End Time Current Events: 10-27-13 — Part 1

End Time Current Events: 10-27-13 — Part 1 Table of Contents: America: DHS preparing for possible Riots / Martial Law on Nov 1st over Food Stamps–FOX video News Updates Fort Hood Soldiers Told That Christians, ProLifers & Tea Partiers are a Radical Terror Threat Leaked Video: FEMA Preparing Military Police For Gun Confiscations and Martial…

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End Time Current Events: 10-27-13 — Part 2

End Time Current Events: 10-27-13 — Part 2 Table of Contents: Bible Verses Overcoming, Protection, Answering Prayer, Comfort, Faith, Justification & Fear of the Lord Bring Out Your Dead! Mobile Mortuary Pandemic Response Mobilization H7N9 Jobs; Sudden Hiring For National Animal Health Emergency Response Corps DHS to Monopolize VERIZON Phone System During Emergencies WOW! CDC Creates…

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End Time Current Events: 10-27-13 — Part 3

End Time Current Events: 10-27-13 — Part 3 Table of Contents: Pope Francis Thinks You Are Insane For Taking Your Faith Seriously 2007 NBC Report Predicts: All Americans May Receive A Microchip Implant In 2017 Per Obamacare (VIDEOS) Listener Question: Is it possible if you could discuss this “you can still get saved if you…

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End Time Current Events: 10-27-13 — Part 4

End Time Current Events: 10-27-13 — Part 4 Table of Contents: Blood Donations are Potential Biohazard from Those Vaccinated with Gardasil Girl Severely Damaged by Gardasil recounts Horrifying Medical Ordeal while Doctors call her a Liar Are polio vaccines safe? The Danger of GMO Vitamins Halal Islamic Food and the 1 Corinthians 8 argument analyzed…

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End Time Current Events: 10-13-13 — Part 2

End Time Current Events: 10-13-13 — Part 2 Table of Contents: High Ranking Military Officers Fired By Obama, 1st Time In US History; Are These The Ones That Won’t Cooperate With The Impending Martial Law In The US? Radio Host Michael Savage Calls For Answers Over Missing Nuke Report Obama: Time for Americans to embrace…

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End Time Current Events: 10-13-13 — Part 3

End Time Current Events: 10-13-13 — Part 3 Table of Contents: Shelves in Walmart stores in Springhill and Mansfield, LA were reportedly cleared Saturday night, when the stores allowed purchases on EBT cards even though they were not showing limits Obama Ready To “Shutdown” 16 U.S. States Companies, consumers running up record debt…   Christians and…

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End Time Current Events: 10-13-13 — Part 4

End Time Current Events: 10-13-13 — Part 4 Table of Contents: FEMA Prison camps for welfare recipients and 99ers American Border Patrol Rep Claims Agents Being Ordered to Stand Down Obama: End Shutdown So We Can Pass Comprehensive Immigration Reform Property owners in Lake Mead forced to leave their own homes until government shutdown ends…

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End Time Current Events: 10-13-13 — Part 5

End Time Current Events: 10-13-13 — Part 5 Table of Contents: John McAfee predicts hackers will empty Obamacare enrollees’ bank accounts Warning: Enrolling in Obamacare allows government to link your IP address with your name, social security number, bank accounts and web surfing habits HEALTH CARE .GOV IS NOTHING MORE THEN NSA DATA COLLECTION CENTER…

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End Time Current Events: 9-29-13 — Part 1

End Time Current Events: 9-29-13 — Part 1 Table of Contents: FEMA & THE CDC ACTIVATE THE EMERGENCY ALERT SYSTEM TO ANNOUNCE REAL GLOBAL PANDEMIC FEMA Region 3 Emergency Update: Major Preparations Are Happening Now Unbelievably Massive New NSA Revelation In Tomorrow’s New York Times Click Here for the Part 1 Audio PDF: End Time…

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End Time Current Events: 9-29-13 — Part 2

