"But as the days of Noah were, so shall also the coming of the Son of man be." Matthew 24:37


End Time Current Events-4-29-18-Part 3

By Dr. Scott Johnson | April 30, 2018

Table of Contents:

  • EMP Director Sounds Alarm: ‘90% Will Die—If We’re Not Prepared’
  • Huge secret UN facility beneath Mt. Mitchell, NC
  • Projections For Who Wins WWIII?

PDF: End Time Current Events 4-29-18

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End Time Current Events-4-15-18-Part 1

By Dr. Scott Johnson | April 17, 2018

Table of Contents: 

  • The Hillary Child-Sex Tape Is Worse Than You Can Imagine #PEDOVORE

PDF: End Time Current Events 4-15-18

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End Time Current Events-4-15-18-Part 2

By Dr. Scott Johnson | April 17, 2018

Table of Contents: 

  • Bible Study on the Wicked
  • Liz Crokin Knows That ‘A Video Of Hillary Clinton Sexually Abusing A Child Exists’
  • Hillary Huma Rape Tape Leaked, Sources Report!
  • Hillary Raped Me!  Says Cathy Obrien

PDF: End Time Current Events 4-15-18

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End Time Current Events-4-15-18-Part 3

By Dr. Scott Johnson | April 17, 2018

Table of Contents: 

  • NYPD Has Pedophile Evidence On Clintons
  • Russia warns of ‘consequences’ for US-led strike on Syria as Putin blasts ‘act of aggression’
  • ‘Assad had no reason to launch chem attack, unlike those who want US involvement’ – Ron Paul

PDF: End Time Current Events 4-15-18

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End Time Current Events-4-15-18-Part 4

By Dr. Scott Johnson | April 17, 2018

Table of Contents:

  • Tucker Carlson: Why is Washington united behind a war in Syria?
  • US training Syrian terrorists for false flag chemical attack as basis for airstrikes
  • Eyewitness Testimonies During Syria “Chemical Attack’” Explain How Video Was Staged
  • May’s Government Lied About Nerve Agent Used In Skripal Poisoning
  • Bombshell: Top US General Says Syria Attack Was Staged, Exposes Secret Plan
  • Act of War: The Real Reason Syria was Attacked
  • Israel Attacking Iran’s Bases in Syria!
  • U.S. Ambassador Nikki Haley Arrogantly Leaves UN Security Council Meeting Rather than listen to what Syria’s UN Representative has to say
  • U.S. To Impose New Sanctions On Russia Over Syrian False Flag Chemical Attack New US foreign policy: punish those who fight ISIS
  • Trump vows to sanction MORE airstrikes against Syria if Assad dares to use chemical weapons again
  • Trump Signals US Backed Muslim Terrorist Rebels: Commit More Chemical Attacks And I Will Blame Assad
  • President Trump is prepared to strike the Syrian government again should another chemical attack occur – regardless of who perpetrated it.
  • 200 US Military Killed in Syria! 1800 Private Contractors! Censored by Washington!

PDF: End Time Current Events 4-15-18

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End Time Current Events-4-15-18-Part 5

By Dr. Scott Johnson | April 17, 2018

Table of Contents:

  • Syria Tells UN America Has Genetically Modified Supersoldiers Deployed in Country
  • Anunnaki Harvesting Human Corpses in Syria
  • Nibiru Anunnaki Slaughter Russian Soldiers in Syria
  • Russian-Turkish Forces Clash With Anunnaki In Syria
  • Anunnaki Whistle-Blower Strelnikov Isaac Stepanovich Spills The Beans
  • SCARY: Putin Warns Of GM Super Human Soldiers That Are Worse Than Nukes
  • Giant Nephilim super soldier in our military in Ferguson Missouri

PDF: End Time Current Events 4-15-18

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End Time Current Events-4-15-18-Part 6

By Dr. Scott Johnson | April 17, 2018

Table of Contents:

  • Part 1–Mounting Evidence Points to a Deep State Coup Has Seized the Presidency

PDF: End Time Current Events 4-15-18

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End Time Current Events-4-15-18-Part 7

By Dr. Scott Johnson | April 17, 2018

Table of Contents:

  • Part 2–Mounting Evidence Points to a Deep State Coup Has Seized the Presidency

PDF: End Time Current Events 4-15-18

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End Time Current Events-4-8-18-Part 1

By Dr. Scott Johnson | April 9, 2018

Table of Contents: 

  • False Flag Chemical Attack Staged! Trump Pushes Fake News About Syria! Who’s Triggering World War 3? False Flag Chemical Attack In Douma Staged So Neocons Can Justify Invasion Of Syria & President Trump appears to be fully on board with this conspiratorial plot
  • Trump threatens “Animal Assad,” Putin over alleged chemical attack in Syria
  • Urgent!! – DHS Initiating Media Censorship – Including Journalist, Editors & Bloggers–Homeland Security Initiating Communist Protocol On Media Immediately!
  • California Bill Creates “Fact-Checkers” To Filter Your Online Content

PDF: End Time Current Events 4-8-18

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End Time Current Events-4-8-18-Part 2

By Dr. Scott Johnson | April 9, 2018

Table of Contents: 

  • All Evidence Points Towards False Flag In Syria
  • YouTube Announces Plans To Kill The 1st And 2nd Amendments
  • PJW: The Truth About the Chemical Weapons Attack in Syria–This is total lunacy
  • Kucinich: No evidence Assad was behind chemical attacks

PDF: End Time Current Events 4-8-18

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