"And have no fellowship with the unfruitful works of darkness, but rather reprove them. " Eph. 5:12


Vatican Easing Humanity Toward Alien Disclosure?-Part 1

By Dr. Scott Johnson | May 25, 2008

Vatican Easing Humanity Toward Alien Disclosure?-Part 1
5/25/2008–Vatican chief astronomer Father Jose Gabriel Funes in a long interview with the L’Osservatore Romano newspaper this week made news by saying ‘Just as we consider earthly creatures as ‘a brother,’ and ‘sister,’ why should we not talk about an ‘extraterrestrial brother’?’. The statements by Funes are the latest in a string of recent comments by Vatican astronomers confirming a belief that discovery may be made in the near future of alien life. In asking whether little green men might be guilty of original sin, the Catholic theologian astronomers don’t blink. Fr. Funes said he was sure that, if aliens needed redemption, they “in some way, would have the chance to enjoy God’s mercy.” Vatican astronomer, Guy Consolmagno was more explicit: there’s no problem in getting the Son of God to every planet with ETs because, as Christians accept every Sunday during the Holy Eucharist, “Christ is truly, physically present in a million places, and sacrificed a million times, every day at every sacrifice of the Mass.” Consolmagno tackled this subject in a 50-page booklet, Intelligent Life in the Universe.

Approximately 7 years ago Monsignor Corrado Balducci made similar news when he said ETs were actually already interacting with earth and that some of the Vatican’s leaders were aware of it. Before his death in 1999, maverick Catholic theologian Father Malachi Martin hinted at such more than once. Some perceive this as a careful doctrinal unveiling over the last 24 months & a deliberate effort by church officials to ‘warm-up’ the laity to ET Disclosure

We will also be looking at a Cutting Edge article entitled: Holographic Technology Takes Huge Leap Upward! Staging the Antichrist.

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PDF: Vatican Alien Disclosure & Holographic Technology

Cloning, DNA Manipulation & Corrupting The Seed & the Book of Enoch-Part 1

By Dr. Scott Johnson | May 4, 2008

Cloning, DNA Manipulation & Corrupting The Seed & the Book of Enoch-Part 1
5/4/2008–The interpretation of Genesis 6:4 that the Nephilim are half human, half fallen angel makes this very simple to understand. God made a way for man to be saved from his sin through grace by faith in His Son but He did not make a way for the angels that rebelled to be saved. Therefore, a mixture of the two kinds would be a corruption and the result a ‘fallen race’. It is interesting that Genesis tells us that ‘all flesh’ was corrupt in the days of Noah. What does that mean? We know that God destroyed all the animals as well as all people except those brought on the ark with Noah and his family. We will explore this topic further in this study. Now, what is man doing in creating these hybrids whether they are human/animal or plant/animal? Man is mixing kinds together and creating a corrupt and defiled race. Frankly, man is messing with things he has no right to manipulate – he is in effect trying to play ‘God’, which goes right back to the original sin in the garden.

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PDF: Cloning & DNA & Corrupting Seed

Jehovah’s Witnesses Exposed!-Part 1

By Dr. Scott Johnson | April 20, 2008

Jehovah’s Witnesses Exposed!-Part 1
4/20/2008–The Cult of the Jehovah’s Witnesses (JW’s) was officially founded in 1884 & officially adopted the name of JW’s in 1931 by Charles Taze Russell (1852-1916). In 1870, Russell was exposed to the teachings of William Miller, one of the founders of the Second Adventist Movement and acquired an interest in end time prophecies. Russell originally denied the doctrine of Hell, and would go on to reject nearly every other Christian doctrine, as well as add many physically and spiritually dangerous doctrines of his own making. Russell (as we will see) was also a Freemason and Knights Templar and as a result almost certainly a plant, to start yet one more apostate religion to lead millions to hell. He is actually buried under a huge pyramidal shaped tombstone in a Masonic Cemetery in Pittsburgh, PA. This tombstone actually has the Knights Templar symbol prominently displayed near the top. This cult teaches that Jehovah God created Michael the Archangel before the foundation of the world; Michael was His only begotten son & it was this created Michael who was reincarnated into Jesus Christ, via the immaculate conception of Mary.

