Emergency Freedom Alerts: 7-3-23-Part 2

Table of Contents: +2+ LGTBQIA+ Advocates In New York Cheer ‘We’re Here, We’re Queer, ‘We’re Coming For Your Children!’ FYI: Pictures of the The Child Molester Flag, the Transgender Flag & the “PROGRESS” PRIDE FLAG Listener Comment: Angel Studios / Sound of Freedom & The Chosen Movie Warnings—Scott Johnson: Warning–This is a Real Mixed Bag…

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Newsletter: Emergency Freedom Alerts: 6-21-23

Philippians 1:9: And this I pray, that your love may abound yet more and more in knowledge and in all judgment… Psalm 21:13: Be thou exalted, LORD, in thine own strength: so will we sing and praise thy power. Psa 9:1 [[A Psalm of David.]] I will praise thee, O LORD, with my whole heart;…

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Emergency Freedom Alerts: 6-19-23-Part 1

Table of Contents: Important Tests Christians Need To Pass To Step Into Their Calling Listener Question: Have you ever seen this report? Billy Graham accused of Satanic pedophilia – CEO of Samaritan’s Purse Franklin Graham poses at Voodoo Donuts & Billy Graham and Pat Robertson Have Heavy Freemason Ties & Scott Johnson’s Response & His Teaching…

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Emergency Freedom Alerts: 6-19-23-Part 2

Table of Contents: Biden proclaims LGBT SATANIC CONTROL over the dominion of Earth—The UN and WHO are instructing the governmental school systems everywhere that every child (even toddlers) need to have sexual partners as a human right & they must have sexual intercourse by the age of 9 and use pornography as well!! Exposing the…

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Emergency Freedom Alerts: 6-12-23-Part 1

Table of Contents: The Drums of War are Beating—What to Do to Biblically Prepare Physically and Spiritually All Of South Quebec Simultaneously Erupted In Flames Arson Driven Wildfires Being Used As Catalyst For Canadian FEMA CANADIAN FIRE FALSE FLAG! – They’re Prepping Us For CLIMATE LOCKDOWNS! Prepare for Wildfire Risk to Explode to “Above Normal”…

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Emergency Freedom Alerts: 6-12-23-Part 2

Table of Contents: A Christian Asked AI about the Second Coming of Jesus, and its Response Left Him Stunned! Military whistleblower says US has recovered dead alien pilots from craft of non-human origin WHISTLEBLOWER: Alien Spacecraft In US Military Possession TWELVE Alien Craft In US Possession Per Multiple Whistleblowers Las Vegas Police Capture Live UFO…

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Emergency Freedom Alerts: 6-5-23-Part 1

Table of Contents: Prophetic Anticipation Builds – Unblemished Red Heifers for Jerusalem Temple Ceremony Soon to Come of Age Biden increases the persecution of Christians and Conservatives THE GREAT AWAKENING: Official Trailer<<But Jesus Christ is Never Mentioned In Regard to This So Called ‘Great Awakening’ & It is Comingled With A High Amount of New…

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Emergency Freedom Alerts: 6-5-23-Part 2

Table of Contents: Attorney Todd Callender reveals Biden officials are IMPOSTORS who swore no oaths to America Why Is Bill Gates Now Putting Permanent Toxic Chemicals On Our Fruit? It’s called: Apeel They’re Irradiating Some Foods! Buyers BEWARE 99% OF PEOPLE HAVE NO IDEA THIS IS HAPPENING TO THEIR FOOD 501c3 US Corporate Churches Bribed…

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Emergency Freedom Alerts: 5-29-23-Part 1

Table of Contents: Bible Verses: Overcoming, Protection, Answered Prayer, Comfort, Faith, Justification & Fear of the Lord HEADS UP!! Pre-Mark of the Beast Digital Currency Could be Coming In June Is a Digital Dollar Coming? Financial Experts Warn It Will be an Instrument of Government Control Trying to Withdraw Cash? Big Banks Like Chase Wants…

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Emergency Freedom Alerts: 5-29-23-Part 2

Table of Contents: The SHOCKING Way Target Is Turning Against Christians Target Stores Are Openly and Proudly Promote Transgender Satanism and the Literal Murder of Christians and Conservatives!! See Garbage They Are Selling–If you give them your money you are funding evil! Satanic and cultish murder promoting clothing and accessories are being marketed to young…

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Emergency Freedom Alerts: 5-22-23-Part 1

