"And have no fellowship with the unfruitful works of darkness, but rather reprove them. " Eph. 5:12


Concentration Camps in USA, Jay Bakker, the Golden Fleece, Hecate, the Crossroad Curse, Robert Johnson the Blues and Rock Music

By Dr. Scott Johnson | December 17, 2006

Concentration Camps in USA, Jay Bakker, the Golden Fleece, Hecate, the Crossroad Curse, Robert Johnson the Blues and Rock Music

external link: http://www.mindfully.org/Reform/2004/FEMA-Concentration-Camps3sep04.htm

In this teaching we will first be looking at a recent US Army announcement of explaining its readiness for total military takeover of America. On 2/1/06 in Nashville, TN President Bush was quoted saying: ‘We’ve got have to have more detention space.” (PRNewswire-Washington) And, KBR (a subsidiary of Halliburton) is more than willing to accommodate as KBR has been awarded a $385M Homeland Security contract to build U.S. detention centers. (MarketWatch)(01/24/06) FEMA has activated and is currently staffing its vast network of empty internment camps with armed military personnel. Unknown to most Americans; these large federal facilities are strategically positioned across the U.S. landscape to ‘manage’ the population in the event of a ‘terrorist’ attack, a civilian uprising, health epidemic, large-scale dissent, or an insurrection against the government. Some of these razor-wired facilities have the capacity of detaining a million people. There are over 800+ concentration camps in the USA. Most of these camps were built in the 1990s. See the link below to verify these points and exact Concentration Camps in USA, the Golden Fleece, Hecate, the Crossroad Curse and Robert Johnsonly where these camps are located in every state and the executive orders that will bring this about. We will then look at Jim Bakker’s son: Jay, who started a blasphemous ministry called “One Punk Under God”. We will also be covering many more subjects in this teaching.

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X-Mas: The Biggest Pagan Holiday/Holyday of the Year

By Dr. Scott Johnson | December 3, 2006

12/3/2006–Is X-Mas Biblical? Let explore the facts so you can see for yourself. On 12/24/1871 Pastor Charles H. Spurgeon said: “We have no superstitious regard for times and seasons. Certainly we do not believe in the present ecclesiastical arrangement called Christmas. First because we do not believe in any mass at all, but abhor it, whether it be sung in Latin or in English: Secondly, because we find no scriptural warrant whatever for observing any day as the birthday of the Savior; and consequently, its observance is a superstition,..”

Historians are in general agreement it was not till the middle of the fourth century that any part of the Church celebrated the birth of our Lord. This is an amazingly late date. Christmas was not observed in Rome, the capital of the Roman Empire, until about 300 years after Christ’s death. Its origins cannot be traced back to either the teachings or practices of the earliest Christians.

The fact is that the so called ‘holy’ days were arranged to fit in with the heathen festivals. We venture to assert that if there be any day of the year of which we may be pretty sure our Savior was not born, it is the 25th of December. “How absurd to think we could do it in the spirit of the world, with a Jack Frost clown, a deceptive worldly Santa Claus, and a mixed program of sacred truth with fun, deception and fiction…The Catholics and high Church Episcopalians may have their Christmas one day in 365, but we have a Christ gift the entire year.”

Dec. 25 is known as the ‘nativity’ of the sun or birthday of Tammuz (the sun god). Plus much more.

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PDF: X-mas- Should a Christian Celebrate X-mas

Rick Warren-Leading Apostate Christianity Straight to Hell

By Dr. Scott Johnson | November 26, 2006

Rick Warren-Leading Apostate Christianity Straight to Hell

Recently Wal-Mart debuted a new book for teenage girls which is a gay “How To” manual that graphically promotes lesbianism to teenage girls by (among other things) citing lying statistics stating that only 10% of the current population is heterosexual, while also stating that 80% of the populace is actually mixed or bisexual. We will then look at Rick Warren’s admitted membership in the Council of Foreign Relations (CFR) via a recent World Daily net article. Rick Warren is one of the main leaders of apostate Christianity worldwide. In a recent trip to the Middle East Rick Warren reported back that he could find no evidence of persecution of Jews or Christians while visiting there. Rick Warren has taken the mantle from Billy Graham and is poised to lead the modern day apostate church straight to hell. Rick Warren’s has prophesied a so called “2nd Reformation” that will ultimately unite all religions worldwide. We will also look at what part the physical Jewish race plays in the end time scenario that will shortly unfold. We will also be covering many other current events.

