"And have no fellowship with the unfruitful works of darkness, but rather reprove them. " Eph. 5:12


Child Porn/Pedophilia Pandemic & High Level Cover-up Part 2

By Dr. Scott Johnson | April 5, 2009

Child Porn/Pedophilia Pandemic & High Level Cover-up Part 2

Dr. Judith Reisman, an internationally-recognized author, scientist, and educator specializing in sexual perversion, says the growing appetite for child pornography corresponds to the “pornographic, erototoxic epidemic.” “Historically it is known as ‘monkey see monkey do.’ Pornography wires viewers brains to lust after rape of women and children, globally breeding nations of child rapists, serial rapist murderers and the like among men, women and even children. “All porn is Erototoxic because the brain converts sexual images into an endogenous drug ‘high’ via the reward system, pouring a supranormal drug cocktail similar to cocaine throughout the brain/body. Experts estimate that 50,000 sexual predators prowl the Internet for children every day & the next estimate could be 10 times what it is today. “Men fly in, are met by pimps, have sex with a 14-year-old for lunch, and get home in time for dinner with the family,” said Sanford Jones, the chief juvenile judge of Fulton County, Ga.

We will also be looking at the fact that: Child Porn Is Among Fastest Growing Internet Businesses, & Why are America’s children disappearing? Why parents live in fear that their children will be molested, abducted, or worse? Also how “The Kinsey Reports” have been used to change the laws concerning sex crimes in America, resulting in the minimal sentences so often given to rapists and pedophiles.

Further explained is that the Kinsey data laid the foundation for sex education —
training teachers, psychologists and even Catholic priests in human sexuality.This teaching will cover many other topics as well. (continued in parts 5 & 6)

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PDF: Child Porn-Pedafila Pandemic & Coverup


Child Porn/Pedophilia Pandemic & High Level Cover-up Part 3

By Dr. Scott Johnson | April 5, 2009

Child Porn/Pedophilia Pandemic & High Level Cover-up Part 3

Dr. Judith Reisman, an internationally-recognized author, scientist, and educator specializing in sexual perversion, says the growing appetite for child pornography corresponds to the “pornographic, erototoxic epidemic.” “Historically it is known as ‘monkey see monkey do.’ Pornography wires viewers brains to lust after rape of women and children, globally breeding nations of child rapists, serial rapist murderers and the like among men, women and even children. “All porn is Erototoxic because the brain converts sexual images into an endogenous drug ‘high’ via the reward system, pouring a supranormal drug cocktail similar to cocaine throughout the brain/body. Experts estimate that 50,000 sexual predators prowl the Internet for children every day & the next estimate could be 10 times what it is today. “Men fly in, are met by pimps, have sex with a 14-year-old for lunch, and get home in time for dinner with the family,” said Sanford Jones, the chief juvenile judge of Fulton County, Ga.

We will also be looking at the fact that: Child Porn Is Among Fastest Growing Internet Businesses, & Why are America’s children disappearing? Why parents live in fear that their children will be molested, abducted, or worse? Also how “The Kinsey Reports” have been used to change the laws concerning sex crimes in America, resulting in the minimal sentences so often given to rapists and pedophiles.

Further explained is that the Kinsey data laid the foundation for sex education —
training teachers, psychologists and even Catholic priests in human sexuality.This teaching will cover many other topics as well. (continued in parts 5 & 6)

Click Here to Play the Audio for Part 3

PDF: Child Porn-Pedafila Pandemic & Coverup


Child Porn/Pedophilia Pandemic & High Level Cover-up Part 4

By Dr. Scott Johnson | April 5, 2009

Child Porn/Pedophilia Pandemic & High Level Cover-up Part 4

Dr. Judith Reisman, an internationally-recognized author, scientist, and educator specializing in sexual perversion, says the growing appetite for child pornography corresponds to the “pornographic, erototoxic epidemic.” “Historically it is known as ‘monkey see monkey do.’ Pornography wires viewers brains to lust after rape of women and children, globally breeding nations of child rapists, serial rapist murderers and the like among men, women and even children. “All porn is Erototoxic because the brain converts sexual images into an endogenous drug ‘high’ via the reward system, pouring a supranormal drug cocktail similar to cocaine throughout the brain/body. Experts estimate that 50,000 sexual predators prowl the Internet for children every day & the next estimate could be 10 times what it is today. “Men fly in, are met by pimps, have sex with a 14-year-old for lunch, and get home in time for dinner with the family,” said Sanford Jones, the chief juvenile judge of Fulton County, Ga.

