"And have no fellowship with the unfruitful works of darkness, but rather reprove them. " Eph. 5:12


Emergency Health Alerts & Current Events-4-11-20-Part 2

By Dr. Scott Johnson | April 11, 2020

Table of Contents:

  • MIT Scientist Exposes Bill Gates’ Criminal Takeover
  • LA Doctor Uses Hydroxychloroquine And Zinc To Treat COVID-19 Patients
  • A Los Angeles, California doctor claims his COVID-19 patients are going from “very ill” to “symptom-free” in 8 to 12 hours using a treatment consisting of a combination of zinc and hydroxychloroquine
  • Vital Information About the Drugs: Hydroxychloroquine, Chloroquine, Quinine and Is There a Natural Way to get Quinine: The Answer is Yes!
  • Canadian veterans set to sue government over anti-malarial drug effects
  • Why are Health Food Stores Closing During this Pandemic?

PDF: Health Emergency Alert 4-11-20

Click Here To Play The Part 2 Audio

Emergency Health Alerts-3-30-20-Part 1

By Dr. Scott Johnson | March 31, 2020

Table of Contents:

  • Current Coronavirus Headlines
  • They WANT it to spread! Kaiser Permanente threatens to FIRE nurses for wearing their own N95 masks
  • USA NOW LEADS WORLD IN CASES US coronavirus death toll leaps to over 2,000 as number of fatalities DOUBLES in 2 days
  • New York, Hawaii and North Carolina beg FEMA for “Disaster Mortuary Operational Response Teams” (DMORT)
  • Mobile Morgue Trailers Being Deployed Near Major US Cities
  • New York City Begins Deploying “Mobile Morgues” at Hospitals
  • Both US aircraft carriers in the Pacific are taken out of action for up to a MONTH after sailors get infected with coronavius – giving China an almost free hand in the region as Pentagon raises threat level to second highest setting
  • You Ain’t Seen Nothing Yet – Crime May Explode Soon Due to COVID-19–Current Situation Regarding Police Response in Many Areas
  • Dallas Police Say They Will No Longer Respond To Calls about Theft But You Better Not Violate the Stay at Home Order Or Risk Going to Jail!!!
  • How will police enforce the stay at home order in NC? Remember to be a good little compliant sheeple!!! & hope some little Nazi brown shirt does not narc on you!!!! Authors George Orwell (of 1984) and Aldous Huxley (of Brave New World) would be so proud!!!
  • Coming–You Can’t Travel Without a “VACCINE CERTIFICATE” Says Bill Gates
  • Bill Gates Is Quite Confident That He Can Leverage The Coronavirus To Make Every Person On Earth Receive A Vaccination With Digital ID
  • Drones being used to track people
  • Coronavirus being used as justification to implement a total surveillance society
  • The Virus Is Only the Opening Salvo of the Planned Destruction of America
  • Global Pandemic Response Handing Governments Sweeping Powers They May Never Relinquish
  • Stealth Federal Law Used to Repeal Second Amendment During Coronavirus Crisis
  • How This Pandemic Exposes The Truth About Gun Control
  • Leftist tyrants increasingly shutting down gun shops amid coronavirus outbreak, leaving Americans vulnerable to chaos and riots if things turn ugly
  • Exclusive! Texas Gun Shop Owner Stood His Ground When Armed Police & Code Enforcement Ordered Him To Close

PDF: Health Emergency Alert 3-30-20

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Emergency Health Alerts-3-30-20-Part 2

By Dr. Scott Johnson | March 31, 2020

Table of Contents:

  • Texans Do NOT Answer Your Door
  • Texas Judge: National Guard Troops to Conduct Door-to-door Coronavirus Checkups
  • “WE ARE COMING FOR YOU” – Preppers & Food Supply Crisis– TYRANNY ALERT: Trump signs executive order banning “hoarding” of medical supplies as AG Barr promises “a knock on the door” for those sitting on commercial quantities of things the government wants to steal
  • Trump Signs Executive Order to Call-Up ONE MILLION Reservists
  • MANDATORY Checkpoint Set Up At Florida-Alabama State Line
  • This Is How They Are Using Big Data to Track People and Enforce Lockdowns
  • Police, Military Begin Door to Door Searches to Hunt Down New Yorkers Seeking Refuge
  • We can’t fight Coronavirus with Tanks or Artillery, so why is so much of it moving?
  • CORONAVIRUS SYNDROME: The Ultimate Genocidal Bioweapon System– The disease process caused by COVID-19 is best described by the following new disease name: COVID-5G-Hypertoxicity Syndrome
  • 5G Bill Trump Signed Into Law While Everyone Was Distracted By The Coronavirus
  • The Lies of NESARA–Satan’s Agenda for Disclosure – First Contact – By Dr. Scott Johnson
  • The Lies of NESARA & the Coming Ascended Masters

