"And have no fellowship with the unfruitful works of darkness, but rather reprove them. " Eph. 5:12


2009 – Code Red-Part 4

By Dr. Scott Johnson | December 28, 2008

2009 – Code Red-Part 4

Recently many high level sources have made predictions of impending doom. In each case there has been a press releases or news expose’ predicting huge and building threats emerging from faceless enemies in shadowy places. Joe Biden set the stage at a Seattle fund raiser for VIP’s when he told the audience about an “international crisis” & “generated crisis” will develop within six months of a Barack Obama’s Presidency & they will need the help of community leaders (Comment: Like the 501c3 Corporate Church) to control the population as unpopular decisions are made and Americans resist. Colin Powell told Meet the Press “….a crisis which will come along on the 21st, 22nd of January that we don’t even know about right now.” Lord West, adviser to Prime Minister Gordon Brown on national security says, “There is another great plot building up again and we are monitoring…The threat is huge.” In addition Australian Prime Minister Kevin Rudd said “The devastation that could be wreaked by one major nuclear weapons incident alone puts 9/11 and almost everything else in to the category of the insignificant,” Why are there so many high level politicians around the world in a seemingly coordinated effort warning of huge threats and developing crisis’ that may include a nuclear device? Are they preparing the masses for an event or series of events that have been in the making for some time? This study will be tied into many other events that relate to this subject like the global financial collapse, Maitreya’s most recent announcements and preparing (Body, Soul and Spirit) for the days ahead. **For my ‘Proactive Recommndations’ click on the PDF link below and scroll to the bottom.**

Click Here to Play the Audio for Part 4

PDF: 2009-Code Red


Digital TV, HAARP, GWEN, Silent Sound & Mind Control Technologies-Part 1

By Dr. Scott Johnson | December 21, 2008

Digital TV, HAARP, GWEN, Silent Sound & Mind Control Technologies-Part 1

The age of deception is here and thanks to digital technology is now even easier to fool people in mass numbers. A photograph, a video, and a any sound can be digitally manipulated to show something that is not really there. This leads us to the topic of why( in part) the US will be switching all broadcasts from analog to digital.

This teaching overviews a secret Pentagon psychotronics technology known as Silent Sound Spread Spectrum (SSSS) that has been fully operational since the early 1990s. The physical, emotional, and psychological effects of this technology were so severe that 200,000 Iraqi troops surrended en masse without firing even a single shot against US led coalition forces. Why would eight year veterans of Middle Eastern warfare (with Iran 1980-1988) behave this way? Simple. They were subjected to a technology that was so extreme and incomprehensible that they were suddenly reduced to the level of compliant children and felt grateful to still be alive in the wake of their mind-wrenching experience.

This technology is (most likely) about to be used, albeit in a more subtle fashion, against American citizens in a highly classified and covert operation to mind control and manipulate the entire population into ‘compliance’ with our New World order overlords. The technology will utilize a combination of HAARP transmitters, GWEN towers, microwave cell phone towers, and the soon-to-be-mandatory High Definition Digital TV that will enter your home via: a) cable, b) satellite, c) HD TVs, or d) “digital converter boxes” that the government is so anxious to help you obtain and underwrite most of the cost on your behalf.

Click Here to Play the Audio for Part 1

PDF: Digital TV-HAARP-GWEN-Silent Sound-Mind Control

Digital TV, HAARP, GWEN, Silent Sound & Mind Control Technologies-Part 2

By Dr. Scott Johnson | December 21, 2008

Digital TV, HAARP, GWEN, Silent Sound & Mind Control Technologies-Part 2

The age of deception is here and thanks to digital technology is now even easier to fool people in mass numbers. A photograph, a video, and a any sound can be digitally manipulated to show something that is not really there. This leads us to the topic of why( in part) the US will be switching all broadcasts from analog to digital.

This teaching overviews a secret Pentagon psychotronics technology known as Silent Sound Spread Spectrum (SSSS) that has been fully operational since the early 1990s. The physical, emotional, and psychological effects of this technology were so severe that 200,000 Iraqi troops surrended en masse without firing even a single shot against US led coalition forces. Why would eight year veterans of Middle Eastern warfare (with Iran 1980-1988) behave this way? Simple. They were subjected to a technology that was so extreme and incomprehensible that they were suddenly reduced to the level of compliant children and felt grateful to still be alive in the wake of their mind-wrenching experience.

