"But as the days of Noah were, so shall also the coming of the Son of man be." Matthew 24:37


Emergency Freedom Alerts: 9-11-23-Part 2

By Dr. Scott Johnson | September 11, 2023

Table of Contents:

  • RED ALERT: Bioweaponized mosquitos DROPPED on migrant invasion camps in Panama as DISEASE VECTOR DELIVERY SYSTEM targeting USA
  • Growing Number of Leprosy Cases Reported After the COVID-19 Devil Jab
  • ‘Vaccine’ Crime Evidence Provided to Texas Prosecutors and Law Enforcement
  • National American Renaissance Movement has just submitted an 83 page Grand Jury petition containing evidence of C19 ‘vaccine’ crimes to the Texas Governor, Attorney General, along with County District Attorneys and County Sheriffs across the state–Besides Texas, previously this evidence was submitted to prosecutors and sheriffs in Idaho, Florida and New Jersey–The Document states C19 shots should be: “Banned Immediately and Criminal Investigations Should Begin”
  • FL- Indian River GOP 10th County to ‘Pass Ban the Jab’ Resolution!

PDF: Emergency Freedom Alerts 9-11-23

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Emergency Freedom Alerts: 9-4-23-Part 1

By Dr. Scott Johnson | September 5, 2023

Table of Contents:

  • Updated Group Prayer–List of Current Event Prayer Points–Part 1
  • Maui Fires and & More Irrefutable Proof of Directed Energy Weapons
  • More Maui Premeditated Holocaust Headlines
  • Maui–This woman calls Oprah out
  • Contaminating the Crime Scene and Tampering With The Evidence of the Maui Mass Murder Event– EPA To FORCIBLY Spray Soil Tackifier Pink Goo On The Maui Victim Properties; CRIME SCENE TAMPERING!
  • Former Proud Boys leader Joe Biggs sobs during sentencing as he’s given 17 YEARS in prison over January 6 after begging court not to separate him from his daughter and cancer-stricken mom
  • Trump Exposed Again
  • Trump flew on Jeffrey Epstein’s private Lolita Express jet SIX more times than was previously known, flight logs reveal after new documents were released at Ghislaine Maxwell trial–Donald Trump flew 4 times in 1993, once in 1994, once in 1995 and once in 1997–Most flights were from Palm Beach, where he and Epstein had homes, to Newark–Flights revealed in new documents released in Ghislaine Maxwell sex abuse trial–Bill Clinton, Prince Andrew, Alan Dershowitz also among guests
  • WATCH: Mustachioed Men Wearing Dress Working As ‘Fairy Godmothers’ At Disneyland–Disney openly promoting transgenderism to children with new ‘tranny godmothers’
  • VIDEO: Leftists Confronted by Their Own Collapsed Civilization Awaken from Their Trance to Realize The Error of Their Ways
  • Black African Maniacs Chant Kill The White Farmer: With the Help of Their Satanic Government The South African White Genocide OUT OF CONTROL
  • Extreme Global Internet CENSORSHIP: Draconian New Law Took Effect On August 25th

PDF: Emergency Freedom Alerts 9-4-23

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Emergency Freedom Alerts: 9-4-23-Part 2

By Dr. Scott Johnson | September 5, 2023

Table of Contents:

  • Extent Of De-Banking Revealed: Nearly One Million UK Accounts Shut In Past Four Years
  • The Coming 2024 Climate lockdowns in the UK 15-minute cities
  • Defense Dept to Crack Down on ‘Disinformation’ (ANY COUNTER TO LIES) on Social Media with the Help of AI–This comes despite court order by federal judge barring government censorship of American speech using Big Tech or third-party groups. 
  • WHAT IS PRIMARY WATER & THE SCAM OF WATER OUTAGES Kent and Sussex hosepipe ban announced amid water shortage – BBC News – UK
  • Recycled TOXIC water from sewers (Feces, Urine and Pharma Drugs) coming to your neighborhood taps for drinking, bathing, watering plants, for your pets and everything else you use water for
  • Recycled water from sewers coming to California taps
  • China Retaliates Over Fukushima Water Dump: Blocks Seafood Imports As Nobody ‘Wants To Eat Radioactive Salmon’ The nuclear-contaminated wastewater discharged by Japan is polluting the seas 
  • Cancer Risk Surges From Even Tiny Trace of Tritium, Expert Warns Amid Fukushima Water Dump 
  • Biden’s new crackdown on another appliance will be worse than gas stoves–It’s not just stoves, Biden is going after air conditioners and other home appliances
  • Bill Gates’ NEW Plan to Ban Meat…. Is Bill Gates orchestrating a master plan to ban meat, pushing the world towards synthetic alternatives? In this video, we unravel a potential scheme linking Gates to the rise in meat allergies and his vested interests in the synthetic food industry.
  • Frankenfood — The ‘Bloody’ Truth About Lab-Grown Meat–Most cultured meat companies still use fetal bovine serum as the growth medium, which is obtained from unborn calves that are cut out of the womb and drained of their blood while still alive– Hence, most claims of cultured meat being animal-free or free of animal cruelty are totally false!
  • History Of Weaponized Insects And Bugs: As The Climate Change Cult Insists We Stop Eating Meat, Suddenly Ticks Are Causing Deadly Allergies To Meat—What is Alpha-Gal Syndrome or AGS
  • CDC Warns of Red Meat AGS Allergy Caused by Lone Star Ticks An ‘Emerging Public Health Concern’
  • Regarding a good tick repellant there are several natural ones listed here (without DEET—which is horrible) that have 4.5 stars
  • Mild Silver Protein Therapy-Dosage Guidelines for Lyme Disease & Alpha-Gal Syndrome or AGS

