Red Alert: Baal Arches In NYC & London To Be Unveiled On 4-19-16 – The Same Day “The Blood Sacrifice To The Beast” Period Begins–Part 3

Table of Contents: On That Temple To NIMROD-BAAL To Be Erected In Times Square In New York City—Are We Preparing The Grand Entry For Antichrist? The 1000 UN Baal Temples Are Connected to Child Sacrifice, Altar of Satan, Islam, Radical Environmentalism China Sees US And London Prepping To Build Temples To Baal, Wants In On…

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End Time Current Events–3-27-16 – Part 1

Table of Contents: Part 1) Top Illuminati Grand Wizard: “We Control Islam and We’ll Use It to Destroy the West.” ‘The Whole World Is Collapsing’ – March 2016 Map Shows What US Cities Received Most Islamic Invaders PDF: End Time Current Events 3-27-16 Click Here To Play The Part 1 Audio

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End Time Current Events–3-27-16 – Part 2

Table of Contents: Part 2) March 2016 Map Shows What US Cities Received Most Islamic Invaders Muslims Establishing No Go Zones in America ISIS Issues Warning to America: ‘..Paris Style Attack Coming Very Soon..’ (Video) Islamic State Hackers Publish Names, Addresses of NJ Police ISIS ‘Caliphate Cyber Army’ Posts ‘Hit List’ of Minnesota Cops ISIS: “Kill…

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End Time Current Events–3-27-16 – Part 3

Table of Contents: Dave Hodges: How Far Are the Criminal Elite Willing to Go to Stop Donald Trump? Leading Vaccine Expert Dr. Confesses Cancer & Other Viruses are Present in Vaccines–Flippantly Tells All Before His Own Death CDC Admits 98 Million Americans Received Polio Vaccine In An 8-Year Span When It Was Contaminated With Cancer…

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End Time Current Events–3-27-16 – Part 4

Table of Contents: Like A Wildfire…Anti-Vaccination Movement Burning In The United States..CDC, Health Departments, Vaccine Makers, Whimpering, Trembling, Panicking, for Good Reason… California rapidly turning into medical police state: Mandatory vaccines and genetic discrimination now routinely harming children Medical tyranny comes to Colorado: Law would demand names and addresses of unvaccinated children be registered with…

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Trump, Civil War & The Evil Global Agenda – Part 1

Table of Contents: Signs Emerge The Globalists Are Preparing To ‘Lock Down’ America – Message To Americans From One Who Cares: ‘Don’t Back Down, Double Down’ The complete history of Monsanto; the world’s most EVIL corporation staffed by society’s most hate-filled people Ted Cruz goes all-in for Monsanto; insults tens of millions of health-conscious Americans…

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Trump, Civil War & The Evil Global Agenda – Part 2

Table of Contents: ROGER STONE: HOW GOP ELITE PLAN TO ROB TRUMP… Political Official Blatantly Admits The Truth – Parties ‘Select’ Nominee, Voters Do Not ‘Elect’ Them Listener Comment Regarding Trump and the Republican Establishment The Planned Assassination of Donald Trump–The elite want him dead, and they’re fomenting the discord to ensure it happens Secret…

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Trump, Civil War & The Evil Global Agenda – Part 3

Table of Contents: Radical Leftists Unleash Anti-Trump Riots Starting On March 19th Anti-Trump Protesters Tyrannize Americans As Soros And The New World Order Begin Activating ‘Terror Cells’ In America In Preparation Of Launching Race War Sheriff Clarke: Pro-Immigration Protesters Against Trump Are ‘A Conglomeration of Misfits’ Albert Pike, the highest ranking Freemason of the 1800’s…

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Trump, Civil War & The Evil Global Agenda – Part 4

Table of Contents: Anti-Trump MOB FOR HIRE Ad In Chicago Craigslist Days Before Violent Protest – Man Who Attacked Trump Made Short Film Calling For Killings Of Whites And Is An ‘Actor’ With An IMDb Page Dating Back To 2004 Black Crime Facts That The White Liberal Media Daren’t Talk About A Black Man Says:…

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Trump, Civil War & The Evil Global Agenda – Part 5

