"And have no fellowship with the unfruitful works of darkness, but rather reprove them. " Eph. 5:12


Emergency Health Alerts-2-24-20-Part 2

By Dr. Scott Johnson | February 24, 2020

Table of Contents:

  • 7,000+ In US Under Coronavirus Quarantine! Bet You Didn’t Hear That In The News! China Incinerates!
  • FYI: Not Verified, I don’t like date setting, but: URGENT COVERT INTEL. . . Be Prepped BEFORE THURSDAY
  • COUNTDOWN to the Coronavirus “Day of Reckoning” approaches
  • Supply Chain Chaos Unfolds At Major Chinese Ports As Frozen Meat Containers Pile Up
  • Alabama FEMA Facility Will Be Used As Coronavirus Quarantine Center
  • Hundreds of Animals Drop Dead In China After Being Poisoned by Virus Disinfectant
  • FDA Warns of Drug And Medical Supply Shortages From China
  • Current Events Headlines For The Coronavirus
  • AMERICA: This is Why YOU need to prepare, RIGHT NOW, over Coronavirus: Quarantine=No Trucking
  • Apple says iPhone sales will take hit from coronavirus–All Apple stores in China are closed. So are all Starbucks and McDonald’s. The factories cannot re-open, there are no people to run them.  760 million people are quarantined. That means they’re not allowed to go to work. Factories are closed
  • Listener Comment: “Abuse after using Thieves spray while travelling nationally by airplane in NZ”
  • Recommend Protocol For The Corona Virus

PDF: Health Emergency Alert 2-24-20

Click Here To Play The Part 2 Audio

Health Emergency Alert-2-3-20-Part 1

By Dr. Scott Johnson | February 4, 2020

Table of Contents:

  • BRUTAL: Chinese Leaders to Sacrifice Coronavirus Infected Cities to Save 11 Others – Over the Last 7 Days, Coronavirus Infections Have Increased 1000% … What Happens Next?
  • Coronavirus ‘won’t end for four months’
  • Some infected patients deliberately spreading coronavirus by ‘spitting on people’
  • Coronavirus censorship: Will they shut down the web? What happens when the virus hits third world countries? Leaders and the media are lying (Projected 500,000 contaminated and 114,000 deaths by mid Feb
  • “Citizen journalist blows whistle on “what he saw” in Wuhan Hospital #Coronavirus”
  • The Truth Of The Coronavirus’ Horrifying Effects
  • China’s Current Population: Almost 1.5 billion a little over 19% of the current world population
  • Fleeing Chinese Telling the Truth
  • ‘Burning Bodies In Secret’ – New Accounts From Wuhan Detail Coronavirus Outbreak
  • This is NOT A MOVIE! It’s WUHAN!
  • Coronavirus Cover-Up Begins: China Threatens Social Media Users with Seven Years in Prison for Reporting Pandemic News that Doesn’t Parrot “Official” Stories
  • Ted & Austin Radio Show Highlights for January 27, 2020–Show Highlights: Chinese President calls Coronavirus a grave situation and has suspended international tourist travel from his country–Ted has boots on the ground in China with a friend of 25 years–Ted reads chain of emails from his friend in China giving you the real update
  • Listener Comment: “Plea For help–Long time listener living in China”
  • Medical Study: “Coronavirus Alert: New Massive Contagion Risk – Ro of 4.1!”
  • W.H.O. Warns Countries of the World: Coronavirus Pandemic Set to GO GLOBAL
  • Chinas “OUTBREAK” is another PATENTED Deception!
  • Coronavirus Contains “HIV Insertions”, Stoking Fears Over Artificially Created Bioweapon–‘The virus even responds to treatment by HIV medications’
  • New evidence emerges: Coronavirus “bioweapon” might have been a Chinese vaccine experiment… genes contain “pShuttle-SN” sequences, proving laboratory origin
  • PROOF: The “Novel Coronavirus” Infecting the World is a MILITARY BIO-WEAPON Developed by China’s Army

PDF: Health Emergency Alert 2-3-20

Click Here To Play The Part 1 Audio

Health Emergency Alert-2-3-20-Part 2

By Dr. Scott Johnson | February 4, 2020

Table of Contents:

  • 5G Launches In Wuhan Weeks Before Coronavirus Outbreak
  • Central China province Wuhan launches commercial 5G applications in 2019
  • US Health Officials Fast-track Coronavirus Vaccine, Clinical Trial Begin Within 3 Months
  • Trump Administration Fast Tracking Early-Stage Trial for Coronavirus Vaccine
  • Very Important—Plus a way to Pray Against This–Coronovirus & The Agenda  Airborne Activating Delivery Systems and the Universal Vax Cometh
  • Trump imposes travel restrictions, mandatory quarantines over coronavirus outbreak
  • How Bad Will Things Get? Paul Martin-CSS
  • N95 Masks Are Not nearly as effective unless eye protection is worn as well–Coronavirus can enter the Body Through EYEBALLS–Warns Infected Doctor in Wuhan, China
  • Listener Question and Comment on Pandemic Protective Eyewear

