect the wearer from transmission by others
  • Russell Blaylock M.D. States: Face masks restrict the elimination of virus, recirculating the virus into the nasal/sinus and upper respiratory passages
  • Constantly wearing a face mask causes you to breath in your own CO2 (carbon dioxide) at a far higher rate than if you were not wearing a mask. This will eventually cause respiratory acidosis: Respiratory acidosis is a condition that occurs when the lungs can’t remove enough of the carbon dioxide (CO2) produced by the body
  • Virus particles like Covid-19 are far too small to be filtered out by the standard face masks people are wearing. Relying on a mask like this to filter out virus particles would be like putting up a chain link fence to keep out a swarm of mosquitos
  • Mask Legal Remedies and More Videos Proving the Dangerous Aspects of Mask Wearing
  • Listener Comment: I wonder if some of this CV19 testing is actually DNA testing
  • CDC Says Possibly ‘Less Than Half’ Of Positive Antibody Tests Are Correct
  • Why Medical Experts Say COVID-19 PCR Tests Are Scientifically Meaningless
  • Coronavirus becoming far less deadly as it “adapts” to human hosts… no vaccine necessary, says doctor
  • Bombshell as Fauci admits future COVID vaccines won’t work, blames “anti-vaxxers” for failures of Big Pharma
  • Listener Comment Response Regarding: A Texas Doctor Finds a Cure for COVID-19 
  • Recommend Protocol For The Corona Virus
  • Government agencies coordinate to raid clinics and threaten doctors who help patients stay healthy during coronavirus pandemic – Please take part in the petition to stop the FDA and FTC from further censoring good doctors and companies that could save more lives from covid-19 and other infectious diseases
  • Clear the way for the Covid vaccine – No nutrition, no supplements, no natural remedies allowed
  • Vital Information About the Drugs: Hydroxychloroquine, Chloroquine, Quinine–What are the Side Effects? and Is There a Natural Way to get Quinine: The Answer is Yes!
  • Will COVID Lead to Forced Vaccination? & ACTION ALERT!
  • BOMBSHELL: Covid-19 infection rate may be 440% higher among children who received FLU SHOTS… while health ‘authorities’ madly push more shots for the coming flu season 

PDF: Emergency Freedom Alert 7-13-20

Click Here To Play The Part 2 Audio