"But as the days of Noah were, so shall also the coming of the Son of man be." Matthew 24:37


End Time Current Events-3-25-18-Part 4

By Dr. Scott Johnson | March 26, 2018

Table of Contents:

  • “Come Arrest Me” Dana Loesch Fires Back Against Kathleen Rice | Tucker Carlson
  • Oregon Initiative Requires Gun Owners To Surrender ‘Assault Weapons’
  • Marxist Wolves Circle the 2nd Amendment
  • Freedom from war: The United States program for general and complete disarmament in a peaceful world (United States Department of State Publication) DEPARTMENT OF STATE PUBLICATION 7277 is DOCUMENTED PROOF that their goal is for citizens to be disarmed COMPLETELY and under the control of the United Nations
  • Trump White House Declares Support for California-Style Gun Confiscation Orders
  • On a Collision Course for Civil War and it Will Begin in California
  • Calexit, MS-13, ISIS and the Deep State Have Commenced the Revolution – Game On!

PDF: End Time Current Events 3-25-18

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End Time Current Events-3-11-18-Part 1

By Dr. Scott Johnson | March 12, 2018

Table of Contents: 

  • Bible Verses on Faith
  • Gun Confiscation Getting Very Close in Illinois: It is no longer a conspiracy theory spawned by deplorable bitter clingers, but a creeping reality Americans could be facing soon
  • US Representative Thomas Massie warning on gun control
  • Seattle Police Begin NAZI STYLE Gun Confiscation: No Laws Broken, No Warrant, No Charges
  • Listener Comment About Gun Control and the Insanity in Seattle
  • Slippery Slope? DoJ Takes First Step To Ban Bump Stocks
  • Gun Confiscation Beta Tests Are Spreading Across the Country
  • Breaking! Gun Confiscation Beta Test In Redlands, CA

PDF: End Time Current Events 3-11-18

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End Time Current Events-3-11-18-Part 2

By Dr. Scott Johnson | March 12, 2018

Table of Contents: 

  • US Government is Trying To Use Psychiatric Drugs & The Violence They Produce to Confiscate Firearms From All Law Abiding Citizens
  • Watch: Ex-Military Teacher Exposes Parkland Shooting Narrative
  • Pennsylvania and Hawaii Begin Gun Confiscation of Medical Marijuana Users
  • The Medical Applications and Benefits of CBD Oil and Cannabis 
  • How does Cannabis Compare to Tobacco and Alcohol Statistically
  • Listener Comment: I use to make RSO…. for cancer patients in Oregon…all these laws are to keep us sick in the end…
  • Legalizing Marijuana Decreases Fatal Opiate Overdoses, Study Shows

PDF: End Time Current Events 3-11-18

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End Time Current Events-3-11-18-Part 3

By Dr. Scott Johnson | March 12, 2018

Table of Contents: 

  • Watch “Big Pharma Terrified That Medical Marijuana Will Kill Their Deadly Opioid Business” on YouTube
  • A History of the War on Cannabis
  • Conservative Judge Jim Gray on Cannabis & the Six Groups Who Benefit From Drug Prohibition
  • Incredible Marijuana Research Shows Many Crohn’s Disease Patients Are in Remission by Using It & Proves Dr Drew Even More Wrong

PDF: End Time Current Events 3-11-18

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End Time Current Events-3-11-18-Part 4

By Dr. Scott Johnson | March 12, 2018

Table of Contents: 

  • Stunning: Parkinson’s Sufferer Takes Medical Marijuana For First Time
  • What does the research say about CBD? There are many potential health benefits being uncovered
  • Extreme Hypocrisy Alert!!!: US Troops Protecting Opium/Heroin in Afghanistan
  • U.S. Marines Guard Afghanistan Poppy Field
  • US invaded Afghanistan to restore heroin industry – So how is their heroin industry now

PDF: End Time Current Events 3-11-18

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End Time Current Events-3-11-18-Part 5

By Dr. Scott Johnson | March 12, 2018

Table of Contents:

  • Congressman Grills Jeff Sessions Over Federal Marijuana Laws
  • US Rep. at Pot Hearing–Rep. Steve Cohen asks Dep. Director of Drug Control Policy to explain US’s equal treatment of pot and heroin
  • Congressman Destroys War on Marijuana in Four Minutes
  • Jeff Sessions’ War on Marijuana Is Just Beginning–Rescinding the Cole memo could be just the start
  • Senator Cory Booker (D-NJ) on Attorney General Jeff Sessions’ marijuana policy change (C-SPAN)
  • GOP senator rips Sessions over rescinding the Cole memo marijuana policy

PDF: End Time Current Events 3-11-18

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End Time Current Events-3-4-18-Part 1

By Dr. Scott Johnson | March 5, 2018

Table of Contents: 

  • Watch the Google & Youtube Banned Parkland Shooting & Sandy Hook Video! Video Montage Totally Blows Away the Fake News Narrative!! Censored By All Fake News!
  • Trump Caving On the Second Amendment—Enthusiastically Agreeing with the Worst Gun Grabbing Democratic Politicians Out There

PDF: End Time Current Events 3-4-18

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End Time Current Events-3-4-18-Part 2

By Dr. Scott Johnson | March 5, 2018

Table of Contents: 

  • Romans 13 & Unlimited Subservience to the Government: Where should a Bible Believing Christian Draw the Line?
  • Washington State Passes Bump Stock Confiscation Law
  • Trump betraying core campaign promises on guns
  • Trump Turns & Gun Control!
  • In-Your-Face PROOF: A TOTAL Gun Ban is the Stated Plan!
  • This is an excerpt from a Military Arms Channel interview with Rick Vasquez

PDF: End Time Current Events 3-4-18

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End Time Current Events-3-4-18-Part 3

By Dr. Scott Johnson | March 5, 2018

Table of Contents: 

  • We’re Going To Take A Stand” – Dick’s Sporting Goods Stops Selling ‘Assault Rifles’ Permanently
  • “YouTube” Is Purging Independent Media Channels But We Have A Solution!
  • From 2013: 72 Killed Resisting Gun Confiscation in Boston

PDF: End Time Current Events 3-4-18

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End Time Current Events-3-4-18-Part 4

By Dr. Scott Johnson | March 5, 2018

Table of Contents: 

  • Emergency Transmission: Massive Purge To End Internet Freedom Right Now
  • The Truth Behind YouTube’s Purge Of Conservatives, Christians and the 2nd Amendment
  • Perfect Storm Brewing As Secret ‘ISIS Kill List’ Provides Plausible Deniability To Those ‘Manipulating And Facilitating Events’ To Round Up & Execute ‘Red-List’ Americans- List Of Guns Democrats Want To Ban Here – ‘They’re Coming For Almost Everything!’

PDF: End Time Current Events 3-4-18

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