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PDF: Rick Warren

Beware of the Feel Good Gospel

By Dr. Scott Johnson | November 19, 2006

Beware of the Feel Good Gospel

In this teaching we will start by looking at the dangers of getting an incomplete Gospel. This is the typical Gospel that most churches set forth in America as it is: 1) Popular, 2) Does not offend the sinner, 3) Would be considered politically correct, 4) Will not violate any hate crime legislation, 5) Will usually assure job stability for the Pastor and line his pockets nicely as he is a hireling and has no true love for the sheep. It will usually manifest itself as “The Jesus Loves You” gospel and/or “A loving Jesus would never send one of his children to hell” gospel. Whereas Jesus said in Luke 13:3: “I tell you, Nay: but, except ye repent, ye shall all likewise perish.” We will then look at the rationale behind the Nazi regime of Hitler and the modern day parallels in our modern day world. We will also look at the demonic doctrine of “Racial Hygiene” and how this breed’s contempt for certain races and ties in with the planned depopulation of the planet. We will then touch on what it means as a Christian to go through the refiners fire. We will also explore many end time current events.

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Ted Haggard’s Predetermined Fall and the Planned Discrediting of Christianity

By Dr. Scott Johnson | November 5, 2006

Ted Haggard’s Predetermined Fall and the Planned Discrediting of Christianity

In this teaching we will first be looking at the recent Ted Haggard scandal regarding his relationship with a gay, male prostitute and reported Methamphetamine use. Ted Haggard subsequently resigned as the president of the 30 MILLION member “National Evangelical Association” and as pastor of “New Life Church”. This type of mainstream media discrediting (although true in this case) is partially by design, so as to associate all Christianity with this demonic behavior pattern to the outside world. Ultimately this is a tool of Satan to cause the unsaved, to stay unsaved due to their apprehension of Christianity; this would be the spiritual equivalent of throwing the baby out with the bath water. These apostate leaders of Christianity have been carefully hand picked by the elite to do their bidding, and when appropriate these leaders are exposed so as to do maximum damage to Christianity. We will also see that if you elect to be a member of one of these demonic churches how it will affect you spiritually in an adverse way; as if the head be sick, the whole body will also be sick and if the blind leadeth the blind, they will both fall into a ditch. We will also be exploring many other subjects in this teaching.

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The Lure of New Age and Scientology

By Dr. Scott Johnson | October 29, 2006

The Lure of New Age and Scientology


We will start of this teaching by looking at a recent Last Trumpet Newsletter and the possibility of various end time, predicted pestilences in our near future. Whether is be from a bird flu pandemic or the unimaginable damage that ‘Depleted Uranium’ (used in the Iraq war) has already caused, Jesus warned of these types of events in the end times. We will be seeing how Pres. Bush has been given the absolute dictatorial powers of torture (just to mention one power) over Americans and how Bible believing, Constitution abiding, Christians can actually be put under the classification of a terrorist. There has even been an FBI brochure released to verify this. Then we will do a brief study on the highest ranking family in the illuminati: The Rothschild’s. This family established the modern day banking system as we know it and systemically funded virtually both sides of every war since their rise to power. We will also be looking at the group called “Scholars for 911 Truth”. We will also be looking at the monetary & spiritual seduction of the New Age and Scientology that is permeating the natural health care field; while the Medical field uses pharmaceuticals in a vain attempt to drug our bodies into good health.