Table of Contents: ++ Chicago Cop: Anti-Trump Mob More Aggressive and Destructive than Reported Bill Clinton Admits Hillary-Soros Connection After Trump Protest Breaking: Anti-Trump Protest Funded and Directed by Hillary HILLARY SUPPORTERS Caught Infiltrating Trump Rallies with NAZI ARMBANDS! Anti-Trump Activists Violating Candidate’s Constitutionally Protected Right to Speech and Assembly Foreign Troops Arrive In Texas…

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Mega Study: The Satanic Lie of the Alien Disclosure Agenda — Part 3 — 2-28-16

Table of Contents: • Scott Johnson’s Teaching: The “Ancient Astronaut” Lie: The Shocking Origin of the “Intelligent Design” Theory • CIA UFO Files Released – Why? • Thousands of Documents Disclosing Aliens-UFOs soon to be released by US Navy Whistleblower • Will Government Document Dumps Reveal Secret Space Programs & Aliens in 2016? • Stargate…

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End Time Current Events–2-21-16 – Part 1

Table of Contents: • Scalia murdered? Sealed his fate 4 days before his death? Four days before he died, Supreme Court Justice Scalia voted to stall Obama’s plan to force drastic climate-change rules on the American economy. The vote was 5-4. With Scalia now gone, the vote would be 4-4. With a new Obama Supreme…

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End Time Current Events–2-21-16 – Part 2

Table of Contents: • FBI to stage mass arrests of 2014 Bundy Ranch protesters • Canada (with one tenth the population of the US) will be spending $100,000,000 every six months for each batch of Muslim terrorists that they bring in and house on active military bases before dispersing them into the general population. We…

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End Time Current Events–2-21-16 – Part 3

Table of Contents: • Bill in congress NOW, CALL YOUR SENATORS, H.Res.569 – Condemning violence, bigotry, and hateful rhetoric towards Muslims in the United States. • Smartphones to die out ‘within 5 years’…A.I. replaces… • Communicating with Devils via Technology–KFSSI Blueprint Teaching–Their whole stated goal is a one world government • Lady Gaga Unveils Lucifer…

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End Time Current Events–2-21-16 – Part 4

Table of Contents: • One Nation Under… THE DEVIL? AZ Lawmakers Bow To Satanists, Ban Public Christian Prayers • Fox’s ‘Lucifer’ TV Show: Satanic Deception Goes Primetime • Christians “Should Be Eradicated”: University Researchers Document Rising Anti-Christian Agenda Among Powerful Occult American Elite • Your Faith is About to Cost you Something–The Beginning of the…

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End Time Current Events–2-8-16 – Part 1

Table of Contents: • When Satan Visits Super Bowl 50 • The Satanic Origin of the Dabbing • BORDER AGENTS ORDERED TO STAND DOWN–‘MIGHT AS WELL ABOLISH IMMIGRATION LAWS’ • MS-13 foot soldiers ‘colonize new criminal territory’… • ‘Chaos defines southwest border’… • After Reading the Headlines Above Satanic Mainstream Media Still has the Audacity…

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End Time Current Events–2-8-16 – Part 2

Table of Contents: • Murdered Holistic Doctors Discovered Cancer-Causing Enzyme Being Added to All Vaccines • Food Source Vitamin D-3’s & Multi Vitamins Dr. Johnson Carries PDF: End Time Current Events 2-8-16 Click Here To Play The Part 2 Audio

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Health Corner: 1-29-16 — Part 1

Table of Contents: • The virus vs. humanity: ZIKA on the loose! • Bill Gates GM mosquitoes spreading birth defect in Brazil–The Zika Virus only started propagate after he released his genetically modified mosquitoes in Brazil • ZIKA COULD BECOME ‘PANDEMIC’… • Brazil sends 200,000 soldiers to stop spread of Zika…’House to house’ inspection… •…

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Health Corner: 1-29-16 — Part 2

Table of Contents: • Question–How do you take vitamins when you cannot swallow tablets or capsules? Children & Adult Whole Food Organic Gummy line and intraMAX: The Only 415 Ingredient, Liquid, Organic, ALL-IN-ONE Health Supplement • Colitis-Ulcerative Colitis-Irritable Bowel Syndrome-Diverticulitis-Leaky Gut Syndrome-Celiac Disease, Crohn’s Disease & Ulcers(Stomach or Intestinal)–Descriptions and Reviews: Okra Pepsin E3 –…