PDF: Emergency Freedom Alerts 9-4-23

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Emergency Freedom Alerts: 8-28-23-Part 1

By Dr. Scott Johnson | August 28, 2023

Table of Contents:

  • OPERATION INCINERATE LAHAINA: Secret Details of the “Shock and Awe” Execution Plan– A Gladio-style, DARPA-Directed, NATO-Overseen, U.S. Military Executed, Advanced AI-Driven, Full Spectrum Attack Against Lahaina, Maui, Hawaii With Multiple Goals & Objectives
  • As Reported Last Week: Maui Residents Burned To Death In Their Cars Because Of Barricades Blocking Their EscapeMost who obeyed the order to turn around were incinerated
  • Exposed! They’re All In On It! Maui Massacre!
  • They made sure the people in Maui could not leave the incineration kill zone in their vehicles—premeditated mass murder
  • FYI: Reprobate Devil Alex Jones’ true Satanic colors are shining more and more by the day!!! Denying the DEW’s Aspect of the Maui Massacre & Advocating the Lying Inaccurate PCR Covid Tests (Right before another Fake SCAMdemic is coming) & Worst of All Praising a Transvestite (Biological Male) while telling him how good he looks & That God is Working Through “Her”
  • Alex Jones Trannygate Explodes! You Decide!
  • The Truth About Alex Jones — Was Caught Looking at Transgender Porn on Live Stream
  • Hawaiian Governor Green had already cleared the way to take the land that was incinerated in Maui/Lahaina long BEFORE the DEW’s mass murder attack ever occurred!  Plus the FEMA supplied emergency drinking water is making the Maui residents sick
  • FEMA Order Surfaces for Full Media ‘Blackout’ of Maui Disaster Images
  • They’re erecting a huge dust screen around the Lahaina massacre zone but what’s there to hide?  No freedom of the press? They will arrest you for trespassing because they now occupy and own the land. Period.
  • COVER-UP: Licensed operator says his drone was force-grounded upon nearing site of Maui Fire origin, then he was visited by government agents
  • 79 Arsonists Arrested in Greece for Starting ‘Climate Change’ Fires–Politicians blamed the blaze on climate change before the cause was even officially determined
  • CANADIAN GOVT STARTS FIRE UPWIND FROM HOUSES & ATTACK VICTIMS WITH ROADBLOCKS– Canadian Police ARE BLOCKING Food & Vital Supplies & Local Firefighters are FORBIDDEN while the “real” firefighters are standing down!!!
  • BOMBSHELL: Shuswap Fires INTENTIONALLY LIT By Canadian Authorities With PLANNED IGNITION!!!

PDF: Emergency Freedom Alerts 8-28-23

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Emergency Freedom Alerts: 8-28-23-Part 2

By Dr. Scott Johnson | August 28, 2023

Table of Contents:

  • Witnesses Expose Something Super Strange During US and Canadian Wildfires- In this case they are showing the actual jet they used (with the flight logs) & mounted lasers (DEWs)!! It’s a small private jet too, not big military jet
  • Listener Audio: DEW Electromagnetic Warfare Against The Population, Gangstalking and Targeted Individuals
  • Listener Comment: Seems like the whole world is on fire!
  • They are just outright blowing houses up now
  • “I’ve Never Seen Anything Like This”: Mysterious Illegal Chinese Bio-Lab Found In Remote California City
  • Evidence of Crimes Against Humanity – Nanotechnology Found in Both Vaxxed And Un-Vaxxed
  • Covid Shot Shedding Protection Protocol
  • Supplement Protocol To Protect and Detox From Being Around the Covid Jabbed
  • Are Hospitals Forcibly Giving Patients A Covid Vaccine While Under Anesthesia?
  • The Next Covid SCAMdemic is upon us now!!! It is out in the open!!!
  • LIKE CLOCKWORK: Hollywood studios led by Lionsgate re-implement forced masking, daily testing for second round of COVID TYRANNY
  • Fauci Declares –That ALL Unvaccinated Citizens Must Be Locked Down This Winter!
  • Biden Admin Preparing to Bring Back FULL Covid Restrictions, Rollout to Begin Mid-September
  • Breaking–Biden plans to ask Congress for funding to develop new COVID vaccine–will recommend shot for all
  • Face Masks & Covid Fact Sheet
  • The Covid nasal Test Exposed
  • Blood Money–Doctors Received Cash Rewards for Every Patient (On a lucrative incentivized sliding scale)That They Got Covid Jabbed
  • Doctors are given bonuses from Big Pharma if they meet certain quotas for getting their young patients (many under the age of 2!) vaccinated as the screenshot below illustrates! White Hot Hellfire Awaits!!!
  • CDC “annual vaccinations” From the link below: “July 30, 2023, it was reported that the Director of the Center for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) recently said the CDC will likely announce in early Sept. that citizens should take an annual vaccination for Covid-19”
  • VIDEO: The verdict is in — no one can claim to be ‘pro life’ while continuing to support mRNA injections: ‘We’ve brought the receipts …These are absolute criminals’ 
  • Covid-19 Shots–Spiritual Implications 

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Emergency Freedom Alerts: 8-21-23-Part 1

By Dr. Scott Johnson | August 22, 2023

Table of Contents:

  • Updated Group Prayer–List of Current Event Prayer Points–Part 2
  • Hundreds If Not Thousands of Dead! Burned Alive! Survivor Tells What She Saw In Maui!!
  • Evidence keeps mounting that the #Lahaina fires were DELIBERATELY shaped:
  • Evidence of Directed Energy Weapons in the Lāhainā fire (40 seconds) Watch for the pulse flashes. (video)
  • It would seem the fires in Maui knew not to destroy the rich people’s houses?
  • Maui fires videos (unofficial) being pulled down from the internet – It was a directed energy attack
  • Listener Comment and Picture — DEW ATTACK AT PARADISE VALLEY CA IN 2018
  • FIRSTHAND TESTIMONY from couple who jumped into ocean to escape Maui DEW’s Attack Police forced them to flee back towards the fire and blocked the roads!!!!!!
  • Post by Theresa M Long, MD, MPH, FS: A good friend of mine and doctor on Maui told me fishermen have already pulled over 800 dead bodies out of the ocean
  • Mayor of Lahaina is evicting residents with perfectly good standing homes, forcing them to move to somewhere else before September 31st, so they can build a “Command Center”; Hawaii governor Green was keynote speaker at UN Economic & Social Council on July 12 and 19th 2023 in NYC  
  • Now we know why Oprah Winfrey is being seriously investigated by regular Hawaiians who live is Maui!
  • Oprah Winfrey INVESTIGATED for Maui Fires! (video)
  • Burning People Out is Easier than Eminent Domain!
  • Listener Comment: Maui Massacre summed up
  • Satanically Amazing!!!! A Pro ‘Climate Change’ book based on MAUIGEDDON was published less than two days after DEW-triggered firestorm hit Maui!
  • See how even the scientific data proves that the manmade Canadian fires are triggered by pervasive acts of pyroterrorism
  • How about this for in your face: “Mountain DEW Maui Burst” Softdrink–DEW = directed energy weapon-Maui, Hawaii = Where the city, people and animals were incinerated <<“DEW with a Blast….”This is a real flavor since 2019
  • The Polynesian Tiki Pagan gods Linked To Evil

PDF: Emergency Freedom Alerts 8-21-23

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Emergency Freedom Alerts: 8-21-23-Part 2

By Dr. Scott Johnson | August 22, 2023

Table of Contents:

  • Lying propaganda From The History Channel–Ancient Aliens: STAR PORTAL DISCOVERED IN HAWAII
  • King Charles called on to ‘release the truth’ on UFOs, prepare religious for impact of ET lifeFox News
  • Bible Verses On The Two Foundations Jesus Talks About
  • Major UFO Disclosures are coming in the US and Worldwide in closing months of 2023!
  • Mainstream News Reporting 7ft Aliens Attack Village in Peru — August 2023
  • Aliens attack Peru village! 7ft creatures seen floating in mid-air | Redacted with special guest Timothy Alberino
  • Strange Alien Attack In Peru (They’re Not Showing You This)
  • After Peru Alien Attack| Most Will Have No Idea What’s Coming Next