The JW’s also use a very corrupted Bible. From the forward of their 1950 version New World Translation we read: ‘The Greek text that we have used as a basis of our NW translation is the widely accepted Westcott and Hort text (1881) by reason of its admitted excellence. But we have also taken in to consideration other texts including that prepared by D. Eberhard Nestle and that compiled by the Spanish Jesuit scholar Jose Maria Bover and that by the other Jesuit scholar A. Merk…’

Click Here to Play the Audio for Part 1

PDF: Jehovah Witness


Jehovah’s Witnesses Exposed!-Part 2

By Dr. Scott Johnson | April 20, 2008

Jehovah’s Witnesses Exposed!-Part 2
4/20/2008–The Cult of the Jehovah’s Witnesses (JW’s) was officially founded in 1884 & officially adopted the name of JW’s in 1931 by Charles Taze Russell (1852-1916). In 1870, Russell was exposed to the teachings of William Miller, one of the founders of the Second Adventist Movement and acquired an interest in end time prophecies. Russell originally denied the doctrine of Hell, and would go on to reject nearly every other Christian doctrine, as well as add many physically and spiritually dangerous doctrines of his own making. Russell (as we will see) was also a Freemason and Knights Templar and as a result almost certainly a plant, to start yet one more apostate religion to lead millions to hell. He is actually buried under a huge pyramidal shaped tombstone in a Masonic Cemetery in Pittsburgh, PA. This tombstone actually has the Knights Templar symbol prominently displayed near the top. This cult teaches that Jehovah God created Michael the Archangel before the foundation of the world; Michael was His only begotten son & it was this created Michael who was reincarnated into Jesus Christ, via the immaculate conception of Mary.

The JW’s also use a very corrupted Bible. From the forward of their 1950 version New World Translation we read: ‘The Greek text that we have used as a basis of our NW translation is the widely accepted Westcott and Hort text (1881) by reason of its admitted excellence. But we have also taken in to consideration other texts including that prepared by D. Eberhard Nestle and that compiled by the Spanish Jesuit scholar Jose Maria Bover and that by the other Jesuit scholar A. Merk…’

Click Here to Play the Audio for Part 2

PDF: Jehovah Witness


‘Bloodline’ & ‘DaVinci Code’ – Attack On Jesus Christ-Part 1

By Dr. Scott Johnson | April 13, 2008

‘Bloodline’ & ‘DaVinci Code’ – Attack On Jesus Christ-Part 1

link to Cuttingedge.org

In May, 2008, another documentary picture is going to start showing in movie theaters designed to sow doubt in people’s minds that Jesus truly was Divine and that He remained unmarried until His death. This movie even goes so far as to call the facts of Jesus a ‘LIE’. As will be demonstrated, the peoples of the world need to become convinced in vast numbers that Jesus’ claims to be God and to be the unique Savior of the World before Antichrist can arise.

The storyline of this documentary is distressingly similar to the Da Vinci Code, which sought to prove that Jesus did not really die, but escaped from the tomb, got into the village, married Mary Magdalene, and had children by her. Then, as the Christian Church was exploding in popularity, Jesus was killed, forcing Mary Magdalene to flee with the help of friends to what is today called, ‘Normandy, France’. Mary was pregnant at the time she fled and delivered a baby girl shortly after arriving in Normandy. In due time, this daughter of Mary/Jesus married a Merovingian Prince, thus supposedly linking the bloodline of the Merovingian family and Jesus Christ.

Why is this story line important? It is important because Antichrist must prove his lineage back to King David if he is to convince the Jews and the other peoples of the world that he is the Jewish Messiah. Old Testament prophecy clearly states that Messiah will come from the House of David, which is why the Bible contains Matthew, Chapter 1, proving Jesus’ lineage back to King David. We know that Antichrist somehow will have to be able to ‘prove’ his lineage back to David.

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‘Bloodline’ & ‘DaVinci Code’ – Attack On Jesus Christ-Part 2

By Dr. Scott Johnson | April 13, 2008

‘Bloodline’ & ‘DaVinci Code’ – Attack On Jesus Christ-Part 2

link to Cuttingedge.org

In May, 2008, another documentary picture is going to start showing in movie theaters designed to sow doubt in people’s minds that Jesus truly was Divine and that He remained unmarried until His death. This movie even goes so far as to call the facts of Jesus a ‘LIE’. As will be demonstrated, the peoples of the world need to become convinced in vast numbers that Jesus’ claims to be God and to be the unique Savior of the World before Antichrist can arise.

