"But as the days of Noah were, so shall also the coming of the Son of man be." Matthew 24:37


Emergency Freedom Alerts: 10-23-23-Part 2

By Dr. Scott Johnson | October 23, 2023

Table of Contents:

  • Karen Kingston Breaks Silence: Government Using Hidden Tech To Terrorize People
  • This Happens In The Unseen World When You Sleep With Someone
  • How To Pass From Curse to Blessing & Self Deliverance
  • A Biblical Look at Marriage, Divorce and Remarriage–Excellent Biblically Based Books!!!–Dr. Scott Johnson
  • The RISE of Anti-Christ | Bethel — Brian Simmons’ Blasphemous Passion bible Translation—Bill Johnson – A Christian’s Reaction!
  • End Time Current Events: 11-30-14 — Part 2 By Scott Johnson | Table of Contents: Harper Collins and the Duck Commander NKJV version of the Bible / Duck Dynasty Warning – PUBLISHER OF N.I.V. ALSO PUBLISHES “SATANIC BIBLE – NKJV and Lucis Trust: Ready For One World Church
    – Lucis Trust, Alice Bailey, World Goodwill and the False Light of the World
    – Listener Feedback Regarding: The Feminine god Mother Divinity and the Unholy Trinity — Shekinah Glory Cult prevalent among different apostate sects of Christianity & Judiasim – Shekinah: The doctrine that the Holy Spirit is female!!
  • End Time Current Events: 7-15-12–Part 3 By Dr. Scott Johnson | “SHEkinah Glory” Blasphemy–The doctrine that teaches the Holy Spirit is female – “The Divine Feminine”!! Jack Hyles, David Stewart and Mormon Warnings

PDF: Emergency Freedom Alerts 10-23-23

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Emergency Freedom Alerts: 10-16-23-Part 1

By Dr. Scott Johnson | October 16, 2023

Table of Contents:

  • The Antichrist’s Arrival via World War 3 and the Stage Being Set for End Times – What to do to prepare & encouragement!! — JAMIE WALDEN
  • Secret Mysteries of America’s Beginnings Volume 1: The New Atlantis | Volume 2: Riddles in Stone | Volume 3: Eye of the Phoenix | Full Documentary’s
  • FREE MASONS PLANNED WW3 IN 1800’s & Albert Pike Exposed
  • The Pre-Planned Islamic Hamas Attack on Israel is Designed to Lead to WW3—Years Before Congressman Ron Paul Testified Before Congress That Israel Created Hamas!!
  • Ron Paul’s Son Senator Rand Paul Also Shows How The U.S. Has Been Funding Muslim Terror Groups For Decades

PDF: Emergency Freedom Alerts 10-16-23

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Emergency Freedom Alerts: 10-16-23-Part 2

By Dr. Scott Johnson | October 16, 2023

Table of Contents:

  • Demon Possessed Muslims Preparing For Jihad Against the non-Muslims–Warning THIS IS HAPPENING NOW ON OUR SOIL
  • ++Note this is not updated to reflect what Hamas did in Israel recently–List of Killings in the Name of Islam: Just the Last 30 Days–This is part of the list of killings in the name of Islam maintained by TheReligionofPeace.com. Most of these incidents are terror attacks.  A handful are honor killings or Sharia executions. During this time period, there were 84 Islamic attacks in 20 countries, in which 1708 people were killed and 4019 injured<<This goes on in many parts of the world, month after month, year after year unabated!
  • Why America’s Schools Are At Risk From An Attack Like Occurred in Israel on 10/7/23
  • Listener Question: OK do you have a file on Chuck Baldwin?
  • Emergency Freedom Alerts: 5-24-21-Part 1 By Dr. Scott Johnson | May 25, 2021–Table of Contents:…Reply to the Israel Situation & What Does Pastor Chuck Baldwin Believe About Israel? The Answer My Shock you…
  • Emergency Freedom Alerts: 5-24-21-Part 2 By Dr. Scott Johnson | May 25, 2021–Table of Contents: From just this last week: Religion of Peace–Atrocity of the Week–Burkina Faso: 15 Christians Murdered at a Baptism–WARNING: Chuck Baldwin Now Teaches Replacement Theology & Preterism—And he Does Not Believe in Regathered Israel–Plus a Bible Study–The Heresy of Replacement Theology / Supersessionism?–Bible Study: Is God done with the Jews?–Chuck Baldwin is a False Teacher Preterism Debunked & Warning–The Folly of Preterism
  • Is God done with the Jews? No, Not According to the Bible
  • What Does The Bible Say About The Jews (or any other race) Being Better Than Another?
  • Enemies FLOODING Our Border is Key to Ushering in the New World Order
  • Todd Callendar and Dr. Vliet: Emergency Broadcast Tests and Spike in Strokes Same Day of FEMA Broadcast – Statistical Impossibility

