End Time Current Events-7-1-19-Part 2

Table of Contents: Avoiding Cholera After the Grid Goes Down: What You Need to Know to Be Prepared Using Colloidal Silver & Food Grade Hydrogen Peroxide to Disinfect Drinking Water and for Long-Term Storage How to use Invive to treat suspect water for instant use-using 2000 ppm SILVER Nature’s Purifier Listener Question About Affordable Medical…

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Newsletter–End Time Current Events 6-30-19

James 1:8: A double minded man is unstable in all his ways. Pro 24:21: My son, fear thou the LORD and the king: and meddle not with them that are given to change: 2 Pet 2:17-19: These are wells without water, clouds that are carried with a tempest; to whom the mist of darkness is…

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End Time Current Events-6-26-19-Part 1

Table of Contents: A CHRISTIAN CALL TO ARMS COVERT INTEL – IRAN — SERIOUS Top Iran military adviser threatens to ‘erase’ Israel if war breaks out Iran: New US sanctions are ‘permanent closure’ of diplomacy (That Leaves Open only War) PDF: End Time Current Events 6-2 6-19 Click Here To Play The Part 1 Audio

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End Time Current Events-6-26-19-Part 2

Table of Contents: Does America’s next civil war begin in Oregon? Gov. Kate Brown orders state police to round up Republican lawmakers at gunpoint–Oregon Militias Supporting GOP Carbon Credit Standoff–Capitol Closed for Safety Millions More Illegals and Paramilitary Troops Will Soon Be Here-Red Dawn Is Taking Shape PDF: End Time Current Events 6-26-19 Click Here…

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End Time Current Events-6-24-19-Part 1

Table of Contents: Updates on WWIII with Iran TRUMP ORDERED THE ATTACK…THEN PULLED BACK!–With Russia’s Most Modern Warship Now In The Caribbean Sea And The Middle East Heating Up To A Fever Pitch, Vladimir Putin Hints One Wrong Move And The End Is Nigh Massive Misdirection Now Ongoing On Iran: Experts Warn Iran Has Probably…

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End Time Current Events-6-24-19-Part 2

Table of Contents: Major Nation-Killing Problems In Central America Coming Our Way-Kathy Rubio Window Dressing to Appease Trumps’ Base Falls Through: Trump announces a two week DELAY on planned dawn raids by ICE targeting 2,040 migrant families in 10 cities across the nation – but says he will deport them if talks fail Trump Caves…

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End Time Current Events-6-24-19-Part 3

Table of Contents: Pelosi’s Tweet Confirms Comprehensive Immigration Reform Amnesty Deal We Now Know Why *THIS City was The HOT ZONE Event Destination… Paradise Lost: Homeless in Los Angeles New Vaccines Will Permanently Alter Human DNA–Why is the government so maniacal about injecting vaccines? Short Bible Study on The “Sons of God” from Genesis 6…

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Newsletter–End Time Current Events 6-21-19

ASKED IF US WILL STRIKE IRAN, TRUMP SAYS ‘YOU’LL SOON FIND OUT’… Whistleblower Who Warned About False Flag Attacks to Justify U.S. Invasion of Iran Found Dead, YouTube Channel Removed Trump on US strike on Iran: ‘You’ll soon find out’ Iran on Wednesday attacked a U.S. military drone in international airspace. An Iranian commander later…

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End Time Current Events-6-17-19-Part 1

Table of Contents: Bible Verses on Corrupt Governments Romans 13 & Unlimited Subservience to the Government: Where should a Bible Believing Christian Draw the Line? The USA Building a Case for WWIII — The All Too Convenient “Tanker Attacks” as US Seeks War with Iran The US Planned to Take Out 7 Countries After 911—Iran…

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End Time Current Events-6-17-19-Part 2

