"But as the days of Noah were, so shall also the coming of the Son of man be." Matthew 24:37


End Time Current Events–5-29-17 – Part 3

By Dr. Scott Johnson | May 30, 2017

Table of Contents:

  • Horror Ramadan Kill-a-thon: Islamic State Murders 19 Civilians in the Philippines as 2,000 People Are Trapped by Muslim Terror Group
  •  “The 70 % of Moderate Muslims, Breed, Raise, Shelter and Support the other 30% of Radical Muslims.” 
  • Former Muslim Sends Dire Warning To Entire World: ‘Islamist’s Only Seek Sharia-Compliant World And Whoever Is In Their Way Is Their Enemy’ – While Millions Of Liberals Continue To Embrace Their Own And America’s Destruction
  • The Unbelievable Truth About Muslim ‘Refugees’–The insane reality of what’s actually happening!!!!

PDF: End Time Current Events 5-29-17

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End Time Current Events–5-29-17 – Part 4

By Dr. Scott Johnson | May 30, 2017

Table of Contents:

  • Critics of Islam Censored As World Braces For More Terror–While Katy Perry and Ariana Grande are Silent About the Evil of Islam
  • Routine arrest of arguing Muslims leads Minneapolis police to huge weapons cache and bomb-making devices
  • Mosque Takes Over Pentecostal Church in North Carolina as Pastor Prays to Allah in Opening Service
  • WATCH: Muslims Make Sickening Move To Take Over Senate Floor With Prayer, Proud Veteran Steps In Immediately
  • Female Mutilation Comes to America!!! Muslim E.R. Doctor Arrested. In Michigan!!
  • Islamic Takeover Increasing – American School Surrenders to SHARIA LAW
  • Muslims DEMAND Locals in the UK: Don’t Walk Dogs In Public – Violation Of Sharia And “DISRESPECTS” Them

PDF: End Time Current Events 5-29-17

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End Time Current Events-5-14-17-Part 1

By Dr. Scott Johnson | May 15, 2017

Table of Contents:

  • Bible Study: Bearing Fruit as a Christian
  • What is the key to bearing fruit as a Christian?

PDF: End Time Current Events 5-14-17

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End Time Current Events-5-14-17-Part 2

By Dr. Scott Johnson | May 15, 2017

Table of Contents:

  • EXCLUSIVE – Congressional Expert: North Korea Prepping EMP Catastrophe Aimed At U.S. Homefront
  • Millions Already Chipped!! RFID 666 Implant Done Without Obamacare!!

PDF: End Time Current Events 5-14-17

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End Time Current Events-5-14-17-Part 3

By Dr. Scott Johnson | May 15, 2017

Table of Contents:

  • Want A Job In The Future? Get Ready To Become A Microchipped Cyborg– Companies Begin Implanting Employees With RFID–Tech experts claim that within the next decade, at least half of Americans will be microchipped
  • Children’s Health Adopts Ingestible Microchip Technology
  • ‘Smart pills’ you swallow with chips, cameras and robotic properties, raise legal, ethical questions
  • DARPA’s Brain Chip Implants Could Be The Next Big Mental Health Breakthrough… Or A Total Disaster
  • Congress Hands Government Authority to Microchip People with ‘Mental Disabilities’
  • WARNING! Worse than RFID Implant?! A 666 Tech Device Under Production for Mass Release!!

PDF: End Time Current Events 5-14-17

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End Time Current Events-5-14-17-Part 4

By Dr. Scott Johnson | May 15, 2017

Table of Contents:

  • Epidemic Of TV Sickness Spreads, Billions Brain Damaged
  • Bioethicists Want To Purge Christian Doctors
  • Three-parent babies could risk the future of the human race, warn 55 Italian MPs
  • Using hand sanitizer causes you to absorb 10,000% more emasculation chemicals that feminize men

PDF: End Time Current Events 5-14-17

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End Time Current Events-5-2-17-Part 1

By Dr. Scott Johnson | May 2, 2017

Table of Contents:

  • Bible Verses
  • Updates: Structural Concerns, Intense Vibrations, Leak at Oroville Dam: Could Lead to Catastrophic Dam Failure
  • Is the UN Preparing for a Mass Casualty Event On US Soil?
  • BioWeapon Event Coming? Paul Martin Interview

PDF: End Time Current Events 5-2-17

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End Time Current Events-5-2-17-Part 2

By Dr. Scott Johnson | May 2, 2017

Table of Contents:

  • The Real Reason for Attacking North Korea
  • “Terrorists Are US” WAKE UP–7 Countries USA planned to destroy including Syria
  • Bush Convicted of War Crimes in Absentia
  • General Wesley Clark reported in 2012 plans to use the 9/11 World Trade Center Attack as a justification to invade seven middle east countries in five years

PDF: End Time Current Events 5-2-17

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End Time Current Events-4-16-17-Part 1

By Dr. Scott Johnson | April 17, 2017

Table of Contents:

  • Getting Sick Feeling About What Just Happened in the White House: LTC Allen West (US Army Ret.)
  • ‘Kushner Coup’ Inside the Trump White House– Zionist Neocons Completely Take Over Trump Administration

PDF: End Time Current Events 4-16-17

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End Time Current Events-4-16-17-Part 2

By Dr. Scott Johnson | April 17, 2017

Table of Contents:

  • #KushnerAtWar: WhiteHouse Regime Change
  • Could Kushner be the Anitchrist? There is Something Very Strange about This Man!

PDF: End Time Current Events 4-16-17

Click Here To Play The Part 2 Audio