"And have no fellowship with the unfruitful works of darkness, but rather reprove them. " Eph. 5:12


Strong Delusion Overtakes the Church

By Dr. Scott Johnson | June 24, 2006

Strong Delusion Overtakes the Church

Scotts very first Teaching.

In this teaching we will look at how man-made religion is Satan’s greatest tool to ultimately take millions to hell. We will also look at what the Bible means by: Blindness in part is happened to the Jew until the fullness of the Gentile come in. We will then do a detailed study on the second part of Romans 1 to see how the tendencies of the wicked will manifest. This portion of Scripture also details and condemns the homosexual lifestyle by both man and woman. You will also see why the “root of bitterness” is so dangerous and how this portion of Scripture should be a self-check for our own lives as Bible believing Christians.

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