Table of Contents: You Need to Watch This Mini Documentary on the Evil History of the ADL and B’nai B’rith Before History is ERASED Bilderberg Attendees–Disturbing Discovery American Sanctuary Cities Are Being Divided Up In Drug Plaza Territories Under the Control of the Sinaloa Cartel Hundreds of Illegal Aliens From Ebola-Stricken Congo Who Arrived in…

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End Time Current Events-6-17-19-Part 3

Table of Contents: Record number of African migrants coming to Mexican border… Texas mayor goes ballistic over ‘dumping’of illegal aliens in his town…Some of These Illegal Invaders Have ‘Rolls of $100 bills’… & They Get Very Defensive When Asked “How They Got Here”!!!! Big Pharma, Forced Vaccinations and Population Control Trump Sends MORE TROOPS TO…

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End Time Current Events-6-17-19-Part 4

Table of Contents: Iran Arrests “CIA AGENTS” Iran nuclear deal: Enriched uranium limit will be breached on 27 June One of the best discussions I have ever heard concerning the militant sexual deviant agenda now overtaking the planet–How drugs are run into the USA – it’s not by human mules–Breakdown on how the Synagogue of…

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End Time Current Events-6-17-19-Part 5

Table of Contents: Shocking Number of Transgender Drag Queen Story Hour Events Announced All Across the Globe!!! Prayer Alert: Freedom of Speech Being Eliminated Rapidly: YOUTUBE PURGES ‘HATE’ Speech… YouTube Just Shut Me Down! Proof That We Are Being Monitored, Controlled And Censored! Prayer Alert: The LGBTQ+ ‘Equality Act’ Would Make It Nearly Impossible to…

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End Time Current Events-6-10-19-Part 1

Table of Contents: A Believers Authority through God and Warring in the Spirit The Invasion Is Accelerating: They Are Coming From Every Continent ‘Large Groups’ of Illegal African Invaders From The Congo (Where the Current Outbreak of Ebola is) Illegally Crossed Texas Border, Say Feds CDC NOW SCRAMBLING TO CONTAIN IT! WHAT YOU NEED TO…

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End Time Current Events-6-10-19-Part 2

Table of Contents: ILLEGAL ALIENS FROM EBOLA COUNTRIES CAUGHT CROSSING US BORDER: CDC Director Warns Ebola Virus to Go International; Vaccine Running out Merck Hiding Ebola Vaccine Side Effects Are globalists going to use the Ebola pandemic to demand mandatory vaccines for everyone? The CDC actually owns the patent on GMO ebola virus strain –…

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End Time Current Events-6-10-19-Part 3

Table of Contents: Deep Underground Tunnels In Colorado- Paul Martin DHS Flying Illegal Aliens to U.S. Cities!!!, Releasing Them into Communities!!! Private border wall — not working thanks to the US Government… Ft. Worth School Board Unanimously Votes to Fire Teacher for Tweeting About Illegal Aliens and Drugs on School Campus to President Trump Illegals…

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End Time Current Events-5-26-19-Part 1

Table of Contents: When 1776 Meets 1941-Are You Prepared for the End of “Amerika”?” What Does It Mean When Exxon Evacuates Its Personnel From Iraq? Yemen: Millions in Peril–US and Saudis Bombing Civilians—Trump in Full Support–Italians Put Americans To Shame By Refusing To Cooperate! US intercepts Russian bombers, fighter jets off the coast of Alaska…

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End Time Current Events-5-26-19-Part 2

Table of Contents: FEDS TO GAS PRISONERS DURING MARTIAL LAW–A Very Telling Suicide Note Bible Verses on Worry and Anxiety Biblical Resistance to Tyranny–Bible Verses Regarding Defending & Protection of the Innocent & Children A Believers Authority In Christ and Warring in the Spirit A Warning Message For Everyone Listening: You’re In Unusual Danger Radical…

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End Time Current Events-5-26-19-Part 3

Table of Contents: Ted & Austin Radio Show Highlights–The Delphi technique is being used repeatedly against the USA population. What is it?–Trump urges people to share internet censorship stories–This is Delphi technique–Bilderberg wants to require a virtual passport to control internet usage–Why the illegal immigration won’t go away–Migrants continue to kill–Christians need to wake up!…