PDF: Emergency Freedom Alerts 10-16-23

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Emergency Freedom Alerts: 10-9-23-Part 1

By Dr. Scott Johnson | October 9, 2023

Table of Contents:

  • Updated Group Prayer–List of Current Event Prayer Points–Part 1
  • Top Headlines Read: ISRAEL WAR! FIRST IN 50 YEARS 600+ KILLED; 2,000+ WOUNDED ‘MIGHTY VENGEANCE’ HAMAS ROCKETS BREACH DOME WORLD DIVIDED Unprecedented raids by land, sea, air… Bodies Paraded Through Streets, Militants Flying Paragliders… Over 5,000 rockets fired… Tanks captured…’We are being slaughtered’… MANY HOSTAGES TAKEN YOUNG AND OLD SNATCHED OFF STREET ‘Historic failure’ for intel services… Netanyahu vows revenge like ‘never known’… Graphic scenes… World in shock… Celebrations in London… Hamas Says Attacks on Israel Were Backed by Iran…
  • To Set the Stage For the Rest of this Report and Provide Context: Hamas: Killing Jews is worship of Allah “Repeat in the name of your Jihad: Death to Israel!”
  • Show a Muslim that women, children and animals are being abused and raped in the name of Allah (the moon god), and they will turn a blind eye for they cannot condemn what their own ‘prophet’ did
  • Muhammad said in many places that he has been “ordered by Allah to fight men until they testify that there is no god but Allah and that Muhammad is his messenger” 
  • Islam Exposed! Did You Know That Sex with a Sheep, Goat or Donkey is Allowed Under Islam?
  • Pregnant goat dies after 8 Muslim men gang-rape it in Haryana India…
  • Germany: Muslim refugee arrested for raping pony…
  • Moroccan Muslims get rabies from raping donkey
  • Extremely Deadly Virus Will Come From The Muslim World who love to drink camel urine: “camel urine is the miracle of our time and is a gift from Muhammad to mankind.
  • The Quran’s Evil Missing Verses on ‘Stopping Lust’ by Letting Wives Breastfeed Younger Adult Men!
  • Islamic Creator Pedophile Prophet Muhammad Married 6 year old girl and admitted to consummating the marriage when she was 9!!–Muslim cleric: “It is permissible for the girl at the age of 9 or 10 to marry” Sexual Perversion in Islam (Beyond Evil!!!!!)
  • Christian Blood For Saudi Arabia Is Big Business (Stunning Video)
  • Islamic quotes from their twisted demon possessed leaders:…”Sons of Islam everywhere, the jihad is a duty – to establish the rule of Allah on earth and to liberate your countries and yourselves from America’s domination and its Zionist allies, it is your battle – either victory or martyrdom.” – Sheikh Ahmed Yassin, Hamas co-founder and spiritual leader
  • The Islamic bible/Quran commands muslims to kill “Infidels”.  In Islam, the Arabic word kafir (كافر) refers to non-Muslims, often in a derogatory sense and is usually translated into English as “infidel” or “unbeliever”.
  • Globalists open second front in World War III: Attack on Israel activates ‘zero hour’ around the world, and America is not immune
  • Israel INVADED & The Biblical Timeline
  • US Sends Warships, Aircraft Carrier To Israel For Potential ‘Support’ Operations ‘Movements could start immediately but all the assets will not be in place for several days.’ 
  • ISRAEL and TEXAS both under attack by invasion forces
  • Chinese Invasion Blueprint Exposed – CRITICAL NATIONAL SECURITY THREAT Muckraker has obtained a never-before-published document, circulated among Chinese illegal aliens, which offers a clear blueprint on how to navigate to the United States illegally, and how to exploit the asylum system, achieve refugee status, and become embedded in America. Month after month, thousands of military-aged Chinese nationals are crossing into the United States illegally. Some of these illegal aliens served in the Chinese armed forces, others are conducting weapons training inside the United States, and all have followed the same blueprint for infiltrating America. China is now positioned to attack America from within. CCP loyalists are scattered across the country and more are on the way.
  • CHILDREN BEING TAKEN: Horrific video reveals U.S. government is actively facilitating a HUGE child trafficking ring across America
  • Whistleblower testifies before US Congress says US is ‘middleman’ in child migrant smuggling