This technology is (most likely) about to be used, albeit in a more subtle fashion, against American citizens in a highly classified and covert operation to mind control and manipulate the entire population into ‘compliance’ with our New World order overlords. The technology will utilize a combination of HAARP transmitters, GWEN towers, microwave cell phone towers, and the soon-to-be-mandatory High Definition Digital TV that will enter your home via: a) cable, b) satellite, c) HD TVs, or d) “digital converter boxes” that the government is so anxious to help you obtain and underwrite most of the cost on your behalf.

Click Here to Play the Audio for Part 2

PDF: Digital TV-HAARP-GWEN-Silent Sound-Mind Control

Digital TV, HAARP, GWEN, Silent Sound & Mind Control Technologies-Part 3

By Dr. Scott Johnson | December 21, 2008

Digital TV, HAARP, GWEN, Silent Sound & Mind Control Technologies-Part 3

The age of deception is here and thanks to digital technology is now even easier to fool people in mass numbers. A photograph, a video, and a any sound can be digitally manipulated to show something that is not really there. This leads us to the topic of why( in part) the US will be switching all broadcasts from analog to digital.

This teaching overviews a secret Pentagon psychotronics technology known as Silent Sound Spread Spectrum (SSSS) that has been fully operational since the early 1990s. The physical, emotional, and psychological effects of this technology were so severe that 200,000 Iraqi troops surrended en masse without firing even a single shot against US led coalition forces. Why would eight year veterans of Middle Eastern warfare (with Iran 1980-1988) behave this way? Simple. They were subjected to a technology that was so extreme and incomprehensible that they were suddenly reduced to the level of compliant children and felt grateful to still be alive in the wake of their mind-wrenching experience.

This technology is (most likely) about to be used, albeit in a more subtle fashion, against American citizens in a highly classified and covert operation to mind control and manipulate the entire population into ‘compliance’ with our New World order overlords. The technology will utilize a combination of HAARP transmitters, GWEN towers, microwave cell phone towers, and the soon-to-be-mandatory High Definition Digital TV that will enter your home via: a) cable, b) satellite, c) HD TVs, or d) “digital converter boxes” that the government is so anxious to help you obtain and underwrite most of the cost on your behalf.

Click Here to Play the Audio for Part 3

PDF: Digital TV-HAARP-GWEN-Silent Sound-Mind Control

The Antichrist, Tribe of Dan, Mount Hermon, Fallen Angels & The Giants-Part 11

By Dr. Scott Johnson | December 14, 2008

The Antichrist, Tribe of Dan, Mount Hermon, Fallen Angels & The Giants-Part 11
Antichrist series continued

Several obscure prophecies in the Bible point to the possibility that the Antichrist may (in part) descend from the Tribe of Dan. The Merovingians claim to come from the tribe of Judah through Jesus Christ. However, the weight of evidence indicates that they descended from the tribe of Dan. Although Scripture states that Samson was “of the family of the Danites” [Judges 13:2], Yair Davidy of Brit-Am Israel claims that Sampson’s lineage includes the Messianic tribe of Judah: “Samson…came from the Tribe of Dan but his mother was from Judah. Samson, in some respects, was considered a forerunner of the Messiah who will come from Judah but his mother will be of the Tribe of Dan.” [Brit-Am Israel newsletter, 2/9/99] The Tribe of Dan also is missing from Rev. 7 regarding the 12 tribes (144,000) sealed during the Tribulation and the half tribe of Manasses takes thier place: “And I heard the number of them which were sealed: and there were sealed an hundred and forty and four thousand of all the tribes of the children of Israel. Of the tribes of Juda… Reuben… Gad… Aser… Nepthalim… Manasses… Simeon… Levi… Issachar… Zabulon… Joseph… Benjamin were sealed…” Revelation 7:4-8 According to the Encyclopedia Britannica, Hermon means “Forbidden Place.” Mount Hermon may of been the port of entry for the wicked angels, who corrupted the human race in the days of Noah. Moses wrote: “The sons of God saw the daughters of men that they were fair; and they took them wives of all which they chose …. There were giants in the earth in those days, and also after that, when the sons of God came in unto the daughters of men, and they bare children to them… Gen. 6:1-3

 Click Here to Play the Audio for Part 11

PDF: Antichrist & The Tribe of Dan-Mount Hermon-Fallen Angels & The Giants-Nephilum

The Antichrist, Tribe of Dan, Mount Hermon, Fallen Angels & The Giants-Part 12

By Dr. Scott Johnson | December 14, 2008

The Antichrist, Tribe of Dan, Mount Hermon, Fallen Angels & The Giants-Part 12
Antichrist series continued