Table of Contents:  Who Was The Mysterious ‘Grim Reaper’ Figure Spotted During The Coronation Ceremony Of King Charles III–And Is There A Mystical Pagan Connection? Listener Comment: So according to the comments, Westminster Abbey confirms that the “grim reaper” like figure is a verger A coven of British witches and pagans pledge their allegiance to King…

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Emergency Freedom Alerts: 5-22-23-Part 2

Table of Contents:  This Could Set The World Up For The Antichrist — END OF MAY is the deadline—We need House Resolution 79 to pass—The Biden administration is planning to yoke up the US with the World Health Organization, the United Nations and China In about 40 days EVERYTHING changes for the U.S. Dollar: The…

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Newsletter: Emergency Freedom Alerts: 5-15-23

Lev 26:13 I am the LORD your God, which brought you forth out of the land of Egypt, that ye should not be their bondmen; and I have broken the bands of your yoke, and made you go upright. YOU are Being Replaced TREASON: Biden regime coordinating with Mexican government to secretly facilitate mass illegal…

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Emergency Freedom Alerts: 5-8-23-Part 1

Table of Contents: A Proud Hate-Filled Luciferian Emails Scott Johnson + His Response & What does the Bible say? Bible Verses–Hey All You Proud, Boasting, Satanists, Luciferians, Pagans, LGBTQ Child Molester/Groomers! Your Destination in Hellfire Draws Nigh World on the verge of a new religion created by AI, historian claims: Speaking at a science conference,…

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Emergency Freedom Alerts: 5-8-23-Part 2

Table of Contents: @Michael_Yon–Make The Pandemic Great Again! I am in Darien Gap, Panama. Surrounded by malaria, dengue, tuberculosis — being imported to United States and Canada EVERY DAY @Michael_Yon—Americans Constantly Ask who is paying for the rape and murder invasion–Answer: YOU PAY @Michael_Yon—Incoming Disease — Serious Diseases…Weaponized Scabies Are here in America–A friend with…

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Emergency Freedom Alerts: 5-1-23-Part 1

Table of Contents: The Largest-Ever Gathering Of Satanists Will Meet This Weekend For Sold Out ‘SatanCon 2023’ In Boston Transgender He-Woman Call to Arms!!! They are Preparing for War! #MenDoNotBelongInWomensRestrooms Transgender Abomination Headlines GOP SELLS OUT To LGBTQ Agenda: TPUSA & Mainstream Republicans EMBRACE Gay Rights Ron DeSantis Flies To Israel To Destroy Free Speech…

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Emergency Freedom Alerts: 5-1-23-Part 2

Table of Contents: God Should Be Exposing Everyone Planted By The Devil in Your Life Bible Verses on Separation From Unbelievers and the World Free Download Provided For–The Soloman Islands Mysteries (about the Giants and Cryptozoological Creatures) This was briefly selling on Amazon for $2694.99–One copy left—Read it for yourself for free The “Christian” TRUTH…

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Emergency Freedom Alerts: 4-24-23-Part 1

Table of Contents: FRANKINCENSE, MYRRH AND AN ENCOUNTER WITH A BLACK-EYED WOMAN–They Walk Among Us & The Battle is Real–Praise the Lord Jesus Christ!!! Flashback: Jasmin the Black Eyed Witch & Her Coven Death Threats Scott Johnson If He Doesn’t Shut Down ContendingForTruth.com ENCOUNTER WITH JAGGED TEETH BOY COVERED IN FLIES!! Taylor Finally Gives Her…

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Emergency Freedom Alerts: 4-24-23-Part 2

Table of Contents: Don’t be scared for your children…This is God’s Appointed Time The Blasphemous Fake holy Spirit Ouija Board–Now Being Sold! Due to extreme amounts of LGBT propaganda we are now seeing a 15,000% rise in castration, sterilization, and mutilation clinics for children–THE WORLD SEES THE US AS PROFANE, INSANE AND DISGUSTING-WE ARE THE…

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Emergency Freedom Alerts: 4-17-23-Part 1

Table of Contents: The Nephilim GIANTS of Patagonia | Biblical Giants Giant Encounters in the Old Americas Neanderthals Debunked: Evidence for Evolution or Just Human? Full Alien/Devil Disclosure Plan To Begin Soon with Rediscovery of Ancient Technologies—The Satanic Carrot To Woo the Masses New Lie Filled David Wilcock & Mike Adams Interview—Preparing You To Accept…

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Emergency Freedom Alerts: 4-17-23-Part 2

