"But as the days of Noah were, so shall also the coming of the Son of man be." Matthew 24:37


Emergency Freedom Alerts: 1-22-24-Part 1

By Dr. Scott Johnson | January 22, 2024

Table of Contents:

  • Scott Johnson’s Comment: Based on these Bible verses you don’t want to let Jehovah’s Witnesses (or any person pushing cults or false religion) into your house
  • Jehovah’s Witnesses Exposed!-Parts 1 & 2 By Dr. Scott Johnson | April 20, 2008 |
  • Interdimensional Beings–30 years Ago He ended up getting cut off because the entire radio station lost power… | art bell frantic call |
  • Is Project Blue Beam imminent? The current holographic technology available to the public is beyond comprehension
  • Related Current Events — Florida is Ground Zero For So Many Current Sightings it is Mind Boggling — Current Rash of Jellyfish-like UAP’s Sightings– Mind-Blowing UFO Jellyfish Mechsuit Caught on Camera Over Top-Secret Military Bases in Iraq
  • CERN? D-Wave Quantum Computers? A glitch in the matrix? Shocking new evidence shows a very similar Miami Mall incident occurred in 2023…a full YEAR ago!
  • Why is Florida Such a Hot Spot Paranormal Activity — Occult Symbolism — Miami Nephilim Aliens — Portals
  • The Insane Evil of The Federal Reserve – Jekyll Island and the Rockefellers
  • South FL & Lake Okeechobee Warning
  • Listener Comment & Scott Johnson’s Comment & Teachings About SouthWest FL

PDF: Emergency Freedom Alerts 1-22-24

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Emergency Freedom Alerts: 1-22-24-Part 2

By Dr. Scott Johnson | January 22, 2024

Table of Contents:

  • Listener Comments on Bigfoot / Sasquatch & How to Deal With Them (and all Evil Entities) Biblically
  • Infrasonic Waves Embedded In the Obama Movie: Leave the World Behind – It is Making People Sick!!  It has an EMF Wave Imbedded in the Movie Soundtrack That Acts as an Energy Weapon!!! So Thank you Barrack and Big Mike!!! One of Your Many “Gifts” to Humanity!!! Don’t Worry Though, As White-Hot Hellfire Awaits You Two Sick Twisted Devils!!! #leavetheworldbehind #infrasonic #frequency
  • Listener Comment: From a long time listener who is a Canadian Indian–An important message–I figured that information would be useful for your listeners in Canada and the US–There have been sightings of mountain/timber giants aka the mountain trolls, all the way to parts of the US to Alaska
  • Listener Comment About a Terrifying Bigfoot Encounter at Cado Lakes State Park In Texas
  • Listener Comment: I wanted to share a bit info regarding bigfoot
  • Scott Johnson’s Comments About This Subject of Cyrtids and Dealing With Them
  • Spiritual Warfare Principles When Praying Over Land and Places & Engaging Evil
  • Spiritual Warfare and Eating Meat
  • Important–Listener Question Regarding Getting Enough Protein/Meat, Praising the Lord and Spiritual Warfare
  • Biblical Proactive actions that really make a difference when dealing with evil entities and overcoming sin
  • How To Pass From Curse to Blessing & Self Deliverance—Many Steps You Can Take To Protect Yourself, Your Family and Deal With Evil

PDF: Emergency Freedom Alerts 1-22-24

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Emergency Freedom Alerts: 1-8-24-Part 1

By Dr. Scott Johnson | January 8, 2024

Table of Contents:

  • Updated Group Prayer–List of Current Event Prayer Points–Part 2
  • Miami Mall Incident–Rumors of ‘shadow aliens’ at Bayside Marketplace?
  • Even Donald J. Trump Wants to Know–US News @DonaldTNews🚨MORE: Video from Miami mall shows “8 to 10ft tall shadow aliens or beings” walking near the steps–Why are they covering this up?
  • Mainstream Headlines: Aliens in Miami? Eerie footage shows ’10-FOOT-TALL alien-type creature’ floating above Miami cops as they respond to New Year’s Day shooting – as officers reveal what the camera REALLY picked up | Daily Mail Online
  • The Miami Mall Incident–This is Why Everyone is Googling “Nephilim” Plus Comments
  • Giant Horned Devil Filmed in Turkey!

