"But as the days of Noah were, so shall also the coming of the Son of man be." Matthew 24:37


End Time Current Events-8-26-19-Part 2

By Dr. Scott Johnson | August 27, 2019

Table of Contents:

  • House Pushing Red Flag Bills Through Committee Next Week
  • FBI Creating A Social Media Red Flag Tool
  • Pilot Exposes Covert Chemtrail Operations
  • Ted & Austin Show Highlights for August 8, 2019–Show Highlights: How the Luciferin Controllers Erase History—How the Civil War Has Been Rewritten Into a Ball of Lies!!! Abraham Lincoln Was Wicked–Benefit of Flu shots during pregnancy disproven again!–Who controls us?
  • Nuclear missiles hidden right in front of us
  • DUMBs, Chimeras and MK Ultra and possible giant hybrid Muslim in Canada

PDF: End Time Current Events 8-26-19

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End Time Current Events-8-26-19-Part 3

By Dr. Scott Johnson | August 27, 2019

Table of Contents:

  • Hybrids and Little Green Men Are Real Says U.S. Army General Mark Milley
  • Human Clones: Living Among Us? Documentary 2018
  • Israeli Intelligence Working With Fallen Angelic Entities? / Some Claim They’re in Over Their Head!

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End Time Current Events-8-19-19-Part 1

By Dr. Scott Johnson | August 19, 2019

Table of Contents:

  • NEVER GIVE UP – God Is With You In The Battle
  • Forceful Opposition Is Critical Against HB 1296 “The Great American Holocaust Bill”
  • Why Controllers LOVE Red Flag Laws
  • Deep State Kill Teams Involved In Recent Mass Shootings?

PDF: End Time Current Events 8-19-19

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End Time Current Events-8-19-19-Part 2

By Dr. Scott Johnson | August 19, 2019

Table of Contents:

  • +2+ With Proof The FBI Groomed A Mentally Ill Man To Become A Right-Wing Terrorist, Are Mind Controlled Assassins Being Unleashed Upon America?–1991 Book Warned ‘Secret Government’ Would Use Patsies To Shoot Up America To Eliminate 2nd Amendment
  • Congressional Testimony From Clinton Era Reveals Pedophile Blackmail Network–A history and expose of mind control, government-sanctioned child abuse, and pedophiliac blackmail
  • Staged Black-op False Flag Attacks by the Government are Legal
  • Ted & Austin Show Highlights for August 15, 2019–Ted and Austin go on Second Amendment rant and then his phone lines are shut down–Can’t make this stuff up—Project Veritas Makes Another Huge Find–Update on El Paso shootings–Trump has alienated his base. Is he a Rothschild cutout?–Due to Trump, are draconian gun laws and confiscation on the horizon?
  • Alex Jones Caught Lying About Epstein Network

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End Time Current Events-8-12-19-Part 1

By Dr. Scott Johnson | August 12, 2019

Table of Contents:

  • That’s NOT Jeffrey Epstein! Ears And Nose Do Not Match – Fake Suicide– Guards in Epstein Jail Told to LEAVE AREA 3 Hours early due to “Maintenance” Before Epstein Found Allegedly DEAD
  • Was Epstein Fake Suicided Into the Mossad’s Witness Protection Program
  • BREAKING NEWS: CHINA BEGINS MILITARY INVASION OF HONG KONG–THIS may be the China-US provocation spiral that is scripted to take down the global financial system in September…
  • Trump Leading the Way to Gun Confiscation!!!–‘Red Flag’ Gun Control Bills Pick Up Momentum With G.O.P. in Congress
  • NOT ONE MORE INCH! The GOP Attacks Our Bill of Rights
  • Breaking: President Trump Calls for “Red Flag” Gun Confiscation
  • “Red Flag Laws” Will Lead to Soviet Style Gun Confiscation, Incrementally by Expanded Mental Health Issues for All That Oppose a Communist Takeover in America
  • ALIPAC Rebukes Trump’s Call To Pass Amnesty for Illegals In Response to False Flag Mass Murders

PDF: End Time Current Events 8-12-19

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End Time Current Events-8-12-19-Part 2

By Dr. Scott Johnson | August 12, 2019

Table of Contents:

  • Ted & Austin Radio Show Highlights for August 6, 2019–Show Highlights: Is Donald Trump really for gun rights? Are you willing to bet your life on it?–Are the red flag gun laws really going to be federally enacted? Ivanka Trump is demanding it! Quick question: who elected her?–Ted explains who really is running the show!
  • False Prophet Mark Taylor Exposed!!!!–The Lying Fireman: The Trump Prophecies
  • David Wilkerson vs Mark Taylor – One is a False Prophet
  • Mark Taylor Prophecy Update (08/01/2019) — TRUMP’S PLAN IS STAND STILL Sounds just like The Q Movement!!! Mark Taylor Latest (August 02, 2019) — TRUST THE PLAN, IN GOD WE TRUST
  • Sky Watch TV / Tom Horn Selling “Prophet” Mark Taylors: “The Trump Prophecies: Updated & Expanded Offer!”
  • Bible Verses on False Prophets & Exposing the Wicked

