"But as the days of Noah were, so shall also the coming of the Son of man be." Matthew 24:37


End Time Current Events-1-29-18-Part 3

By Dr. Scott Johnson | January 29, 2018

Table of Contents:

  • Scott Johnson’s Alternate Email Address
  • 50% Off Sale on Select Clinical Nutritional Supplements Dr. Johnson Carries
  • Science Being Ignored As Deaths from the Flu Continue to Mount Among Mass Flu Vaccinated Population
  • Death “NOW” again spiking straight up from January’s Flu Epidemic
  • Current FLU = Biological Warfare ATTACK!
  • The State with the Sickest Children has the Highest Vaccination Rates
  • ACTION ALERT: Oppose Unconstitutional State Forced Vaccine Tracking of Your Family – OPPOSE SB 1680 and HB 1045 (FL) Plus New Vaccine Law at HHS
  • Max Adult Dosage for Flu as Invive Silver Advises
  • Dr. Johnson’s Flu & Cold Protocol
  • Simple Natural Protocols For: Lung Infections, Sinus Infections & Otitis Media (ear infections)

PDF: End Time Current Events 1-29-18

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End Time Current Events-1-14-18-Part 1

By Dr. Scott Johnson | January 15, 2018

Table of Contents: 

  • ++ The Return of Deborah Tavares—CA FIRES, EARTHQUAKE, 5G ATTACK PLANS

PDF: End Time Current Events 1-14-18

Click Here To Play The Part 1 Audio

End Time Current Events-1-14-18-Part 2

By Dr. Scott Johnson | January 15, 2018

Table of Contents: 

  • Chilling 5G Updates
  • Incomprehensible Chemtrail Updates
  • A Planned Genocide in the Making: The Final Solution for White Males

PDF: End Time Current Events 1-14-18

Click Here To Play The Part 2 Audio

End Time Current Events-1-14-18-Part 3

By Dr. Scott Johnson | January 15, 2018

Table of Contents:

  • ++ Oprah Winfrey Exposed
  • Scott Johnson Update

PDF: End Time Current Events 1-14-18

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End Time Current Events-1-1-18 – Part 1

By Dr. Scott Johnson | January 2, 2018

Table of Contents:  

  • 5G and The AI Control Grid
  • Sophia the AI Robot Says The Most Evil Things! HAS THE SINGULARITY HAPPENED? Artificial Intelligence
  • Robot Who Has Repeatedly Said It Would ‘Destroy Humans’ Becomes First Official Robot Citizen In World–The Bible predicts this is how it would look before the End
  • MORE PROOF that A.I. was Predicted in the Bible!

PDF: End Time Current Events 1-1-18

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End Time Current Events-1-1-18 – Part 2

By Dr. Scott Johnson | January 2, 2018

Table of Contents: 

  • SOON: AI to Create Indistinguishable “False Reality”–Humanity soon won’t distinguish reality from simulation
  • They Are Teaching Us To Worship AI ELECTRIC GODS
  • Ex-Google Engineer Is Making An AI God And People Will Worship It

PDF: End Time Current Events 1-1-18

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End Time Current Events-12-18-17

By Dr. Scott Johnson | December 20, 2017

Table of Contents:

  • Skynet Lasers Are Attacking California! If United Nations Is Attacking California, Who Controls The United Nations? The Satanic Elite Attacking The Common People And Their Food Supply
  • California Fires: Laser Beams From the Sky – Be Warned – They Are in Full Swing!
  • California governor blames devastating wildfires on climate change and says deadly winter infernos will be ‘the new normal’
  • Listener Comment With Documentation: Pilates and Yoga Connection – 2 similar spiritual practices
  • Dr. Johnson’s Cold, Flu and Immune System Recommendations & Products
  • What is your current liver gallbladder detox protocol & cost?
  • Protocol for Type 2 diabetes?
  • Protocol for sleep apnea?
  • Best Overall Supplements for Joint Health?
  • What can be done to Eliminate Gout?
  • Cavities-Toothaches-Root Canals-Loose Teeth-Gum Issues & General Tooth Health

PDF: End Time Current Events 12-18-17

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End Time Current Events-12-3-17–Part 1

By Dr. Scott Johnson | December 4, 2017

Table of Contents: 

  • Bible Verses From Proverbs 10

PDF: End Time Current Events 12-3-17

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End Time Current Events-12-3-17–Part 2

By Dr. Scott Johnson | December 4, 2017

Table of Contents: 

  • Commentary–Trump Has No Choice! Countercoup Must Go ‘Nuclear’!
  • Trump pulls U.S. out of United Nations Global Compact on Migration
  • Cops & Gov’t Workers Arrested in Massive Sting, People Buying Kids as Young as 4 for Sex

PDF: End Time Current Events 12-3-17

Click Here To Play The Part 2 Audio

End Time Current Events-12-3-17–Part 3

By Dr. Scott Johnson | December 4, 2017

Table of Contents:

  • X22Report Something The Cabal Never Saw Coming That Will Shatter Their Entire Plan
  • US Orders ‘Largest-Ever’ Military Drill To Simulate War With NKorea
  • America’s Going On High Alert-Paul Martin
  • Christians Don’t Have Anything To Do Yoga or Orgone / Sherry Shriner!
  • Scott Johnson’s Teachings on Witchcraft and the New Age

PDF: End Time Current Events 12-3-17

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