End Time Current Events: 9-29-13 — Part 2 Table of Contents: Feds Fight to Stop Christian Baptisms While Installing Islamic Foot Baths all over the Country You Won’t Believe What the National Parks Services are Praising Islam For: Its contribution to women’s rights!! Report: Tunisian Girls Are Coming Home Pregnant After Performing ‘Sexual Jihad’ In…

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End Time Current Events: 9-29-13 — Part 3

End Time Current Events: 9-29-13 — Part 3 Table of Contents: Faces of Death–SYRIA: Obama-backed FSA ‘rebels’ storm Christian holy sites, warning Christians to “convert or be beheaded” Obama Silent On Syrian Rebels Forcing Christians To Convert To Islam Video: Obama-Backed Rebels Seize Bibles, Food Aid Precious Little Girl Dismembered While She Is Still Alive By…

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End Time Current Events: 9-17-13 — Part 1

End Time Current Events: 9-17-13 — Part 1 Table of Contents: Welcome to Obamacare: Now Hand Over Your Gun ‘Talking about NSA would amount to high treason’ – Yahoo CEO Get The Government Out of Your Search Engine Google knows millions of Wi-Fi password in the world New Police Toy Resembling ‘Ray Gun’ Can Disable…

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End Time Current Events: 9-17-13 — Part 2

End Time Current Events: 9-17-13 — Part 2 Table of Contents: CDC: Drug-resistant superbugs urgent threat… 23,000 killed by superbugs in US each year, CDC says Gonorrhea Among Drug-Resisting Germs Sickening Millions… WHO Says H7N9 is “Most Lethal”, and it’s now in Taiwan Pacific Rim: The CDC Readies MULTIPLE Medical Stations & EMERGENCY Stockpile Supply…

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End Time Current Events: 9-17-13 — Part 3

End Time Current Events: 9-17-13 — Part 3 Table of Contents: CDC Contracting With Poison Control Centers and 2-1-1 to Create Public ‘Phone-In’ Bird Flu Triage Centers Royal Air Purifiers  Large Scale H7N9 Outbreak Being Prepared For! Hemorrhagic Bird Flu, Government Preps 512 Million Syringes The majority of the following H7N9 information was gleaned from…

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End Time Current Events: 9-2-13 — Part 1

End Time Current Events: 9-2-13 — Part 1 Table of Contents: OBAMA TURNS TO CONGRESS regarding attack on Syria… Seeks Authorization for Strike… GOP CONGRESSMAN: Military Members Keep Telling Me To Vote No On Syria Naval Officer: I Didn’t Join to Fight For Al-Qaeda American Military Refusing To Fight For Al-Qaeda In Syria (Pictures) Twitter…

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End Time Current Events: 9-2-13 — Part 2

End Time Current Events: 9-2-13 — Part 2 Table of Contents: Spetsnaz Teams Deploy In The US; War With Syria To Be Trigger For Attack Obama has to attack Syria…he has no choice… OBAMA DISARMS AMERICANS WHILE ARMING THE WORLD I was alarmed by what I observed In SF and the overall “vibe” which undoubtedly…

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End Time Current Events: 9-2-13 — Part 3

End Time Current Events: 9-2-13 — Part 3 Table of Contents: NASA Alert: America Blackout & Grid Shutdown 2013                          Take Your Money Out of the Bank! Off the Cuff: Trouble Brewing Everywhere- September Is Going To Be One H*** Of A Month Liberal Activist Democrat Woman Publicly Prays To God To Provide More Abortions! Click…

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End Time Current Events: 9-2-13 — Part 4

End Time Current Events: 9-2-13 — Part 4 Table of Contents: SC makes being homeless illegal, sending them to guarded camps Big Brother Alert: Vehicle Diagnostics OBD-III ‘Burning Man’ Draws 68,000 To America’s Largest Pagan Cult Gathering Kabbalah Magic– Can We Build A Real Golem? These Academics Think So In a “Sign of the Times”…

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End Time Current Events: 8-25-13 — Part 1

End Time Current Events: 8-25-13 — Part 1 Table of Contents: Bible Study Churches changing bylaws after gay marriage ruling… Worried they could be sued by gay couples, some churches are changing their bylaws to reflect their view that the Bible allows only marriage between one man and one woman. Video: False Flag! World War…

