"And have no fellowship with the unfruitful works of darkness, but rather reprove them. " Eph. 5:12


The Masonic History of George Washington

By Dr. Scott Johnson | September 9, 2006

The Masonic History of George Washington

This teaching will start by giving a detailed, historical, documented, freemasonic chronology of the first US President George Washington. (Please view the PDF above in totality before you dismiss this material.) The evidence is absolutely overwhelming. You cannot bow the knee to Baal (Freemasonry)and God (Bible believing Christianity). No man can serve two masters. Ask yourself if it is possible for Washington’s Christian testimony to UNDO all this evidence. We will be examining the 333 foot “George Washington Masonic Memorial” in Alexandria, Virginia, which houses a large part of his personal Masonic regalia. We will see how the Masonic religion is one of the closest modern day examples we have to the ancient Babylonian Mystery religions. We will then explore some of the blasphemous, hidden symbology of the Masons like the Square and Compass, the Luciferian meanings of the symbols on the one dollar bill and the lambskin aprons they wear. Then we will explore the shocking, true meaning of the Triquetra symbol that appears on the cover of the New King James Bible. We will then hear some sounds clips of Benny Hinn cursing all those that would oppose his demonic ministry and see how he has mastered the art of “hypnotic Induction” to deceive his deluded followers. Lastly we will explore the subject of persecution and the Christianity.

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PDF: George Washington Modified

A World Given Over To Satan

By Dr. Scott Johnson | September 3, 2006

A World Given Over To Satan

In this teaching we will be reviewing several current/end time events and see how these events fit into the big (Biblical) picture. We will first be looking at how the Lord has always preserved a remnant in every time period (no matter how wicked the world had become), and how God typically uses judgment of the wicked to preserve his elect. We will then look at a Biblical/end time chronology of Israel, Jerusalem and the Jews since they were first given back some of their land (via the Balfour Declaration) up through the tribulation. Then you will be shown some of the demonic earmarks of the homosexual movement that are not reported on the nightly news. Because of the wickedness that is being committed in the world and all the innocent blood crying out from the land (primarily via abortions); society is being taken over and given over to devils. Occultists know these heinous acts of wickedness open doors to other unseen dimensions, similar to the bottomless pit in the book of Revelation being opened up.

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The Intelligent Design LIE

By Dr. Scott Johnson | August 20, 2006

The Intelligent Design LIE

We will start this study by examining the true occultic meaning of some common symbols we see on an everyday basis. The first we will examine will be the Caduceus symbol of the Medical profession and its actual occult definition as the Wand of Hermes.
We will then see how ‘Intelligent Design’ is NOT Biblical, but actually has its original roots in 19th Century Deism; in the New Age Movement; and currently in pseudo-science and mathematics which disbelieves Biblical Creationism. Yet, most Christians believe that ‘Intelligent Design’ is Biblical! In the 1990’s the New Age authors began to teach ‘Interventionist Creation’, in which Aliens came to earth millions of years ago and created Earth as we see it now (including all humans) and then they left. This heresy has now evolved into the modern day New Age theory that supposes that super-intelligent aliens intervened in world history at just the right time to create the world as we know it. Today this theory has a new name (with pseudo-science and mathematics to make the concept believable) the term for this ‘new’ theory is ‘Intelligent Design’. So in other words (in its purest form) this theory teaches that millions of years ago mankind was created by aliens claiming to be the gods of our creation. (AKA: The Ancient Astronaut Theory).

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PDF: Intelligent Design

The Return of The Nephilim: Hollywood Preparing the Way

By Dr. Scott Johnson | August 6, 2006

The Return of The Nephilim: Hollywood Preparing the Way

In this teaching we will be looking at two TV shows that debuted last summer on “ABC Family” and are scheduled for their second season very soon. The first show was entitled “The Fallen”. Unbelievably this show is the poster boy for promoting fallen angels and their offspring with humans, which is described in Genesis 6 (Noah’s days) as “giants”, “mighty men which were of old, men of renown”. This word “giants” (in Genesis 6:4) is translated from the Hebrew word Nephilim which means: The fallen ones. Matt. 24:37: “But as the days of Noe (Noah) were, so shall also the coming of the Son of man be.” So are we as the human race being set up to accept what the Bible clearly predicted would happen? We will look at how these TV shows mingle truth with lies in order to deceive the masses. Remember the Lord said He would send “Strong Delusion” in II Thes. 2:11. The second show we will discuss is called “Kyle XY” which focuses on a teenage boy who was created via genetic manipulation/cloning and has supernatural abilities and powers. Ironically ABC family also frequently airs apostate tele-evangelists: Joel Osteen, James Robison, Joyce Meyer and the 700 Club.

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The Planned Destruction of America

By Dr. Scott Johnson | July 30, 2006

The Planned Destruction of America

In this teaching will first be looking at the impending signs of a potential overthrow of America by the ruling elite through their high powered, shadow organizations and puppet politicians. For the purpose of this study we will be looking at recent publication by the Council of Foreign Relations (CFR) which calls for the termination of U.S. sovereignty and an overthrow of the America. We will see how the illegal alien invasion has been set up (by design) to help foster the implementation of the North American Union which will erase our borders with Canada and Mexico creating a merged super region. These globalists are also planning to divide the world into ten regions which lines up the Biblical predictions of 10 ruling kingdoms during the rule of the Anti-Christ. We will then see how IBM and the Verichip Corporation are working together to bring about the full implementation of the implantable microchip via the Digital Angel technology. Lastly we will be looking at a disturbing group of youngsters known as “Indigo Children”. These children purportedly have special, psychic, occult, paranormal abilities & are being prophesied by many New Agers, to be the coming saviors of the world. When will then see Biblically how this demonic trend relates to the seed of mankind being corrupted.