PDF: Emergency Freedom Alerts 1-8-24

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Emergency Freedom Alerts: 1-8-24-Part 2

By Dr. Scott Johnson | January 8, 2024

Table of Contents:

  • Witness—The Kandahar Giant was fed by my Grandmother (Who Was Also A Witch Using Sigil Black Magic) Plus Comments & Scott Johnson’s Teachings on These Subjects
  • Satanic Abortions Clinics Now Operating in the USA–America is WORSE Than Sodom and Gomorrah SATAN just showed himself
  • 76 Christian Universities Caught Promoting Abortion and Planned Parenthood
  • DO NOT Accept Every Gift People Give You (Some Gifts Are Cursed)

PDF: Emergency Freedom Alerts 1-8-24

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Emergency Freedom Alerts: 1-1-24-Part 1

By Dr. Scott Johnson | January 1, 2024

Table of Contents:

  • The US mainstream media is now pushing a “Black Swan event” to take place in 2024, saying it will be a “national security event” with “high impact”–They’re already blaming China, Iran and North Korea, setting up the narrative in advance of the event
  • The UN is invading the United States of America at the direction of our own government; this is the New World Order’s endgame
  • Red Alert: Whistleblower – Illegal alien invaders (ages 19-30) crossing US borders to murder the legal citizens
  • The USA is being destroyed from within to overthrow the government and to replace it with a communist form of government of their making! Illegals Are Being giving exemptions to purchase firearms in the USA in some states!! The executioners of the legal US citizens are arriving in illegal hoards everyday
  • THE BORDER | We are Going to Have a Terrorist Attack – It’s Imminent
  • Picture of the Border Invasion and Comment: International Workers you say? I say, we don’t have a Country let alone a Sovereign Nation if we don’t have a border–If we don’t have a border, we don’t need a funded Government–If we don’t have a government for the people, By the People, Why are we paying extortion then…I mean taxes for?? SHUT IT DOWN #CloseTheBorder
  • Watch: Illegal Invaders Overrun Airports to Be Settled Across America Amid Record Border Crossings
  • And these are the “Christian” organizations bringing them in!

PDF: Emergency Freedom Alerts 1-1-24

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Emergency Freedom Alerts: 1-1-24-Part 2

By Dr. Scott Johnson | January 1, 2024

Table of Contents:

  • Emergency whistleblower: Red dawn alert – South American violent criminals, Russians and Chinese military fighting aged males being dispersed across U.S. cities!
  • More invasion mechanisms courtesy US State Department—Advertising on Facebook in Spanish to Encourage More Illegals to Invade the US
  • SITREP: Eagle Pass, TX Little piece of information developing the organizational logistics of transfer migration. Brought to you by the IOM, his paymaster.
  • This is total destruction of the U.S. and Biden loves it!!!

PDF: Emergency Freedom Alerts 1-1-24

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Emergency Freedom Alerts: 1-1-24-Part 3

By Dr. Scott Johnson | January 1, 2024

Table of Contents:

  • Something STRANGE is Happening with the US Dollar In Mexico!
  • Iran and Russia Officially Ditch Dollar–The sanctioned countries have agreed to trade in their national currencies!
  • How many of you were scammed by feeling the only way to make money is by paying for a college degree? They Are Making Changes to Accommodate all the Illegals Pouring in!
  • 10 Hour BLACKOUTS Being PERMANENTLY Tested in South Africa to “Conserve Electricity”
  • A Lead Headline on the Internet Reads: EXCLUSIVE’ The beginning of the end’: The preppers who fear global meltdown in 2024 caused by ‘perfect storm’ of war, soaring costs of living and the migrant crisis – plus a presidential election which threatens to tear America in half
  • What Does the Bible Have to Say About the Skyrocking End Times Food Prices–Preparation Regarding the End-times
  • “They” are Admitting Alarming Viral Levels Detected in US Water Supply–CDC releases nationwide data revealing surging levels of newest COVID scamdemic strain in the US water supply
  • Invive Mild Silver Protein: The Ultimate Immune System Product For Colds, Flu’s and Infections. For More Information visit: Dr-Johnson.com
  • Now when it comes to water filter pitchers, the ONLY company that clearly states it does NOT use aluminum in their filter AND can remove fluoride is Clearly Filtered–98% removal!!
  • Listener Comment Water Filter Recommendation

PDF: Emergency Freedom Alerts 1-1-24

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Emergency Freedom Alerts: 12-25-23-Part 1

By Dr. Scott Johnson | December 25, 2023

Table of Contents:

