"And have no fellowship with the unfruitful works of darkness, but rather reprove them. " Eph. 5:12


Tom Horn – Raiders News Network – Gary Stearman – David Flynn – Sir Issac Newton Warnings and Concerns–Part 1

By Dr. Scott Johnson | September 18, 2011

Tom Horn – Raiders News Network – Gary Stearman – David Flynn – Sir Issac Newton Warnings and Concerns–Part 1

Click Here for the Part 1 Audio

Click Here for the PDF

Tom Horn – Raiders News Network – Gary Stearman – David Flynn – Sir Issac Newton Warnings and Concerns–Part 2

By Dr. Scott Johnson | September 18, 2011

Tom Horn – Raiders News Network – Gary Stearman – David Flynn – Sir Issac Newton Warnings and Concerns–Part 2

Click Here for the Part 2 Audio

Click Here for the PDF

Tom Horn – Raiders News Network – Gary Stearman – David Flynn – Sir Issac Newton Warnings and Concerns–Part 3

By Dr. Scott Johnson | September 18, 2011

Tom Horn – Raiders News Network – Gary Stearman – David Flynn – Sir Issac Newton Warnings and Concerns–Part 3

Click Here for the Part 3 Audio

Click Here for the PDF

Nephilim, Sons of God, Fallen Angels, Demons, Evil Spirits, Tartaros, Sons of Seth, Daughters of Cain, Augustine of Hippo, Thomas Aquinas, John Calvin, Warning & Bible Study–Part 1

By Dr. Scott Johnson | September 5, 2011

Nephilim, Sons of God, Fallen Angels, Demons, Evil Spirits, Tartaros, Sons of Seth, Daughters of Cain, Augustine of Hippo, Thomas Aquinas, John Calvin, Warning & Bible Study–Part 1

Click Here For the Part 1 Audio

Click Here For The PDF

Nephilim, Sons of God, Fallen Angels, Demons, Evil Spirits, Tartaros, Sons of Seth, Daughters of Cain, Augustine of Hippo, Thomas Aquinas, John Calvin, Warning & Bible Study–Part 2

By Dr. Scott Johnson | September 5, 2011

Nephilim, Sons of God, Fallen Angels, Demons, Evil Spirits, Tartaros, Sons of Seth, Daughters of Cain, Augustine of Hippo, Thomas Aquinas, John Calvin, Warning & Bible Study–Part 2

Click Here For the Part 2 Audio

Click Here For The PDF

Satan’s Agenda for Disclosure – First Contact – Part 5

By Dr. Scott Johnson | August 28, 2011

Satan’s Agenda for Disclosure – First Contact – Part 5

Table of Contents:

  • Whistleblowers Coming Out Of The Woodwork
  • Madoff Whistleblower: Big Banks Are Ripping Off Pension Funds
  • Whistleblower Claims Massive Pattern Of Document Destruction At The SEC
  • MOODY’S ANALYST BREAKS SILENCE: Says Ratings Agency Rotten To Core With Conflicts, Corruption, And Greed
  • Dow Ends Down 400, but Off Session Lows
  • Secular Economic Opinion
  • Heads Up From a Steve Quayle Listener
  • “Vibrant Response 12” Mass Catastrophe Exercise Takes Place in the Heartland
  • Obama Warns Of Norway Style Lone Wolf Shooting In American On Or Near Tenth Anniversary of 9/11 Terror Attacks
  • Norwegians ready for a Gestapo style police
  • Project Bluebeam Imminent? Michio Kaku Hyping Alien Invasion As Corporate Media Says Alien Threat Would Help Global Governance
  • Navy Seals Involved In Military Drills Over Boston’s General Populace – Possible Holographic Technology
  • Pay Your Carbon Taxes To Al Gore Or Space Aliens Will Attack
  • NASA: Asteroids Are Supposedly ‘Chemical Factories’ For E.T. DNA
  • CNN Analysis…Calls On Government To Manufacture War With Aliens To Save Economy!

Play the Part 5 Audio

PDF–Satan’s Agenda for Disclosure – First Contact – Parts 5 & 6

Satan’s Agenda for Disclosure – First Contact – Part 6

By Dr. Scott Johnson | August 28, 2011

Satan’s Agenda for Disclosure – First Contact – Part 6

Table of Contents:

  • Maitreya Q & A – Share International magazine July / August 2011
  • HAMAS CALLS OFF TRUCE WITH ISRAEL(Like there ever was one) As Rocket Fire Continues From Gaza
  • 30 Rockets Strike Israel Since Thursday After Coordinated Terror Attacks Kills 8 Jews on Thursday
  • Southern Israel hit by 80 Gazan rockets
  • Netanyahu’s Kadima opposition party is also calling for total ground invasion of Gaza after more than 100 rockets have struck Israel!
  • Israeli Minister of Public Security says “Gaza will soon feel might of IDF.” “We are preparing as we did in Operation Cast Lead in late 2008-early 2009”
  • Egypt Turning Fast on Israel
  • Thousands Gather At Israel’s Embassy in Egypt and Take Down the Flag and Burn it…
  •  Arab League & Jordan Demanding U.N Stop Israel!!!
  • Sharia Law To Be Instituted In Egypt Now Says Muslim Brotherhood
  • “Israel earmarks mass grave sites in case of national disaster”
  • Al-Qaida Plotting Big ‘Doomsday’ Revenge Directly Against The US With Weapons Of Mass Destruction
  • US Concern Grows Over Al-Qaida Poison Threat
  • How You Can Survive A WMD Attack
  • Potential Confirmation of Coming Nuclear Strikes

Play the Part 6 Audio

PDF–Satan’s Agenda for Disclosure – First Contact – Parts 5 & 6

Biblically Judging & Reproving Reprobates and Heretics

By Dr. Scott Johnson | August 28, 2011

Biblically Judging & Reproving Reprobates and Heretics

Audio for Biblically Judging & Reproving Reprobates and Heretics

PDF–Biblically Judging & Reproving Reprobates and Heretics

Satan’s Agenda for Disclosure – First Contact – Part 1

By Dr. Scott Johnson | August 23, 2011

Satan’s Agenda for Disclosure – First Contact – Part 1

Table of Contents:

  • Disclosure /First Contact Quotes

Listen to the Part 1 Audio

PDF–Satan’s Agenda for Disclosure – First Contact

Satan’s Agenda for Disclosure – First Contact – Part 2

By Dr. Scott Johnson | August 23, 2011

Satan’s Agenda for Disclosure – First Contact – Part 2

Table of Contents:

  • Alien UFO Invasion: Are We Ready? with Michelle Rodriguez premiered on August 14th at 8PM e/p on Discovery Channel
  • NEW AGERS COMMENTARY–The Final Days and Life After First Contact

Listen to the Part 2 Audio

PDF–Satan’s Agenda for Disclosure – First Contact