Table of Contents: There is HOPE at the County Level–Latest 3-minute video–There is a firestorm in Ottawa County, Michigan, where Christian men and women have been elected to seats on their county commission Exposing The AI ChatGPT Extreme Bais Against Christianity Joe Rogan Issues Warning After FAKE, AI-Generated Version Of His Podcast Surfaces! Russia Calls…

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Newsletter: Emergency Freedom Alerts: 4-9-23

Romans 13:12: The night is far spent, the day is at hand: let us therefore cast off the works of darkness, and let us put on the armour of light. ++Easter/Ishtar: Paganism Repackaged By Dr. Scott Johnson | April 8, 2007–In this teaching we will be focusing on the history of Easter, exploring its disturbing…

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Emergency Freedom Alerts: 4-3-23-Part 1

Table of Contents: Global Elites Goading Americans Into Violence Against Transsexuals—While Transsexuals’ (& Their Satanic Handlers) Wage War on Conservatives Christians–THE COVENANT SCHOOL SHOOTING PSYOP! CRISIS ACTORS, ACTIVE DRILLS EXCLUSIVE: When Unhinged, Demon Possessed, Antifa, Transgender Devils Attack On #InternationalDayOfTransVisibilty!!! & the Police do Nothing! Biological Man is Women of the Year; Call to Arms…

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Emergency Freedom Alerts: 4-3-23-Part 2

Table of Contents: Listener Comment: Shania Twain is Transgender–Just look at the childhood and teen photos-there is no question here—His Newest Documentary is Entitled: “Shania Twain – Not Just a Girl” His Greatest Hits Where Shania Gives Us Major Clues To His Manhood Budweiser Promoting “Bud Light” with New Transgender He/She Spokesperson Hershey faces boycott…

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Emergency Freedom Alerts: 3-27-23-Part 1

Table of Contents:  You Won’t Believe What Is Going on in the Netherlands… Weaponized Illegal Alien Invasion Agenda Throughout the World Order Out of Chaos & Divide and Conquer–InfoWars and Many in the Alternative Media Are Going for The Total Destruction of the Illuminati Puppet Ron Desantis–While They Totally Ignore All the Evil that Trump…

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Emergency Freedom Alerts: 3-27-23-Part 2

Table of Contents:  5G Exposure To ENSLAVE The Vaxxed: Vaccinated Connected To Global 5G Death Grid — LED Street, Home and Vehicle Lights are Weapons Platforms! LED lights Are Tied Into the 5G Grid EXCLUSIVE Special Report: Medical profession implements WHO digital diagnosis code for the unvaxxed–Doctors will be ‘incentivized’ by the government to start asking…

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Emergency Freedom Alerts: 3-27-23-Part 3

Table of Contents:  The Covid Vaxxed Are Shedding Spike Proteins & Turning White Sheets YELLOW How To “Unfold” The Spike Protein of COVID-19 (and the VAX) Making it Go Away! Bromelain — N-Acetylcysteine NAC — Nattokinase — Destroy the Covid Bioweapon Spike Protein With Many Other Benefits DEATH JAB Recipients Are WALKING DEAD: Vax ATTACKS…

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Emergency Freedom Alerts: 3-20-23-Part 1

Table of Contents: Top Trump Arrest Headlines WARNING! TRUMP ARREST ON TUESDAY COULD LEAD TO POTENTIAL FALSE FLAG EVENT! Right/Left Paradigm On Full Display & What Is Trump’s New Freedom Cites All About? Hear it Straight From Trump’s Mouth & Will America Be Literally Divided Up Into Right/Republican & Left/Democrat Enclaves? Trump Warns He Will…

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Emergency Freedom Alerts: 3-20-23-Part 2

Table of Contents: False Prophet Johnny Enlow Admits That His Prophecies Are Total Lies Dominionism — The Players, Agenda, And Power Ties of the Global Dominionist Movement What The Word of God Says About the Importance of Studying the Bible in Order to not be Deceived What Are the Biblical Tests and Qualifications for a True…

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Emergency Freedom Alerts: 3-13-23-Part 1

Table of Contents: Bible Verses About Finances, Giving & God’s Protection Top Headlines Read: Yellen: No federal bailout for collapsed Silicon Valley Bank From wine country to London, bank’s failure shakes worldwide Silicon Valley Bank imploded in a single day–It could be just the tip of the iceberg ‘The government has 48 hours’: Billionaire investor…

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Emergency Freedom Alerts: 3-13-23-Part 2

