Emergency Freedom Alerts: 6-3-24-Part 3

Table of Contents:

  • The Supreme Importance and Difference Between Secular Dating vs Biblical Courting + The Importance of Being Raised Biblically & What happens When You’re Not + Testimony & Pictures
  • Update: Scott Johnson’s Comment–Thanks to your prayers (some even fasted) God intervened and after 25 years of searching for Tracy, I finally found her and talked to her. This all started happening only 2 days after I originally posted this teaching on 6-3-24. The power of prayer in action. Out of respect for Tracy, her husband and her children, I took down the pictures of her & I (that I mentioned in this audio) and I will be posting a respectful update on what transpired in a future audio I post. Thank you for all your kind wonderful comments and prayers!

PDF: Emergency Freedom Alerts 6-3-24

Click Here To Play The Part 3 Audio