PDF: Emergency Freedom Alerts 8-21-23

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Emergency Freedom Alerts: 8-21-23-Part 3

By Dr. Scott Johnson | August 22, 2023

Table of Contents:

  • The History Channel Covers the Giants and UFO’s of Guadalcanal / Solomon Islands
  • The History Channel Plays a Huge Part in Undermining The Word of God and Asks a Question: “Was Noah (of the Bible) an Alien?”
  • No explanation for ‘mystery liquid’ falling from sky over neighborhood
  • OK! What is this in “our” water supply? Black Goo?!
  • What does Black Goo & Graphene Oxide have to do with Lady Gaga’s Perfume, Kim Kardashian’s Costume and Greta Thunberg?
  • A Huge Threat to Humanity? Black Goo — Seen most recently in sci-fi shows like Westworld and Severance (but previously in Stranger Things – The X-files – Prometheus & Aliens) the sinister substance also exists in the real world
  • X-Files–Subject: Sentient Fluid Black Goo

PDF: Emergency Freedom Alerts 8-21-23

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Emergency Freedom Alerts: 8-7-23-Part 1

By Dr. Scott Johnson | August 7, 2023

Table of Contents:

  • The Hum – The Strange Sound Heard All Over the World
  • Listener Comment: Incredible Video | The Hum noise–Now these videos are showing up in my YouTube feed
  • Listener Comment: Strange Chaotic Events Changing Everything
  • Listener Comment: Something major is up and I can confirm a rumbling sound not normal whole east coast is getting reports of ground moving and wobbling up the east coast, can u confirm this info? Have u see anything, are u feeling any wobbling, humming or booms?
  • Something BIG Is Up Guys, We GOTTA Talk NOW! Something is Shaking Areas primarily in the Eastern US & They Are Not Being Labeled as Earthquakes
  • More Comments From People About These Strange Phenomenon
  • Listener Comment: Extra dizzy in the past few months–I have felt some ground movement–Sensitive to earthquake subtleties but this feels different–Sleep has been affected like never before in past few weeks
  • Listener Comment: So, I heard a hum and I felt the house vibrate here in Franklin PA, this has happened more than once
  • Listener Comment: Happenings on NC-VA line in the mountains – shakings & insane UFO stuff
  • We Are Not Alone: Live roundtable on historic UFO hearing | NewsNation Prime
  • New Age / New World Order Deception: Overcoming Global Elite Agendas and Creating a New Earth: Interview with Sacha Stone & Michael Salla – Brahman – Atman & Yoga Exposed

PDF: Emergency Freedom Alerts 8-7-23

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Emergency Freedom Alerts: 8-7-23-Part 2

By Dr. Scott Johnson | August 7, 2023

Table of Contents:

  • Sasha Stone acknowledges the Atman god-but who is Atman?
  • Scott Johnson’s Teachings: Yoga Exposed-Part 1 & 2 | August 31, 2008
  • Listener Comment: Mantis-Looking Aliens Being Seen
  • Virtually all the prominent Covid ‘truther’ doctors are connected to the Occult “Seven Rays” – “The Academy of Divine Knowledge” & New Ager Sasha Stone who is united with the UN & so much more! Members Include: Christ Hating Godless David Icke – Del Big Tree – Dr. Judy Mikovits – Robert F. Kennedy Jr. – Carrie Madej – Sherri Tenpenny, MICHAEL JACO – DR. LARRY PALEVSKY – DR. CHRISTIANE NORTHRUP – SEAN STONE – Dr David Martin – Dr Andrew Wakefield & many More– All placed by the UN to make our transition to the NEW NORMAL / New World Order more comfortable?
  • Many Prominent Truther Doctors Connected to Guru, New Ager, Occultist Sasha Stone
  • Klaus Schwab – the Bloodlines of the Illuminati – The Odd Fellows, The Freemasons & Their Breeding Program
  • Dane Wigington of Geoengineering Watch Is Controlled Opposition and Will NOT Admit to DEW’s ( Directed Energy Weapons ) – Nexrad Doppler Weather Manipulation & Pushes the Lying Climate Change Agenda Just like All the Top Globalist Liars That Trying to Take Away All Our Rights!
  • Confirmed: Dane Wigington of geoengineeringwatch.org is a controlled opposition disinformation plant
  • End Time Current Events: 8-3-14 — Part 3 By Dr. Scott Johnson |
  • Table of Contents: …General Stubblebine & Dr. Rima Laibow of Natural Solutions Foundation Exposed!

PDF: Emergency Freedom Alerts 8-7-23

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