"But as the days of Noah were, so shall also the coming of the Son of man be." Matthew 24:37


Emergency Freedom Alerts: 7-31-23-Part 1

By Dr. Scott Johnson | July 31, 2023

Table of Contents:

  • Updated Group Prayer–List of Current Event Prayer Points–Part 1
  • Disclosure Alert–UFO Whistleblower: US Recovered Non-Human Biological Pilots from Crashed Crafts (VIDEO) US Air Force Major David Grusch on Wednesday testified before a House Oversight and Accountability subcommittee hearing on UFOs
  • UAP Witness: UFO I Encountered ‘Far Beyond Actually Our Material Science That We Currently Possess’
  • National Security Head Claims UFOs Having “Real Impact” On U.S. Air Force Pilots
  • If They Are Openly Admitting They Have Recovered “Non-Human” Bodies From UFOs, What Do They Have Planned Next?
  • Mount Hermon – Fallen Angels, UN Bases, the Transfiguration, Enoch and the Watchers
  • Fake Asbury Revival Has Led To Unprecedented Cooperation Between Charismatics And Roman Catholic Church At ‘The Change’ Event In Lisbon
  • Listener Comment: Just wanted to briefly share of an experience I had with regard to what you were discussing about “dead people” communicating with their loved ones, but NOT warning them about Hell or getting saved through Jesus Christ 
  • Listener Comment: Attorney Tom Renz’s Nitter account–If you scroll down a little ways you’ll get to the Ohio Catholic Rosary Rally Ad with General Flynn & Jim Caviezel as Speakers
  • People Are Panic-Buying Rice As Stores Run Out In US After India Announces Export Ban

PDF: Emergency Freedom Alerts 7-31-23

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Emergency Freedom Alerts: 7-31-23-Part 2

By Dr. Scott Johnson | July 31, 2023

Table of Contents:

  • Heads Up Preppers! Biden Wants to Outlaw Almost All Portable Gas Generators, Only 6 Months to Comply
  • “Prepare Generators”: Power Grid Emergency Alert Level 1 Issued Through Friday, Across 13 States
  • FedNow Launches, “Big-Brother” Will Put Every Transaction That Occurs On “Record”
  • Banking Insider Warns CBDCs Will Be Implanted Chips
  • ‘Crazy Lines Around the World’: Video Shows Dozens Lined Up To Scan Irises for Worldcoin Crypto Program– Throngs of clueless sheep queue up to assimilate into the New World Order cryptocurrency financial scheme!
  • At the Mercy of the Big Banks
  • THE GREAT RESET: Cities In California Rolling Out Aerial Drone Police Crafts Capable Of Opening Doors, Smashing Through Glass And Tracking Vehicles–When someone calls 911 for police in the upscale beach town of Santa Monica, California, a drone is dispatched from the roof of the station with a push of a button.
  • Interposition by Police in Massachusetts–Attack on the 2nd Amendment causing no small stir! Like Illinois, Michigan, and Oregon – the state legislature and the governor of Massachusetts has introduced a bill which tramples upon the 2nd Amendment and the right of the citizens to keep and bear arms
  • How the migrant crisis is sparking an American civil war: TODD BENSMAN’s dispatch from a militarized Texas farm – where Biden’s federal agents are sabotaging the state’s desperate border enforcement
  • Biden regime promises to SUE any state that tries to stop southern border invasion
  • URGENT! Illegal immigrant kids with tuberculosis (TB) infections released into 44 states; now this is serious if ‘active’ clinical TB disease (and not just LATENT infection); latent is not infectious-
  • The government is releasing thousands of illegal immigrant children with latent tuberculosis infections into American communities, no assurances of treatment; latent infection carriers are at risk if their immune system declines
  • Michael Yon-Imagine how big pharma will use real typhus, real TB, real malaria, dengue, and more, as a camouflage for death-jab casualties and as justification for more poison vials, lockdowns, etc.
  • From the Doctors Desk Reference link at: http://www.dr-johnson.com/ presents TUBERCULOSIS recommendations
  • Invive Silver Issues Rare Update, Warning & Advisement
  • Willard Water…ULTIMATE, CLEAR, and DARK–What’s the Difference? Plus human and pet guidelines