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Days of the Dead: Sponsored By Cornerstone Christian Youth Camp

By Dr. Scott Johnson | July 23, 2006

Days of the Dead: Sponsored By Cornerstone Christian Youth Camp

In this study we will first look at a Joint Declaration of Unity between the Catholics, Lutherans and Methodists as just one more confirmation of the emerging one world church. We will then look at the testimony of a covert Christian witness at the incomprehensible, annual “Days of the Dead” Cornerstone Christian Youth Camp, which attracted 25,000 pseudo Christian youth. This report will shock as we see how the occult and witchcraft are being woven into almost every facet of apostate Christianity. This is no wonder as the one world religion of the antichrist will be witchcraft at its very essence: See Daniel 8:25. We will see how the Biblically forbidden practice of necromancy (talking to the dead) was one of the main attractions at this youth camp. I will also be giving a brief study on Tantric Yoga, Hinduism and Acupuncture. Lastly we will look at the blessings connected with the fear of the Lord and how humility is integrally related to this subject. This will be done by looking at many various Bible verses that can give us a clear understanding of this subject.

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PDF: Days of the Dead

The Biblical Keys To Answered Prayer

By Dr. Scott Johnson | July 17, 2006

The Biblical Keys To Answered Prayer

This bible study was inspired when one of my email subscribers asked me: “If I thought God still heard our prayers anymore?” Now because the substance of this teaching IS NOT being preached in the vast majority of modern day churches, the body of Christ has suffered greatly regarding answered prayer. We will be looking at the meaning of the “Secret Sins” and “Presumptuous Faults” the Bible mentions in Psalm 19: 12-14. We will explore why the Bible says: “Sorrow is better than laughter” & “The heart of the wise is in the house of mourning” & “Why it is good to receive the rebuke of the wise” & Why The Lord said: “…but to this man will I look, even to him that is poor and contrite of spirit, and trembleth at my Word” & “Why the Lord Jesus Christ sends trials into our lives” & “Why we grow the deepest roots in the valleys”. I will also be giving my personal testimony regarding these points just mentioned.

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Sorceries and Wickedness

By Dr. Scott Johnson | July 9, 2006

Sorceries and Wickedness

First we will be looking at Isaiah 47: 6-11 which closely parallels the indictment given to the luke warm/Laodicean Church of Revelation 3: 14-22. In this portion of Scripture God addresses: “my people”. These people were judged (in part) for their (multitude of sorceries and trusting in their own wickedness) and so will the modern day luke-warm church. The Word of God predicts a very sudden, unexpected judgment on this type of people. The Scriptures explain that this people’s wisdom and knowledge have perverted them; and this is why it is so important what wisdom and knowledge we embrace. A shaking is coming to the body of Christ and we need to be prepared for the day’s ahead and separate ourselves from the Christian pretenders.
This teaching will be primarily examining a recent last Trumpet Newsletter regarding end time prophetic events that are taking place all around us virtually on a daily basis.

We will be looking at the shocking true meaning of the “Holy Grail” and it ties into the emergence of the antichrist.
We will also be looking at the blasphemous way the town of Hell, Michigan celebrated 06/06/06.

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Goddess Worship in the Church

By Dr. Scott Johnson | July 2, 2006

Goddess Worship in the Church

First off we will be looking at a recent announcement made by the Presbyterian church of the U.S. that has condoned the practice of substituting the trinity of: “Father, Son and Holy Spirit” with “Mother, Child and Womb”. Not to be outdone the newly presiding Bishop Elect of the Anglican Church then preaches a sermon entitled “Our Mother Jesus”. What rank blasphemy that is ushering in the introduction of female goddess worship into pseudo Christianity.
The majority of this study will then be devoted to looking at Biblical parameters for women involved in ministry as this is a subject that is almost totally ignored in mainstream Christianity.

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The Pet Sin of Christian Rock

By Dr. Scott Johnson | June 25, 2006

The Pet Sin of Christian Rock

In this study will be examining “Christian Rock” music and it close ties to its predecessor “Secular Rock” music. This study will involve looking at a substantial email exchange I had with another man (calling himself a Christian) who was bound and determined to prove me wrong. The only problem was that he never gave me anything but his opinion to base his arguments on, but the Bible says in: Proverbs 14:12 & 16:25: “There is a way which seemeth right unto a man, but the end thereof are the ways of death.” This whole study is really an indictment on the typical, modern day, lukewarm church that refuses to call sin: sin; and why the judgment of sin is so important in our individual lives as well as in the church. We will also be looking specific groups with the Christian Rock movement (like DC Talk & others) to see what they believe and preach; and explore the history of modern day rock music and how it relates to one of the most debauched high level occults who ever lived: Aleister Crowley. I will also give my partial testimony regarding Rock and Christian Rock music presenting my first hand experience with this end time delusion that has permeated apostate Christianity. The second part of this study will deal with a Bible study from the book of Galatians which is particularly important for anyone struggling with wanting to mingle the grace of our Lord Jesus Christ with the law; which is particularly prevalent in Christian Zionism, The Hebrew Roots Movement, etc.

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PDF: Christian Rock & Biblical Guidelines