  • Updated Group Prayer–List of Current Event Prayer Points–Part 1
  • Listener Comment Regarding Encountering a Reptilian
  • The Nephilim Hybrid Humans Are No Longer Exclusively Giants
  • Scott Johnson’s Teaching: Indigo & Star Children Exposed!-Parts 1-3 By Dr. Scott Johnson | April 27, 2008
  • Listener Comment: TRIPLE HELIX NEPHILIM DNA Possibly in the Covid-19 Vaccines!!!
  • Listener Comment: Time Magazine Cover Shows Human DNA Strands Turning into a Serpent and Talks about how Genetic Engineering will Change Us
  • Listener Comment and Giants and their Burial Mounds
  • Giants Aliens & Ra (Egypt’s Sun God) Marks His Return

PDF: Emergency Freedom Alert 12-25-23

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Emergency Freedom Alerts: 12-25-23-Part 2

By Dr. Scott Johnson | December 25, 2023

Table of Contents:

  • Some Military Teams With Occult Abilities are Being Sent to Awaken The Giants in Stasis
  • Emergency Freedom Alerts: 2-13-23-Part 2 By Scott Johnson | February 13, 2023–Table of Contents: Giants Emerging Everywhere – They Can’t Hide ThisStrong Delusion–According To Top High Level New Agers: 7 Sleeping Anunnaki Giants Scientists are Awakening To Enlighten Humanity To Bring Us To A “New Golden Age”!Listener Comment: Nephilim Architecture…. yes, they are probably looking for ancient Nephilim technology–but I also believe they are trying to raise these Nephilim–They will be the first ones sorry when they do–…Biblical Giants ALIVE on the Solomon Islands | Nephilim
  • Parts 7 & 8 – Mega Study – Strong Delusion – Wickedness Increasing – Alien UFO Disclosure Agenda – Evil Giants Waking – CERN – Nephilim – Ascended Masters–By Scott Johnson | September 14, 2015 Table of Contents: Sleeping giants in stasis chambers ready to awaken – whistleblower claims
  • Listener Comment: Giant seen in Thailand (and around the world in last few weeks)
  • A GIANT Spotted In Thailand | ANOTHER Person Films A GIANT | The Nephilim Are Coming–Plus Biblical Look at Goliath’s Armor
  • ANOTHER Person Encounters a GIANT | Quartzville Oregon Giant Door
  • TROLL Movie Trailer (2022): Deep in the Dovre mountain, something gigantic wakes up after a thousand years in captivity–PREPPING GLOBAL POPULATIONS FOR THEIR RETURN! 
  • He Films a GIANT (Nephilim??) Then Goes Missing, then Tragedy Happens | National Park
  • Listener Comment–Animals Coming Out of the Forests–As someone who lived next to a national forest this is not normal at all, in my humble opinion

PDF: Emergency Freedom Alert 12-25-23

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Emergency Freedom Alerts: 12-18-23-Part 1

By Dr. Scott Johnson | December 18, 2023

Table of Contents:

  • Bible Verses On God’s Creation and the Stars
  • Be A Stable Christian-Not Double Minded—Plus Bible Verses
  • The Day After Trans-Mike and Barack Obama release their movie ‘Leave The World Behind’ on Netflix–China attacks a Texas Power grid & a Hawaii water facility– The Globalists have been threatening US citizens with an imminent cyber-attack
  • Right on Cue After the Obamas Movie Release–Explosion At Con Edison Power Plant NYC
  • Predictive Programming–Elon Musk Feigns Ignorance with the Significance of His Autopilot Tesla Cars That Are Used for Evil in the ‘Leave The World Behind’ Movie
  • Then the Top report on Drudge Reads: Tesla recalls nearly all vehicles sold in US to fix system that monitors drivers using Autopilot
  • Predictive Programming Ending Scene | Leave The World Behind (2023)
  • More Predictive Programming by Hellywood—Just Released–Civil War | Official Trailer
  • Heads Up! Biggest Electric Supplier in the US Warns of NO UPGRADES, Delivery Delays for 20 WEEKS!
  • LAPD’s First Non-Citizen Police Officers Set To Graduate From Their Academy!
  • WE ARE UNDER ATTACK – MUST WATCH – THIS HAPPENED ON 10 JAN 2023–The Declaration of North America
  • Imminent North American Super-State– By Scott Johnson
  • Aleister Crowley’s Disciples Usher In The Fourth Reich
  • Satanic Idol on Display at Iowa State Capitol, GOP Lawmakers Defend
  • Christian Military Vet Says He Decapitated Satanic Statue In State Capitol

PDF: Emergency Freedom Alerts 12-18-23

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