Table of Contents: Bank BAIL-INS are coming… what will you use to buy food when your bank accounts are frozen? Wall Street Journal CONFIRMS OUR WARNING: The power grid infrastructure is being deliberately dismantled to collapse America Listener Comment: Australian Tyranny and Smart Cites Fort Myers, FL aims to be a 15-Minute city as population…

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Newsletter: Emergency Freedom Alerts: 3-4-23

Revelation 4:11: Thou art worthy, O Lord, to receive glory and honour and power: for thou hast created all things, and for thy pleasure they are and were created. Amos 5:8 Seek him that maketh the seven stars and Orion, and turneth the shadow of death into the morning, and maketh the day dark with…

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Emergency Freedom Alerts: 2-27-23-Part 1

Table of Contents:  PROVING to Joe Rogan Jesus is the Son of God Ancient Chinese Writings Prove Jesus! Jesus Christ & The Law of Probability–Secular proof Jesus Christ lived Jesus fulfilled over 450 Old Testament Prophecies! We examine the odds of that happening by chance Warning: The Asbury Revival, Roman Catholicism, Jesus Revolution, Lonnie Frisbee,…

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Emergency Freedom Alerts: 2-27-23-Part 2

Table of Contents:  1960’s Interview–David Wilkerson Debates the Original “Jesus People” The Asbury Revival Is NOT Of God Listener Feedback & Warnings Regarding The Asbury Revival What the Bible Says About Mourning and Chastening Asbury Revival Planned Weeks in Advance & The Unbiblical Behavior Going On There Biblical Personal and Church Behavior/Purity The Asbury “Revival” Worship…

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Emergency Freedom Alerts: 2-27-23-Part 3

Table of Contents: DIOXIN: The DEADLY Chemical No One Is Talking About! People Will DIE: East Palestine MUST BE EVACUATED NOW! ‘Stay Away, Don’t Believe EPA,’ 9/11 Cancer Victim Lawyer Warns East Palestine Residents East Palestine Farmer’s WARNING: ‘MyID’ Biometric Surveillance Devices Given Out BEFORE Derailment Norfolk Southern trying to BUY OFF East Palestine residents…

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Emergency Freedom Alerts: 2-20-23-Part 1

Table of Contents:  STRATEGIC WARFARE PRAYER Another Strong Delusion Lie: Is it the End of the World As We Know It | “3 Days of Darkness” Coming Catholic Prophecy Three Days and Nights of Darkness Exposed Listener Comment: Catholic Delusion Prophecy–Three Days and Nights of Darkness Catholicism Exposed! Catholic Priest Child Molestors The Satanic Catholic Death…

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Emergency Freedom Alerts: 2-20-23-Part 2

Table of Contents:  East Palestine train wreck may have created largest dioxin plume in world history DIOXINS released after Ohio train derailment PERSIST in the environment and collect in lipids, meaning they will contaminate milk, cheese, eggs and meat from farms and ranches ‘Ohio Chernobyl’: East Palestine Residents Report Health Problems, Told Not to Drink…

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Emergency Freedom Alerts: 2-13-23-Part 1

Table of Contents: Updated Group Prayer–List of Current Event Prayer Points Is Disclosure About to Finally Happen? What is Going On With All the “UFO / Mystery Objects in the Sky”? Top Headlines Read: Baffled pilots who shot down object say it ‘interfered with sensors’… Mystery remains over Montana…. China Spots UFO Flying Near City……

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Emergency Freedom Alerts: 2-13-23-Part 2

Table of Contents: Giants Emerging Everywhere – They Can’t Hide This Strong Delusion–According To Top High Level New Agers: 7 Sleeping Anunnaki Giants Scientists are Awakening To Enlighten Humanity To Bring Us To A “New Golden Age”! Listener Comment: Nephilim Architecture….yes, they are probably looking for ancient Nephilim technology–but I also believe they are trying to…

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Emergency Freedom Alerts: 1-30-23-Part 1

Table of Contents: PRAYER TO NEUTRALIZE OCCULT RITUALS Something Biblical May Come in 2023…God’s People Must Prepare The Lord’s Protection & the Biblical Remedy for Fear Listener Comment: Alex Jones: God Wants A Sexual Relationship With Us & Also Promotes Hypnosis—Infowars opening pushing Transcendental Meditation – Hypnosis – Remote Viewing – Astral Projection (Which is…

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Emergency Freedom Alerts: 1-30-23-Part 2