PDF: Emergency Freedom Alerts 10-9-23

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Emergency Freedom Alerts: 10-9-23-Part 2

By Dr. Scott Johnson | October 9, 2023

Table of Contents:

  • New Pictures of Madonna Before and After an Adrenochrome Feeding & Why Is It That the Most Satanic People From the Entertainment World/Music Industry Have No Problem Wearing/Covering Themselves With “Christian” Crosses?
  • The ‘Cross of Christ’ vs. the ‘Accursed Tree’-Parts 1-3 By Dr. Scott Johnson | February 17, 2008–Plus Bible Verses
  • Recommended Book: ‘History of the Cross–The Pagan Origin and Idolatrous Adoption…’& Some Reviews
  • 458K Sign Wales Anti 20mph Petition — $106K To Own Car In Singapore! — Amsterdam To Impose Crazy 19mph Limit!
  • The US ‘De-Banking’ of Christians & Conservatives
  • ‘Digital Abomination’: Transhumanism, the New AI Religion and the Globalist Agenda for Your Future
  • Recent NZ Conference, mass testing for body tech and results thereof–Confirmed, nearly all people have it now regardless of vaxx status
  • A Dangerous Betrayal: RFK Threatens Americans w/ CDC QUARANTINES; Tyrannical PCR Test Pseudoscience
  • Popular Alternative Site ThePeoplesVoice.tv (formerly Newspunch.com and YourNewsWire.com ) Is Some Truth Comingled With Lies & Run by a Man Named Sean Adl-Tabatabai Who is a Pro-Kremlin, Gay Iranian (That calls Himself and his Friends “Liberals”) Who Once Worked for BBC and David Icke
  • The “Trusted News Initiative” Is a Tool to Brainwash the World

PDF: Emergency Freedom Alerts 10-9-23

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Emergency Freedom Alerts: 10-2-23-Part 1

By Dr. Scott Johnson | October 3, 2023

Table of Contents:

  • InfoWars Now Openly Promoting Witchcraft With New Video: Multiple Remote Viewers Warn of World Changing Event at Year’s End
  • Remote Viewing Exposed & Jesus Christ’s Existence Proven a Historical and Biblical Fact By Dr. Scott Johnson | April 10, 2012
  • Globalist Planned ‘World Changing Event’ Seen By Clif High ‘Web Bot’ Project & Growing Number Of ‘Future Forecasters’ AKA “Remote Viewers” Warning Of Coming Cataclysms, ‘End Times’ Catastrophe For Humanity
  • Clif High Exposed & Debunked –A False Prophet Scammer for the Masses – Many in Alternative Media Promoting this Devil! Hear Clif High’s Blasphemous Views on Religion & God! Clif High Openly Calls Himself a Schizophrenic which is a demonic mental disorder characterized by continuous or relapsing episodes of psychosis–Major symptoms include hallucinations (typically hearing voices), delusions, and disorganized thinking– James 1:8: “A double minded man is unstable in all his ways.”
  • Remote Viewing/Astral Projection Exposed [Testimony Video]
  • Warning Regarding JW Tv–He is teaching it is good to Astral Project out of your of your body while you sleep!
  • Globalists have another shock event planned in pursuit of the ‘Four Ds’: Digitization, Dehumanization, Destruction and Depopulation
  • RED OCTOBER IS HERE: Just how many October Surprises will the NWO globalists try pull off? No matter what happens during this RED OCTOBER, the Satanic elite always make good use of this month to prepare for their long-planned American Bolshevik Revolution 
  • Prayer & Fasting Alert: The Occult Holiday/Holydays for October, November and December

PDF: Emergency Freedom Alerts 10-2-23

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Emergency Freedom Alerts: 10-2-23-Part 2

By Dr. Scott Johnson | October 3, 2023

Table of Contents:

