"But as the days of Noah were, so shall also the coming of the Son of man be." Matthew 24:37


End Time Current Events-11-25-19-Part 2

By Dr. Scott Johnson | November 26, 2019

Table of Contents: 

  • Luciferian Devil Worshiper Henry Kissinger Warns That Coming Conflict Between US and China “Will Be Worse Than World Wars”
  • Trump Exposed Again!: Bringing Not Only 5G & 6G in at Breakneck Speed But Also Implementing ‘Toilet Water To Tap Water’ Conversion Nationwide!! Water Deception–Sewercide
  • ‘HOMELAND SECURITY’ CONFIRMS NO NEW BORDER WALL YET…All 78 miles built under Trump are replacement…
  • Trump says Obama’s DACA illegal aliens can stay in America through a deal with Democrats.
  • Ann Coulter Gives Up: DACA Kids Can Stay So Trump ‘Must Go’
  • Trump, Demoncrats & Republicans Continues to Betray America!! Action Alert!–The latest sneaky illegal alien Ag-jobs Amnesty bill “Farm Workforce Modernization Act” has just passed through the US House Judiciary Committee by a vote of 18 to 12. & is highly likely to pass in the US House when they return to session on Dec 3! HR 4916 and/or HR 5038
  • Donald Trump has paid about $30 million to settle child-sex complaints, including a 2012 incident at Albemarle Estate in Charlottesville, Virginia

PDF: End Time Current Events 11-25-19

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End Time Current Events-11-25-19-Part 3

By Dr. Scott Johnson | November 26, 2019

Table of Contents: 

  • The 5G Death Agenda–Can You Handle the Truth About Trump
  • PROOF: 5G and LED Street Lights are “LETHAL” Weapon Systems Being Implemented Against Humanity
  • Product Scott Johnson mentioned that he carries: Davinci Labs HEALTHY EYES
  • US DAMS TO BREAK: Millions May DIE By Catastrophic Failure Of Dam(s) Says Report!
  • Incomprehensible Current Events Headlines
  • “Vaccines Are Killing Your Pets” Says a 30 year Doctor of Veterinarian Medicine

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End Time Current Events-11-25-19-Part 4

By Dr. Scott Johnson | November 26, 2019

Table of Contents: 

  • GoFundMe EXPOSED for taking money from Big Pharma to de-platform vaccine skeptics
  • Common Vaccine Ingredient Polysorbate 80 allows toxins and the horrific metals and chemicals of the vaccines into the brain
  • Common Vaccine Ingredient Propylene Glycol (Which Is Also The Main Ingredient In Antifreeze) Horrific Side Effects
  • Common Vaccine Ingredient Aluminum & Its Horrific Side Effects
  • Silica Helps to Eliminate Aluminum Out of the Body
  • The deadly effects of synthetic vitamin K shots–Jabbing our newborns with vitamin K injections significantly increases our children’s chances of developing childhood cancer
  • Doctors Caught on Tape Plotting to Take Custody of Newborns Whose Parents Refuse Vitamin K Shots
  • Are Doctors and Nurses the New Secret Police? The Unholy Alliance with DCS
  • Vaxxed2 documentary producers release devastating information about America’s hidden vaccine injury epidemic: “A war zone” of dead children

PDF: End Time Current Events 11-25-19

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End Time Current Events-11-18-19-Part 1

By Dr. Scott Johnson | November 19, 2019

Table of Contents:

  • What Did The Early Church Fathers Believe About The Nephilim – Giants — Annunaki?
  • Scott Johnson’s teaching: Nephilim, Sons of God, Fallen Angels, Demons, Evil Spirits, Tartaros, Sons of Seth, Daughters of Cain, Augustine of Hippo, Thomas Aquinas, John Calvin, Warning & Bible Study
  • Nephilim Anunnaki Are Here and Have Been For Centuries
  • Bible Study on the Biblical Remedy to deal with the Nephilim / Anunnaki
  • Unbelievably in the Alfa Romeo automobile symbol we see a crowned serpent eating a human man!!!