PDF: Health Emergency Alert 2-3-20

Click Here To Play The Part 2 Audio

Health Emergency Alert-2-3-20-Part 3

By Dr. Scott Johnson | February 4, 2020

Table of Contents:

  • Listener Comment on “The Shots Being Given to Those in Quarantine For the Coronavirus in the USA”
  • U.S. Quarantine Violator Threatened with Lethal Force || Coronavirus
  • Texas Military Base 1 of 4 Approved to Quarantine Overseas Arrivals
  • Wuhan Coronavirus Protective Measures
  • Recommend Protocol For The Corona Virus
  • School District Closes For Two Days After 600 Students Call In Sick – CBS Detroit

PDF: Health Emergency Alert 2-3-20

Click Here To Play The Part 3 Audio

Health Emergency Alert-1-25-20-Part 1

By Dr. Scott Johnson | January 25, 2020

Table of Contents:

  • Prayer Alert–Corona Virus–Code Red—Pandemic Alert!
  • Coronavirus in China: Millions Quarantined
  • Antibiotics don’t work on the Corona Virus…
  • Recommend Protocol For The Corona Virus
  • Further Proactive Measures
  • Expert says coronavirus is spread through eyes as killer disease ‘shuts down China’–Wang Guangfa, who contracted Coronavirus but since recovered, says protective eye wear as well as mouth masks are a must
  • Hazmat Suits Deployed on Planes…Medics Scanning Plane Passengers…
    Lines for face masks…
  • Bleach is friend in this Corona Virus fight
  • Shield – Essential Oil Protective Blend–How to make natural Hand Sanitizer Spray

Health Emergency Alert 1-25-20

Click Here To Play The Part 1 Audio

Health Emergency Alert-1-25-20-Part 2

By Dr. Scott Johnson | January 25, 2020

Table of Contents:

  • Coronavirus Patients Being Transported In Quarantine Boxes and Plastic Tubes In China
  • Panic across globe… VIRUS ‘MUTATING’
  • Predictive Programming: Contagion (2011) Official Exclusive Trailer
  • BREAKING: Coronavirus a stealth strain that can be carried by people who show NO fever or coughing symptoms… detection almost impossible under current government guidelines
  • Chinese Lab That Studies “World’s Most Dangerous Pathogens” is Based in Wuhan Where This Outbreak Started
  • Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation & Others Predicted Up To 65 Million Deaths Via Coronavirus – In Simulation Ran 3 Months Ago!–Foundation also funded group who owns virus patent and is funding research for a vaccine to supposedly stop it from spreading
  • Corona Virus Vaccines Patented As Outbreaks Appear Globally
  • EVENT 201: Did This ‘EVENT’ GO LIVE? Wuhan Global Bank Collaboration
  • Event 201 Pandemic Exercise Pandemic Tabletop exercise hosted by The Johns Hopkins Center for Health Security in partnership with the World Economic Forum and the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation on October 18, 2019, in New York, NY.
  • Federal Court Secretly Ordering Takedown Of Anti-Vaccine Sites As Coronavirus Spread-Will This Be “The Big One” That Leads to The Internet Kill Switch, Mandatory Vaccines and Martial Law?
  • Chicom Dr Begs for Help Regarding the Corona Virus
  • FEMA Recommending Martial Law to POTUS
  • FEMA Proposes Martial Law to Trump To Contain Coronavirus
  • US7220852B1 – Coronavirus isolated from humans – Google Patents

Health Emergency Alert 1-25-20

Click Here To Play The Part 2 Audio

Health Corner 2-11-19

By Dr. Scott Johnson | February 12, 2019

Table of Contents:

  • Cardiovascular Issues, High Blood Pressure, A-Fib, Chelation, Bone Fracture Info, Immune System & Sore Throat Tips and Supplement Recommendations

++There is no PDF for this teaching but your can email Dr. Johnson at the contact tab at: https://www.contendingfortruth.com

Health Corner Audio: 2-11-19

The Flat Earth Theory Examined–Part 1

By Dr. Scott Johnson | July 31, 2018

Table of Contents:

  • Flat Earth Theory Explained
  • Part 1–Divide and Conquer: The Flat Earth Theory

PDF: Flat Earth Theory Examined

Click Here To Play The Part 1 Audio

The Flat Earth Theory Examined–Part 2

By Dr. Scott Johnson | July 31, 2018

Table of Contents:

  • Part 2–Divide and Conquer: The Flat Earth Theory
  • Henry Gruver: After Death Trip Through Outer Space
  • Scott Johnson’s Comment Regarding the Flat Earth Theory

PDF: Flat Earth Theory Examined

Click Here To Play The Part 2 Audio

The Flat Earth Theory Examined–Part 3

By Dr. Scott Johnson | July 31, 2018

Table of Contents:

  • A Question for Flat Earth Theorists: How can an airplane like the Rutan Model 76 Voyager fly without refueling or stopping, in straight course and end up right where it started
  • Is Earth Actually Flat?

PDF: Flat Earth Theory Examined

Click Here To Play The Part 3 Audio