PDF: Emergency Freedom Alerts 7-31-23

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Emergency Freedom Alerts: 7-24-23-Part 1

By Dr. Scott Johnson | July 25, 2023

Table of Contents:

  • Wicked & Blasphemous Things Are Happening in Many Churches Now

PDF: Emergency Freedom Alerts 7-24-23

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Emergency Freedom Alerts: 7-24-23-Part 2

By Dr. Scott Johnson | July 25, 2023

Table of Contents:

  • Listener Comment: Jim Caviezel says “JESUS” was essentially possessing him as he “PLAYING THE SCENE” on the cross in the Passion of the Christ movie
  • Scott Johnson’s Reply: Jim Caviezel saying he was literally possessed by Jesus and that Jesus and him were on the cross together and Jesus was speaking to him the whole time!!?? Why wouldn’t Jesus first tell him to repent, flee and warn others about that false devil religion of Catholicism that is taking billions to hellfire going back to 318 AD? & the deaths of millions of true Christian martyrs during the Catholic inquisitions!!?? Because the spirit that was possessing him was not Jesus!
  • Blasphemy! Sound of Freedom Star Jim Caviezel Praises Donald Trump on Fox & Friends & says: ‘I’m Still Jesus But He’s the New Moses’
  • “I’m a human fax machine.” Wicked spirits telling rock recording artists what to write!
  • Going all the way back to the 1970’s John Todd / Lance Collins Exposes: TV – The Rock & Christian Music Industries – Corrupt US Politicians – The Illuminati – The Rothchild’s – CS Lewis and JRR Tolkien
  • The John Todd / Lance Collins Story: Betrayal, Abandonment, Hurt & Crossing Over

PDF: Emergency Freedom Alerts 7-24-23

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Emergency Freedom Alerts: 7-17-23-Part 1

By Dr. Scott Johnson | July 18, 2023

Table of Contents:

  • Updated Group Prayer–List of Current Event Prayer Points–Part 2
  • Wisdom From the Book of Amos Regarding Cremation
  • Scott Johnson’s Brief Teaching on Cremation
  • “Cremation: What Does God Think” lists 10 biblical reasons to reject cremation
  • Sound Of Freedom Movies Gigantic Controversy–Bombshell Revelations
  • Hit Movie ‘Sound Of Freedom’ And Hit Streaming Show ‘The Chosen’ Just Two Of The Properties Produced By Mormon-Owned Angel Studios In Utah
  • HUGE RED FLAGS– Why Are Christians Flocking to The ‘Sound of Freedom’ Film?
  • It just gets worse and worse! Who financed the Sound of Freedom movie! You will be shocked‼️ See the connection between NCMEC – Polaris – The Clinton Foundation – The Sound of Freedom movie – The Flynn network & so much more

PDF: Emergency Freedom Alerts 7-17-23

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Emergency Freedom Alerts: 7-17-23-Part 2

By Dr. Scott Johnson | July 18, 2023

Table of Contents:

  • Scott Johnson’s Teachings: John Walsh of America’s Most Wanted Presenting Biden’s Son “Beau” an Award that Has Pedophile GirlLover logo (which is a heart inside a heart indicating that the child molester prefers young girls) (Just like Joe and Hunter Biden prefer) and this award was presented at the National Center for Missing & Exploited Children & “Good Guy” John Walsh Connected to Child Trafficking!–Working With The Police, Foster Care and CPS! America’s Most Wanted Host is Perpetrating Child Abduction – Then Meghan Walsh Discusses John Walsh, Adam Walsh and Child Protection
  • More Bombshell Revelations & Multiple Listener Comments Regarding Catholicism – Jim Caviezel – Mel Gibson – Tim Ballard — The Sound of Freedom and the Passion of Christ Movie
  • The sole rescued survivor Tim Ballard touted publicly as the O.U.R. poster child, Liliana- including selling merchandise supposedly designed by her, turned out to be a total fabrication. O.U.R. had no involvement in her rescue nor aftercare.
  • Tim Ballard, Utah Attorney General Sean Reyes and Executive Producer of Sound of Freedom Paul Hutchinson are all part of the Knights Templar Secret Society. All three of them have also worked extensively with Operation Underground Railroad (OUR)
  • Dr. Details Adrenochrome HORRORS: TRAFFICKED Children TORTURED For This Substance In Their BLOOD–Exposes Trump and RFK Jr As Agents of the Right/Left Satanic Uniparty
  • THE FIX IS IN: Joe Biden Has No Campaign Headquarters, Has No Plans to Hold Campaign Events, Is Not Spending Campaign Money, and Democrats Aren’t Worried
  • Global Elite Planning “Finance Shock” And Climate Controls to Launch Their Great ReSet
  • Top Globalist Banker Admits ‘Absolute Control’ to be Exercised with Digital Currency
  • BRICS Launching GOLD-Backed Reserve Currency, Diminishing US Dollar’s Power
  • Top economist: Central bankers are planning CBDC currency implants ‘under your skin’

