"But as the days of Noah were, so shall also the coming of the Son of man be." Matthew 24:37


End Time Current Events: 8-30-15 — Part 3

By Dr. Scott Johnson | August 31, 2015

End Time Current Events: 8-30-15 — Part 3

Table of Contents:

• Part 2: Battle for humanity nearly lost: The global food supply is deliberately being engineered to end life, not nourish it
• White House admits staging fake vaccination operation to gather DNA from the public

PDF: End Time Current Events 8-30-15

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End Time Current Events: 8-30-15 — Part 4

By Dr. Scott Johnson | August 31, 2015

End Time Current Events: 8-30-15 — Part 4

Table of Contents:

• The Confederate Flag Needs To Be Raised, Not Lowered by Pastor Chuck Baldwin

PDF: End Time Current Events 8-30-15

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End Time Current Events: 8-30-15 — Part 5

By Dr. Scott Johnson | August 31, 2015

End Time Current Events: 8-30-15 — Part 5

Table of Contents:

• The Truth About The Confederate Battle Flag by Pastor John Weaver

PDF: End Time Current Events 8-30-15

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End Time Current Events: 8-30-15 — Part 6

By Dr. Scott Johnson | August 30, 2015

End Time Current Events: 8-30-15 — Part 6

Table of Contents:

• Memphis city council votes to dig up remains of Confederate Civil War general & his wife
• Black Rebel Flag Supporter Dies After Being Ran Off Road After Speaking at the Confederate Flag Rally!!
• Police investigate armed dispute over Confederate flag
• Family Threatened at Gunpoint for Waving Confederate Flag
• Atlanta NAACP Calls On State Officials To ‘Sand Blast Lee, Jefferson, Jackson’ Carvings Off Of Mountain…

PDF: End Time Current Events 8-30-15

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End Time Current Events: 8-23-15 — Part 1

By Dr. Scott Johnson | August 24, 2015

End Time Current Events: 8-23-15 — Part 1

Table of Contents:

• Judge Lifts Ban on Planned Parenthood Videos…New Release Shows CEO Joking About WHOLE BABIES…
• Thousands protest outside Planned Parenthood clinics around the country
• Listener Question about Getting Unsubscribed From the “Contending For Truth” Newsletters Plus Some Money Saving Tips

PDF: End Time Current Events 8-23-15

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End Time Current Events: 8-23-15 — Part 2

By Dr. Scott Johnson | August 24, 2015

End Time Current Events: 8-23-15 — Part 2

Table of Contents:

• September Doomsday & Apocalypse – Experts Predict Crisis Of Epic Proportions – ‘There Will Be Panic In The Streets From Wall Street To Shanghai’
• BOMBSHELL: China and America already at war: Tianjin explosion carried out by Pentagon space weapon in retaliation for Yuan currency devaluation… Military helicopters now patrolling Beijing
• Breaking: Huge explosions at US army base in Japan as warehouse burns and emergency services rush to scene
• Live updates: Huge explosions at US army base in Japan
• Chinese Retaliation for Tianjin Would Kill 90% of All Americans
• The Chinese game plan for attacking America
• Glenn Beck claims that the USD will no longer be the World’s Currency

PDF: End Time Current Events 8-23-15

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End Time Current Events: 8-23-15 — Part 3

By Dr. Scott Johnson | August 24, 2015

End Time Current Events: 8-23-15 — Part 3

Table of Contents:

• Potential Money Crash September 2015 & the Shemitah!
• This 2 Day Stock Market Crash Was Larger Than Any 1 Day Stock Market Crash In U.S. History
• The Global Economy Is Officially Melting Down
• Sexual Orientation in the UK: Half of Young People Say they are not 100% Heterosexual–18-24 year-olds in Britain define themselves as something other than completely heterosexual, study says
• People increasingly mutilate themselves to look demonic as transhumanist movement grows
• Hackers Finally Post Stolen Ashley Madison Data of Married Adulterers
• Freemasons Begin Open Advocacy Of The Current Pope–Indicate He Is Selected Harbinger Of Final Occult World Order
• ‘Homeland Security’ dumping violent illegals into US towns…

PDF: End Time Current Events 8-23-15

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End Time Current Events: 8-23-15 — Part 4

By Dr. Scott Johnson | August 24, 2015

End Time Current Events: 8-23-15 — Part 4

Table of Contents:

• 400,000 children born to illegals each year, given automatic citizenship…
• Ten states and District of Columbia issue drivers licenses to illegals…
• Armed Black Panthers March in Texas: ‘Oink oink, bang bang!’…
• U.S. Intel. Report: ISIS Planning Mass-Casualty Attack Inside the United States
• ISIS Group Issues Chilling Warning to America…’Soon, Very Soon You Will See’…
• Alleged ISIS leak compromises hundreds of U.S. military & intelligence emails — Dept of Defense is ‘looking into it’
• Active Duty U.S. Marines Instructed To Back Down From the Fight
• ISIS Led Paramilitary Forces Are Probing US Defenses In Preparation for a Major Attack
• Bombshell! UN to Allow Iran to Inspect Own Military Sites
• Iran Amasses Troops to Destroy Jerusalem: New Regime Video
• Maine, USA: Three Somali Muslim Immigrants Brutally Murder a Citizen in His Home – Judge Quickly Seals Case From Public View
• Muslim Terroist Asylum Seeker Beheads IKEA Shopper in Sweden
• ISIS Straps an 11-Year-old Yazidi Girl on Hood of (U.S. Made) Humvee as Human Shield Before Entering Battle

PDF: End Time Current Events 8-23-15

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End Time Current Events: 8-23-15 — Part 5

By Dr. Scott Johnson | August 24, 2015

End Time Current Events: 8-23-15 — Part 5

Table of Contents:

• Muslim Rapist Openly Admits ‘..al-Qur’an Not Only Gives Me the Right to Rape You, It Condones and Encourages It..’
• ‘ISIS Head Repeatedly Raped US Aid Worker Kayla Mueller …
• ISIS Publicly Whips 20 Women for Not Veiling Eyes
• Rescued Sex Slaves Need Asylum from Islamic State
• No Asylum in America for Yazidis Fleeing ISIS
• Slovakian Government Refuses to Cave to UN’s Demands to Take in Muslims—Says They Will Only Take in Persecuted Christians
• Petition: Stop ISIS’s Genocide of Christians
• Black Modern Day Slavery Was Started by Islam In Africa and Was At Least 19 Times Worse than the American Black Slave Trade Ever Was
• It IS About Islam

PDF: End Time Current Events 8-23-15

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End Time Current Events–Mega Study: 8-9-15 — Part 1

By Dr. Scott Johnson | August 10, 2015

End Time Current Events–Mega Study: 8-9-15 — Part 1

Table of Contents:


PDF: End Time Current Events 8-9-15

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