"But as the days of Noah were, so shall also the coming of the Son of man be." Matthew 24:37


End Time Current Events-10-14-19-Part 2

By Dr. Scott Johnson | October 14, 2019

Table of Contents:

  • Power Outage The “Real Story” Behind Historic Power Shutdown California
  • FIRE MAKERS Set to Burn Us Up Santa Ana Winds BLOW FIRES to Burn ALL the Way to the OCEAN California Fire Season Starts! NOTE: FIRES are PLANNED “EVERYWHERE” Not Only in California
  • PG&E Shutdown Day One: Shots Fired, Curfew Enacted, Police Out In Force, Lidar Radar Mapping of Houses and Properties!
  • CA POWER SHUTDOWN: The Nefarious NWO Agenda Exposes Itself In Satanic Detail– PG&Egate California State Government and PG&E Outright Lied to the Residents About the Power Shutdown–OPERATION TORCH CALIFORNIA: A Special Report on the Firestorm Terror OperationCALIFORNIA FIRESTORMS GEOENGINEERED: Here’s why and who’s doing it

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End Time Current Events-10-14-19-Part 3

By Dr. Scott Johnson | October 14, 2019

Table of Contents:

  • FEMA Moves on Northern California
  • Watch the California P-u-r-G & E Fires Begin in Real Time!! California Under Attack Yet Again! 5 Simultaneous Explosions!
  • California ‘Hellscape’ Fires Latest – Tear thru Los Angeles – Mass Evacuations & Panic!
  • California blackouts expose scam of solar panels: They don’t work when the grid goes down
  • Climate Change DEMOLISHED! 2 Studies Just EXPOSED The Entire HOAX!
  • Ten Key Graphs Refuting The Climate Change Scam
  • California Expands Red Flag Gun Confiscation Law! 15 New Gun Laws!!!
  • The New Normal–Stackem and Packem!!!!–Why are these L.A. people sleeping in stacked pods? It’s not just the cost of housing
  • Impossible Prediction! Most Devastating Disruption Of Food Supply In 10,000 Yrs Is Coming!
  • An “All-Out Blizzard” That Is “Unheard Of For October” Hits Farms In The Midwest With Up To 2 Feet Of Snow

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End Time Current Events-10-7-19-Part 1

By Dr. Scott Johnson | October 7, 2019

Table of Contents:

  • God is in Control–2 Kings 6:14-18
  • With Talk Of Civil War In The Air, Deep State Sourced Website Is Still Forecasting A Massive Die-Off By 2025: US Population Projected To Plunge By 227 Million In Less Than 6 Years – What Does CIA-Sourced Deagel Know That We Don’t Know?
  • One Million UN Troops Are In Place to Execute a Coup Against the United States- Military Reserves Being Called Up!
  • Breaking- UN Sightings From Illinois to California-10 States to Date
  • Trucker Alert—Regarding UN Vehicles on US Rails and Roads
  • With Coming Civil War, The Axis (UN and California) Had to cut Civilian Communications-Here’s What They Just Did–How to Communicate In a Crisis
  • “READY SAN DIEGO” Possibly Anticipating Martial Law–Authorities Want to Know If You Are Afraid–ECUADOR IN COMPLETE CHAOS; COUNTRY SHUT-DOWN

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End Time Current Events-10-7-19-Part 2

By Dr. Scott Johnson | October 7, 2019

Table of Contents:

  • U.S. Marines reserve units activated for “emergency within the United States” which “will come with little warning” – cites “threats in the Homeland”–BREAKING NEWS: UNITED STATES MILITARY RECEIVES ORDERS ON DEPLOYMENT *** WITHIN USA *** TO ASSIST CIVIL AUTHORITIES
  • Rashida Tlaib Calls For Mass Political Arrests, Democrats Comply By Immediately Doing This…
  • Whose Side Are the Marine Corps Reservists On?
  • Why Are These Russians Near Lusk, Wyoming
  • Militia’s Activating All Across The Country!! We Are Approaching Civil War?
  • The Coming Rebellion, Civil War and Balkanization of the United States
  • Breaking Update: Blustering Before the Inevitable
  • This Abominable Chart Should Destroy Globalism And Launch The Biggest Tax Protest In America Since The Boston Tea Party – Americans Are Financing Globalism To A Tune Of Over $50 Billion Every Year!
  • Where Do Your Hard Earned Tax Dollars Really Go?
  • Most illegal crossings in 12 years: Border Patrol took 851,000 into custody…

PDF: End Time Current Events 10-7-19

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End Time Current Events-10-7-19-Part 3

By Dr. Scott Johnson | October 7, 2019

Table of Contents:

  • Ted & Austin Radio Show Highlights for October 2, 2019–Show Highlights: Trump cannot be anti-globalist while appointing globalists! In depth discussion..
  • ABC, CBS, NBC, MSNBC, NPR, PBS All Refused to Cover Abortionist Who Kept 2,246 Aborted Babies
  • Bible Verses on Abortion & Child Sacrifice
  • CODENAME ALASKA: Planned Parenthood Opens An 18,000 Sq. Ft. Built In Secret ‘Mega-Clinic’ Capable Of Performing Over 11,000 Abortions Per Year
  • “PROLIFE” National Right to Life testifies AGAINST Tennessee bill to ban all abortions!!!!
  • “Christian” and Jewish Clergy Bless Abortion Clinic, Claim “God is Present in This Space”
  • These People Are Demented – We got to start eating babies!
  • Greta Thunberg: The Ideal NWO Model Slave, Mouthpiece & Puppet
  • Puberty-blocking drugs given to transgender kids have killed at least 6,370 of them, FDA report finds
  • Diet Coke Exposed: What Happens One Hour After Drinking Diet Coke, Coke Zero Or Any Other Similar Diet Soda