The storyline of this documentary is distressingly similar to the Da Vinci Code, which sought to prove that Jesus did not really die, but escaped from the tomb, got into the village, married Mary Magdalene, and had children by her. Then, as the Christian Church was exploding in popularity, Jesus was killed, forcing Mary Magdalene to flee with the help of friends to what is today called, ‘Normandy, France’. Mary was pregnant at the time she fled and delivered a baby girl shortly after arriving in Normandy. In due time, this daughter of Mary/Jesus married a Merovingian Prince, thus supposedly linking the bloodline of the Merovingian family and Jesus Christ.

Why is this story line important? It is important because Antichrist must prove his lineage back to King David if he is to convince the Jews and the other peoples of the world that he is the Jewish Messiah. Old Testament prophecy clearly states that Messiah will come from the House of David, which is why the Bible contains Matthew, Chapter 1, proving Jesus’ lineage back to King David. We know that Antichrist somehow will have to be able to ‘prove’ his lineage back to David.

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J.R. Tolkien, C.S. Lewis, The Inklings, Narnia & the Golden Dawn-Part 1

By Dr. Scott Johnson | April 6, 2008

J.R. Tolkien, C.S. Lewis, The Inklings, Narnia & the Golden Dawn-Part 1

In this teaching we will start out by first discussing many of the occult details and facts regarding both J.R. Tolkien’s ‘Lord of the Rings’ books/movies and then C.S. Lewis’s ‘Narnia’ books/movies.

During the 1930’s to 1940’s both Tolkien and Lewis were part of an informal literary discussion group associated with the ‘University of Oxford’ & known as the “Inklings”. C. S. Lewis called Charles Williams (Fellow “Inkling”, specialist in Tarot and Kabbalah & a man whose mind was steeped in occult rituals and demonic forces) ‘his dearest friend.’ This close friendship made a large impact on Lewis and his writings. C. S. Lewis wrote of Williams poems: ‘They seem to me… for their profound wisdom, to be among the two or three most valuable books of verse produced in the century.’ Charles Williams was also a member of the ‘Hermetic Order of the Golden Dawn’.

There are many that assert that both Tolkien and Lewis were closet members of the Golden Dawn. The Hermetic Order of the Golden Dawn was a amalgamation of Freemasonry (Babylonian mystery religions), Theosophy (An Satanic/occult religious philosophy combined with metaphysics, started by a high level witch named H. P. Blavatsky), Eliphas Levi’s Teachings (A high level black magic occultist), Enochian Magic (an elaborate system of advanced, Satanic, ceremonial magic), The Kabbalah (The highest level of Jewish witchcraft) and medieval grimoire (a manual of black magic for invoking spirits and demons). Regarding the Order of the Golden Dawn, among its first initiates was a coroner who allegedly performed necromantic rites, while another early member was black magician Aleister Crowley, the self styled Great Beast/666.

Click Here to Play the Audio for Part 1

PDF: CS Lewis Warning


J.R. Tolkien, C.S. Lewis, The Inklings, Narnia & the Golden Dawn-Part 2

By Dr. Scott Johnson | April 6, 2008

J.R. Tolkien, C.S. Lewis, The Inklings, Narnia & the Golden Dawn-Part 2

In this teaching we will start out by first discussing many of the occult details and facts regarding both J.R. Tolkien’s ‘Lord of the Rings’ books/movies and then C.S. Lewis’s ‘Narnia’ books/movies.

During the 1930’s to 1940’s both Tolkien and Lewis were part of an informal literary discussion group associated with the ‘University of Oxford’ & known as the “Inklings”. C. S. Lewis called Charles Williams (Fellow “Inkling”, specialist in Tarot and Kabbalah & a man whose mind was steeped in occult rituals and demonic forces) ‘his dearest friend.’ This close friendship made a large impact on Lewis and his writings. C. S. Lewis wrote of Williams poems: ‘They seem to me… for their profound wisdom, to be among the two or three most valuable books of verse produced in the century.’ Charles Williams was also a member of the ‘Hermetic Order of the Golden Dawn’.

