"But as the days of Noah were, so shall also the coming of the Son of man be." Matthew 24:37


Emergency Freedom Alerts: 12-18-23-Part 2

By Dr. Scott Johnson | December 18, 2023

Table of Contents:

  • The HEXagram, the Mark of the Beast & the Hebrew Roots Connection-Part 1 & 2–By Scott Johnson
  • SATANIC SYMBOLS ARE EVERYWHERE WITH DEVASTATING CONSEQUENCES—The Hexagram is just one of them—The Hexagram also relates heavily to X-mas / Saturnalia
  • Remember God is Greater!!: The Sentient World Simulation – Supposedly 7 Billion People Have Their Digital Twin In The Metaverse Now – The Infinity Machine – Everything you do Online, ALL Personal Data is Collected and Used to Create a Simulation of Everyone that is So Advanced it can Predict what you are going to do, even Before You Know Yourself… DARPA Avatar Project Links Your Mind to a Digital World Inside of a DWAVE Quantum Computer – Sentient World Simulation – The Infinity Project – Digital Twin – Virtual Double – Artificial Intelligence Personality Prediction
  • Psalm 64 – Gods Judgment on Wickedness – A Christians ‘Door of Hope’–By Scott Johnson
  • Urine Therapy Exposed as Evil –Recently I have received many inquiries from well-meaning Christians regarding the potential benefits of “Urine Therapy” & this is my response–Scott Johnson
  • Rick Warren’s Latest Demonic Trap Exposed–The “New Health and Wellness Initiative” Promoting Tantric Sex Yoga, Meditation and Reiki–Part 1 & 2 By Scott Johnson
  • False Religion and Urine Therapy
  • Listener Comment & Warning on Urine Therapy
  • Listener Comment: Contending for Truth “Homeopathy has roots in occult vitalism and other New Age occult beliefs”
  • Beware of Homeopathy
  • New Age Medicine: Homeopathy–Pastor David L. Brown, Ph.D.
  • Blood In Meat Warning & How to get it out–What Does the Bible Say

PDF: Emergency Freedom Alerts 12-18-23

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Emergency Freedom Alerts: 12-11-23-Part 1

By Dr. Scott Johnson | December 12, 2023

Table of Contents:

  • Updated Group Prayer–List of Current Event Prayer Points–Part 2
  • Report: CIA Routinely Obtains UFO Wreckage & Intact Vehicles, Transfers Ownership To Private Parties
  • More than 10,000 illegal aliens are crossing the U.S. southern border every day, according to reports.
  • This is why they’re INVADING America, it all makes sense now—Replacement Invasion–Senator Dick Durbin proclaims Illegals to get a new path to citizenship if they are willing to fight and die for America—Our new US military about to be totally taken over with foreigners (many fighting age Chinese males) that despise the average American citizen
  • BOMBSHELL: Did San Francisco Just Round Up/ Exterminate All The Homeless People?! How’d They VANISH?
  • The Biden FCC Quietly Passes Bipartisan Broadband Access Anti-Discrimination Law That Takes Over The Internet, allows them to totally micromanage American’s and business’s internet services in the name of ‘equity.’ 
  • Look at the Titanic Lies ‘The Drudge Report’ Puts Out! The economy has probably never been worse since the great depression and they are letting illegals pour in by the thousands every day, finding a decent job is almost impossible (I say this from multiple firsthand reports), the homeless population of ‘legal’ Americans is growing exponentially, banks are going down like flies but according to Drudge things have never been better!!!
  • There was never a Pandemic in 1918 (Spanish Flu) or in 2020 (Covid)–This was all engineered (via a death vaxx) by the Elite to bring about Eugenics (getting rid of or murdering those who the Elite felt were unfit to be kept alive & they did so (in both Pandemics) through deadly vaccines–In both scenarios of 1918 and 2020, this was an experiment to rid the world of tens of millions of people ……. EUGENICS or (DEPOPULATION)
  • Scott Johnson’s Comment: Yes this is further confirmation for the basis of my original Avian Flu presentation back in 2006: Watch at: Avian Flu/Pandemics: What to Expect & How to Prepare (1-16)
  • Triple the death vaxxes for the coming “Tripledemic” for the sake of $cience–Big Pharma and Big Government link up for a Preplanned Winter ‘Tripledemic’ sales spree!
  • New York’s FORCED QUARANTINE CAMPS Take Effect! The Rise Of Hochul’s Tyrannical Health Dictatorship
  • The Vaxxed ‘Walking Dead’ Dropping Like Flies In 2024 Ensures Medical Tyranny – The Globalists Create The ‘Problem,’ ‘The Public’ Cries For ‘A Solution’: Forced Vaxxes & Death Camps 
  • Trumps One Time Lawyer Alan Dershowitz & Good Buddies With Jeffery Epstein Implicated In Unsealed Ghislaine Maxwell Documents

