"And have no fellowship with the unfruitful works of darkness, but rather reprove them. " Eph. 5:12


The North American Union Steamroller

By Dr. Scott Johnson | April 22, 2007

The North American Union Steamroller

This teaching will primarily focus on the impending formation of the “North American Union” (NAU). Relating to this subject is the formation a brand new currency called the “Amero” which is slated to replace the dollar when the NAU is fully implemented in 2010. This will also mark the end of U.S. sovereignty as America’s borders will be essentially erased so we can be joined to Mexico and Canada. As we will see from several reputable sources, this information is fact not fiction.

We will also be revealing the plans behind the “Trans-Texas Corridor” & the “North American Super Corridor “(NASCO). We will also be learning how the “Security and Prosperity Partnership of North America” (SPP) was formed to bring much of these draconian measures to pass. This whole scenario will most likely be the last nail in the coffin for the middle class of America, as illegal aliens will no longer be illegal and much of our American work force will become totally obsolete in favor of lower cost labor. Currently President Bush has decided that tens of thousands of Mexican trucks and truckers should be allowed into our country in order to compete against our American Truckers. In less than 3 weeks, they will cross into this country with our President’s blessing and what many are doing to protest this in the U.S. We will also be covering the coming One World Currency called the “Phoenix”.

Lastly we we will be focusing on the recent Hate Crimes legislations to be enacted.

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By Dr. Scott Johnson | April 15, 2007


external link to Lighthouse Trails Research

In this teaching will be examining the much talked about (Oprah, Larry King, etc.) heresy called “The Secret”. Beyond any cursory look at “The Secret”, most discerning Christians will quickly identify this as just one more new age philosophy repackaged to maximally appeal to the masses. This Gnostic doctrine is really just “White Witchcraft” combined with Norman Vincent Peale’s “The Power of Positive Thinking” and the modern day wealth and prosperity preachers “Name it and Claim it”. It’s a sad state of affairs when the secular world is finally catching up to apostate church practices that have been going on for decades. The subtle message of “The Secret” (as well as most of the prosperity preachers) is that if you’re poor, sad, unhealthy, etc., then it must be your own fault because you have let your own thoughts lead you to this existence. We will also be looking at a little known teaching entitled “What ‘The Secret’ doesn’t tell you about ‘The Secret’”, which is yet one more carrot that Satan is dangling in front of the masses that embrace this heresy. This is truly yet one more significant part of the end time delusion that the Bible clearly predicted.

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PDF: Secret Warning

Easter/Ishtar: Paganism Repackaged

By Dr. Scott Johnson | April 8, 2007

Easter/Ishtar: Paganism Repackaged

In this teaching we will be focusing on the history of Easter, exploring its disturbing undeniable Pagan roots. To be objective I have endeavored to garner input from not only Christian sources but also Catholic and Pagan sources as well; and as you will see all three sides are in agreement as to Easter’s Pagan origin and history. We will explore exactly when the holiday of Easter was incorporated into the Roman Catholic Church at the Council of Nicaea in 325 AD; whereby this practice then started to permeate and leaven many other branches of Christianity.

Of further note we will prove how the date of Easter is always determined by (the Biblically forbidden practice of) Astrology and how its date changes every year as a result. If this were the true date of the Resurrection of Jesus Christ, HOW COULD IT CHANGE? We will also be looking at Easters close ties to Pagan goddess known as Ishtar and the specific associations and practices of Easter like: The Easter Bunny, Colored Eggs, Lent, Ash Wednesday, Hot Cross Buns, Spring Break, The Easter Ham, Wicker Easter Baskets, Easter Sunrise Service, Mardi Gras, etc. . . .

Lastly we will explore why only the King James Version translates the Greek word “pascha” to “Easter” (instead of “Passover”) in Acts 12:4; and how this is one more proof of the superiority of the Authorized King James Version.

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PDF: Ishtar Easter

Hagee’s Christian Zionism, Ethnic Salvation & WWIII

By Dr. Scott Johnson | March 25, 2007

Hagee’s Christian Zionism, Ethnic Salvation & WWIII


In this study we will first be examining a disturbing trend emerging in pseudo-Christianity called “Christian Zionism”. This heresy is closely related to the Hebrew Roots Movement and Messianic Judaism. The leader of this movement is Pastor John Hagee and we will be looking at the ‘ethnic salvation gospel’ he believes applies to the Jews. We will also be touching on how this movement is also heavily pressing for a nuclear engagement with Iran and how this is the most likely precursor to WWIII.
Next we will look at how 500 hospitals in America have agreed to start implanting microchips in their patients which is known as the ‘Adopt VeriMed Patient Identification System” and how this moves us ever closer to the implementation of the mark of the beast.

We will then be looking at one of the newest apostate movements to permeate pseudo-Christian circles called “GodMen”. This heresy is equivalent to the ‘Promise Keepers on steroids’ and their credo is ‘Manliness is next to godliness’. This is one of the worst abominations to come along lately.

Lastly we will be looking at the newest attack on the deity and gospel of Jesus Christ, which is a movie called “Bloodline”. This movie is being openly produced by the Freemasonic Knights Templar and reinforces the Biblically the predicated strong delusion of the ‘Davinci Code and the ‘Lost Tomb of Jesus’ heresy. The attack on Jesus Christ is at a fever pitch in order to prepare the way for the emergence of the antichrist.

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Debunking The Lost Tomb of Jesus-Directed by a 33rd Degree Freemason and Occultist

By Dr. Scott Johnson | March 11, 2007

Debunking The Lost Tomb of Jesus-Directed by a 33rd Degree Freemason and Occultist


We will start this teaching by exposing the fact that March 10th was designated by the National Abortion Federation as the “National Day of Appreciation for Abortion Providers” where they go so far as to say the abortionists are actually heroes.