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End Time Current Events-5-26-19-Part 5

Table of Contents: Alex Jones: Working With “The Disinformation Company” Which Is Owned and Controlled by Satanists Libertarianism Exposed as Unbiblical Alex Jones Trannygate Explodes! You Decide! Infowars sells it soul to the devil to appease the Washington DC Pedophile Network!!!: Red Alert — Equality Act — Silencing the Shepherds Liberals Are Pressing Hard To…

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End Time Current Events-5-26-19-Part 6

Table of Contents: ALERT NEW ZEALANDERS! – THEY’RE COMING TO YOUR DOORS for WRONGTHINK ABOUT ISLAM! Iraq’s Christians ‘close to extinction’–Since the US-led invasion toppled the regime of Saddam Hussein in 2003, he said, the Christian community had dwindled by 83%, from around 1.5 million to just 250,000.SQ-INTENDED CONSEQUENCES BY SOMEONE Minneapolis: Somali Muslim Mob…

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End Time Current Events-5-20-19-Part 1

Table of Contents: On the Brink of World War III—Updates–UNDER ATTACK: U.S. EMBASSY IN BAGHDAD – HEAVY MORTAR FIRE FIRE AT CHLORINE PLANT IN NEW JERSEY MAY HAVE BEEN IRANIAN TERROR ATTACK INTENDED TO KILL THOUSANDS When It Will Start–Leave Iran & Iraq Immediately–No Fly Zone Coming–Israel Strikes Damascus Has Trump Been the Victim of…

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End Time Current Events-5-20-19-Part 2

Table of Contents: Canada forcing parents to promote transgenderism to children. The dangers of political correctness There are many Jihad training camps in the USA Hunger Games movie discussed–One thing more effective than fear to control the masses is false hope Q Anon – The Plan to Fool the World! Here Are Loads of QAnon…

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End Time Current Events-5-20-19-Part 3

Table of Contents: Deadly-Disease-Carrying Immigrants Crossing the Border In Record Numbers Listener Comment: Trump – We should have seen this coming Commander in Cheat: How Golf Exposes and Reveals Trump’s True Nature The Banishment of Donald Trump’s Older Brother Mossad Blackmail-Israel Has Trump Right Where They Want Him Listener Comment On Trump’s Penthouse Decor Noahide…

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End Time Current Events-5-13-19-Part 1

Table of Contents: Tactical Nukes, Ground Invasion For Iran! If I Keep Talking, They’ll Kill Me! | Alternative–WHITE HOUSE INSIDER: Trump’s Iran War Will Be Started By A False Flag ‘Predictive Programming’ Insider Says Israel Poised to Stage False Flag Attack Against U.S. Targets to Start War with Iran– War Plan Includes Tactical Nukes HUGE…

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End Time Current Events-5-13-19-Part 2

Table of Contents: Pentagon Tasked to begin Planning for MASSIVE Persian Gulf Troops *Strike Coming?*Sleepers In Place?*The Hit List*Massive Firepower En Route* Muslim Sleeper Cells–THEY ARE ALL AROUND US… Why A War Against Iran May Bring Bloody Terror All Across America: Iranian Sleeper Cells Are Already Here, Some Embedded For Decades, Poised To Launch Large-Scale…

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End Time Current Events-5-13-19-Part 3

Table of Contents: WHAT A NATIONAL GAURDSMAN SAID WILL SEND CHILLS… The Kushner Immigration Plan…Betraying America, Again Ted & Austin Radio Show Highlights–Immigration has exploded! Trump does nothing! Sends troops to help migrants assimilate–Nero fiddles while Rome burns–Mini sermon, must hear information on who we are as Christians. How the transgender movement is demonic. This…

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End Time Current Events-5-6-19-Part 1

