End Time Current Events & Health Alerts: 3-11-12–Part 3

End Time Current Events & Health Alerts: 3-11-12–Part 3 Table of Contents: New World Order: Blueprint of Madmen Video Avian Flu: Killer of Millions? by Dr. Scott Johnson Proactive Measures In the Event of a Pandemic Christian Believer’s Swine/Bird Flu Remedy White Pine Needles For the Immune System Excellent Emergency Medical Supplies Doomsday Bunkers–How to…

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End Time Current Events: 3-4-12–Part 1

End Time Current Events: 3-4-12–Part 1 Table of Contents: Breitbart’s Footage Shows Obama ‘Palling Around’ With Terrorists Part 1: “They Hate Christianity But Love (Another) Jesus” – How Conservative Christians Are Being Manipulated and Ridiculed, Especially During Election Years by the Emerging Contemplative Christianity Movement Click Here for the Part 1 Audio PDF: End Time…

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End Time Current Events: 3-4-12–Part 2

End Time Current Events: 3-4-12–Part 2 Table of Contents: Part 2: “They Hate Christianity But Love (Another) Jesus” – How Conservative Christians Are Being Manipulated and Ridiculed, Especially During Election Years by the Emerging Contemplative Christianity Movement UN Guidelines: Recruiting Religious Leaders as “Agents of Change” for One World Religion Lent, Easter, Ishtar and Ostara…

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End Time Current Events: 2-26-12–Part 1

End Time Current Events: 2-26-12–Part 1 Table of Contents: Iran has possessed nuclear warheads and that Western Intelligence has known of it for years U.S. Fighting On the Same Side as Three Terrorist Groups In Syria Ayatollah: Kill all Jews, annihilate Israel Maitreya & the 12th Imam/ Imam Mahdi Islam the Religion of Peace Teaches:…

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End Time Current Events: 2-26-12–Part 2

End Time Current Events: 2-26-12–Part 2 Table of Contents: Rhetoric reaching dangerous point of no return: Iran tells the world to soon look for ‘great event’ from Allah Deception Afoot: Maitreya & ‘Master Jesus’ AKA ‘Sananda Immanuel’ Imam Mahdi Rising: What Iran Is Teaching Their Population Click Here for the Part 2 Audio PDF: End Time Current…

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Exposed: Tim LaHaye, Chuck Missler, Jerry Falwell, Sun Myung Moon, Rick Santorum, Newt Gingrich, Benny Hinn, Kathryn Kuhlman, Paul Crouch, Chuck Smith, Hal Lindsey, Rick Joyner, The Pope, TBN, Calvary Chapel, CNP, Knights of Malta & Many More–Part 1

Exposed: Tim LaHaye, Chuck Missler, Jerry Falwell, Sun Myung Moon, Rick Santorum, Newt Gingrich, Benny Hinn, Kathryn Kuhlman,  Paul Crouch, Chuck Smith, Hal Lindsey, Rick Joyner, The Pope, TBN, Calvary Chapel, CNP, Knights of Malta & Many More–Part 1 Click Here for the Part 1 Audio PDF: Exposed-Apostacy

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Exposed: Tim LaHaye, Chuck Missler, Jerry Falwell, Sun Myung Moon, Rick Santorum, Newt Gingrich, Benny Hinn, Kathryn Kuhlman, Paul Crouch, Chuck Smith, Hal Lindsey, Rick Joyner, The Pope, TBN, Calvary Chapel, CNP, Knights of Malta & Many More–Part 2

Exposed: Tim LaHaye, Chuck Missler, Jerry Falwell, Sun Myung Moon, Rick Santorum, Newt Gingrich, Benny Hinn, Kathryn Kuhlman,  Paul Crouch, Chuck Smith, Hal Lindsey, Rick Joyner, The Pope, TBN, Calvary Chapel, CNP, Knights of Malta & Many More–Part 2 Click Here for the Part 2 Audio PDF: Exposed-Apostacy

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Exposed: Tim LaHaye, Chuck Missler, Jerry Falwell, Sun Myung Moon, Rick Santorum, Newt Gingrich, Benny Hinn, Kathryn Kuhlman, Paul Crouch, Chuck Smith, Hal Lindsey, Rick Joyner, The Pope, TBN, Calvary Chapel, CNP, Knights of Malta & Many More–Part 3

Exposed: Tim LaHaye, Chuck Missler, Jerry Falwell, Sun Myung Moon, Rick Santorum, Newt Gingrich, Benny Hinn, Kathryn Kuhlman,  Paul Crouch, Chuck Smith, Hal Lindsey, Rick Joyner, The Pope, TBN, Calvary Chapel, CNP, Knights of Malta & Many More–Part 3 Click Here for the Part 3 Audio PDF: Exposed-Apostacy

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Exposed: Tim LaHaye, Chuck Missler, Jerry Falwell, Sun Myung Moon, Rick Santorum, Newt Gingrich, Benny Hinn, Kathryn Kuhlman, Paul Crouch, Chuck Smith, Hal Lindsey, Rick Joyner, The Pope, TBN, Calvary Chapel, CNP, Knights of Malta & Many More–Part 4

Exposed: Tim LaHaye, Chuck Missler, Jerry Falwell, Sun Myung Moon, Rick Santorum, Newt Gingrich, Benny Hinn, Kathryn Kuhlman,  Paul Crouch, Chuck Smith, Hal Lindsey, Rick Joyner, The Pope, TBN, Calvary Chapel, CNP, Knights of Malta & Many More–Part 4 Click Here for the Part 4 Audio PDF: Exposed-Apostacy