PDF: End Time Current Events 11-18-19

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End Time Current Events-11-18-19-Part 2

By Dr. Scott Johnson | November 19, 2019

Table of Contents:

  • Holocaust of the Giants–Actual Participants That Helped Dig Up The Giants! & The Cover-up that Always Ensues
  • Is The Pentagon using MOAB bombs against Giants hidden in Afghanistan?
  • Sleeping giants in stasis chambers ready to awaken whistleblower claims
  • Part 1) What Were US Special Forces Running From In Syria?

PDF: End Time Current Events 11-18-19

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End Time Current Events-11-18-19-Part 3

By Dr. Scott Johnson | November 19, 2019

Table of Contents:

  • Part 2) What Were US Special Forces Running From In Syria?
  • Putin Bombs Anunnaki Fortress in Syria?
  • The Long Running TV Show Stargate SG-1: Soft Disclosure according to Secret Space Program Whistleblower
  • Catholic Pope Casts His Vote for NOW Globalism
  • Christian Man Arrested for Praying and Anointing at The White House
  • Programmed Demonic Multiples NOW In Churches Everywhere!
  • Listener Feedback–Mass Witchcraft Announced For November 23rd–Engaging the enemy—Occultist Mr. Michael Hughes

PDF: End Time Current Events 11-18-19

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End Time Current Events-11-18-19-Part 4

By Dr. Scott Johnson | November 19, 2019

Table of Contents:

  • A Final Warning to Christians in the Last Days
  • ITER Tokamak Fusion Reactor Now Complete—Trying to Kill God!! LOL!!!!
  • Geoengineering on Full Display!! Australia in Catastrophic State of Emergency with Over 2 Million Acres Burned
  • “WARNING: The REAL Hunger Games Are Coming”
  • RIVERS RUN RED WITH PIG BLOOD: Pigs Slaughtered in the Wake of African Swine Fever (ASF) GMO Pigs are the Proposed Answer!–Why is Flu at RECORD levels? Immunosuppressive effects of Grand Solar Minimum– Propane Crisis & Agricultural Disaster
  • Scott Johnson’s Comment: You can search (but not order) the Anova website for any supplement I can order https://www.anovahealth.com — You can then contact me to order
  • Colds, Flues and the Immune System
  • Dr. Johnson’s Flu & Cold Protocol:  For lung infections, sinus infections Otitis Media (ear infections)
  • Proactive Measures In the Event of a Pandemic5000 Mild Silver Protein (M.S.P.) Suggested Therapeutic Dosing Guidelines
  • Invive Silver Dosing Chart for children/babies

PDF: End Time Current Events 11-18-19

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End Time Current Events-11-11-19-Part 1

By Dr. Scott Johnson | November 12, 2019

Table of Contents:

  • The Biblical Remedy for Spiritual Heaviness & the Importance of Mourning

PDF: End Time Current Events 11-11-19

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End Time Current Events-11-11-19-Part 2

By Dr. Scott Johnson | November 12, 2019

Table of Contents:

  • Bombshell Truth! – FIRES BEHIND THE SMOKE – Deborah Tavares Regarding The CA Death Agendas

PDF: End Time Current Events 11-11-19

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End Time Current Events-11-11-19-Part 3

By Dr. Scott Johnson | November 12, 2019

Table of Contents:

  • Islamic State Tells Muslims to Set Forest Fires in U.S., Europe
  • Eco-GENOCIDE: 11,000 scientists sign order demanding globalists ELIMINATE billions of humans from planet Earth
  • The Normalization Of Pedophilia By Liberals Is Happening Right Now With One California University Already Teaching That To Their Students
  • European Royals Families (and many other Elites) Have Been Hunting Children & Adults For Sport For a Long Time

PDF: End Time Current Events 11-11-19

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