We will also be looking at the fact that: Child Porn Is Among Fastest Growing Internet Businesses, & Why are America’s children disappearing? Why parents live in fear that their children will be molested, abducted, or worse? Also how “The Kinsey Reports” have been used to change the laws concerning sex crimes in America, resulting in the minimal sentences so often given to rapists and pedophiles.

Further explained is that the Kinsey data laid the foundation for sex education —
training teachers, psychologists and even Catholic priests in human sexuality.This teaching will cover many other topics as well. (continued in parts 5 & 6)

Click Here to Play the Audio for Part 4

PDF: Child Porn-Pedafila Pandemic & Coverup


American Declining Morality Exposé

By Dr. Scott Johnson | March 23, 2009

American Declining Morality Exposé


America’s declining morality is plunging to new, unprecedented lows, as lawmakers propose a “sin tax” on marijuana and prostitution as a way to raise the money needed in these difficult economic times.

Pepsi has now produced multiple TV ads promoting the gay lifestyle & has made no effort to hide their support for the homosexual agenda. In fact they have actually given millions to support pro-homosexual legislation and regularly march in and support gay pride events. Pepsi and Fox joined hands to bring a perverted and sickening episode of TV’s Family Guy into the homes of millions of Americans. This episode was rated TV-14 DLSV by Fox, meaning that in the network’s opinion it was appropriate for 14-year olds, an opinion obviously shared by Pepsi. It aired during prime-time. Here is what Pepsi helped sponsor: Bestiality, gay male ‘circuit parties’, gay orgies & eating horse sperm. This is the kind of sickness Pepsi thinks is worth promoting. Pepsi Commercials at: http://www.boycottpepsico.com/ In one commercial the “gay” community cheered when the company featured “Queer Eye” star Carson Kressley, along with women, oogling a handsome man on the street. In another commercial in Canada, a “bisexual” man came out of the closet on a commercial and declared his love for Pepsi and Diet Pepsi. In a more recent spot aired in the UK, a man drinks a Pepsi to find courage to ask someone out. He passes up two women and expresses interest in a man.

One of the nation’s largest Protestant denominations is considering allowing gay clergy (in committed relationships) to pastor local churches. In 2007 Lutheran bishops agreed not to discipline gay clergy who are sexually active.

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PDF: Declining Morality Exposé


Obama To Abandon Israel While Embracing The Islamic Nations

By Dr. Scott Johnson | March 22, 2009

Obama To Abandon Israel While Embracing The Islamic Nations

A former top US intelligence official warns that the Obama Administration is about to break America’s long ties of friendship with Israel, and maybe even take steps toward the dissolution of the Jewish state.

Speaking on condition of anonymity to Douglas Hagmann of the Northeast Intelligence Network, the source said: “I have every reason to believe, based on what I’ve seen at my level of [security] clearance especially over the last several years, that Israel will soon be completely on their own… or worse.”

He went on to note that the betrayal likely won’t happen in one dramatic moment, but rather subtly, behind the scenes, and over the course of several years. The Obama Administration is preparing to “provide more support to Arab countries [with] financial and military aid, undercutting Israel’s defense efforts all while pushing Israel to succumb to the pressure of unreasonable demands designed to end with their political annihilation as a nation,” said the source.

Obama told Iran’s leaders in a video message released by the administration recently. ‘My administration is now committed to diplomacy that addresses the full range of issues before us, and to pursuing constructive ties among the United States, Iran and the international community’.”