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End Time Current Events–1-24-16 – Part 1

Table of Contents: • RED ALERT! TOTAL MARTIAL LAW GRANTED UNDER NEW lSlS WAR POWERS ACT • Martial Law Mentality Has Become The New ‘Norm’ In The U.S. • Ryan’s Strategy to ‘Keep the American People Safe’ Fails: U.S. to Issue Visas to 300,000 Muslim Migrants • German Government Admits ‘..We Cannot Account for 600,000…

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End Time Current Events–1-24-16 – Part 2

Table of Contents: • The FBI Assembling Death Squads As They Bring In 200 Vehicles to Oregon • A Bug’s Life ”Then they ALL might stand up to us” • Breaking! 200 FBI Vehicles Arrive at Oregon Standoff/Hillary Behind Land Grab, Selling out to Russia! • A National ID Card Is Coming Soon: You Will…

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End Time Current Events–1-10-16 – Part 1

Table of Contents: • Biblical Prophecy Fulfilled (At Least Partially–Video Proof) “..Behold, Damascus is Taken Away From Being a City and it Shall be a Ruinous Heap..” – Isaiah 17:1 • How The Vatican Created Islam PDF: End Time Current Events 1-10-16 Click Here To Play The Part 1 Audio

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End Time Current Events–1-10-16 – Part 2

Table of Contents: • Unprecedented Catastrophe Underway Near Los Angeles, California – Why Haven’t We Heard About This From The Mainstream Media? • Fukushima’s slaughter of our oceans–RADCON 5 Alert: Pittsburgh, PA — Officials In California Warn ‘It’s On The Brink Of Pandemonium’ • Obamacare’s Resurrected Death Panels Modeled After Hitler’s T4 Program – Is…

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End Time Current Events–12-28-15 – Part 2

Table of Contents: • Meet Your Executioners – They Must Disarm You Before They Can Kill You And This Is The First Step – ‘To Ensure That The Right To Keep And Bear Arms Is Not Unlimited’ • HOUSE DEMOCRATS INTRODUCE BILL TO BAN ALL GUNS IN AMERICA EXCEPT SINGLE SHOT • Illinois Beta Testing…

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End Time Current Events–12-28-15 – Part 3

Table of Contents: • Dave Hodges Interview on the Coming Tet Offensive Style Muslim Terrorist Attacks Planned for America • Muslim Atrocities Current Events • Threats Of Massive Scale Attack Upon America Grow As US Government Loses Track Of 9,500 Suspected Terrorist Immigrants • Islamic Atrocities in Sweden Coming To America • Muslim Inbreeding: Impacts…

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Health Corner: 12-24-15 — Part 1

Table of Contents: • Implant Agenda–Populace Being RFID Microchipped Without Their Knowledge or Consent!! Vaccines and Surgeries are the main ways this is happening!! • Renowned technology investor and internet pioneer Marc Andreessen says in 20 years, every physical item will have chip implanted… • Holistic Doctors/ND’s & Cancer Researchers Still Being Assassinated • Chipotle…

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Health Corner: 12-24-15 — Part 2

Table of Contents: • Study: Coconut Oil Improves Cognitive Functioning in Alzheimer’s Patients • Dr. Johnson’s Comment: Essential Oils I just brought into my product line • Listener Question Cyruta Plus & cleaning out the arteries naturally • Listener Comment: Bill Gates GM mosquitoes are spreading birth defects in Brazil & they are planned to…

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End Time Current Events–12-20-15 — Part 1

Table of Contents: • Historians Shows Link Between Christmas & the Ancient Pagan Romans • Semiramis, Tammuz, Christmas & Human Sacrifice • “Demon Revels”: Pagans Exchange Male Infant Body Parts as Gifts on Christmas Eve/December 24th PDF: End Time Current Events 12-20-15 Click Here To Play The Part 1 Audio

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End Time Current Events–12-13-15 — Part 1

Table of Contents: • A Believers Authority In Christ • Obama Caught Running ISIS From White House! How Can We Defeat Islamic Terrorists When We’re Arming And Supporting Them Overseas? PDF: End Time Current Events 12-13-15 Click Here To Play The Part 1 Audio

