"But as the days of Noah were, so shall also the coming of the Son of man be." Matthew 24:37


End Time Current Events–12-13-15 — Part 3

By Dr. Scott Johnson | December 14, 2015

Table of Contents:

• The Floodgates Are Open And The Battle Lines Have Been Drawn – The Overthrow Of Our Country Is In Reach And The Globalists Will Stop At Nothing To Collect Their Most Coveted Prize – America
• ‘Total Confrontation’ Promised In 2016 As Mile-Long Military Train Videotaped In Texas! The Trend Is Towards ‘Weird And Creepy’ As Americans And Government Prepare For Something Huge To Happen!
• Next Phase Of Operation Complete To Disarm ‘Red List’ – Disinformation, Misdirection And Outright Lies In Obama Speech From Oval Office
• N.Y. columnist defames blames Christian victim for terror carnage
• What Will Happen In 2016? The Signs Are All Here – A Dire Warning For Americans – No Nation Lasts Forever!

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End Time Current Events–11-29-15 — Part 1

By Dr. Scott Johnson | November 30, 2015

Table of Contents:

• Antarctic COOLING past six years…NEW ‘CONSENSUS’: 97% Of Americans Aren’t Worried About ‘Global Warming’…California freeze: -11° in Sierra amid snow and ice…Decade long ice age predicted as sun ‘hibernates’…
FLASHBACK: Temp data fiddling ‘biggest science scandal ever’…
• Paris climate change activists placed under house arrest
• Silencing Truth In America And Across The World – It Is Not Just Alternative Media They Are Trying To Silence, It Is TRUTH Itself
• Paris Attack Expected to Make Climate Deal “More Likely”–Disproven anthropogenic climate change theory supposedly drives IS
• Planned Parenthood shooter not fitting left’s stereotype–Robert Lewis Dear registered to vote as ‘female,’ previously charged as Peeping Tom
• Colorado Planned Parenthood shooting: Five astonishing things the mainstream media isn’t reporting (that everyone should know)
• CHAOS On All Levels As Islamic Generated Genocide Hits America! Arming The Enemy As Obama Vows Millions More ‘Refugees’ During His Last Year

PDF: End Time Current Events 11-29-15

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End Time Current Events–11-29-15 — Part 2

By Dr. Scott Johnson | November 30, 2015

Table of Contents:

• Current Muslim Atrocities Headlines Review
• The Endgame – Full White Genocide documentary

PDF: End Time Current Events 11-29-15

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End Time Current Events–11-29-15 — Part 3

By Dr. Scott Johnson | November 30, 2015

Table of Contents:

• Diversity is a codeword for white genocide
• Study: Mixed-race people have identity problems & have the greatest risk of suffering from mental health problems
• Black Pastor – Speaks the truth about White geNOcide!

PDF: End Time Current Events 11-29-15

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End Time Current Events–11-29-15 — Part 4

By Dr. Scott Johnson | November 30, 2015

Table of Contents:

• Federal statistics and studies show that blacks are 39 times more likely to commit a violent crime against whites than whites committing violent crimes against blacks
• Police Kill More Whites Than Blacks, But Minority Deaths Generate More Outrage
• Scott Johnson’s Teachings
• Flashback: Farrakhan: Blacks Must Rise Up And Kill Whites–Calls For 10,000 Black Muslim Men To ‘Retaliate”
• Putin Discusses White Genocide
• Putin About Cultural Self Preservation of European Tradition, Religion and Race
• If Things Don’t Change Islam will take over the World

PDF: End Time Current Events 11-29-15

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End Time Current Events–11-29-15 — Part 5

By Dr. Scott Johnson | November 30, 2015

Table of Contents:

• Why are Swedish women emigrating in record-breaking amounts?
• With Open Gates: The forced collective suicide of European nations
• Vet: Dangers of Syrian Refugees! Read This Now!
• 44 Pages of Bonus Material: Black mob violence and the media silence–BIG LIST of documented racial attacks, assaults and threats primarily on Whites

PDF: End Time Current Events 11-29-15

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End Time Current Events: 11-15-15 — Part 1

By Dr. Scott Johnson | November 18, 2015

Table of Contents:

• Obama to Allow Thousands of Islamic Syrian Invaders Into U.S. Despite Paris Attacks–Obama doing everything he can to duplicate Paris attacks in the U.S.
• Obama ‘Fast Tracks’ Potential Terrorists Into America As Police Warn: ‘It’s Only A Matter Of Time’–Will ISIS Black Friday Terrorist Attacks Upon US Shopping Malls Lead To The ‘Grand Finale’?
• U.S Gives Up Against ISIS, Makes You The New Enemy

PDF: End Time Current Events 11-15-15

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End Time Current Events: 11-15-15 — Part 2

By Dr. Scott Johnson | November 18, 2015

Table of Contents:

• Nuclear Experts: Million cancers could result from Fukushima — Already hundreds of times more thyroid cancers… “Just the tip of the iceberg… worst is yet to come” — “Enormous spikes in cancer… devastating health effects”
• Africa is the Western world’s testing ground for microchip implants, weaponized viruses and experimental vaccines
• Distrust Flu Vaccines? Wait ‘Till You See What’s Coming Next
• If you think things are bad now with the current vaccine policy, get ready for a potentially even worse nightmare. With FDA standards possibly being LOWERED to give the green light to industry, researchers are busy genetically engineering vaccines and more.

PDF: End Time Current Events 11-15-15

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End Time Current Events: 11-15-15 — Part 3

By Dr. Scott Johnson | November 18, 2015

Table of Contents:

• Obama’s War On US Veterans Expands As Govt Prepares To Take Ultimate Creep Towards Tyranny And US Vet Issues Dire Warning: ‘Don’t Bow To Tyranny America!’
• Reverse Osmosis, Distilled Water Warning plus “Fluoride: An Invisible Killer”

PDF: End Time Current Events 11-15-15

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End Time Current Events: 11-15-15 — Part 4

By Dr. Scott Johnson | November 17, 2015

Table of Contents:

• Dr. Johnson’s Recommendations regarding how to avoid Fluoride and get it out of your water and body
• Big Berkey beats ProPur gravity water filter for removal of Fluoride, heavy metals and toxic elements
Bonus Section: Cavities-Toothaches-Root Canals-Loose Teeth-Gum Issues & General Tooth Health

PDF: End Time Current Events 11-15-15

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