"And have no fellowship with the unfruitful works of darkness, but rather reprove them. " Eph. 5:12


Hidden Luciferians in the Christian Community—Part 11

By Dr. Scott Johnson | July 10, 2011

Hidden Luciferians in the Christian Community—Part 11

Table of Contents:


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Hidden Luciferians in American culture, politics, academia…and in the Christian community—Part 6

By Dr. Scott Johnson | July 4, 2011

Hidden Luciferians in American culture, politics, academia…and in the Christian community—Part 6

Table of Contents:

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PDF: Hidden Luciferians in Christian Culture–Parts 6-8

Hidden Luciferians in American culture, politics, academia…and in the Christian community—Part 7

By Dr. Scott Johnson | July 3, 2011

Hidden Luciferians in American culture, politics, academia…and in the Christian community—Part 7

Table of Contents:

  • Triquetra, Pagan Trinity, The Craft, Book of Shadows, Cornuto Sign, Fairy, Eye in the Palm, Personal Occult Symbols, Number 13, Warning

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PDF: Hidden Luciferians in Christian Culture–Parts 6-8

Hidden Luciferians in American culture, politics, academia…and in the Christian community—Part 8

By Dr. Scott Johnson | July 3, 2011

Hidden Luciferians in American culture, politics, academia…and in the Christian community—Part 8

Table of Contents:

  • P.O.D.’s Blasphemous Artwork Creator Daniel Martin Diaz Exposed
  • POINT OF GRACE, Earth, Wind and Fire, Avatar, Jupiter, Baal, Transcendental Meditation Warning

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PDF: Hidden Luciferians in Christian Culture–Parts 6-8

Hidden Luciferians in American culture, politics, academia…and in the Christian community—Part 3

By Dr. Scott Johnson | June 19, 2011

Hidden Luciferians in American culture, politics, academia…and in the Christian community—Part 3

Table of Contents:

  • Hidden Luciferians in American culture, politics, academia…and in the Christian community–Continued
  • Further study of Michael W. Smith’s occult connections
  • The Alan Parsons Project & the Eye of Horus/Ra/Lucifer
  • David Jeremiah And His All-Seeing Eye

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PDF: Hidden Luciferians in Christian Culture–Parts 3-5

Hidden Luciferians in American culture, politics, academia…and in the Christian community—Part 4

By Dr. Scott Johnson | June 19, 2011

Hidden Luciferians in American culture, politics, academia…and in the Christian community—Part 4

Table of Contents:

  • The Infinity Symbol
  • Michael W. Smith’s Rocketown has hosted a huge array of overtly satanic, occultic rock bands which feature pornographic, hardcore obscenity-laced lyrics in their songs

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PDF: Hidden Luciferians in Christian Culture–Parts 3-5

Hidden Luciferians in American culture, politics, academia…and in the Christian community—Part 5

By Dr. Scott Johnson | June 19, 2011

Hidden Luciferians in American culture, politics, academia…and in the Christian community—Part 5

Table of Contents:

  • The band “Third Day”, the infinity symbol, the “winged disk” or “winged globe”, the scarab beetle, the letter G in Freemasonary & the ‘ing’ rune

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PDF: Hidden Luciferians in Christian Culture–Parts 3-5

Hidden Luciferians in American culture, politics, academia…and in the Christian community—Part 1

By Dr. Scott Johnson | June 14, 2011

Hidden Luciferians in American culture, politics, academia…and in the Christian community—Part 1

Table of Contents:
  • Introducing the: http://bereantruthseeker.media-toolbar.com/
  • Hidden Luciferians in American culture, politics, academia…and in the Christian community.
  • Be Wise As Serpents – by Fritz Springmeier
  • Warnings Regarding: Anderson, Neil; Arthur, Kay; Blue, Ron; Bonhoeffer, Dietrich; Bright, Bill; Briscoe, Stuart & Jill; Burkett, Larry; Campolo, Tony; Cho, Paul (David) Yonggi, Collins, Gary; Colson, Chuck; Copeland, Kenneth; Crabb, Larry; Dobson, James; Engstrom, Ted; Ezzo, Gary; Falwell, Jerry; Foster, Richard; Gothard, Bill; Graham, Billy; Hagee, John; Hagin, Kenneth; Hanegraaff, Hank; Hayford, Jack; Hendricks, Howard; Hinn, Benny; Hocking, David; Horton, Michael; Howard-Browne, Rodney; Hunt, Dave; Hybels, Bill; Hyles, Jack; Jakes, T.D.; Jeremiah, David; Kennedy, D. James; Kroll, Woodrow; LaHaye, Tim & Beverly; Laurie, Greg; Levitt, Zola; Lewis, C.S.; Lindsey, Hal; Lovett, C.S.; Lucado, Max; Luther, Martin; McCartney, Bill; McDowell, Josh; MacArthur, John; MacDonald, Gordon; Mains, David & Karen; Matzat, Don; Maxwell, John C.; Meyer, Joyce; Minirth, Frank & Meier, Paul; Moon, Sun Myung; Osteen, Joel; Packer, J.I.; Palau, Luis; Parsley, Rod; Peale, Norman Vincent; Peck, M. Scott; Peretti, Frank; Rainey, Dennis; Robertson, Pat; Robison, James; Ross, Hugh; Schaap, Jack; Schuller, Robert; Seamands, David; Smalley, Gary; Smith, Chuck; Solomon, Charles; Sproul, R.C.; Stanley, Charles; Swindoll, Charles; Warren, Rick; Wildmon, Donald; Wimber, John; Yancey, Philip; Ziglar, Zig

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Hidden Luciferians in Christian Culture—Part 1-2

Hidden Luciferians in American culture, politics, academia…and in the Christian community—Part 2

By Dr. Scott Johnson | June 14, 2011

Hidden Luciferians in American culture, politics, academia…and in the Christian community—Part 2

Table of Contents:
  • The Occult Importance of Runes
  • Warning regarding the Peace Symbol
  • Quetzacouatl & Amaruca: Land of the Great Plumed Serpent

To manually download just right click the link below and select “save target as” or “save link as”, and choose a location on your computer to save the file to.

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Hidden Luciferians in Christian Culture—Part 1-2

True Salvation & the TRUE Gospel/Good News!-Part 1

By Dr. Scott Johnson | March 1, 2011

True Salvation & the TRUE Gospel/Good News!-Part 1
3/1/2009–How do I get saved? What do I need to do in order to get saved? Where will I go when I die? How do I know if I’ve been saved? Can a saved person die and and go to hell? Do all lost people go to hell? These are all important questions, in fact, they are the most important questions that you could ever ask. Why? Because the answer to these questions will affect you for all of eternity. Eternity is “endless or everlasting duration in the future, dating from the present time (Webster’s 1828 dictionary). Where will you spend eternity?

In this teaching, I will explain to you, using only the Bible (which is God’s revelation of Himself to man) how to get saved. In order to get saved, a person must hear the true Gospel. The Bible says that the Gospel is the power of God unto salvation to every one that believeth (Romans 1:16). The Bible also says that there are many false gospels out there ( I marvel that ye are so soon removed from him that called you into the grace of Christ unto another gospel: Which is not another; but there be some that trouble you, and would pervert the gospel of Christ, Galatians 1:6-7). If you have heard and believed another gospel, a gospel that is different from the one that the Bible teaches, it has no power to save you from your sins. You are still in danger of eternal condemnation.

Note: See Page 6 of the PDF Below for: “Defining Biblical Repentance” as this information is an update

Click Here to Play the Audio for Part 1

PDF: Salvation and the True Gospel