Table of Contents: 5G: The Big Picture – Increasingly Intense Exposure of the Natural Environment & All Living Creatures, Including Ourselves, to More & More Electromagnetic Radiation 5G Antennas in Your Backyard? – Join us on May 15th! MORE NEW SECRET DOCUMENTS | Government Keeps a List of 8 Million Names Mark Of The Beast:…

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End Time Current Events-5-6-19-Part 2

Table of Contents: What is the real economy doing? Real inflation numbers? Trump Most Likely Brain Damaged From NutraSweet / Aspartame — Due to Drinking Up to 12-15 Diet Cokes a Day Trump Being Controlled by the International Banking Cartel Trump’s Fraud on Immigration Issues Are Assuring That Permanent Power Will Be Handed to the…

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End Time Current Events-4-29-19-Part 1

Table of Contents: The Replacements-160 Million Immigrants In the Near Future-600 Million Migrants Long-Term What Is the #1 Criminal Enterprise That Supports the Cartels and their Terrorist Allies? The Cartel Takeover of Local American Communities Revelations From Insider Sources Reveal How Close America Is to Simultaneous Civil War and World War III (Part One) PDF:…

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End Time Current Events-4-29-19-Part 1.5

Table of Contents: Number of the Beast: Catholic Pope Pledges $500,000 to 75,000 Illegal Aliens Invading the US – That’s $6.66 Per Invader! Over Two Million Prepaid Debit Cards Given to Muslim Invaders – Official The measles outbreak is a massive false flag; nearly all outbreaks are caused by infected Illegal Alien Invaders, not American…

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End Time Current Events-4-29-19-Part 2

Table of Contents: Revelations From Insider Sources Reveal How Close America Is to Simultaneous Civil War and World War III (Part 2) Quayle Alert: From Federal Leo on Border Most Urgent Warning Yet on Border Invasion & the Real Purpose of Allowing Sick Immigrants In See Scott Johnson’s Teachings: Feds Train 501c3 Clergy To ‘Quell…

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End Time Current Events-4-29-19-Part 3

Table of Contents: The Demonic Realm–This Is Getting Too Real–Why Are Very Few Talking About This! A Believers Authority In Christ and Warring in the Spirit Ancient Portals—Doors That NO ONE Should Open–How Devils Enter In If This Doesn’t Wake Christians Up, Then I Don’t Know What Will… Listener Question: How is a Christian supposed…

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End Time Current Events-4-22-19-Part 1

Table of Contents: Bible Verses on Fear, Worry and Anxiety Easter/Ishtar: Paganism Repackaged MUSLIM SUICIDE BOMBERS STAGE SAVAGE EASTER SUNDAY ATTACK…8 EXPLOSIONS…207+ DEAD…500+ INJURED…Blasts hit Sri Lanka churches, hotels… This Ishtar/Easter Sunday, it’s time to tell the truth about the global war on Christianity (and the rise of Satanism) TREASON!!! Does Trump Know The Internet…

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End Time Current Events-4-22-19-Part 2

Table of Contents: X-FILES DROPS THE TRUTH Freemasonry Officially Admits That The Luciferian All-Seeing Eye Symbol On The Back of the One Dollar Bill Is Masonic! The Masonic History of George Washington Hospital Worker Says Nanobot Mosquito Killed Woman! Hospital Covered It Up! The Ebola Outbreak in Congo Is Close to Becoming a Global Emergency…”…

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End Time Current Events-4-15-19-Part 1

Table of Contents: Uplifting Bible Verses Vaccine Expert Proven Right: New York To Force Vaccinate Adults FYI!!! RFID chips implanted without knowledge—Find out if you may have been implanted!!! NYC Mandates Vaccination in Brooklyn Amid ‘Measles Outbreak’ (Fines & Imprisonment for those Who Refuse) & How to Fight Back PDF: End Time Current Events 4-15-19…

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End Time Current Events-4-15-19-Part 2