Mahmoud Ahmadinejad, President of Iran is quoted: “Soon Islam will become the dominating force in the world, occupying first place in the number of followers amongst all other religions…We don’t shy away from declaring that Islam is ready to rule the world”.

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The Dollar Collapsing, The Amero & G-20

By Dr. Scott Johnson | March 21, 2009

The Dollar Collapsing, The Amero & G-20

This study will include analysis of the following breaking news briefs: How Much is 1 TRILLION Dollars? –

Glenn Beck: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1LajuETlDmA

Ron Paul on G-20 summit~New Currency: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=GYy7ulM-Z08&NR=1

China backs talks on how to replace dollar as reserve currency:
(Reuters) ‘China and other emerging nations back Russia’s call for a discussion on how to replace the dollar as the world’s primary reserve currency. Russia has proposed the creation of a new reserve currency, to be issued by international financial institutions, among other measures in the text of its proposals to the April G20 summit published last Monday. Calls for a rethink of the dollar’s status as world’s sole benchmark currency come amid concerns about its long-term value as the U.S. Federal Reserve moved to pump more than a trillion dollars of new cash into the ailing economy late Wednesday.’ U.N. panel says world should ditch dollar:

(Reuters) – ‘A U.N. panel will next week recommend that the world ditch the dollar as its reserve currency in favor of a shared basket of currencies, adding to pressure on the dollar.’ Plus much more.

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PDF: Dollar Collapsing-New World Reserve Currency-G-20 & Proactive Spiritual and Physical Measures

New Age Dept. of Peace Bill & Maitreya-Part 3

By Dr. Scott Johnson | March 15, 2009

New Age Dept. of Peace Bill & Maitreya-Part 3

Parts 3 & 4 will be focusing on Maitreya’s newest newsletter and annoucements.

On February 3, 2009, the Department of Peace bill HR 808 was updated and introduced to Congress by Senator Dennis Kucinich. Support for the new department grew and presently 66 members of Congress are supporting the effort. Right now in Washington DC, a group of New Age lobbyists are working diligently to get the government to establish what they are calling the U.S. Department of Peace. The chief lobbying organization–The Peace Alliance–was founded by New Age leaders Marianne Williamson (New Age author) and Neale Donald Walsch (“Conversations with God” author).

In essence, the Department of Peace, will be a means to enforce New Age based hate crime legislation. Warren Smith talks about the alliance in his book, Reinventing Jesus Christ:
“One of the obvious goals of the “new gospel” and of the Alliance organization is to completely “reinvent” the traditional Gospel of Jesus Christ. While members teach that all paths lead to God, they know that there is no place in their new spiritual world order for those who insist that Jesus Christ is their Lord and Savior.”

The Alliance is spearheaded by a high level group of “new gospel” advocates operating from a general blueprint channeled from evil spirits years ago by esotericist and occultist, Alice Bailey, who is the author of many channeled works. Her blueprint is continually being affirmed and updated by the recent “new revelations” received by Helen Schucman [A Course in Miracles], Walsch, Benjamin Creme (Maitreya’s Pied Piper), etc…

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New Age Dept. of Peace Bill & Maitreya-Part 4

By Dr. Scott Johnson | March 15, 2009

New Age Dept. of Peace Bill & Maitreya-Part 4

Parts 3 & 4 will be focusing on Maitreya’s newest newsletter and annoucements.

On February 3, 2009, the Department of Peace bill HR 808 was updated and introduced to Congress by Senator Dennis Kucinich. Support for the new department grew and presently 66 members of Congress are supporting the effort. Right now in Washington DC, a group of New Age lobbyists are working diligently to get the government to establish what they are calling the U.S. Department of Peace. The chief lobbying organization–The Peace Alliance–was founded by New Age leaders Marianne Williamson (New Age author) and Neale Donald Walsch (“Conversations with God” author).