Several obscure prophecies in the Bible point to the possibility that the Antichrist may (in part) descend from the Tribe of Dan. The Merovingians claim to come from the tribe of Judah through Jesus Christ. However, the weight of evidence indicates that they descended from the tribe of Dan. Although Scripture states that Samson was “of the family of the Danites” [Judges 13:2], Yair Davidy of Brit-Am Israel claims that Sampson’s lineage includes the Messianic tribe of Judah: “Samson…came from the Tribe of Dan but his mother was from Judah. Samson, in some respects, was considered a forerunner of the Messiah who will come from Judah but his mother will be of the Tribe of Dan.” [Brit-Am Israel newsletter, 2/9/99] The Tribe of Dan also is missing from Rev. 7 regarding the 12 tribes (144,000) sealed during the Tribulation and the half tribe of Manasses takes thier place: “And I heard the number of them which were sealed: and there were sealed an hundred and forty and four thousand of all the tribes of the children of Israel. Of the tribes of Juda… Reuben… Gad… Aser… Nepthalim… Manasses… Simeon… Levi… Issachar… Zabulon… Joseph… Benjamin were sealed…” Revelation 7:4-8 According to the Encyclopedia Britannica, Hermon means “Forbidden Place.” Mount Hermon may of been the port of entry for the wicked angels, who corrupted the human race in the days of Noah. Moses wrote: “The sons of God saw the daughters of men that they were fair; and they took them wives of all which they chose …. There were giants in the earth in those days, and also after that, when the sons of God came in unto the daughters of men, and they bare children to them… Gen. 6:1-3

Click Here to Play the Audio for Part 12

PDF: Antichrist & The Tribe of Dan-Mount Hermon-Fallen Angels & The Giants-Nephilum

The Antichrist, Tribe of Dan, Mount Hermon, Fallen Angels & The Giants-Part 8

By Dr. Scott Johnson | December 7, 2008

The Antichrist, Tribe of Dan, Mount Hermon, Fallen Angels & The Giants-Parts 8

Several obscure prophecies in the Bible point to the possibility that the Antichrist may (in part) descend from the Tribe of Dan. The Merovingians claim to come from the tribe of Judah through Jesus Christ. However, the weight of evidence indicates that they descended from the tribe of Dan. Although Scripture states that Samson was “of the family of the Danites” [Judges 13:2], Yair Davidy of Brit-Am Israel claims that Sampson’s lineage includes the Messianic tribe of Judah: “Samson…came from the Tribe of Dan but his mother was from Judah. Samson, in some respects, was considered a forerunner of the Messiah who will come from Judah but his mother will be of the Tribe of Dan.” [Brit-Am Israel newsletter, 2/9/99] The Tribe of Dan also is missing from Rev. 7 regarding the 12 tribes (144,000) sealed during the Tribulation and the half tribe of Manasses takes thier place: “And I heard the number of them which were sealed: and there were sealed an hundred and forty and four thousand of all the tribes of the children of Israel. Of the tribes of Juda… Reuben… Gad… Aser… Nepthalim… Manasses… Simeon… Levi… Issachar… Zabulon… Joseph… Benjamin were sealed…” Revelation 7:4-8 According to the Encyclopedia Britannica, Hermon means “Forbidden Place.” Mount Hermon may of been the port of entry for the wicked angels, who corrupted the human race in the days of Noah. Moses wrote: “The sons of God saw the daughters of men that they were fair; and they took them wives of all which they chose …. There were giants in the earth in those days, and also after that, when the sons of God came in unto the daughters of men, and they bare children to them… Gen. 6:1-3

Click Here to Play the Audio for Part 8

PDF: Antichrist & The Tribe of Dan-Mount Hermon-Fallen Angels & The Giants-Nephilum


The Antichrist, Tribe of Dan, Mount Hermon, Fallen Angels & The Giants-Parts 9

By Dr. Scott Johnson | December 7, 2008

The Antichrist, Tribe of Dan, Mount Hermon, Fallen Angels & The Giants-Parts 9

Several obscure prophecies in the Bible point to the possibility that the Antichrist may (in part) descend from the Tribe of Dan. The Merovingians claim to come from the tribe of Judah through Jesus Christ. However, the weight of evidence indicates that they descended from the tribe of Dan. Although Scripture states that Samson was “of the family of the Danites” [Judges 13:2], Yair Davidy of Brit-Am Israel claims that Sampson’s lineage includes the Messianic tribe of Judah: “Samson…came from the Tribe of Dan but his mother was from Judah. Samson, in some respects, was considered a forerunner of the Messiah who will come from Judah but his mother will be of the Tribe of Dan.” [Brit-Am Israel newsletter, 2/9/99] The Tribe of Dan also is missing from Rev. 7 regarding the 12 tribes (144,000) sealed during the Tribulation and the half tribe of Manasses takes thier place: “And I heard the number of them which were sealed: and there were sealed an hundred and forty and four thousand of all the tribes of the children of Israel. Of the tribes of Juda… Reuben… Gad… Aser… Nepthalim… Manasses… Simeon… Levi… Issachar… Zabulon… Joseph… Benjamin were sealed…” Revelation 7:4-8 According to the Encyclopedia Britannica, Hermon means “Forbidden Place.” Mount Hermon may of been the port of entry for the wicked angels, who corrupted the human race in the days of Noah. Moses wrote: “The sons of God saw the daughters of men that they were fair; and they took them wives of all which they chose …. There were giants in the earth in those days, and also after that, when the sons of God came in unto the daughters of men, and they bare children to them… Gen. 6:1-3