PDF: Emergency Freedom Alerts 7-17-23

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Emergency Freedom Alerts: 7-10-23-Part 1

By Dr. Scott Johnson | July 10, 2023

Table of Contents:

  • Air Cleaner Recommendations: The Globalists SICK, TWISTED Plot To Murder You With Chemical Pollution
  • Polluted FOOD, polluted WORLD – What’s the solution?
  • New All-In-One Detox Product Dr. Johnson’s Now Carries–Biotics Research Bio-Detox Packs—These are a Liver, Kidney, Candida/Yeast, Lymphatic, Blood, Lung, Colon, Parasite & Chemical Cleanse–Formulated to Support Digestive and Gastrointestinal Health, Digestive Enzymes–Broad-Spectrum Nutritional Support Pathways
  • Australia Approves Mandatory (Bill Gates) mRNA Vaccines for ALL Agriculture
  • Tragic: Famous Actress Dies By Assisted Suicide Following Devastating COVID Booster Destroyed Her Life
  • UFC Fighter Anthony Smith Blames Covid Jab for Blood Clot, Says Mother DIED After Pfizer Booster
  • Wave of mRNA Vaccines Coming?Action Alert!
  • COVID jabs contain graphene NANOBOTS, scientists discover – and they pass from the vaccinated to unvaccinated
  • Microscopic Tech Found In Covid Vaccinated: Blood Clots DISCOVERED In Living Patients Contain HYDROGEL
  • DEATH JAB Recipients Are WALKING DEAD: Vax ATTACKS Heart/Immune System Leaving Body COMPROMISED! The Unvaccinated Are Being Infected By the Covid Vaxxed & Their Blood (When Looked at Under a Microscope) Proves This & They Are Aging Rapidly– EDTA Chelation Is Essential To Combat This –EDTA is an Antidote For Hydrogel – Heavy Metals – Graphene Oxide
  • Oral EDTA Chelation To Remove Artery Plaquing & Toxic Metals
  • Stroke Recovery Protocol
  • Scott Johnson’s Product Line Updates

PDF: Emergency Freedom Alerts 7-10-23

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Emergency Freedom Alerts: 7-10-23-Part 2

By Dr. Scott Johnson | July 10, 2023

Table of Contents:

  • Disney Green Lights New Show About A Girl Falling In Love With The Devil And Being Impregnated With The Seed Of Satan – ROSEMARY’S BABY 2023 REDUX!! 
  • More Updates and Listener Comments on Catholicism – Jim Caviezel – Mel Gibson – The Sound of Silence and Passion of Christ Movie
  • Scott Johnson’s Teaching: Emergency Freedom Alerts: 12-5-22-Part 1–Christians Watching The Series ‘ The Chosen ’ Are Being Led To Idolatry, ‘Mother Rome’, Praying The Rosary & To The False Idol Mary–By Catholic Actor Jonathan Roumie – Plus Bible Verses….
  • Bizarre Things That Happened On The Set Of The Passion Of The Christ
  • A Human Trafficking Survivors Warning on the Sound of Freedom movie
  • LA Marzulli Warning & Listener Comments
  • Listener Comment: My story about the fruits/consequences of Christian authors/ speakers like L.A. Marzulli yoking up with ungodly guests and podcasters
  • Scott Johnson’s Teaching: Shroud of Turin-Biblically Debunked
  • Scott Johnson’s Teaching Highlights: Listener Comment: Alex Jones says: God Wants A Sexual Relationship With Us & Also Promotes Hypnosis—Infowars opening pushing Transcendental Meditation – Hypnosis – Remote Viewing – Astral Projection (Which is going out of body & what many Witches do!)–Listener Comment: Alex Jones says that God came down as an Avatar in Jesus Christ & Infowars is Now Promoting the Blasphemous, New Ager, Zeitgeist Promoting Jordan Maxwell Who Says Jesus is Lucifer!!!! You will see this is yet one more reason to read the King James BibleAlex Jones Blasphemy Alert–Proclaims Having your “Third Eye” opened is wonderful and the “Third Eye” is the Holy Spirit of God!!!!!

