"And have no fellowship with the unfruitful works of darkness, but rather reprove them. " Eph. 5:12


Part 4 – Mega Study – Strong Delusion – Wickedness Increasing – Alien UFO Disclosure Agenda – Evil Giants Waking – CERN – Nephilim – Ascended Masters

By Dr. Scott Johnson | September 14, 2015

Table of Contents:

• Imminent E.T. Disclosure & World Government
• Vatican Easing Humanity Toward Alien Disclosure?
• Black Portal & Alien Cube UFO Over Texas? Witness Breaks Silence! (Video & Photos)
• [LOSS FOR WORDS] Alien Ship Caught Sending Scouts Over Florida – Must See! 7/18/2015
• MASS SIGHTING! UFO Fleet Over Columbus Ohio! Military Formations? 8/17/2015
• Various UFO Quotes
• Listener Comment: People especially pastors need to stop resisting the overwhelming evidence of the Nephilim
• Strong Delusion: E.T.’s, Aliens, UFO’s, Nephilim, Greada Treaty
• The Return of The Nephilim: Hollywood Preparing the Way
• NASA predicts imminent discovery of alien life: the hidden exopolitics agenda
• Bible Verses About the End Times

PDF: Mega Study

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Part 5 – Mega Study – Strong Delusion – Wickedness Increasing – Alien UFO Disclosure Agenda – Evil Giants Waking – CERN – Nephilim – Ascended Masters

By Dr. Scott Johnson | September 14, 2015

Table of Contents:

• The Ultimate Lie – Cosmic Disclosure: The Message for Humankind

PDF: Mega Study

Click Here To Play The Part 5 Audio

Part 6 – Mega Study – Strong Delusion – Wickedness Increasing – Alien UFO Disclosure Agenda – Evil Giants Waking – CERN – Nephilim – Ascended Masters

By Dr. Scott Johnson | September 14, 2015

Table of Contents:

• Secret United Nations Space Program Preparing for Alien Invasion
• Global elites offer to begin limited disclosure of extraterrestrial life & technology in Nov 2015
• Secret Space Program Conferences discuss full disclosure & humanity’s future
• Bio-technology hybrids open the door to extraterrestrial AI robots replacing humanity
• Secret Group Battling Alien Agenda to Kill 90% of Population!
• Secret Files Reveal Why Aliens Mutilate Cattle
• Aliens Organic Robots
• 10 reasons why aliens are actually nephilim/fallen angels/demons

PDF: Mega Study

Click Here To Play The Part 6 Audio

Part 7 – Mega Study – Strong Delusion – Wickedness Increasing – Alien UFO Disclosure Agenda – Evil Giants Waking – CERN – Nephilim – Ascended Masters

By Dr. Scott Johnson | September 14, 2015

Table of Contents:

• Part 1: Sleeping giants in stasis chambers ready to awaken – whistleblower claims

PDF: Mega Study

Click Here To Play The Part 7 Audio

Part 8 – Mega Study – Strong Delusion – Wickedness Increasing – Alien UFO Disclosure Agenda – Evil Giants Waking – CERN – Nephilim – Ascended Masters

By Dr. Scott Johnson | September 14, 2015

Table of Contents:

• Part 2: Sleeping giants in stasis chambers ready to awaken – whistleblower claims

PDF: Mega Study

Click Here To Play The Part 8 Audio

Part 9 – Mega Study – Strong Delusion – Wickedness Increasing – Alien UFO Disclosure Agenda – Evil Giants Waking – CERN – Nephilim – Ascended Masters

By Dr. Scott Johnson | September 14, 2015

Table of Contents:

• Show Cancelled, You Won’t Believe What It Reveals About September and CERN! Creepy Coincidence You Have to See To Believe!
• Listener Asteroid Question
• Here be dragons: Creature lands at Seattle building site

PDF: Mega Study

Click Here To Play The Part 9 Audio

Part 10 – Mega Study – Strong Delusion – Wickedness Increasing – Alien UFO Disclosure Agenda – Evil Giants Waking – CERN – Nephilim – Ascended Masters

By Dr. Scott Johnson | September 13, 2015

Table of Contents:

• Reptilian Controversy – MILEY CYRUS – KATY PERRY – Niki Minaj – Beyonce – Rihanna – George Herbert Walker Bush –Bush Jr. – Rudolph GHOULiani
• ABC Series ‘V’ Exposed
• The Movie “They Live” Comments
• Area 51 Alarming Radio Call-in on the Art Bell Show

PDF: Mega Study

Click Here To Play The Part 10 Audio

Part 11 – Mega Study – Strong Delusion – Wickedness Increasing – Alien UFO Disclosure Agenda – Evil Giants Waking – CERN – Nephilim – Ascended Masters

By Dr. Scott Johnson | September 13, 2015

Table of Contents:

• Listener Comment Nephilim
• Breaking Deception! Ascended Masters ‘First Contact’ Update: “We Shall Appear To Millions, Even Billions Of People Around The Planet”
• Listener Comment: Dr. Cindy Trimm, Slain in the Spirit and Ashtar
• lord Ashtar Exposed
• The HEXagram & the Mark of Beast
• Astaroth / Astarte Study
• ‘Lord Maitreya’ the Antichrist?
• Deception Afoot: Maitreya & ‘Master Jesus’ AKA: Esu Immanuel Sananda

PDF: Mega Study

Click Here To Play The Part 11 Audio

Health Alerts & Updates: 3-20-15 — Part 1

By Dr. Scott Johnson | March 21, 2015

Health Alerts & Updates: 3-20-15 — Part 1

Table of Contents:

• Adults Targeted as Federal Government Prepares to Track the Unvaccinated

PDF: Health Updates & Alerts 3-20-15

Click Here To Play The Part 1 Audio

Health Alerts & Updates: 3-20-15 — Part 2

By Dr. Scott Johnson | March 21, 2015

Health Alerts & Updates: 3-20-15 — Part 2

Table of Contents:

• Just Say No To Acetaminophen
• Listener Questions:
• Supplements for Joint Pain, Inflammation and Degeneration?
• What is Serrapeptase?
• Mild Silver Protein, Sinus Infections & Peripheral Neuropathy Questions

PDF: Health Updates & Alerts 3-20-15

Click Here To Play The Part 2 Audio