Click Here to Play the Audio for Part 9

PDF: Antichrist & The Tribe of Dan-Mount Hermon-Fallen Angels & The Giants-Nephilum


The Antichrist, Tribe of Dan, Mount Hermon, Fallen Angels & The Giants-Parts 10

By Dr. Scott Johnson | December 7, 2008

The Antichrist, Tribe of Dan, Mount Hermon, Fallen Angels & The Giants-Parts 10

Several obscure prophecies in the Bible point to the possibility that the Antichrist may (in part) descend from the Tribe of Dan. The Merovingians claim to come from the tribe of Judah through Jesus Christ. However, the weight of evidence indicates that they descended from the tribe of Dan. Although Scripture states that Samson was “of the family of the Danites” [Judges 13:2], Yair Davidy of Brit-Am Israel claims that Sampson’s lineage includes the Messianic tribe of Judah: “Samson…came from the Tribe of Dan but his mother was from Judah. Samson, in some respects, was considered a forerunner of the Messiah who will come from Judah but his mother will be of the Tribe of Dan.” [Brit-Am Israel newsletter, 2/9/99] The Tribe of Dan also is missing from Rev. 7 regarding the 12 tribes (144,000) sealed during the Tribulation and the half tribe of Manasses takes thier place: “And I heard the number of them which were sealed: and there were sealed an hundred and forty and four thousand of all the tribes of the children of Israel. Of the tribes of Juda… Reuben… Gad… Aser… Nepthalim… Manasses… Simeon… Levi… Issachar… Zabulon… Joseph… Benjamin were sealed…” Revelation 7:4-8 According to the Encyclopedia Britannica, Hermon means “Forbidden Place.” Mount Hermon may of been the port of entry for the wicked angels, who corrupted the human race in the days of Noah. Moses wrote: “The sons of God saw the daughters of men that they were fair; and they took them wives of all which they chose …. There were giants in the earth in those days, and also after that, when the sons of God came in unto the daughters of men, and they bare children to them… Gen. 6:1-3

Click Here to Play the Audio for Part 10

PDF: Antichrist & The Tribe of Dan-Mount Hermon-Fallen Angels & The Giants-Nephilum


The Antichrist & King Solomon Part 5 (Antichrist/Obama series continued)

By Dr. Scott Johnson | November 30, 2008

The Antichrist & King Solomon Part 5 (Antichrist/Obama series continued)

Obama has certainly run a Messianic type Presidential campaign and has been called a ‘Messiah’ by Muslim leader L. Farrakhan. Are we witnessing the public coming to power of the Antichrist? The key question to resolve here is: Is Obama “Thee Antichrist” or just “a antichrist”. Matthew 24 and key prophecies in Daniel are key passages if we are to understand this issue. In this teaching we will be taking an extensive biblical look at the signs leading up to & through the tribulation, the rebirth of modern day Israel, an in depth, faith building look at the genealogies of Mary (Luke 3) and Joseph (Matthew 1) & how this relates to where the Antichrist will most likely stake his claim to his genetic line of ascension. This is important because according to the Bible (Isaiah 9:7) the coming Messiah will have to prove his lineage back to King David. The prophecy says: “Of the increase of his government and peace there shall be no end, upon the throne of David, and upon his kingdom, to order it, and to establish it with judgment and with justice from henceforth even for ever…” (Isaiah 9:7). The Antichrist will most likely claim his genealogy through Solomon to David, for many reasons high level Masons & occultists know all too well. Some of the ancient Sanhedrin believed that King Solomon was the Messiah. This error (in part) led them to reject Jesus Christ as the Messiah. Today, the same false belief will most likely lead many Jews to receive the Antichrist as a possible 2nd coming of Solomon which has been masterminded by Illuminati and will be fullfilled by the coming Masonic/Merovingian False Christ.

Click Here to Play the Audio for Part 5

There is no PDF for this Teaching.