PDF: Emergency Freedom Alerts 7-10-23

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Emergency Freedom Alerts: 7-10-23-Part 3

By Dr. Scott Johnson | July 10, 2023

Table of Contents:

  • Jesus Christ Hating Freak David Icke Talks God, Demons and the End of the World on the Alex Jones Show
  • David Icke Lies Totally Debunked (Full Movie)
  • The Evangelical Lutheran Church in America Church Recites Blasphemous ‘Sparkle Creed’ + ‘I believe in the non-binary God whose pronouns are plural’ This LGBTQ Church Is As Blasphemous As You Can Imagine
  • DEMONIC INSANITY IS THE NORM NOW–This is absolutely deranged – British Schools Are Now Allowing Students To ‘Identify As Horses, Dinosaurs And Cats’ As They Talk ‘With Animal Noises’
  • Texas public universities offering women’s studies courses on witchcraft, ‘worship of the devil’
  • BREAKING: SHE’S IN CHINA! – Huge Move Towards BRICS! – Yellen To Help BRING DOWN US EMPIRE!
  • Breaking news: Russia Confirms “BRICS” To Launch Gold-Backed Currency
  • The 2 Party System and the Dumbing Down of America
  • Most Americans are distracted easily by this shiny object called the Presidential race!
  • Millions Of Americans Are Relocating Just Prior To The Great Chaos That Is Coming
  • New UN Fact-Checking System Called “iVerify” Will Crackdown On “MISINFORMATION” All Over The World
  • Hartsfield–Jackson Atlanta International Airport goes full dystopian, using digital facial recognition IDs, fulfilling Klaus Schwab’s wicked prophecy that humans will be digitized and many nations will adopt China’s ‘very attractive model’ for 24/7 surveillance
  • WHO announces launch of “digital health certification network” that will enslave humanity
  • United Nations Taking Over EU Covid Certificate Program July 1

PDF: Emergency Freedom Alerts 7-10-23

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Emergency Freedom Alerts: 7-3-23-Part 1

By Dr. Scott Johnson | July 4, 2023

Table of Contents:

  • Updated Group Prayer–List of Current Event Prayer Points–Part 1
  • US Senate: “You have 6 months to show your Alien UFO evidence, or else” – Is the U.S. Government about to show its cards and offer full disclosure about UFOs?
  • The Coming Big Lie!! Will this be the Backbone of the Strong Delusion of II Thes. 2!–Pathways to the Future: Super Soldiers & Ascended Masters
  • Humanity 2.0–Transhumanism Via The Coming Vaxx Death Shot & will be marketed as a Super Vaccine–It will be a treatment delivered to the body as an instruction manual [DNA defiler] to supposedly “help” the body repair, tweek, and improve on its own versions–A SINGLE DOSE WILL LEAD TO BODY-WIDE GENETIC UPGRADE
  • The Alien Agenda: The Next Deception is About to Start and MANY People Will Fall For It
  • UN Certified ‘Expert’: Religious Communities Must Yield To LGBT Demands
  • What Does the KJV Bible Say About the LGBTQ Movement
  • California state senator tells LGBT NON-affirming parents: Flee state before it takes away your children
  • Radical Bill AB 665 Allows Children to be Put in Group Homes Without Parental Consent Passes Committee
  • Cracker Barrel Goes Woke with LGBT Celebration Hidden Among the Rocking Chairs Plus Scott Johnson Submitted Comment to Cracker Barrel: “The average lifespan of the male homosexual is only 39 years” Pro 10:27: The fear of the LORD prolongeth days: but the years of the wicked shall be shortened.”
  • GONE WOKE: Chick-fil-A embraces woke agenda, names VP for diversity, equity and inclusion

PDF: Emergency Freedom Alerts 7-3-23

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