"And have no fellowship with the unfruitful works of darkness, but rather reprove them. " Eph. 5:12


Mega Study IV: Alien Agenda Exposed–1-29-17 – Part 3

By Dr. Scott Johnson | February 2, 2017

Table of Contents:

  • Pre-Adamic Man Theory Debunked
  • Cloning, DNA Manipulation & Corrupting The Seed & the Book of Enoch

PDF: Mega Study IV-Alien Agenda Exposed-1-29-17

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Mega Study IV: Alien Agenda Exposed–1-29-17 – Part 4

By Dr. Scott Johnson | February 2, 2017

Table of Contents:

  • C2C: John Lear and Richard Hoagland Disclose Our Secret Space Fleet
  • Remote Viewing Exposed & Jesus Christ’s Existence Proven a Historical and Biblical Fact
  • Phil Schneider’s Alien Firefight At Secret Underground Military Base Reexamined

PDF: Mega Study IV-Alien Agenda Exposed-1-29-17

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Mega Study IV: Alien Agenda Exposed–1-29-17 – Part 5

By Dr. Scott Johnson | February 2, 2017

Table of Contents:

  • Listener Comment: Violent Bigfoot Encounter

PDF: Mega Study IV-Alien Agenda Exposed-1-29-17

Click Here To Play The Part 5 Audio

Mega Study IV: Alien Agenda Exposed–1-29-17 – Part 6

By Dr. Scott Johnson | February 2, 2017

Table of Contents:

  • Listener Comments: More Bigfoot encounters
  • Listener Comment About Deliverance

PDF: Mega Study IV-Alien Agenda Exposed-1-29-17

Click Here To Play The Part 6 Audio

Mega Study IV: Alien Agenda Exposed–1-29-17 – Part 7

By Dr. Scott Johnson | February 2, 2017

Table of Contents:

  • Listener Comment: I actually saw someone with these reptilian eyes yesterday — I am stunned
  • Part 1: Book Review: Walking Among Us: The Alien Plan to Control Humanity

PDF: Mega Study IV-Alien Agenda Exposed-1-29-17

Click Here To Play The Part 7 Audio

Mega Study IV: Alien Agenda Exposed–1-29-17 – Part 8

By Dr. Scott Johnson | February 2, 2017

Table of Contents:

  • Part 2: Book Review: Walking Among Us: The Alien Plan to Control Humanity
  • Katy Perry’s Song “Extraterrestrial” & the Alien Agenda Deception
  • Listener Comment: Nephilim Reptilian Ukraine Sighting
  • Listener Comment: Reptilian Eye Slit Sighting at a Wal-mart       
  • Watch THIS Before Doubting Reptilian Demonic Shapeshifters (Illuminati Exposed) – Shapeshifting Demonic/Reptilian Illuminati Celebrity Devils: Nicki Minaj, Justin Bieber, Katy Perry, Britney Spears, Beyoncé, Oprah
  • Girl Sees Reptilian Humanoid in Virginia
  • Listener Comment: Extreme Evil in Luray Caverns in Virginia
  • Comment: Virginia is increasingly becoming ground zero for this kind of evil activity
  • Was a Nephilim Just Spotted in Arizona?! Crazy Footage Surfaces of GIANT ‘Demon’ Walking the Streets
  • Listener Comment About New Hellywood Show Shadowhunters & People of Earth

PDF: Mega Study IV-Alien Agenda Exposed-1-29-17

Click Here To Play The Part 8 Audio

E.T. Disclosure Agenda Exposed–9-5-16–Part 1

By Dr. Scott Johnson | September 5, 2016

Table of Contents:

  • The Independence Day Resurgence Movie — Aliens — U.S. Army Recruiting For Earth Space Defense!
  • Obama Report to Congress Supports Whistleblower Claims of Secret Space War
  • General Mark Milley, U.S. Army Chief of Staff Talks About “Hybrid Armies” and “Little Green Men” the Military Will Face
  • European Commission President Says he Spoke to Leaders of Other Planets about Brexit
  • Some Not Happy NASA Gave $1.1 Million To Theology Institute To Study How “ET Discovery” Will Shakeup World’s Religions
  • Forked Tongue Liar Speaks About Disclosure: “The Most Profound Event In Human History Stephan Bassett…This legacy is massive. More profound than the coming of Christ!” – Stephen Bassett

PDF: ET Disclosure Agenda Exposed 9-5-16

Click Here To Play The Part 1 Audio

E.T. Disclosure Agenda Exposed–9-5-16–Part 2

By Dr. Scott Johnson | September 5, 2016

Table of Contents:

  • Listener Comment: Black Eyed Women Spotted
  • Listener Comment: Black Eyed Person Encounter
  • Strange Documented Disappearances of Hunters
  • Listener Comment: Satan’s Children

PDF: ET Disclosure Agenda Exposed 9-5-16

Click Here To Play The Part 2 Audio

E.T. Disclosure Agenda Exposed–9-5-16–Part 3

By Dr. Scott Johnson | September 5, 2016

Table of Contents:

  • L.A. Marzulli’s Shocking Find! Photos, X-Rays Included! What Is That? Could This Bizarre Winged Creature Be A Fairy, An Alien Or A Locust From The Book Of Revelation?
  • Real HUMAN FAIRY HYBRID: “Fairy” with “Human Skeleton” X-ray Analysis, Mexico Fairy

PDF: ET Disclosure Agenda Exposed 9-5-16

Click Here To Play The Part 3 Audio

E.T. Disclosure Agenda Exposed–9-5-16–Part 4

By Dr. Scott Johnson | September 5, 2016

Table of Contents:

  • The Giant of Kandahar Afghanistan
  • Unreal! Two GIANT Men spotted nearby Giza Pyramids!
  • The Extensively Documented Conquistadors Encounters with Giants

PDF: ET Disclosure Agenda Exposed 9-5-16

Click Here To Play The Part 4 Audio