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End Time Current Events: 8-25-13 — Part 3

End Time Current Events: 8-25-13 — Part 3 Table of Contents: What Time Is the Invasion?: Russians are going to be used as a supplemental force to round up dissenters and to seize the guns that are banned by the UN Small Arms Ban which Obama is preparing to sign during the late fall and…

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End Time Current Events: 8-18-13 — Part 1

End Time Current Events: 8-18-13 — Part 1 Table of Contents: Part 1: DEBORAH TAVARES (of www.StopTheCrime.net) Blockbuster Audio Interview with commentary by Scott Johnson-Exposed: Cell Phone Towers, Smart Meters, Smart Energy Star Appliances, NASA etc. Click Here to Play the Part 1 Audio PDF: End Time Current Events 8-18-13

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End Time Current Events: 8-18-13 — Part 2

End Time Current Events: 8-18-13 — Part 2 Table of Contents: Part 2: DEBORAH TAVARES (of www.StopTheCrime.net) Blockbuster Audio Interview with commentary by Scott Johnson-Exposed: Cell Phone Towers, Smart Meters, Smart Energy Star Appliances, NASA etc. EXTINCTION Plan for Humanity DEPLOYED – Silent Weapon System The U.S. Governments “Secret” Crime of Organized Stalking and Electronic…

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End Time Current Events: 8-18-13 — Part 4

End Time Current Events: 8-18-13 — Part 4 Table of Contents: Part 2: USA INC, NASA War Document Depopulation & You – Deborah Tavares Conspiracy Con FEMA Preparing For The Worst In Region 3 by Early October- Why? (Video) Elite Underground Tunnels & Cities Completely Stocked As Of March 2013 Click Here to Play the…

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End Time Current Events: 8-4-13 — Part 1

End Time Current Events: 8-4-13 — Part 1 Table of Contents: Bible Verses Regarding Warfare and Victory Do the FOUR recent ‘Al-Qaeda’ prison breaks in the Middle East have anything at all to do with the closings of US Embassies across the Middle East and US Nuclear terror drills now happening in America? PURGE Video…

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End Time Current Events: 8-4-13 — Part 3

End Time Current Events: 8-4-13 — Part 3 Table of Contents: Listener Feedback Regarding Death Threats Leveled Against me by a High Level Witch FREE POSTAGE – for the next 7 USB Drives for Contending for Truth Click Here to Play the Part 3 Audio PDF: End Time Current Events 8-4-13

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End Time Current Events: 8-4-13 — Part 4

End Time Current Events: 8-4-13 — Part 4 Table of Contents: US to create Exopolitics Department to run alien affairs & manage disclosure according to insiders MJ12 Has Decided To Reveal Their Role in Full Galactic Disclosure The Iron Mountain Report & Secret Space War IV: Terra Forming Click Here to Play the Part 4…

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End Time Current Events: 8-4-13 — Part 5

End Time Current Events: 8-4-13 — Part 5 Table of Contents: The New Age of Inoculation Is Aerial Vaccines and Nano Delivery Systems Dr. Johnson’s Health Corner Smart/Cell Phone Radiation Protection That Works Natural Morgellons Help and Chemtrail Detox Click Here to Play the Part 5 Audio PDF: End Time Current Events 8-4-13

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End Time Current Events: 7-21-13 — Part 1

End Time Current Events: 7-21-13 — Part 1 Table of Contents: Imam Calls for Destruction of U.S.A. and Europe…“We warn you, oh America” 10 Year Old Boy Denied Water By Teacher On Hottest Day Of Year To Avoid Upsetting Muslims During Ramadan Ramadan Bombathon in Full swing–Day 4 Statistics for the Religion of Peace AKA…

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End Time Current Events: 7-21-13 — Part 2

End Time Current Events: 7-21-13 — Part 2 Table of Contents: Listener Comment: Thanks to you and encouragement / Kanye West “Yeezus” teaching  God Rides a Harley Dream Scott Johnson’s Response to “God Rides a Harley” Pastor Kenneth Copeland nets $100,000,000.00 per year, yep that’s right ONE HUNDRED MILLION DOLLARS PER YEAR & loves his…