PDF: Health Emergency Alert 3-30-20

Click Here To Play The Part 2 Audio

Emergency Health Alerts-3-30-20-Part 3

By Dr. Scott Johnson | March 31, 2020

Table of Contents:

  • Major side effects of Chloroquine: Suicide, Blindness, Psychiatric & Nervous System Disorders, etc…
  • CDC: Covid-19 Coronavirus Can Live on Surfaces for 17 Days
  • Pink eye could be early symptom of Covid-19…
  • Recommendations and Vital ALL ENCOMPASING information regarding the nCOVID-19 Virus
  • Recommend Protocol For The Viruses

PDF: Health Emergency Alert 3-30-20

Click Here To Play The Part 3 Audio

Emergency Health Alerts & Bible Study-3-23-20-Part 1

By Dr. Scott Johnson | March 23, 2020

Table of Contents:

  • The Lord’s Protection & The Biblical Remedy for Fear
  • It’s Official: U.S. Military Activated within CONUS
  • Army to deploy to New York after Trump declares major disaster: Troops to turn hotels and sports arenas into hospitals as ventilators run low, lines form outside hospitals
  • Idaho Begins Fining and Jailing Those That Break Lockdowns
  • Meet The Press Broadcast – March 22nd, 2020
  • BREAKING! National Guard Deploys To FedExField In Maryland
  • Exclusive: First Photos Inside Dallas Coronavirus Quarantine Facility Leaked
  • The rows eerily similar to the quarantine medical centers used during the deadly 1918 Spanish Flu epidemic
  • The Coronavirus Covid-19 ORIGINS and the END GAME plan

PDF: Health Emergency Alert 3-23-20

Click Here To Play The Part 1 Audio

Emergency Health Alerts-3-23-20-Part 3

By Dr. Scott Johnson | March 23, 2020

Table of Contents:

  • URGENT Alert: Financial system collapsing, food supply collapsing, hyperinflation coming, guns and ammo wiped out, military martial law plans leaked… details
  • Vaccine Digital Biometric Announced–Funded by Bill Gates—This is the Precursor to the Mark of the Beast
  • Three Abortionists Admit Symptoms Consistent with COVID19 as Abortion Facilities Ignore Health Risks
  • Get Ready! Forced Quarantines Are Next–Martial Law likely around the corner
  • CORONAVIRUS: Denmark Passes Law Enabling Forced Coronavirus Vaccinations–New measures “most extreme since the Second World War”
  • A single case of the coronavirus has wreaked havoc in our hospital–I’m a Doctor in Britain–We’re Heading Into the Abyss
  • Hello from Italy–This is a crisis like none before
  • Coronavirus patients on ‘apocalypse’ ward gasp in bubble helmets as army move bodies
  • Why Are So Many People In Italy Dying Of The Coronavirus?
  • This respiratory therapist treats coronavirus in New Orleans–He says the virus is a lot worse than you think
  • HUGE! Results from Breaking Chloroquine Study Show a High Cure Rate for Patients Infected with the Coronavirus While Chloroquine is harder to obtain– vitamin C & Zinc are not
  • Chloroquine enhances zinc uptake in the body
  • Zinc Importance In Dealing with the Coronavirus and Enhancing the Immune System
  • Chloroquine a Possible Cure for Coronavirus–Trump Says
  • Dr. Gupta stunned by Trump-Fauci Chloroquine difference at briefing
  • Adults in their 20s and 30s are dying from heart attacks after quick lung infections–We’re Not Getting the Truth About the Coronavirus-Shocking Revelation!!!
  • Chinese doctors say coronavirus ‘like a combination of SARS and AIDS’, can cause irreversible lung damage
  • Americans for Legal Immigration PAC is releasing a survey suggesting massive opposition to Trump’s plan to use a Google website to collect private medical information and conduct triage screening for Coronavirus (COVID-19) cases
  • Advanced knowledge? CDC started hiring QUARANTINE program managers last November–Hirings for quarantine centers in Texas, California, New York, Washington, Illinois, Massachusetts and more
  • Recommend Protocol For The Viral Outbreaks

PDF: Health Emergency Alert 3-23-20

Click Here To Play The Part 3 Audio

Emergency Health Alerts-3-9-20

By Dr. Scott Johnson | March 9, 2020

Table of Contents:

  • Psalm 67
  • EMERGENCY REPORT: Coronavirus Is An Engineered Weapon For The Global Take-down Of The Western World
  • The Chinese Slave Labor Response to the Coronavirus Is Already Part of American Law-It’s Coming Here!!!
  • Coronavirus Current Headlines
  • San Francisco expecting possible influx of coronavirus cases, hospitals now preparing “surge tents”
  • US hospitals are preparing for 96 MILLION coronavirus infections and nearly HALF A MILLION deaths, leaked documents reveal
  • ALERT: Pandemic projection model shows 2.16 million deaths in USA by July 4th if nothing done to halt nearly all domestic travel (air, rail and roads)
  • In America, those who PREPARE for uncertain times are vilified while the clueless masses who obey and FAIL to prepare are celebrated
  • RUMORS: NYC Discussing QUARANTINE; Allegedly Ordered 2 Million Body Bags!
  • Beijing Doctor says Wuhan is like “hell on Earth,” outbreak far worse than officially reported
  • China’s coronavirus recovery is ‘all fake,’ whistleblowers and residents claim
  • Without China Manufacturing, U.S. Has Only 45 Day Supplies of most Pharmaceutical Medicines; Dozens already listed as “Shortage”
  • Big Pharma supply lines are collapsing, so if you want to survive you need to start turning to natural medicine
  • Recommend Protocol For The Corona Virus

PDF: Health Emergency Alert 3-9-20

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Emergency Health Alerts-3-4-20

By Dr. Scott Johnson | March 4, 2020

Table of Contents:

  • Top US doctor says coronavirus now an ‘outbreak,’ possibly a ‘pandemic’
  • WE DEVELOPED A VACCINE: Dr Fauci CLASHES with the Media at URGENT Press Conference with Trump”
  • The coming coronavirus VACCINE may be MORE dangerous than the VIRUS!
  • Celeste Solum – “COVID-19: A Biological 9/11 Happening Now”
  • Current Coronavirus Headlines
  • Ted & Austin Radio Show Highlights for March 3, 2020–Show Highlights: Trump wants vaccines immediately? Where’s the proper testing? What’s the motive? Is this part of the greater agenda of medical martial law? Will we have forced vaccines? Tracker chips? Why is vitamin C research being suppressed? Why is colloidal silver, Vitamin D-3, and potassium iodide research being suppressed?
  • Comment On Essential Oils and The Coronavirus
  • Recommend Protocol For The Corona Virus

PDF: Health Emergency Alert 3-4-20

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Emergency Health Alerts-3-2-20

By Dr. Scott Johnson | March 2, 2020

Table of Contents:

  • Trump insists America “very, very ready” for any coronavirus pandemic, fails to mention virtually NO ONE being tested in America… the “Trump TRAP” is now set by the CDC
  • CDC’s Dr. Nancy Messonnier says the coronavirus pandemic will spread in the USA, a matter of “when” not “if” … while Trump urges everybody to keep buying (overbought) stocks
  • COVID-19″ What you’re NOT Being Told by Officials or Media
  • Top Headlines Regarding the Coronavirus
  • White House GAGS government health experts from speaking about coronavirus saying they must have Mike Pence’s approval for EVERYTHING they say about mounting crisis – despite VP having zero medical qualifications
  • Coronavirus, 5G, ACE2 Gene and Pollution Combine to Destroy in Wuhan
  • THIS CHANGES EVERYTHING: “Severe Disruptions”
  • US Military Ships That Docked In Pacific Region Ordered to Sit A Sea for 14 Days
  • EXCLUSIVE-U.S. mulls using sweeping powers to ramp up production of coronavirus protective gear
  • Trump administration officials say: DO NOT get prepared, don’t buy masks, food, cleaning supplies or anything… just wait for a vaccine and do what you’re told
  • Are You Ready? Trump Says Vaccine Coming Along ‘Rapidly’
  • ISRAEL: Says Vaccine Coming in Weeks…
  • Recommend Protocol For The Corona Virus
  • Proactive Measures In the Event of a Pandemic–5000 Mild Silver Protein (M.S.P.) Suggested Therapeutic Dosing Guidelines

PDF: Health Emergency Alert 3-2-20

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Emergency Health Alerts-2-24-20-Part 1

By Dr. Scott Johnson | February 24, 2020

Table of Contents:

  • Massive Coverup Of Coronavirus Discovered
  • SMOKING GUN: China Bought Weaponized Wuhan Virus From The U.S.–Dr. Francis Boyle exposes the smoking gun linking the weaponized Wuhan virus to the U.S.
  • BOMBSHELL: Fewer Than 600 People “Officially” Tested For Coronavirus in Entire U.S.; Massive Cover-Up Underway as 47 States Tested ZERO People
  • CDC keeping the public in the dark about outbreaks already occurring in America
  • Italy Locks Down 50,000 People Across 10 Towns as Coronavirus Outbreak Leapfrogs Across Europe

PDF: Health Emergency Alert 2-24-20

Click Here To Play The Part 1 Audio