"And have no fellowship with the unfruitful works of darkness, but rather reprove them. " Eph. 5:12


Trump, Civil War & The Evil Global Agenda – Part 2

By Dr. Scott Johnson | March 21, 2016

Table of Contents:

  • Political Official Blatantly Admits The Truth – Parties ‘Select’ Nominee, Voters Do Not ‘Elect’ Them
  • Listener Comment Regarding Trump and the Republican Establishment
  • The Planned Assassination of Donald Trump–The elite want him dead, and they’re fomenting the discord to ensure it happens
  • Secret meet…GOP operatives, conservative leaders meet to thwart Trump
  • The Planned Assassination of Donald Trump–The elite want him dead, and they’re fomenting the discord to ensure it happens
  • Secret meet…GOP operatives, conservative leaders meet to thwart Trump
  • TRUMP PROTESTERS BLOCK ROADS TO PHOENIX RALLY…Activists chain themselves to cars…
  • Trump effigy beheaded…SHOCK VIDEO: Protester beheads Trump effigy hanging from noose
  • Clashes in Manhattan…Anti-Trump Protest Moves From Central Park to Trump Towers in New YorK–Queer DEtainee Empowerment Project, Revolutionaries Against Gendered Oppression Everywhere and other evil leftists join protest
  • Violent Anarchists Join Protest at Trump Towers

PDF: Trump, Civil War & The Evil Global Agenda

Click Here To Play The Part 2 Audio

Trump, Civil War & The Evil Global Agenda – Part 3

By Dr. Scott Johnson | March 21, 2016

Table of Contents:

  • Radical Leftists Unleash Anti-Trump Riots Starting On March 19th
  • Anti-Trump Protesters Tyrannize Americans As Soros And The New World Order Begin Activating ‘Terror Cells’ In America In Preparation Of Launching Race War
  • Sheriff Clarke: Pro-Immigration Protesters Against Trump Are ‘A Conglomeration of Misfits’
  • Albert Pike, the highest ranking Freemason of the 1800’s said: “.”We shall release the nihilists and atheists, and we shall provoke a formidable social cataclysm which in all its horror will show clearly to the nations, the effects of absolute atheism, origin of savagery and the most bloody turmoil

PDF: Trump, Civil War & The Evil Global Agenda

Click Here To Play The Part 3 Audio

Trump, Civil War & The Evil Global Agenda – Part 4

By Dr. Scott Johnson | March 21, 2016

Table of Contents:

  • Anti-Trump MOB FOR HIRE Ad In Chicago Craigslist Days Before Violent Protest – Man Who Attacked Trump Made Short Film Calling For Killings Of Whites And Is An ‘Actor’ With An IMDb Page Dating Back To 2004
  • Black Crime Facts That The White Liberal Media Daren’t Talk About
  • A Black Man Says: WHITE PEOPLE ARE NOT THE PROBLEM! Black People ARE!!!–Its time to stop blaming White Folks for the problems we are having in BLACK AMERICA
  • Africans Helped to Start Slavery – How it REALLY happened
  • Black Trump Supporter Shot and Killed by Chicago Protesters
  • Family of Slain Burglar Complains, ‘How Else Was He Gonna Get Money?’
  • Racist College Debaters/Activists Say: White People Should Kill Themselves to Atone For ‘White Privilege’
  • MTV Says Black People Can’t Be Racist

PDF: Trump, Civil War & The Evil Global Agenda

Click Here To Play The Part 4 Audio

Trump, Civil War & The Evil Global Agenda – Part 5

By Dr. Scott Johnson | March 21, 2016

Table of Contents:

  • ++ Chicago Cop: Anti-Trump Mob More Aggressive and Destructive than Reported
  • Bill Clinton Admits Hillary-Soros Connection After Trump Protest
  • Breaking: Anti-Trump Protest Funded and Directed by Hillary
  • HILLARY SUPPORTERS Caught Infiltrating Trump Rallies with NAZI ARMBANDS!
  • Anti-Trump Activists Violating Candidate’s Constitutionally Protected Right to Speech and Assembly
  • Foreign Troops Arrive In Texas to Prepare for the Coming Civil War
  • Dave Hodges Report: Does God Have His Hand On the Trump Miracle?
  • Bible Study: 1 Kings 20

PDF: Trump, Civil War & The Evil Global Agenda

Click Here To Play The Part 5 Audio

Mega Study: The Satanic Lie of the Alien Disclosure Agenda — Part 1 — 2-28-16

By Dr. Scott Johnson | March 9, 2016

Table of Contents:

• Bible Study
• Listener Comment About the New X-Files
• Listener Comment on Alien Agenda & Hollywood

PDF: End Time Current Events 2-28-16

Click Here To Play The Part 1 Audio

Mega Study: The Satanic Lie of the Alien Disclosure Agenda — Part 2 — 2-28-16

By Dr. Scott Johnson | March 9, 2016

Table of Contents:

• Scott Johnson’s Review of The X-files-Season 10 Episode 6 Finale: “My Struggle II”
• Paul McGuire On The “Alien DNA” (That Some Hope To ‘Awaken’) Found Encoded In Some Humans

PDF: End Time Current Events 2-28-16

Click Here To Play The Part 2 Audio

Mega Study: The Satanic Lie of the Alien Disclosure Agenda — Part 3 — 2-28-16

By Dr. Scott Johnson | March 9, 2016

Table of Contents:

• Scott Johnson’s Teaching: The “Ancient Astronaut” Lie: The Shocking Origin of the “Intelligent Design” Theory
• CIA UFO Files Released – Why?
• Thousands of Documents Disclosing Aliens-UFOs soon to be released by US Navy Whistleblower
• Will Government Document Dumps Reveal Secret Space Programs & Aliens in 2016?
• Stargate SG-1: Soft Disclosure according to Secret Space Program Whistleblower

PDF: End Time Current Events 2-28-16

Click Here To Play The Part 3 Audio

Mega Study: The Satanic Lie of the Alien Disclosure Agenda — Part 4 — 2-28-16

By Dr. Scott Johnson | March 9, 2016

Table of Contents:

• Former CIA Operative Reveals That ET Walks Among Us
• The Mini Series–V The Final Battle For Earth:
• Jupiter Ascending Official Trailer (2015)

PDF: End Time Current Events 2-28-16

Click Here To Play The Part 4 Audio

Mega Study: The Satanic Lie of the Alien Disclosure Agenda — Part 5 — 3-6-16

By Dr. Scott Johnson | March 9, 2016

Table of Contents:

• Arthur C. Clarke’s “Childhood’s End” Deception — A Great Deception Began Last December As Network TV “Prepares The World” For Arrival Of Those Alien Evangelists With Leathery Wings, Horns, And Barbed Tails

PDF: End Time Current Events 3-6-16

Click Here To Play The Part 5 Audio

Mega Study: The Satanic Lie of the Alien Disclosure Agenda — Part 6 — 3-6-16

By Dr. Scott Johnson | March 9, 2016

Table of Contents:

• Fallen Angel Sighting Mexico Eyewitness Describes Event
• Long Time Listener Comment: (Mind Blowing) My encounter with a shape shifter
• Reptilian Shape Shifting

PDF: End Time Current Events 3-6-16

Click Here To Play The Part 6 Audio