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End Time Current Events-8-5-19-Part 1

By Dr. Scott Johnson | August 5, 2019

Table of Contents:

  • Multiple Mass Shootings: El Paso Walmart Shooting Blamed (As Usual) on Lone White Racist Gunman—But eyewitnesses saw ‘three to four armed men running in… dressed in all black…shooting’–20 killed and 26 injured, SECOND MASS SHOOTING IN 12 HOURS BY ANOTHER LONE WHITE GUNMAN!–9 DEAD IN OHIO According to police–ALL THE MANCHURAIAN CANDIDATES ARE BEING ACTIVATED, AS THE PUSH FOR TOTAL GUN BANS AND CONFISCATION GOES INTO OVERDRIVE!
  • Mexico vows to take legal action against USA after El Paso shooting because a White Man Was Targeting Hispanics…
  • El Paso County sheriff says: ‘This Anglo man came here to kill Hispanics’…
  • Democratic Devil Candidate Kamala Harris calls for house to house searches to confiscate firearms
  • Iowa Senator Claire Celsi Threatens to TAKE GUNS by FORCE
  • FBI Deems Conspiracy Theorists the New Terrorists & U.S. military at Southcom is conducting surveillance tests across six Midwestern states using high-altitude balloons
  • Listener Feedback on the Current Mass Shooters: Bait and Switch–Photos of 2 Recent “Shooters”
  • #WhiteSupremacistTerrorism Trending
  • El Paso Witness Says “There Were Four Men, Dressed In Black, Moving Together Firing Guns”
  • Right on Cue: Madonna’s New Blasphemous Gun Control Song–“god control”

PDF: End Time Current Events 8-5-19

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End Time Current Events-8-5-19-Part 2

By Dr. Scott Johnson | August 5, 2019

Table of Contents:

  • OPERATION GLADIO: El Paso and Dayton Targeted with False Flag Mass Shootings to Further Terrorize the American People into Giving Up Their Guns– NWO Cabal Will Not Stop Staging the Mass Shootings Until all the Guns Have Been Taken Away
  • Gun Control Facts
  • Communist Propaganda Poster: Comrades, Turn In Your Weapons!
  • Crime Rates Plummet After Law Required Firearms for Residents in Kennesaw, GA–25 years murder-free in ‘Gun Town USA’
  • American Hunters Are The Largest Standing Army in the World & That is Why America Must Be Disarmed to Implement Satan’s New World Order!!!
  • Biblical Resistance to Tyranny
  • Scott Johnson’s Teachings on Biblical Resistance to Tyranny
  • Trump To Address Nation Monday Over Mass Shootings, Says More Gun Control May Be Needed
  • Proof Donald Trump Is The Most Anti-Gun President In History!!!
  • Trump Denounces His Base: Who Will Stand Against the Left?
  • Thanks to Trump, MANY MORE Americans Will be Genocided by Directed Energy Weapons in 2019–US DoD set to receive funding boost for hypersonic, directed-energy weapons [signed by Trump within 24 hours of this report]
  • Government Insider Leaks, Atmosphere Collapsing, Possible Mini Ice Age Started, Secret Blackhawk Program Over DC
  • Black Hawks to Evac DC? New Madrid Flooding Pending

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End Time Current Events-7-29-19-Part 1

By Dr. Scott Johnson | July 29, 2019

Table of Contents:

  • Shocking Discovery in SODOM & GOMORRAH
  • The window of “allowable speech” is collapsing, and the Dark Age of internet censorship has arrived
  • Trump Continues to Deceive His Base and Accomplish the Plan of Satan!!!
  • Trump has not built a single mile of NEW border fence after 30 months in office!!!
  • Trump Delivers Again!!: Trump vowed millions of immigration arrests in dramatic raids—but ICE only caught 18 family members….While thousands continue to pour over the southern border every day
  • The Chiapas Illegal Alien “Infectons” Are Crossing US Border with Implanted and Deadly Diseases
  • VIDEO: Border agents give illegals hand up hill, around wall — into USA…
  • Illegal Immigrants Are the Driving Force Behind Child Sex Crime Charges in North Carolina & Elsewhere

PDF: End Time Current Events 7-29-19

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End Time Current Events-7-29-19-Part 2

By Dr. Scott Johnson | July 29, 2019

Table of Contents:

  • Orthodox Jewish Woman Named NSA Cybersecurity Chief
  • Synagogue of Satan–Noahide Laws Prayer in US Congress & Dance Party Outside
  • Will Trump Let the US Army Stand by While 100,000 Christians Are Killed?
  • Are You Being DECEIVED–Here’s What YOU Need to Know
  • Trumps Mafia Mentor: Where is Roy Cohn’s Pretty Boy?
  • All Aboard Trump’s Tranny Train!
  • Pennsylvania school district informs over 1000 families their children will be taken if parents fall behind on paying for school lunch
  • Child trafficking CPS agencies now using “predictive analytics” to decide which children to kidnap

PDF: End Time Current Events 7-29-19

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