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Shocking Faith Based Initiative Expose

By Dr. Scott Johnson | October 15, 2006

Shocking Faith Based Initiative Expose

In this teaching will start off with by listening to an amazing MSNBC interview audio clip (with Keith Olbermann) regarding “Faith Based Initiatives” (F.B.I.) in the US. We will document Carl Rove’s recent, shocking quote regarding F.B.I. and see the contempt and disdain that high-ranking, conservative republicans (as well as the democrats) actually have for the religious right. To them the Christians of America are just a group to be used and duped into advancing there own agenda & ultimately the New World Order. Quite frankly they have done a pretty good job and I’m sure that Satan is well pleased with their efforts and the apathy of the pseudo-Christians of America. At the height of this hypocrisy is Pres. Bush & we will be a taking a good look at the Spiritual fruit of this man and his double minded actions. We will also be looking at how Americans are being totally immersed in occult imagery and yet very few even know this is so. Satan is depending on the population (especially Christians) as a whole to remain totally ignorant of his devices so he can get an advantage on us: See 2 Cor. 2:11. In addition to this we will also explore many end time current events.

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The Double Face of Islam

By Dr. Scott Johnson | October 9, 2006

The Double Face of Islam

In this teaching will start off with a short expose of my experiences with the Unitarian Church and why very few Unitarians are ever converted over to Biblical Christianity. This cult exemplifies “Brill Cream Religion” at its finest: “A little dab will do ya.” Next we will explore the double face of Islam and her Moon god: Allah. You will see the double standard imposed on Israel by mainstream media whenever Israel attempts to defend itself against Islam and how the Islamic bible called the Koran commands its followers to kill all infidels (which is defined as any unbeliever in the Islamic faith). You will also see how the modern day apostate church has put itself in the unenviable position of being “Willingly Ignorant” before the Lord Jesus Christ. In addition to this we will explore many end time current events and end with a teaching in Romans.

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Mary Goddess Worship & the Queen of Heaven

By Dr. Scott Johnson | October 1, 2006

Mary Goddess Worship & the Queen of Heaven

In this teaching we will start by looking at how some Protestant denominations are starting to emulate the Catholic practice of Mary worship. Some have gone so far as to agree that Mary plays a major part in the Salvation of a Christian by naming her “Co-Redemptrix” with Jesus Christ. Many of these churches have erected Mary statues which are worshipped like idols. They are desperately trying to put a “feminine face” on God. These denominations are striving to find to any and all common ground with the Catholic Church so as to ultimately come into full unity with her in the formation of the one world church of the Antichrist. You will see that like almost all heresy this whole mess stems from the fact that these denominations have deviated from the Word of God and have embraced false Bible versions. We will also see how this movement has its roots as far back as Babylon where the whole concept of father (Nimrod), son (Tammuz) and mother goddess (Semiramus) found its beginnings. The Catholic goddess “Mother Mary”/“Queen of Heaven” is just the repackaged modern day equivalent of the Babylonian goddess Semiramus/”Queen of Heaven”. We will also be looking at many other related end time current events.

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Discerning the Signs of the Endtimes

By Dr. Scott Johnson | September 16, 2006

Discerning the Signs of the Endtimes

In the New Testament Jesus rebuked those that could not discern the “signs of the times”. In turn (as endtime Christians) we need to prepare ourselves for the greatest deception the world has ever known. This will primarily come through the deception that leads to the Antichrist’s rise to power. Because the church has not learned to discern the signs of the times properly, the body of Christ is in a very defensive position due to the leaven/sin that has infiltrated the modern day church. As a result a large part the church has left the battlefield, and this is one reasons why it is prudent to study your enemy before going to war. In this teaching we will be looking at the coming deception of the Antichrist and his ascended masters. This teaching will complement the previous teaching done on Lord Maitreya. We will also be looking at how angels should appear in bodily form (from a Biblical standpoint); which is a far cry from the New Age angel images so popular in today’s world. We will then be looking at the danger of using the Tetragrammaton, YHVH, IHVH, G-d, & Yahshua, Yehoshua, Y’shua, Yeshua, Iesous, Iesus as a substitute for the name of Jesus Christ. Lastly we will explore the events that happened at the Tower of Babel and why were coming back to that soon.

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