PDF: Emergency Freedom Alerts 12-11-23

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Emergency Freedom Alerts: 12-11-23-Part 2

By Dr. Scott Johnson | December 12, 2023

Table of Contents:

  • New Zealand ARRESTS Government Database Administrator for Revealing 24% DEATH RATE for certain COVID Vaccine Batches
  • New Zealand government desperate to cover up proof of VACCINE GENOCIDE
  • NZ Government Doubles Down on Vaccine Democide
  • SHOCKER: FOIA Request Reveals 11,000 Politicians Received DEATHVAX Exemption
  • The same government that told you that you have to take the Covid shot also owns that same shot–NEVER TRUST THE GOVERNMENT WHEN IT COMES TO YOUR HEALTH, WEALTH AND ESPECIALLY YOUR CIVIL RIGHTS!
  • Government data shows young people now dying of cancer at “explosive” rates following COVID vaccine push
  • S. Navy Medical Corp Lieutenant Reveals 973% Increase in Heart Failure After COVID Vax – Navy Blocks His Computer Access
  • Current Covid Kill Shot Reports
  • 108 Days After Slide Preparation: One Drop of Blood Mixed With One Drop of Dental Anesthetic Carbocaine–This Wicked Technology is still moving! This is an important observation. It corroborates what I have seen in embalmed blood, where the technology continues to replicate for 8 months after the person is deceased!! In the literature, energy harvesting from the environment is what has been done to keep WBAN sensors viable.
  • Current Supplement Specials

PDF: Emergency Freedom Alerts 12-11-23

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Emergency Freedom Alerts: 11-27-23-Part 1

By Dr. Scott Johnson | November 28, 2023

Table of Contents:

  • Anti-Christ New Age Establishment BRAINWASHING
  • Pope Francis Signs Official Vatican Document Affirming Transsexuals Can Be ‘Baptized In The Catholic Religion’ In Major Embrace Of LGBTQ+
  • Listener Comment: From a school board meeting in your state, what a wonderful woman of God!
  • Listener Question: I’ve been hearing about this Pastor Mike Signorelli recently and his new movie: The Domino Revival — Is this just more sensationalism or are these healings real?
  • Pastor Mike Signorelli Exposed
  • Reprobate Devil Mike Signorelli – Supposedly Releasing the “New Wine of the H.S.” to Get His Followers “Intoxicated”! New Apostolic Reformation Exposed Again! Mike Encourages Everyone In his Gatherings to Pray in Tongues Out Loud in Mass Confusion & Says Tongues Need NO Translation!
  • Scott Johnson’s Teaching: Emergency Freedom Alerts: 1-16-23-Part 1–Table of Contents:…Listener Comment: What is Happening in my Church—Everyone Speaking In Tongues, Laying Hands Suddenly on Others & Men and Women Acting Unbiblical Plus Scott Johnson’s Response and Teachings
  • Scott Johnson’s Teaching: End Time Current Events: 8-17-14–Part 2–Table of Contents:…Tongues-Not Essential for Salvation
  • Fake Deliverance Minister – Isaiah Saldivar Exposed – Admitting to Choking/ Assaulting a Woman #kathrynkrick
  • Lakeland Revival, Conv. Child Molester-Todd Bentley, Lying Signs & Wonders-Parts 1-3 May 18th, 2008
  • “God TV”, Lakeland, Todd Bentley & Satanism-Parts 1-2 June 6th, 2008

PDF: Emergency Freedom Alerts 11-27-23

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Emergency Freedom Alerts: 11-27-23-Part 2

By Dr. Scott Johnson | November 28, 2023

Table of Contents:

  • Scott Johnson’s Teachings Exposing Pentecostalism & NAR New Apostolic Reformation
  • Listener Question & Scott Johnson’s Response: I have this one friend on Facebook who’s clearly not a Christian and by his own words too, claims to be a spiritual medium and he posts picture after picture and video after video of his own “ministries” even going to India and supposedly working miracles of healing and casting out demons and always ending these posts by saying “I’m not a Christian, I’m a psychic medium, I’m not trying to convert anybody, God loves everybody.” 
  • My Recent Trip Down Charismania Lane-Parts 1-2 February 3rd, 2008
  • Pentecostals Take The United Nations by Storm! July 8th, 2007 
  • ‘ The Manifest Sons of God ’/’ Joel’s Army ’/’ Later Rain Movement ’ Exposed-Parts 1-3 May 11th, 2008
  • Kathryn Kuhlman – Aimee S. McPerson – the Source of Benny Hinn’s ‘Anointing’-Parts 1-3 December 30th, 2007
  • Dominionism / Kingdom Now / Reconstructionism / Theonomy Exposed-Parts 1-3 June 1st, 2008
  • End Time Current Events: 8-17-14–Part 3–Table of Contents: The Azusa Street Revival is the origin of the modern-day Pentecostal movement—Critically Biblically Examined

PDF: Emergency Freedom Alerts 11-27-23

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Emergency Freedom Alerts: 11-20-23-Part 1

By Dr. Scott Johnson | November 20, 2023

Table of Contents:

  • Updated Group Prayer–List of Current Event Prayer Points–Part 1
  • Among the thousands
  • The Strong Delusion Is Coming—The Pied Piper of the Coming Deception, Michael Salla Asks: “World War III or ET Disclosure – What Path Will Humanity Take?”
  • The Post-Human Apocalypse–Timothy Alberino discussing the coming transhuman / posthuman apocalypse–reconciling the “alien agenda” and disclosure with the Bible–the rise of the antichrist–a new technocratic world order and the gospel of Christ
  • Is The United States preparing for war in the Middle East?
  • The REAL reason the U.S. and Israel invaded Gaza Strip
  • VERY URGENT Prayer Alert: Israeli leaders, please evacuate Palestinian Christians out of Gaza and into the West Bank immediately – these Christians face genocide by Hamas if they are forced to move south; PLEASE INTERCEDE FOR OUR PALESTINIAN BROTHERS & SISTERS
  • Meet the True Face of Islam: Bacca Bazi (AKA Boy Play) One of the most disgusting evil “customs” or “traditions” in the world–Protect the children

PDF: Emergency Freedom Alerts 11-20-23

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Emergency Freedom Alerts: 11-20-23-Part 2

By Dr. Scott Johnson | November 20, 2023

Table of Contents: 

  • The UN, Bill Gates And Rockefeller Foundation Launch The 50 In 5 Agenda
  • No MORE Cash in Europe! The Digital Wallet is Almost Here
  • Is The Panama Government About to Collapse and What Would That Mean for America?
  • Iceland braces for possible volcanic eruption
  • Dutchsinse Is Being Targeted–10/28/2023–No Earthquake Updates from him for a while – His Internet Connections Are Being Systematically Shut Down & HE HAS MADE A NEW EARTHQUAKE PREDICTION PROGRAM
  • Listener Comment: Mad Cow or WAISTING DESEASE!
  • Listener Comment: Long time listener from Ohio here–They just passed Issue 1 in Ohio, which means abortion up to birth for any reason, paid for by taxpayers and with no parental consent needed for minors
  • Listener Comment: Look what they’re putting graphene in now–This is crazy–I couldn’t figure out why the tops of my feet hurt every time these Hanes mens socks
  • Listener Comments: IN CHICK-FIL-A SANDWICHES A Contraceptive (and so much more evil) found in Chick-fil-A sandwiches and food
  • W.H.O. Pandemic Treaty “Judgment Day”–MERYL NASS, MD @NassMeryl EVERYONE needs to see this video on what the WHO is trying to do next May 24, 2024: Which is gain control of the world through gaining the right to manage pandemics–This is a legal maneuver taking place behind closed doors–The WHO has removed human rights and freedom while giving itself total control over humans, animals, the environment and climate in 2 new treaties

PDF: Emergency Freedom Alerts 11-20-23

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Emergency Freedom Alerts: 11-20-23-Part 3

By Dr. Scott Johnson | November 20, 2023

Table of Contents: 