There are many that assert that both Tolkien and Lewis were closet members of the Golden Dawn. The Hermetic Order of the Golden Dawn was a amalgamation of Freemasonry (Babylonian mystery religions), Theosophy (An Satanic/occult religious philosophy combined with metaphysics, started by a high level witch named H. P. Blavatsky), Eliphas Levi’s Teachings (A high level black magic occultist), Enochian Magic (an elaborate system of advanced, Satanic, ceremonial magic), The Kabbalah (The highest level of Jewish witchcraft) and medieval grimoire (a manual of black magic for invoking spirits and demons). Regarding the Order of the Golden Dawn, among its first initiates was a coroner who allegedly performed necromantic rites, while another early member was black magician Aleister Crowley, the self styled Great Beast/666.

Click Here to Play the Audio for Part 2

PDF: CS Lewis Warning

C.S. Lewis: In His Own Words-Part 1

By Dr. Scott Johnson | March 30, 2008

C.S. Lewis: In His Own Words-Part 1

Today C.S. Lewis is revered by many “Christians” as a master of Christian apologetics. He was the author of 40+ books which included poems, novels, children’s books, science fiction, theology, literary criticisms, educational philosophy and an autobiography.

In his book “Mere Christianity” pp. 176-177 he wrote: ‘There are people in other religions who are being led by God’s secret influence to concentrate on those parts of their religion which are in agreement with Christianity, and who thus belong to Christ without knowing it …Many of the good Pagans long before Christ’s birth may have been in this position’.

In a previous issue of Christianity Today (6/15/98, p.30) Millet, dean of Brigham Young University, is quoted as saying that C.S. Lewis ‘is so well received by Latter-day Saints [Mormons] because of his broad and inclusive vision of Christianity’ In Letters to Malcolm (p. 107), Lewis indicates that shortly before his death he termed himself ‘very Catholic’ — his prayers for the dead, belief in purgatory, and rejection of the literal resurrection of the body are serious deviations from Biblical Christianity (C.S. Lewis: A Biography, p. 234); he even went to a priest for regular confession (p. 198), and received the sacrament of extreme unction on 7/16/63 (p. 301).

His contention that ‘Christ fulfils both Paganism and Judaism …’ is extremely unscriptural. (Reflections on the Psalms, p.129). He also believed the Book of Job is ‘unhistorical’ (pp. 110), and that the Bible contained ‘error’ (pp.110, 112) and is not divinely inspired (The Inklings, p. 175). Lewis used profanities, told bawdy stories, and frequently got drunk with his students(5/19/90, World magazine.

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PDF: CS Lewis Warning


C.S. Lewis: In His Own Words-Part 2

By Dr. Scott Johnson | March 30, 2008

C.S. Lewis: In His Own Words-Part 2

Today C.S. Lewis is revered by many “Christians” as a master of Christian apologetics. He was the author of 40+ books which included poems, novels, children’s books, science fiction, theology, literary criticisms, educational philosophy and an autobiography.

In his book “Mere Christianity” pp. 176-177 he wrote: ‘There are people in other religions who are being led by God’s secret influence to concentrate on those parts of their religion which are in agreement with Christianity, and who thus belong to Christ without knowing it …Many of the good Pagans long before Christ’s birth may have been in this position’.

In a previous issue of Christianity Today (6/15/98, p.30) Millet, dean of Brigham Young University, is quoted as saying that C.S. Lewis ‘is so well received by Latter-day Saints [Mormons] because of his broad and inclusive vision of Christianity’ In Letters to Malcolm (p. 107), Lewis indicates that shortly before his death he termed himself ‘very Catholic’ — his prayers for the dead, belief in purgatory, and rejection of the literal resurrection of the body are serious deviations from Biblical Christianity (C.S. Lewis: A Biography, p. 234); he even went to a priest for regular confession (p. 198), and received the sacrament of extreme unction on 7/16/63 (p. 301).

His contention that ‘Christ fulfils both Paganism and Judaism …’ is extremely unscriptural. (Reflections on the Psalms, p.129). He also believed the Book of Job is ‘unhistorical’ (pp. 110), and that the Bible contained ‘error’ (pp.110, 112) and is not divinely inspired (The Inklings, p. 175). Lewis used profanities, told bawdy stories, and frequently got drunk with his students(5/19/90, World magazine.

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PDF: CS Lewis Warning