"But as the days of Noah were, so shall also the coming of the Son of man be." Matthew 24:37


End Time Current Events – 6-27-16 – Part 3

By Dr. Scott Johnson | June 27, 2016

Table of Contents:

  • Time to Get Out of the UN: The Takeover Has Begun! Prepare for the Unthinkable!
  • PHOTOS: UN military vehicles seen rolling down Virginia interstate…
  • FLASHBACK: Obama and UN Announce Global Police Force to Fight ‘Extremism’ In USA…
  • Imprecatory Prayer – Short Study

PDF: End Time Current Events 6-27-16

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End Time Current Events–6-12-16

By Dr. Scott Johnson | June 13, 2016

Table of Contents:

  • Mateen Associated with Former Bodyguard of CIA Operative Sheikh Omar Abdul-Rahman–Orlando imam handled by CIA and FBI for 15 years
  • The Muslim Father of the Orlando Shooter Recently Visited Congress, State Department, Writes Open Letters To President Obama
  • Witness: Radical Islamic Terrorist wasn’t alone: A witness spoke with ABC news today and was cut off the Air when he said the terrorists today had help. That man was holding the door shut and not allowing people to leave !!!
  • RED ALERT: ISIS Now Activating Terror Cells – Orlando Attack Is Phase One
  • Left Covers For ISIS Orlando Attack, Blames 2nd Amendment
  • Islamic Imam speaking in Orlando said gays must be killed out of ‘compassion’…
  • Santa Monica Police Arrest Man With Explosives, Guns Going to L.A. Pride
  • Suspect arrested Saturday night
  • 8 Orlando Residents on ISIS ‘Kill List’–Thousands of Americans listed as targets
  • An ISIS kill list released online Monday includes 8 residents from Orlando, Florida  
  • Pro-ISIS Hackers Post “Kill” List Of State Department Employees
  • Columbus, Ohio Mosque Linked to 6 Cases of Terrorism
  • Cincinnati, Ohio: Middle-Eastern Muslim Male Charged with Multiple Counts of Attempted Murder After Shooting a Sheriff’s Deputy
  • Afghanistan Migration Surging Into USA: 99% Support Sharia…
  • UPDATE: Over 100 Syrian Refugees Entering USA — Per Day!
  • John 11:35 KJV: “Jesus wept.” — 19 Young Yazidi Girls Burned Alive Inside a Cage by ISIS Muslim Militants for Refusing to be Their Sex-Slaves
  • REPORT: ISIS Executes 250 Women For Refusing To Become Sex Slaves
  • Massive ‘Immigration Insurgency’ About to Hit Germany as 500,000 “Relatives of Refugees” Soon to Arrive More Muslim Atrocity Headlines

PDF: End Time Current Events 6-12-16

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End Time Current Events–6-5-16 – Part 1

By Dr. Scott Johnson | June 8, 2016

Table of Contents:

  • Nurse Whistleblower: Hospitals Vaccinating Patients by Force Without Their Knowledge
  • Testimonials: Warning–RFID microchips are being implanted without knowledge via Surgeries and Flu Shots!!
  • New vaccines will permanently alter human DNA

PDF: End Time Current Events 6-5-16

Click Here To Play The Part 1 Audio

End Time Current Events–6-5-16 – Part 2

By Dr. Scott Johnson | June 8, 2016

Table of Contents:

  • Superbugs will ‘kill every three seconds’
  • Why should I be concerned about antibiotic resistance?
  • Invive Mild Silver Protein: The March 1978 issue of Science Digest, in an article, ‘Our Mightiest Germ Fighter,’ reported: . . . “An antibiotic kills perhaps a half-dozen different disease organisms, but silver kills some 650. Resistant strains fail to develop.”
  • The end of chemical medicine: Superbug discovered in America that resists ALL known antibiotics… blind faith in failed pharma will soon cost you your life
  • This week, the Senate approved a bipartisan compromise that provides $1.1 billion to research and fight the Zika virus
  • The Deception of the Medical Profession & a HIV Viral Testimony and Protocol Description

PDF: End Time Current Events 6-5-16

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End Time Current Events–5-21-16 – Part 1

By Dr. Scott Johnson | May 22, 2016

Table of Contents:

  • There Is Going To Be A Worldwide 24 Hour Attack By ISIS/ISIL
  • Pertinent Islamic headlines (relating to the report above) that I have disseminated in my newsletters since April 29th

PDF: End Time Current Events 5-21-16

Click Here To Play The Part 1 Audio

End Time Current Events–5-21-16 – Part 2

By Dr. Scott Johnson | May 22, 2016

Table of Contents:

  • FBI is Enrolling Church Leaders, Social Workers and Community Leaders to Spy on You
  • Plan B to Stop the Trump Movement Is in Effect
  • Part 1 The New World Order’s Agenda & Excerpts From The Book: “Underground Military Bases Hidden in the North Carolina Mountains”

PDF: End Time Current Events 5-21-16

Click Here To Play The Part 2 Audio

End Time Current Events–5-21-16 – Part 3

By Dr. Scott Johnson | May 22, 2016

Table of Contents:

  • Part 2 The New World Order’s Agenda & Excerpts From The Book: “Underground Military Bases Hidden in the North Carolina Mountains”

PDF: End Time Current Events 5-21-16

Click Here To Play The Part 3 Audio

End Time Current Events–4-24-16 – Part 1

By Dr. Scott Johnson | April 26, 2016

Table of Contents:

  • Will Counties Use Aerial Chemtrail Inoculation Spraying To Forcibly Vaccinate Its Citizens
  • Flashback: Vaccine warfare! Texas air-drops rabies vaccine packets over 7,000 sq. miles area
  • Flashback: ‘I Am Legend’ and the Depopulation Agenda
  • Vaccine For Rabies and their Diabolical Ingredients
  • Flashback: Funvax VMAT2 Inhibitor

PDF: End Time Current Events 4-24-16

Click Here To Play The Part 1 Audio

Additional Parts to this Teaching below:

End Time Current Events–4-24-16 – Part 2

By Dr. Scott Johnson | April 26, 2016

Table of Contents:

  • How a jab plunged my life into madness–BBC newsman Malcolm Brabant says yellow-fever vaccination led him to believe he was the Devil
  • Former Air Force Officer Warns Of Atmospheric Spraying And The Coming Collapse

PDF: End Time Current Events 4-24-16

Click Here To Play The Part 2 Audio

End Time Current Events–4-24-16 – Part 3

By Dr. Scott Johnson | April 26, 2016

Table of Contents:

  • What Chemtrails Are Doing To Your Brain – Neurosurgeon Dr. Russell Blaylock Reveals Shocking Facts
  • Sample Chemtrail Prayer

PDF: End Time Current Events 4-24-16

Click Here To Play The Part 3 Audio