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End Time Current Events-9-30-19-Part 1

By Dr. Scott Johnson | October 1, 2019

Table of Contents:

  • Feedback & Boasting From A Satanist
  • 16 Biblical Reasons to Pray the Imprecatory Psalms For Judgment on Wickedness
  • Imprecatory Prayer – Psalm 64 – Gods Judgment on Wickedness – A Christians ‘Door of Hope’
  • The Coming Blue Beam Deception
  • Christians Not Wanted–‘We’ll turn them back’: Donald Trump’s immigration czar Ken Cuccinelli says there’s an absolute limit to how many persecuted Christians can come into the U.S. and bristles at ‘alleged question’ about it
  • Open Curtain Call California By Government Officials To See Who Will Step Up to the Plate and Kill As Many White People As Possible
  • Warning About Crypto Currency
  • Macaulay Culkin EXPOSES the “Red Shoe Men”

PDF: End Time Current Events 9-30-19

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End Time Current Events-9-30-19-Part 2

By Dr. Scott Johnson | October 1, 2019

Table of Contents:

  • New York City Law Allows Fines Up To $250,000 For Saying ‘Illegal Alien’
  • Watch Autistic Eco Fascist Greta Thunberg Channel Hitler In Hate-Filled Rant
  • Church of Sweden to Ring Bells in Celebration of Greta Thunberg, Proclaiming Her Jesus’ Successor
  • Climate ‘Experts’ Are 0-41 with Their Doomsday Predictions 
  • New site “OblivionAgenda.com” to reveal accelerated globalist agenda for annihilation of the human race
  • Reverse engineering the goals of terraforming / geoengineering / chemtrails: What biologicals are compatible with the end result?
  • Same media that once deemed chemtrails a conspiracy theory now openly promotes chemtrailing the entire planet to “end climate change”
  • GMO mosquito experiment goes horribly wrong: Insects adapt and overcome, transforming into super “mutant” mosquitoes that could cause mass death across South America
  • Michigan to fight deadly mosquito ENCEPHALITIS virus with aerial spraying + Invive Silver Protocol For ENCEPHALITIS

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End Time Current Events-9-23-19-Part 1

By Dr. Scott Johnson | September 24, 2019

Table of Contents:

  • +Psalm 63
  • Pentagon deploys troops to Saudi Arabia…Expedites delivery of military equipment…Iran Moving Missiles to Protect Oil Facilities Iran Under Cyber-Attack-Trump Announces “Highest Sanctions Ever Imposed On A Country”
  • SAUDIS, ISRAEL ATTACK PRO-IRAN MILITIAS ON SYRIA-IRAQ BORDER ‘Saudi fighter jets have been spotted along with other fighter jets that have attacked facilities and positions belonging to Iranian militias.’
  • Iran issues ‘battlefield’ warning to its aggressors…
  • Iran to Now Conduct a Naval Drill With China, Russia!!!…
  • FALSE FLAG: Neocon Zionist warmongers behind missile attacks on Saudi Arabia’s oil refineries carried out to…blame Iran as well as to jack up the price of oil?  But there’s much more to this plot!–Trump Administration Being Used By Israel to Wage War on Iran
  • 30 Signs That Most Americans Will Be Wiped Out By The Coming Economic Collapse & Stock Market CRASH!

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End Time Current Events-9-23-19-Part 2

By Dr. Scott Johnson | September 24, 2019

Table of Contents:

  • California Senate Passes Resolution ACR-99 Telling Christian Pastors To Stop Preaching Against The LGBTQ+P For Pedophile Ideology And Embrace It Even if Doing so Violates Their Christian Beliefs
  • Teen Girls (As Young as 11!!) Can Now Walk Around Topless in Colorado, Thanks to ‘Feminists’
  • The 21st Century Crusades Have Commenced As the Democrats Usher In Communism While the Pope Is Ushering In Global Satanic Worship
  • The Sin of Silence, Apathy and Neglect (Plus Bible Study)

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End Time Current Events-9-16-19-Part 1

By Dr. Scott Johnson | September 16, 2019

Table of Contents:

  • Building Up to WWIII– Trump says US ‘locked and loaded pending on verification’ of attack on Saudi oil field–Saudi Shuts Half Oil Output After Drone Strikes…Attack knocked out 5% of global supply…Iran says ready for war after accusations…Oil to go to $100 a barrel?…WSJ: This Is The Big One…
  • Why Is Nicaragua Stockpiling Russian Tanks? PRELUDE TO RED DAWN INVASION?
  • Trump’s Idea to Help the Homeless Is Very Dangerous
  • Presidential Candidate Beto O’Rourke Exposes Democrat Party Confiscation Plan
  • Beto and His Pals are the REAL Inciters of Violence
  • Americans Are Arming Up In Huge Numbers, Driven By Self-Protection & Politicians Pushing ‘Gun Grabs’, With Communist-Socialist Government’s The Biggest Mass Murderers In History  
  • Remembering 9/11 and the criminal neocons who engineered it to destroy evidence of deep state criminality and the theft of trillions of dollars

PDF: End Time Current Events 9-16-19

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