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End Time Current Events: 7-21-13 — Part 3

End Time Current Events: 7-21-13 — Part 3 Table of Contents: Hog hell in the unHoly City: Pope “blesses” hundreds of bikers for Harley Davidson’s 110th birthday Tom Horn / Raiders News Network deceiving Christians to think like the Occult Summer Solstice Festival along Lake Okeechobee in Pahokee FL Lake Okeechobee Solstice Festival Kicks Off…

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End Time Current Events: 7-21-13 — Part 4

End Time Current Events: 7-21-13 — Part 4 Table of Contents: VIDEO: Possibly the Most Stunning Development In Silver People Want Physical Gold and Silver in Their Hands-Tom Cloud Listener Comment: My Daughters Horrific Transgender Camp Experience Hell Arrives: Camp Designed to Indoctrinate Little Boys into Homosexuality Dr. Johnson’s Health Corner Natural Remedy Request for…

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Brief Ministry Update

This is regarding death threats I received in an email today from a high level witch/occultist. All praise and honor and glory be to the Lord Jesus Christ!! Click Here to Play the Audio

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End Time Current Events: 7-14-13

End Time Current Events: 7-14-13 Table of Contents: Brief Ministry Update OBAMA: HONOR TRAYVON WITH GUN-CONTROL Zimmerman verdict: NOT GUILTY – stay off the streets, everyone, and prepare for riots New Black Panther members (who call Zimmerman a “no good Jew” and claim to have an army of 10,000 black men ready to seek justice…

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End Time Current Events: 7-7-13 – Part 1

End Time Current Events: 7-7-13 – Part 1 Table of Contents: Russian Forces to Provide “Security” At US Events Russian Troops To Enact Martial Law In America After Zimmerman/Trayvon Martin Riots? Facebook Pages Promote Killing Zimmerman, Rioting for Trayvon Pro-Abortion Activists In Texas Yell “Hail Satan!” As Pro-Lifers Sing ‘Amazing Grace’ Soccer Referee Dismembered &…

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End Time Current Events: 7-7-13 – Part 2

End Time Current Events: 7-7-13 – Part 2 Table of Contents: Israel is preparing to “divide her land” with the Palestinians! Supreme Court Strikes Down Heterosexual-Only Marriage As Unconstitutional–Defense of Marriage Act Provision Struck Down RULING: Gays can now sponsor foreign partners for immigration to USA… Married Fla. gay couple first to receive green card…

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End Time Current Events: 7-7-13 – Part 3

End Time Current Events: 7-7-13 – Part 3 Table of Contents: Homosexual Journalist Admits, ‘Gay Lifestyle is a Sewer’ CDC: Gay Men’s Syphilis Rate 46 Times Higher–Shouldn’t there be a “sin tax” on homosexual bathhouses? Homosexual, Bisexual Men 50 Times More Likely to Have HIV: CDC Homosexuals GLBT Hiding Many Horrific ‘Inconvenient Truths’ Report: Pedophilia…

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End Time Current Events: 7-7-13 – Part 4

End Time Current Events: 7-7-13 – Part 4 Table of Contents: Hate Crime: Gay Activists Brutally Beat Christians in America–Be tolerant or we will beat you into submission! FRI Study Finds Homosexual Parenting Extremely Dangerous for Kids Obama To Force All Churches To Perform Gay Marriages? Click Here to Play the Part 4 Audio PDF:…

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End Time Current Events: 7-7-13 – Part 5

End Time Current Events: 7-7-13 – Part 5 Table of Contents: Dr. Johnson’s Health Corner Detoxing and Transitioning off Painkillers Naturally Receding and/or Infected Gums Help Liver Detox Reactions & Help Noni Juice & Detoxification Bone Growth Question Click Here to Play the Part 5 Audio PDF: End Time Current Events 7-7-13

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End Time Current Events: 7-7-13 – Part 6