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End Time Current Events–12-13-15 — Part 2

Table of Contents: • Something Huge Is Coming As ISIS Prepares Imminent ‘Main Event’ In U.S. – To Be Largest Terror Attack In History And Fully Sanctioned By Obama Administration • Leading US Imam and Professor: Muslims Can Take Property of “Filthy” Christians and Jews (Video) • Muslim Fatima Noor Is Obama’s Special Assistant in…

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End Time Current Events–12-13-15 — Part 3

Table of Contents: • The Floodgates Are Open And The Battle Lines Have Been Drawn – The Overthrow Of Our Country Is In Reach And The Globalists Will Stop At Nothing To Collect Their Most Coveted Prize – America • ‘Total Confrontation’ Promised In 2016 As Mile-Long Military Train Videotaped In Texas! The Trend Is…

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End Time Current Events–11-29-15 — Part 1

Table of Contents: • Antarctic COOLING past six years…NEW ‘CONSENSUS’: 97% Of Americans Aren’t Worried About ‘Global Warming’…California freeze: -11° in Sierra amid snow and ice…Decade long ice age predicted as sun ‘hibernates’… FLASHBACK: Temp data fiddling ‘biggest science scandal ever’… • WORLD LEADERS GATHER TO ‘SAVE THE WORLD’ From Global Warming • Paris climate…

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End Time Current Events–11-29-15 — Part 3

Table of Contents: • Diversity is a codeword for white genocide • Study: Mixed-race people have identity problems & have the greatest risk of suffering from mental health problems • Black Pastor – Speaks the truth about White geNOcide! PDF: End Time Current Events 11-29-15 Click Here To Play The Part 3 Audio

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End Time Current Events–11-29-15 — Part 4

Table of Contents: • Federal statistics and studies show that blacks are 39 times more likely to commit a violent crime against whites than whites committing violent crimes against blacks • Police Kill More Whites Than Blacks, But Minority Deaths Generate More Outrage • Scott Johnson’s Teachings • Flashback: Farrakhan: Blacks Must Rise Up And…

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End Time Current Events–11-29-15 — Part 5

Table of Contents: • Why are Swedish women emigrating in record-breaking amounts? • With Open Gates: The forced collective suicide of European nations • Vet: Dangers of Syrian Refugees! Read This Now! • 44 Pages of Bonus Material: Black mob violence and the media silence–BIG LIST of documented racial attacks, assaults and threats primarily on…

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End Time Current Events: 11-15-15 — Part 1

Table of Contents: • Obama to Allow Thousands of Islamic Syrian Invaders Into U.S. Despite Paris Attacks–Obama doing everything he can to duplicate Paris attacks in the U.S. • Obama ‘Fast Tracks’ Potential Terrorists Into America As Police Warn: ‘It’s Only A Matter Of Time’–Will ISIS Black Friday Terrorist Attacks Upon US Shopping Malls Lead…

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End Time Current Events: 11-15-15 — Part 2

Table of Contents: • Nuclear Experts: Million cancers could result from Fukushima — Already hundreds of times more thyroid cancers… “Just the tip of the iceberg… worst is yet to come” — “Enormous spikes in cancer… devastating health effects” • Africa is the Western world’s testing ground for microchip implants, weaponized viruses and experimental vaccines…

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End Time Current Events: 11-15-15 — Part 3

Table of Contents: • Obama’s War On US Veterans Expands As Govt Prepares To Take Ultimate Creep Towards Tyranny And US Vet Issues Dire Warning: ‘Don’t Bow To Tyranny America!’ • Reverse Osmosis, Distilled Water Warning plus “Fluoride: An Invisible Killer” PDF: End Time Current Events 11-15-15 Click Here To Play The Part 3 Audio

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End Time Current Events: 11-15-15 — Part 4

Table of Contents: • FLUORIDE & POPULATION CONTROL • Dr. Johnson’s Recommendations regarding how to avoid Fluoride and get it out of your water and body • Big Berkey beats ProPur gravity water filter for removal of Fluoride, heavy metals and toxic elements • Bonus Section: Cavities-Toothaches-Root Canals-Loose Teeth-Gum Issues & General Tooth Health PDF:…

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