  • Biblical Fasting–The Kinds of Fasts and How to Fast Plus Bible Verses on Fasting
  • 3 day/72-hour Fasting Benefits | Why Should You Do A 72-Hour Water Fast
  • AMAZING & SHOCKING 3 Day Water Fasting Results!
  • Vaccine Injury Treatment – Fasting for 48-72 hours creates autophagy – the body’s detox process that kills COVID-19 vaccine spike protein damaged cells and reboots the immune system
  • The Disturbing Connection Between the October 4th EBS & the CCP — Todd Callender Interview
  • Dr Pierre Gilbert (in the year 1995) talks about a forced Vaccine that will turn people into zombies via frequencies
  • Precise Control Brainwaves-Operation Crimson Mist- Rwandan Genocide
  • Subject: Mysterious cell phone signal causes mind control / apocalyptic chaos in the movie: CELL — Based on the Stephen King novel

PDF: Emergency Freedom Alerts 10-2-23

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Emergency Freedom Alerts: 10-2-23-Part 3

By Dr. Scott Johnson | October 3, 2023

Table of Contents:

  • THIS IS ONLY A TEST w/ Deborah Tavares: The upcoming national test of the Emergency Alert System and Wireless Emergency Alerts (that will take over devices on October 4th) is the most intrusive yet leaving us to consider what’s really going on and where it goes from here
  • Listener Question: OK, where specifically do you see any Bible for this?  We are not in the tribulation yet. 
  • Listener Comment: I admit I don’t know much about 5G vs Satellite, etc. but I do not trust FEMA. Obama started this alert system in 2016 and Trump used it in 2018…There is a nefarious reason for implementing alerts, I am sure!
  • Listener Comment: Yes, there’s a lot of evil going on, and many things affecting us all–But remember that God is more powerful than ALL the evil powers and entities and governments.  He is our healer and deliverer, our strength–He gives us wisdom to know how to fight it, and especially knowing how to fight demons trying to get at us on every level and influence us to sin with negative attitudes, resentment or unforgiveness.  He is mighty to save… plus Bible Verses
  • 5G Causing Illnesses, Stabbing Feeling, Migraines, Dizziness, Vertigo, Skin Rashes, Blurred Vision And So Much More!
  • 5G, HUMANS, BEES AND WILDLIFE IN 2023–Babies are being killed by hospitals
  • FYI–CELL TOWER LOCATOR MAP– Find Cell Towers Near Me: The Ultimate Guide for 2023
  • The Government Can Now Use WI-FI To See You In Your Home
  • Scott Johnson’s Recommendations To Protect Yourself From Smart Meters – Wi-Fi – 5G / 4G & Dirty Electricity
  • Listener Comment: solar generators creating emf danger
  • Listener Comment on SMART METERS
  • Scott Johnson’s Comment: For anyone having health issues you cannot figure out, make sure you are aware of the information below, as it could very well be the missing link for many—especially in this day and age where we are being bombarded 24/7 by EMF’s coming at us from every different angle
  • Scott Johnson’s Comment regarding the EMF sleep enclosures or canopy’s
  • Listener Comment & “How To” on Grounding Your Smart Meter–Amazing Before and After Pictures

PDF: Emergency Freedom Alerts 10-2-23

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Emergency Freedom Alerts: 9-18-23

By Dr. Scott Johnson | September 19, 2023

Table of Contents:

  • Updated Group Prayer–List of Current Event Prayer Points–Part 2
  • Laying up Treasure In Heaven
  • Totally Insane: DEMONS in the Music Industry | Doja Cat Demons | Kevin Gates Fallen Angel | Demonic Encounters
  • Doja Cat Speaks On SELLING HER SOUL To Hollywood Elites
  • CCP Satellites Over Maui At Time of Fires–Mounting evidence suggest that Maui fires were caused by Directed Energy Weapons
  • Maui worker’s viral video shows Front Street police roadblock to keep the residents in the kill box for mass incineration!!
  • Maui GAS CHAMBERS?! Is Green’s $1 Billion FEMA Center For Fire Victims About Eugenics/ Depopulation?
  • US Coin shop owners bank accounts are being abruptly closed
  • JP MORGAN CEO SOUNDS ALARM – Dark Winter for Banks
  • Federal Reserve losing $758 Million PER DAY- Now in the Hole for $100 Billion
  • Federal Reserve CBDC & IRS A.I. ‘Crackdown’ Are The Twin-Pronged Attack to Strip Away All Privacy & Freedom–The entire global financial system is now essentially a technocommunist black ops money laundering crime scene. Central banks, their wall street coconspirators and the major corporations are all colluding in ushering in their hyper-centralized CBDC dystopia. This central bank “currency” will of course be inextricably tethered to the A.I. social credit…
  • Bank Deposits Down One Trillion Dollars In 12 Months! – What’s Next?
  • WATCH: WEF Leader Klaus Schwab Worried About Peasants Waging ‘Revolution Against the System ‘In his flawless James Bond villain accent, here’s what warning Schwab has for his globalist colleagues regarding the latent ‘revolution against the system’ 
  • Sheriff John Allen held a press conference on Monday, September 11th to declare his defiance of New Mexico Governor Michelle Lujan Grisham’s emergency health order to suspend the right to carry firearms in most public places around Albuquerque 
  • DHS Awards $20 Million To Program That Flags Americans As Potential “Extremists” For Their Online Speech
  • CDC Admits ~120,000 Children “DIED SUDDENLY” after COVID-19 “Vaccine” Roll-out
  • Big Pharma In Full Panic! Sen. Johnson Exposes “Elite Group” Behind Covid Hysteria
  • Boxloads of New COVID-19″ Death Darts Arrive at US Military Bases Marked “2023-2024”–As if ‘Someone’ Knows Another SCAMdemic Outbreak is right Around the Corner!?!
  • Quantum Dots Or Self Assembled Optogenetic Micro Robots – Inducing Possible Oxidative Stress And Rouleaux Formation In C19 Unvaccinated Blood?
  • Breaking Death Jab Headlines & Reports
  • 5G REMOTE KILL VECTOR: Science paper reveals cell phone signals can activate the release of biological PAYLOADS from graphene oxide injected into the body
  • The Covid Death Shot Includes Wirelessly Activated Electro-Stimulated Nano-therapy Graphene Oxide That Can Activate Deadly Consequences?
  • Fulvic Acid – NAC – Detox Graphene Oxide & Destroy the Covid Bioweapon Spike Protein With Many Other Benefits
  • DEATH JAB Recipients Are WALKING DEAD: Vax ATTACKS Heart/Immune System Leaving Body COMPROMISED! The Unvaccinated Are Being Infected By the Covid Vaxxed & Their Blood (When Looked at Under a Microscope) Proves This & They Are Aging Rapidly– EDTA Chelation Is Essential To Combat This –EDTA is an Antidote For Hydrogel – Heavy Metals – Graphene Oxide

PDF: Emergency Freedom Alerts 9-18-23

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Emergency Freedom Alerts: 9-11-23-Part 1

By Dr. Scott Johnson | September 11, 2023

Table of Contents:

  • Things the Bible Says God Hates
  • ‘Completely Inappropriate’: Oklahoma Elementary School Hires a Drag Queen (who has faced child pornography charges in the past) as Principal!
  • Insane Current Event Headlines
  • Heads Up Regarding September 23rd 2023–Predictive Programming?
  • More Horrors In Maui Hawaii: The Latest On What We Haven’t Been Told
  • Targeted Individuals / TI’s–The US government has been targeting thousands of innocent civilians for decades
  • 5G Marburg virus to be Released by the W.H.O
  • WEF has officially begun advertising the “Marburg virus”, the tests and a ‘vaccine’ against it
  • Previously Covered–DOCTOR’s Findings: Marburg, Aids, Ebola & the C-O-V-I-D Vaxx–Intentional Infection Underway–Breaking J&J vaxx!!! These shots are deleting your genes that repair your damaged DNA!!!! Inducing an AIDS/HIV like condition and that is just a little what is covered here
  • MARBURG VIRUS DISEASE Natural Recommended Protocol
  • Is Selenium Deficiency Behind Ebola, Marburg, AIDS and Other Deadly ...
  • Selenium – Prevents Retroviruses HIV – Marburg – Cocksackie – Hemorrhagic Fever Viruses – Ebola …
  • The Importance of Copper in Fighting Off Ebola & Marburg
  • Vitamin C Is Essential in the Ebola & Marburg treatment
  • Recommended Products Dr. Johnson Carries to build up the Immune System

PDF: Emergency Freedom Alerts 9-11-23

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