In essence, the Department of Peace, will be a means to enforce New Age based hate crime legislation. Warren Smith talks about the alliance in his book, Reinventing Jesus Christ:
“One of the obvious goals of the “new gospel” and of the Alliance organization is to completely “reinvent” the traditional Gospel of Jesus Christ. While members teach that all paths lead to God, they know that there is no place in their new spiritual world order for those who insist that Jesus Christ is their Lord and Savior.”

The Alliance is spearheaded by a high level group of “new gospel” advocates operating from a general blueprint channeled from evil spirits years ago by esotericist and occultist, Alice Bailey, who is the author of many channeled works. Her blueprint is continually being affirmed and updated by the recent “new revelations” received by Helen Schucman [A Course in Miracles], Walsch, Benjamin Creme (Maitreya’s Pied Piper), etc…

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New Age Dept. of Peace Bill Before the U.S. Congress-Part 1

By Dr. Scott Johnson | March 8, 2009

New Age Dept. of Peace Bill Before the U.S. Congress-Part 1

On February 3, 2009, the Department of Peace bill HR 808 was updated and introduced to Congress by Senator Dennis Kucinich. For those who are not familiar with the efforts by prolific New Age leaders to bring to reality a US Department of Peace, these efforts began several years ago at a grassroots level. Support for the new department grew and presently 66 members of Congress are supporting the effort.

Right now in Washington DC, a group of New Age lobbyists are working diligently to get the government to establish what they are calling the U.S. Department of Peace. The chief lobbying organization–The Peace Alliance–was founded by New Age leaders Marianne Williamson (New Age author) and Neale Donald Walsch (“Conversations with God” author).

In essence, the Department of Peace, will be a means to enforce New Age based hate crime legislation. Warren Smith talks about the alliance in his book, Reinventing Jesus Christ:
“One of the obvious goals of the “new gospel” and of the Alliance organization is to completely “reinvent” the traditional Gospel of Jesus Christ. While members teach that all paths lead to God, they know that there is no place in their new spiritual world order for those who insist that Jesus Christ is their Lord and Savior.”

The Alliance is spearheaded by a high level group of “new gospel” advocates operating from a general blueprint channeled from evil spirits years ago by esotericist and occultist, Alice Bailey, who is the author of many channeled works. Her blueprint is continually being affirmed and updated by the recent “new revelations” received by Helen Schucman [A Course in Miracles], Walsch, Benjamin Creme (Maitreya’s Pied Piper), etc…

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New Age Dept. of Peace Bill Before the U.S. Congress-Part 2

By Dr. Scott Johnson | March 8, 2009

New Age Dept. of Peace Bill Before the U.S. Congress-Part 2

On February 3, 2009, the Department of Peace bill HR 808 was updated and introduced to Congress by Senator Dennis Kucinich. For those who are not familiar with the efforts by prolific New Age leaders to bring to reality a US Department of Peace, these efforts began several years ago at a grassroots level. Support for the new department grew and presently 66 members of Congress are supporting the effort.

Right now in Washington DC, a group of New Age lobbyists are working diligently to get the government to establish what they are calling the U.S. Department of Peace. The chief lobbying organization–The Peace Alliance–was founded by New Age leaders Marianne Williamson (New Age author) and Neale Donald Walsch (“Conversations with God” author).

In essence, the Department of Peace, will be a means to enforce New Age based hate crime legislation. Warren Smith talks about the alliance in his book, Reinventing Jesus Christ:
“One of the obvious goals of the “new gospel” and of the Alliance organization is to completely “reinvent” the traditional Gospel of Jesus Christ. While members teach that all paths lead to God, they know that there is no place in their new spiritual world order for those who insist that Jesus Christ is their Lord and Savior.”

The Alliance is spearheaded by a high level group of “new gospel” advocates operating from a general blueprint channeled from evil spirits years ago by esotericist and occultist, Alice Bailey, who is the author of many channeled works. Her blueprint is continually being affirmed and updated by the recent “new revelations” received by Helen Schucman [A Course in Miracles], Walsch, Benjamin Creme (Maitreya’s Pied Piper), etc…

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