"But as the days of Noah were, so shall also the coming of the Son of man be." Matthew 24:37


End Time Current Events-6-10-18-Part 3

By Dr. Scott Johnson | June 11, 2018

Table of Contents:

  • Waiting for Sheriffs Department (child’s skull still decomposing) found VOP Alpha Co Team Pulaski
  • 6/07 Latest update VOP Alpha Arizona More bones (child’s skull still decomposing) found at another location
  • Multiple trailers found and more bones Search & Rescue VOP Alpha #OperationBackyardBrawl
  • *SITREP* 6/07 VOP Alpha Arizona Veterans on Patrol *Search & Rescue*
  • Craig Sawman Sawyer of https://vets4childrescue.org/ and Alex Jones Exposed: Despite all the information documented here Alex Jones & Craig Sawyer are going out of his way to convince their followers there is no validity to any of this; just like Alex Jones did with Comet Ping Pong pedophile scandal!!!!
  • *SitRep VOP Arizona Desert Gas Cards Blessings Utilized for Mountain OP

PDF: End Time Current Events 6-10-18

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End Time Current Events-6-10-18-Part 4

By Dr. Scott Johnson | June 11, 2018

Table of Contents:

  • VOP Update 6-8-2018–VOP thanking the World
  • Bible Verses: New Testament Giving Compared to The Old Testament Levitical Tithe
  • UPDATE from the Arizona Desert VOP Alpha Co *SITREP
  • VOP Alpha Co – Arizona Desert PM Update 2 – 6/9/18
  • Q & A regarding a lot of the recent questions that have come up: VOP Alpha Co – Team Pulaski Morning Update – Tuscon, AZ – 6/10/18
  • From VOP Alpha Co Team Pulaski Facebook Feeds – #OperationBackyardBrawl- Alpha Base (Camp Pulaski) is now open for Child Rescue Operations.
  • VOP ALPHA needs SUPPLIES to sustain the search and rescue missions for children and women being trafficked and brutalized, in the Arizona desert.

PDF: End Time Current Events 6-10-18

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End Time Current Events-6-3-18-Part 1

By Dr. Scott Johnson | June 4, 2018

Table of Contents:

  • Bible Verses on Health
  • 4,655 Reported UFO Sightings in 2017; 490 in California…
  • US aircraft carrier was stalked for days by a UFO traveling at ‘ballistic missile speed’ which could hover above the sea for six days, leaked Pentagon report reveals
  • UFO sighting reports are increasing
  • Presidential quotes about UFOs
  • WARNING! UFO Disclosure is IMMINENT!
  • The Day the Earth Stands Still: The Secret Effort behind Official Disclosure Finally Revealed!

PDF: End Time Current Events 6-3-18

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End Time Current Events-6-3-18-Part 2

By Dr. Scott Johnson | June 4, 2018

Table of Contents:

  • The Nephilim And The Alien Gospel Deception

PDF: End Time Current Events 6-3-18

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End Time Current Events-5-27-18-Part 1

By Dr. Scott Johnson | May 28, 2018

Table of Contents:

  • Bible Verses on Meekness & Temperance
  • Arrested, Tried, and Sentenced in UNDER ONE HOUR for Exposing the Muslim Child Pedophile Grooming Gangs! Tommy Robinson of EDL in the UK
  • Tommy Robinson Jailed | Sacrificed By The British State | #FreeTommy
  • Tommy Robinson Arrested and Imprisoned, Media Silenced | Stefan Molyneux

PDF: End Time Current Events 5-27-18

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End Time Current Events-5-27-18-Part 2

By Dr. Scott Johnson | May 28, 2018

Table of Contents:

  • UK: Descent into POLICE STATE
  • The BBC Is A Home For Radical Leftists & Racists
  • Tommy Robinson Sent to Prison– Lauren Southern
  • Islamic terrorists have carried out more than 33,176 deadly terror attacks since 9/11
  • Sexual Perversion in Islam (Beyond Evil!!!!!)
  • Muslim Brotherhood ‘paying gangs to go out and rape women and beat men protesting in Egypt’ as thousands of demonstrators pour on to the streets–’Men don’t have to worry about being caught’ The “Religion of Peace” strikes again: Sex mobs target Egypt’s women
  • Christian Girls in Egypt Kidnapped by Muslims, Raped & Converted
  • The Quran’s Evil Missing Verses on Stopping Lust by Letting Wives Breastfeed Younger Adult Men
  • Many Moroccan Muslims get rabies from raping donkey
  • California Muslim Hader Nasim tells his hired hit-man to: Run Over My Pregnant Wife and Park on Her Head to Make Sure She’s Dead–Why did he want to have her killed? There were difficulties in the marriage and Nasim had already been through one divorce. 
  • Christian Blood For Saudi Arabia Is Big Business (Stunning Video)
  • Extremely Deadly Virus Will Come From The Muslim World who love to drink camel urine
  • Fox News Confirms Tommy Robinson Sentenced 13 Months For Reporting on Pedophile Grooming Trial–Unprecedented: Media told not to report on Soviet-style disappearance

PDF: End Time Current Events 5-27-18

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End Time Current Events-5-27-18-Part 3

By Dr. Scott Johnson | May 28, 2018

Table of Contents:

  • Vatican Pedophile Ring, Child Trafficking, Mass Graves and Missing Children
  • ‘And award for biggest pedophile goes to…’: Shock Billboards Go Up Around Oscars
  • Documentary Filmmaker Launches White House Petition For Commission On Hollywood Child Abuse–Gabe Hoffman is asking for signatures for President Trump to appoint a Presidential Commission on child sex abuse in America.
  • Hollywood’s Pedophile Collapse
  • Nicole Kidman: ‘Stanley Kubrick Said Pedophiles Run the World’

PDF: End Time Current Events 5-27-18

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End Time Current Events-5-27-18-Part 4

By Dr. Scott Johnson | May 28, 2018

Table of Contents:

  • Wikileaks Bomb! Bush Stopped Pedophile Investigations!
  • The Bushes (Both Presidents) Attended My Father’s Satanic Sacrifices! Anthony Lavey  
  • Legendary Navy SEAL Launches Operation To Expose Pedophiles

PDF: End Time Current Events 5-27-18

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End Time Current Events-5-20-18-Part 1

By Dr. Scott Johnson | May 21, 2018

Table of Contents:

  • Bible Verses
  • SES and Serco plan to control the world–“Wet-Ware” Soft Kill Plan Is Happening, but Can Be Stopped: Defund Them Now!
  • SERCO Owns the World | Big Brother Watch
  • The REAL Deep State (Senior Executive Service)
  • Senior Executive Service Exposed

PDF: End Time Current Events 5-20-18

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End Time Current Events-5-20-18-Part 2

By Dr. Scott Johnson | May 21, 2018

Table of Contents:

  • Vaccine Mandates, Strategic Social Strategy – The Gateway into the Transhumanism Movement
  • 2045: A New Transhuman Era for Humanity
  • Did You Know That Dozens of Genetically Modified Babies Have Already Been Born? – How Will They Alter Human Species?
  • Scientists create first human-sheep hybrids – paving the way for organs to be grown in animals for transplant
  • Does the Government Own Your Organs? What You a Don’t Know Can Kill You | Dr Paul A Byrne MD
  • Proactive Steps to Take: Life Guardian Foundation To Protect and Preserve Life

PDF: End Time Current Events 5-20-18

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