  • MODERNA ADMITS VAX CAUSES CANCER! Huge Development As Millions Die From Covid Injections
  • The Incentivized Mass Murder of Children
  • Brazil warns parents they won’t receive welfare benefits, be fined or may have their children taken away if they don’t get their kids vaccinated with the COVID-19 devil shot!
  • ‘Pilot warns of airline industry disaster due to Covid vaccines’: CAPTAIN Shane Murdock says the air industry is ‘poised on the precipice of disaster’. A pilot for more than 40 years, he has found official data that back up his claims 
  • Ana Maria Mihalcea, MD, PhD–Self Assembly nanotechnology in the blood is found around the world… We all have seen evolution of blood contamination in rapid ways regardless of new C19 bio weapon booster rate—See a nano microchip docking in contact lens solution
  • PHOTO-GRAPHIC PROOF that some COVID-19 Vaccines Contain a Sinister-Looking Chip That such sophisticated biotechnology would be secretly inserted into the Covid injections can only mean that the rapidly unfolding Transhumanist agenda is being undertaken 
  • Covid Kill Shot Agenda & Unrestricted Warfare “Time To Make A Stand” w/ Dr. Ana Mihalcea & James Grundvig
  • FDA Targets Peptides Peptides represent an exciting and rapidly developing new frontier in disease treatment and prevention as well as anti-aging, so naturally the FDA is swooping in…to make sure Big Pharma has a monopoly. Action Alert!
  • New Line Dr. Johnson Carries & Getting Great Reviews–Medix4Life–At Medix our main focus is to bring health and wellness to the world with our revolutionary plant-based technology using regulatory peptides to assist the body in re-establishing cellular communication and activating adult stem cells, which control the repair mechanisms of the body

PDF: Emergency Freedom Alerts 11-20-23

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Emergency Freedom Alerts: 11-6-23

By Dr. Scott Johnson | November 6, 2023

Table of Contents:

  • Islamic Demonic Jihad Set To Ignite In America
  • Domestic Terror Attacks Imminent As ‘Millions Of Terrorists’ Wait For Signal To Launch Assault, US Intel Analyst Warns
  • Top WW3 Middle East Headlines
  • False Flag Red Alert! US Government Ops Preparing To Carry Out Acts Of Terrorism Upon America As The COVID Psyop And Unleashing The Bioweapons Was All A HUGE Part Of World War 3 
  • Here’s Why No Muslim-Majority Nations Want Palestinians in Their Countries–Out of 22 Arab Countries, Why is it that NOT ONE wants **any** Palestinians?
  • The Documented History & TRUTH about Palestine and Modern Day Israel
  • Biblical Cause of Jewish / Israel Affliction, John Hagee, Christian Zionism Warning-Parts 1-3 By Dr. Scott Johnson

PDF: Emergency Freedom Alerts 11-6-23

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Emergency Freedom Alerts: 10-23-23-Part 1

By Dr. Scott Johnson | October 23, 2023

Table of Contents:

  • Updated Group Prayer–List of Current Event Prayer Points–Part 2
  • Top Headlines—WW3 Appears Close
  • Six steps that could see the Gaza crisis spiral into WW3
  • Islam Has Massacred Over 669+ Million Non-Muslims Since 622AD–In fact, no ideology has been as genocidal as Islam…
  • Exclusive Report Of Hamas Video On How They (And Really All Muslims Being True to the Islamic Quran) Plan To Attack America?
  • End Time Current Events-3-25-19-Part 3 By Scott Johnson |From the womb Muslims are taught nothing but hate and to kill the infidel (non-believers of Islam) and to be a martyr for Allah, which will they believe will secure them their 72 virgins and 28 white skin boys in paradise
  • Why Does The Mainstream Media Purposely Ignore Mass Killings Of Christians Across The Globe?
  • Thousands of Christians Slaughtered by Muslims and the Mainstream Media Totally Silent
  • How much actual land does Israel occupy?
  • The U.N. must be freaking out about now! This, from the son of the founder of Hamas!…This was all declared at a recent U.N. gathering.
  • Hamas (Which is just nothing more than an extension of true Islam) Tortures Families For Fun!
  • Day of Muslim rage: Anti-Israel protests spread around the world with Hamas supporters calling for suicide bombers to hit Tel Aviv and US and UK flags burned as global fury over Gaza erupts once more 

PDF: Emergency Freedom Alerts 10-23-23

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