End Time Current Events: 7-7-13 – Part 6 Table of Contents: Psoriatic Arthritis & Pain in the Tendons Help Silver Makes Antibiotics Thousands of Times More Effective–The antimicrobial treatment could help to solve modern bacterial resistance Dr. Mercola Warning Against Mild Silver Protein & Dr. Johnson’s Rebuttal Dr. Johnson’s Healthy Living Newsletter–Colloidal Silver Safety Issues,…

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End Time Current Events: 6-23-13 — Part 1

End Time Current Events: 6-23-13 — Part 1 Table of Contents: Glenn Beck: Shocking Video-THIS Is Who We Are Helping In Syria?! SHARE WITH EVERYONE! Islamic Syrian Rebels Kidnap & Behead a Christian & then Proudly Show off his Head & Feed His Body To The Dogs The 8,540 ton container vessel MOL COMFORT (carrying…

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End Time Current Events: 6-23-13 — Part 2

End Time Current Events: 6-23-13 — Part 2 Table of Contents: Precursor to the Mark of the Beast Alert!! National ID is on the Senate floor!!! And Harry Reid could force a vote at ANY hour – ANY day now–Action Status Report on the Immigration Amnesty Bill–Many reasons why gun owners should be concerned–ACTION  Senate…

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End Time Current Events: 6-23-13 — Part 3

End Time Current Events: 6-23-13 — Part 3 Table of Contents: Superman Movie: A Super Sinister Deception The Superman Syndrome: Is It A Catholic Vatican Setup For The Coming Of An Alien Savior (The Antichrist) Man of Steel marketing campaign seeks to align Superman with Jesus Christ–Dedicated website invites clergymen to utilize Superman myth as…

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End Time Current Events: 6-23-13 — Part 4

End Time Current Events: 6-23-13 — Part 4 Kathleen Taylor, Neuroscientist, Says Religious Fundamentalism Could Be Treated As A Mental Illness Listener Comment: The Harlem Shake is being praised by witches, pagans and atheists alike, even openly on Twitter How do you get out of Facebook and out of Google completely??? Dr. Johnson’s Health Corner…

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End Time Current Events: 6-9-13–Part 1

End Time Current Events: 6-9-13–Part 1 Table of Contents:  Harlem Shake Brings Spirit of Antichrist to America’s “Christian” Churches Abomination Alert–Churches Doing the Harlem Shake Click Here to Play the Part 1 Audio PDF: End Time Current Events 6-9-13

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End Time Current Events: 6-9-13–Part 2

End Time Current Events: 6-9-13–Part 2 Table of Contents:  Kanye West’s “Yeezus”: New Album Mocks Jesus Christ – Pays Tribute To The Antichrist?  Jay-Z & Aleister Crowley Exposed Celebs are now Falling for an Even More Sinister ‘Religion’ than Scientology – Introducing the Satanic Sex Cult known as the Ordo Templi Orientis – AKA the…

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End Time Current Events: 6-9-13–Part 3

End Time Current Events: 6-9-13–Part 3 Table of Contents:  Ex-Satanist Details Illuminati Spiritual Plan Todd Bentley’s Kundalini Calling to Open the Stargates / Portals for Satan & How this is a major goal for this sect of pseudo-Christianity Click Here to Play the Part 3 Audio PDF: End Time Current Events 6-9-13

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End Time Current Events: 6-9-13–Part 4

End Time Current Events: 6-9-13–Part 4 Table of Contents: Halo’s / Nimbus – SANTA Claus – Nimrod – Semiramis – Tammuz – The Babylonian Mystery Religion and Sun-god Worship Exposed Click Here to Play the Part 4 Audio PDF: End Time Current Events 6-9-13

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End Time Current Events: 6-9-13–Part 5

End Time Current Events: 6-9-13–Part 5 Table of Contents: Dr. Johnson’s Health Corner Will the mild silver protein work on some pre-cancerous looking places on my skin? Do you know of anything that will cure fungus of the toenails? Fatigue, Yeast/Candida, Antibiotics and Mild Silver Protein   Click Here to Play the Part 5 Audio PDF:…

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