"But as the days of Noah were, so shall also the coming of the Son of man be." Matthew 24:37


End Time Current Events–2-8-16 – Part 2

By Dr. Scott Johnson | February 8, 2016

Table of Contents:

• Murdered Holistic Doctors Discovered Cancer-Causing Enzyme Being Added to All Vaccines
• Food Source Vitamin D-3’s & Multi Vitamins Dr. Johnson Carries

PDF: End Time Current Events 2-8-16

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End Time Current Events–1-24-16 – Part 1

By Dr. Scott Johnson | January 25, 2016

Table of Contents:

• Martial Law Mentality Has Become The New ‘Norm’ In The U.S.
• Ryan’s Strategy to ‘Keep the American People Safe’ Fails: U.S. to Issue Visas to 300,000 Muslim Migrants
• German Government Admits ‘..We Cannot Account for 600,000 Muslim Immigrants We Allowed In..’
• Listener Comment: The high cost of food in northern Canada
• Biblical Preparation Regarding the End-times
• Is Obama On the Verge of Starving Millions of Americans Into Submission

PDF: End Time Current Events 1-24-16

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End Time Current Events–1-24-16 – Part 2

By Dr. Scott Johnson | January 24, 2016

Table of Contents:

• The FBI Assembling Death Squads As They Bring In 200 Vehicles to Oregon
• A Bug’s Life ”Then they ALL might stand up to us”
• Breaking! 200 FBI Vehicles Arrive at Oregon Standoff/Hillary Behind Land Grab, Selling out to Russia!
• A National ID Card Is Coming Soon: You Will Need It to Fly and Drive by 2018
• Will Obama Seek UN Secretary Generalship?
• Obama And UN Agenda 2030: The Recipe For End-Times Global Socialism

PDF: End Time Current Events 1-24-16

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End Time Current Events–1-10-16 – Part 1

By Dr. Scott Johnson | January 11, 2016

Table of Contents:

• Biblical Prophecy Fulfilled (At Least Partially–Video Proof) “..Behold, Damascus is Taken Away From Being a City and it Shall be a Ruinous Heap..” – Isaiah 17:1
• How The Vatican Created Islam

PDF: End Time Current Events 1-10-16

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End Time Current Events–1-10-16 – Part 2

By Dr. Scott Johnson | January 10, 2016

Table of Contents:
• Unprecedented Catastrophe Underway Near Los Angeles, California – Why Haven’t We Heard About This From The Mainstream Media?
• Fukushima’s slaughter of our oceans–RADCON 5 Alert: Pittsburgh, PA — Officials In California Warn ‘It’s On The Brink Of Pandemonium’
• Obamacare’s Resurrected Death Panels Modeled After Hitler’s T4 Program – Is This What’s Coming To America?
• New York City initiates the most severe “transgender rights” enforcement in America. Up to $250K fine for using the wrong name in workplace — and worse
• Sesame Street rolls out autistic muppet to ‘normalize’ vaccine injuries… follows Elmo push for mass vaccinations of children
• God Does Not Support Vaccines

PDF: End Time Current Events 1-10-16

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End Time Current Events–12-28-15 – Part 1

By Dr. Scott Johnson | December 28, 2015

Table of Contents:

• Psalm 3
• Obama’s Gun Control/Confiscation Agenda–Obama’s Planned Gun Control Regulations to be Incrementally Imposed After the Holidays

PDF: End Time Current Events 12-27-15

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End Time Current Events–12-28-15 – Part 2

By Dr. Scott Johnson | December 28, 2015

Table of Contents:

• Meet Your Executioners – They Must Disarm You Before They Can Kill You And This Is The First Step – ‘To Ensure That The Right To Keep And Bear Arms Is Not Unlimited’
• Illinois Beta Testing the Gun Confiscation Law? HR0855 Title ‘2ND AMEND-NOT INDIVIDUAL RIGHT ’ – IL Attempts To Ban Private Ownership Of Firearms
• Goliath Attacks Texas! Is Texas Now Under ‘Weather Warfare Attack’ For Opposing The NWO Globalists Disarmament Agenda For America?

PDF: End Time Current Events 12-27-15

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End Time Current Events–12-28-15 – Part 3

By Dr. Scott Johnson | December 28, 2015

Table of Contents:

• Dave Hodges Interview on the Coming Tet Offensive Style Muslim Terrorist Attacks Planned for America
• Muslim Atrocities Current Events
• Threats Of Massive Scale Attack Upon America Grow As US Government Loses Track Of 9,500 Suspected Terrorist Immigrants
• Islamic Atrocities in Sweden Coming To America
• Muslim Inbreeding: Impacts on intelligence, sanity, health and society–Massive inbreeding within the Muslim culture during the last 1.400 years has done catastrophic damage to their gene pool

PDF: End Time Current Events 12-27-15

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End Time Current Events–12-13-15 — Part 1

By Dr. Scott Johnson | December 14, 2015

Table of Contents:

• A Believers Authority In Christ
• Obama Caught Running ISIS From White House! How Can We Defeat Islamic Terrorists When We’re Arming And Supporting Them Overseas?

PDF: End Time Current Events 12-13-15

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End Time Current Events–12-13-15 — Part 2

By Dr. Scott Johnson | December 14, 2015

Table of Contents:

• Something Huge Is Coming As ISIS Prepares Imminent ‘Main Event’ In U.S. – To Be Largest Terror Attack In History And Fully Sanctioned By Obama Administration
• Leading US Imam and Professor: Muslims Can Take Property of “Filthy” Christians and Jews (Video)
• Muslim Fatima Noor Is Obama’s Special Assistant in the Office of the Director for U.S. Citizenship and Immigration Services (USCIS) in the Department of Homeland Security in 2014 Citizenship and Immigration
• Multiple Experts Predicting Imminent ISIS Attacks On American Soil

PDF: End Time Current Events 12-13-15

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