Table of Contents: THE DARK SIDE OF FETAL ULTRASOUND–What have been the permanent, damaging effects of ultrasound technology in our society? Are there natural alternatives for monitoring a baby’s health while they are in the womb? THE BUSINESS OF BEING BORN–great movie on homebirths & midwives– compares various childbirth methods: including midwives – natural births –…

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Emergency Freedom Alerts: 1-30-23-Part 3

Table of Contents: Trump Dismisses COVID-19 Vax Safety Claims, Says He Saved 100 Million Lives–He will not admit that the Covid kill shot is killing and harming people!!! And this is 2023!!! Donald Trump in Bed with Satan, Blackrock and Vanguard etc. Trump and GOP Have Become Vaxx Sales Team, RINO Recruiters VACCINE NANO TECH…

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Newsletter: Emergency Freedom Alerts: 1-24-23

Isa 55:7 Let the wicked forsake his way, and the unrighteous man his thoughts: and let him return unto the LORD, and he will have mercy upon him; and to our God, for he will abundantly pardon. Isa 55:8 For my thoughts are not your thoughts, neither are your ways my ways, saith the LORD.…

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Emergency Freedom Alerts: 1-16-23-Part 1

Table of Contents: STRATEGIC WARFARE PRAYER US to host largest-ever Satanic gathering–The Satanic Temple group has announced on social media that SatanCon 2023 will take place at the end of April in Boston, Massachusetts Where are the men? Bible Verses on Effeminate Men — & Women And Children Ruling Over Men & Society The New…

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Emergency Freedom Alerts: 1-16-23-Part 2

Table of Contents: The Covid-19 Bioweapon Shot–Athlete & Heart Issues–So Many “Coincidences”!?! Satanic Insanity & Hypocrisy—Moderna’s (Covid Kill Shot) CEO Announces New mRNA Jab (Which is Injected Directly Into the Heart!!!) to “Treat” Heart Failure Patients!!! COVID SHOT DEATHS ARE SUICIDES-SAY LIFE INSURANCE COMPANIES NOW…ALL VAXXED PERSONS SHOULD WATCH THIS & CHECK YOUR POLICIES NOW!…

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Emergency Freedom Alerts: 1-9-23

Table of Contents: Updated Group Prayer–List of Current Event Prayer Points World Economic Forum’s “Young Global Leaders” Revealed ‘America’s Front Line Doctors’/AFLDS Oversight Committee SPEAKS OUT! Dr. Simone Gold Under Fire For Her Lavish Lifestyle—She Has Been Stealing a Huge Percentage (Millions of Dollars) of Donations Coming in to Battle the Covid-19 Agenda! AFLDS Whistleblower…

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Emergency Freedom Alerts: 1-2-23-Part 1

Table of Contents: PRAYER TO NEUTRALIZE OCCULT RITUALS Listener Comment About How it is Good for Christians to Celebrate The Religious Jewish Holydays of Hanukkah Plus Scott Johnson’s Reply Warning Regarding Ex-Warlock (Who Supposedly Had a Personal Friendship With Satan) John Ramirez—He Never Left SATANISM Listener Comment: John Ramirez says women can be preachers &…

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Emergency Freedom Alerts: 1-2-23-Part 2

Table of Contents: Listener Comment: New pledge of allegiance for my children in their homeschool classes Trump hosts gala for homosexual Republicans at Mar-a-Lago after Biden signs same-sex ‘marriage’ law!! WORLD ECONOMIC FORUM Wants to Slaughter Millions of Pets, Cats and Dogs to fight CLIMATE CHANGE! Prepare for ‘climate lockdowns’: Rogue British council wants to…

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Emergency Freedom Alerts: 12-26-22-Part 1

Table of Contents: STRATEGIC WARFARE PRAYER Is the Antichrist Being Revealed? Is Yanuka Rav Shlomo Yehuda the Jewish Messiah (Meaning The Antichrist)–He is Performing MIRACLES—And did You Know the Euphrates River is Drying Up Just like the Bible Predicted & Why Elon Musk is Not “Thee Antichrist” but is “A antichrist” Emergency Freedom Alerts: 2-15-21-Part…

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Emergency Freedom Alerts: 12-26-22-Part 2

Table of Contents: Wicked Greedy Devil Donald Trump sells NFT scam to his loyal followers as he shuns patriots! Plus Related Bible Verses Regarding Devils Like Trump Fight CBDC’s – Send This Letter to Your Bank –Plus Other Proactive Things You can do Never forget them, the republicans, the democrats who raped us here with…

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