The rest of this teaching focuses on “The Lost Tomb of Jesus” heresy and the backgrounds of both the director (33rd Degree Freemason and occultist) James Cameron and the producer (orthodox Jew) Simcha Jacobovici. We will then debunk this heresy from a historical and archaeological viewpoint. Lastly we will review an e-mail correspondence I received regarding my first audio presentation on “The Lost Tomb of Jesus” heresy. This is a firsthand account and confirmation of how this heresy and others like it will cause many to fall away from Christianity, and how this is part of the beginning of the strong delusion that God will send in the end times according to II Thes. 2 and I Timothy 4:1. I will do my best to try to convey how we must biblically approach these types of heresies.

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Luke Warm Pastors in America

By Dr. Scott Johnson | January 21, 2007

Luke Warm Pastors in America

This is a commentary on Pastor Chuck Baldwin’s recent article entitled “Is it ignorance or misplaced trust?” in which we will examine the state of the typical modern day pastor in the US. We will also be looking at the January Edition of the Last Trumpet” Newsletter.

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Seminaries Shipwrecking the Faith of Many

By Dr. Scott Johnson | January 19, 2007

Seminaries Shipwrecking the Faith of Many

This is a commentary on Chick Publications recent Battle Cry newsletter in which we will be looking at the two lead in articles examining: 1) The pagan roots of modern and ancient Goddess worship and how that ties into the counterfeit pagan trinity and 2) How many seminaries ruin the faith of their students by teaching them to doubt the Word of God. We will also do a short study on Jeremiah 8 and be looking at the dangers of Messianic Judaism. To end things we will be looking at the February edition of “The Last Trumpet” Newsletter.

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PDF: Seminary Warning

Heresy Exposed: How to Become a Millionaire God’s Way

By Dr. Scott Johnson | January 14, 2007

Heresy Exposed: How to Become a Millionaire God’s Way

In this audio will examine how the secular world judges a person’s status (in part) by how many people serve them in this life, whereas the Lord Jesus Christ will judge Christians (in part) by how much of a servant we were to others (during our lives here on earth). Mat 23:11 says: “But he that is greatest among you shall be your servant.” We will explore how Biblically revealed truth is largely dependant on righteous living.

We will be also be looking at a Biblical rebuttal to the heresy of Pastor Thomas C. Anderson “How to Become a Millionaire God’s Way” and comparing this teaching to Satan’s fall in Ezekiel 28. The typical modern day apostate Laodicean church is obsessed with the notion that “gain is godliness”, but the Word of God is diametrically opposed to this position.

We will also be looking at a rebuttal to the “Praying to be thin” Remnant church of Nashville, TN that promotes their own brand of heresy known as “Weigh Down”. Since 1992, Pastor Gwen Shamblin has taken her business from a garage start-up to a multimillion-dollar Nashville corporation. Her 1997 book “The Weigh Down Diet” has sold more than 1 million copies; but this extra-biblical heresy is no different than any other cult that enslaves their membership by misinterpreting select bible verses and then taking them out of context.

Lastly we will be looking at “The Last Trumpet” Newsletter for December.

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Is the Hallelujah Diet – Vegetarianism Biblical?

By Dr. Scott Johnson | January 7, 2007

Is the Hallelujah Diet – Vegetarianism Biblical?

In this teaching we will be looking at the growing threat of war between Israel and the Middle East and how that could spark WWIII leading up to the appearance of the Antichrist. We will also be looking at the true colors of Islam/Muslims and what their Koran says to do to infidels/unbelievers of Islam. We will see how this ties into our own government as the Pentagon currently has Islamic prayer rooms for Muslims. But main subject will be addressing is a point by point Biblical refutation of Rev. George Malkmus and his Hallelujah diet/Vegetarianism.We will be concluding with a Biblical look at wine and alcohol.

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PDF: Vegetarianism and the Hallelujah Diet

The Cornuto Hand Sign/El Diablo/Devil’s Horns/Diabolicus/Hook ‘em Horns/ I Love you?

By Dr. Scott Johnson | December 31, 2006

The Cornuto Hand Sign/El Diablo/Devil’s Horns/Diabolicus/Hook ’em Horns/ I Love you?

We will start off this teaching by going over the much talked about Cornuto sign. The Mano Cornuto or Horned Hand is an ancient symbol used to protect against the evil eye. In Italian, mano means ‘hand’ and corno means ‘horn’. This symbol also represents the Horned God of the Witches. Also called Il Cornuto and Diabolicus, the employment by the elite of the hand sign of the horned devil can actually be tracked all the way back to Babylon. On the great wall of Babylon, adjacent to Ishtar’s Gate, was a mosaic image of a horned bull, representing the sun god. The horns were symbolic of the Babylonian god’s power over the hearts of men. Later, in Imperial Rome, Caesar’s military legions and millions of common people worshipped the sun god, Mithras. Mithraic initiates were baptized in the blood of a horned bull, slain and sacrificed by temple priests. The Knights Templar, predecessor to today Scottish Rite Freemasons, worshiped the grotesque horned goat god, Baphomet. It is believed that many Illuminists continue to sacrifice to this unspeakable deity to this very day. Reportedly, the Illuminati take great delight in seeing the masses adopt their ancient symbol of satanic worship on such a vast scale. We will also explore occultist Helen Keller’s role in the development of the modern day hand sign system for the deaf and how this relates to the Cornuto sign.

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PDF: Cornuto Hand Sign