Table of Contents: Shocking MMR vaccine trial results released — gastrointestinal & upper-respiratory illness reported NYC Mayor de Blasio declares the US government owns your body Nazi Germany Rebranded!!!: NYC Sends “Disease Detectives” Narcs Into Jewish Neighborhoods Looking for Unvaccinated – Attorneys Prepare Lawsuits Executive Day: Possible Fines For Unvaccinated People Found In Public In…

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End Time Current Events-4-15-19-Part 3

Table of Contents: The 5G Roll-Out is Trump’s 9/11 Why Trump Needs to End Catch Release Directive–This is why a wall is irrelevant until they get this fixed Bad news for Americans! The illegal aliens and their sponsors are now mounting major offensives in several states where they picked up seats in the disastrous 2018…

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End Time Current Events 4-8-19-Part 2

Table of Contents: Why Is the US Government Moving Massive Amounts of Generators Around the Country 5G Causing Women To Have Two Periods! ALERT! Potential for Medications to be CHIPPED Most People Don’t Even Realize What’s Coming The Great Reset 2020 Vote Alert! Swamp Agency Seizing Control of Election Via ‘Unhackable’ Deep State Voting System!?!…

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End Time Current Events-4-8-19-Part 3

Table of Contents: The Brains Behind AOC Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez UN Summit Seeks “New World Order” to “Transform the Way We Live” Geoengineering — Science to Destroy Planet Earth Medieval Diseases Making a Comeback Due to Feces on Streets–Experts warn of ‘public health crisis’ Candida Auris Fungus – A Mysterious Drug-Resistant Germ Deemed An “Urgent Threat”…

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End Time Current Events-4-8-19-Part 4

Table of Contents: Fatigue, Yeast/Candida, Antibiotics and Mild Silver Protein Mild Silver Protein—Candida / Yeast Protocols Colds, Flues and How to Naturally Boost Your Immune System Dr. Johnson’s Flu & Cold Protocol PDF: End Time Current Events 4-8-19 Click Here To Play The Part 4 Audio

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End Time Current Events-3-31-19-Part 1

Table of Contents: One of the most important things any one can do after getting saved Life Changing Low Cost Health Tip: How to Easily Alkalize an Acidic Body Alert Experts Warn Of Historic Widespread Flooding! Food Prices Skyrocket As 1000s Farms Destroyed PDF: End Time Current Events 3-31-19 Click Here To Play The Part…

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End Time Current Events-3-31-19-Part 2

Table of Contents: ‘We’ve never seen anything like this’: Illegal Aliens overwhelm Texas cities–“Caravana Madre”: Mexico Warns 20,000 Migrant ‘Mother of All Caravans’ Forming in Honduras Illegal Alien Amnesty Supporting Senators Lindsey Graham (R-SC) and Dick Durbin (D-IL) filed a new Dream Act Amnesty bill S. 874 yesterday in the Senate! WARNING:  All WHITE TRUMP…

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End Time Current Events-3-31-19-Part 3

Table of Contents: Insurance Companies Canceling Policies for Pro Trump Supporters Medical Police State In Arizona–Armed SWAT Team kick down door to remove unvaccinated 2-year-old with a fever (that had subsided)—CPS took all three children at the residence—Parents in court trying to regain custody!!!!!!!! MEDICAL MARTIAL LAW rolled out in New York; unvaccinated citizens banned…

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End Time Current Events-3-31-19-Part 4

Table of Contents: Door-to-door gun confiscations begin in New Zealand; one gun owner already dead, with thousands more targeted by armed government thugs The UN Has Taken Over New Zealand and We Know Why…” New Zealand is in the process of remaking itself as a newly-orientated version of Communist China with strong Muslim overtones Islam…

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End Time Current Events-3-25-19-Part 1

Table of Contents: Worldwide Corporate Media Joins Forces To Call For An End To Free Speech Is the Alt Right Turning On Trump What Must He Do Listener FYI On Censorship Listener Firsthand FYI On Mandatory Vaccines Recent Reports and Feedback from Listeners on the Horrific Consequences of the Flu Shot PDF: End Time Current…

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