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End Time Current Events: 2-12-12–Part 1

End Time Current Events: 2-12-12–Part 1 Table of Contents: Be Nobody’s Valentine – The Horrific Pagan History of Valentine’s Day HOW the APOSTLES of the Bible Died America’s planned Absolute Dictatorship is quickly bringing on board the kind of surveillance system which former dictators could only dream about The State Has Declared War On The…

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End Time Current Events: 2-12-12–Part 2

End Time Current Events: 2-12-12–Part 2 Table of Contents: DHS Implementing No Work List: Citizens Must Get Government Approval to Work in Private Sector Jobs According To A New DHS Report, If You Love “Individual Liberty” Of If You “Believe In Conspiracy Theories” You Are A Potential Terrorist FBI Attempts to Make ‘Libertarians’ the Poster…

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End Time Current Events: 2-12-12–Part 3

End Time Current Events: 2-12-12–Part 3 Table of Contents: Part 2: Tom Horn is at it again and getting more flagrant of his promotion of the Catholic Church by the day Bisexual Pedophile Bishop EDDIE LONG IS CROWNED AS A GOD KING?! Getting more and more difficult to tell the world from the church – CLUB…

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End Time Current Events: 2-12-12–Part 4

End Time Current Events: 2-12-12–Part 4 Table of Contents: “Christian” Church with its own tattoo parlor & wrestling arena – video 50 Top Organizations with a Significant Role in Bringing Contemplative Spirituality to the Church New Muslim Friendly Bible yanks ‘Father,’ Jesus as ‘Son of God’–Islam-sensitive project ignites controversy, online petition Click Here for the…

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2012 End Time Current Events & Health Alerts: 2-5-12–Part 1

2012 End Time Current Events & Health Alerts: 2-5-12–Part 1 Table of Contents: Your Implantable Microchip Black Box Is Almost Ready Scientists created bird flu superbug that could set off next global pandemic Food Coloring & Cancer–Children’s medicines coated with brain-damaging aluminum The Organic Elite Surrenders to Monsanto: What Now? Click Here for the Part…

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2012 End Time Current Events & Health Alerts: 2-5-12–Part 2

2012 End Time Current Events & Health Alerts: 2-5-12–Part 2 Table of Contents: Government School: Six Year Old Guilty of Sexual Assault After Playing Tag Anti-God Starbucks cup has customers steaming Monster Energy Drink 666 Warning Starbucks: Legalizing Same-Sex Marriage ‘Is Core to Who We Are and What We Value’ Repost: Starbucks Perverted Goddess/Siren Coffee…

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2012 End Time Current Events & Health Alerts: 2-5-12–Part 3

2012 End Time Current Events & Health Alerts: 2-5-12–Part 3 Table of Contents: Wheaton College “Dialogue” Evening – Exploring “Common Ground” with Catholicism in “A Conversation on Unity” The Vatican Office of Inquisition seeks unity of all Christians during 2012 Pope Bares Inquisition Teeth and Declares Catholic Church the Only True Church 2012: Toward A One-World…

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2012 End Time Current Events & Health Alerts: 1-29-12 – Part 3

2012 End Time Current Events & Health Alerts: 1-29-12 – Part 3 Table of Contents: Governments Worldwide Raise Acceptable Radiation Levels Based Upon Politics … Not Science – American and Canadian authorities have virtually stopped monitoring airborne radiation & testing fish for radioactivity Depopulation programs: Chemtrails, aerosol spraying, geoengineering, directed energy weapons, Chlorination and Fluoridation…

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2012 End Time Current Events & Health Alerts: 1-22-12–Part 1

2012 End Time Current Events & Health Alerts: 1-22-12–Part 1 Table of Contents: Ex-Israeli Intelligence Officer: “Pearl Harbor” Style Attack Will Be Pretext for War On Iran GOP Vote Fraud Smoking Gun Banned From CNN, FOX, NBC! Uncounted – A Documentary About A Voting System Under Threat watch! How the US vote can be stolen…

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2012 End Time Current Events & Health Alerts: 1-22-12–Part 2

2012 End Time Current Events & Health Alerts: 1-22-12–Part 2 Table of Contents: Billy Graham Yoking up with Catholics Billy Graham, Homosexuals, Catholics & Apostasy by Scott Johnson Putin honored the “Queen of Heaven” in Russia-Greek/Eastern Orthodox Church Exposed Coptic Church Exposed It has begun: UFO reports skyrocket in first weeks of 2012 Click Here for the…

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2012 End Time Current Events & Health Alerts: 1-22-12–Part 4

2012 End Time Current Events & Health Alerts: 1-22-12–Part 4 Table of Contents: Vintage Bottle of Ant Poison Labels Fluoride As Deadly Poison Fluoride: Calcifier of the Soul + Proactive Solutions Cancer Drugs Make Tumors More Aggressive Vaccine warfare! Texas air-drops rabies vaccines over 7,000 sq. miles area How To Legally Avoid Unwanted Immunizations Of…

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2012 End Time Current Events & Health Alerts: 1-8-12–Part 1

2012 End Time Current Events & Health Alerts: 1-8-12–Part 1 Table of Contents: Bible Study The newly-passed “National Defense Authorization Act (NDAA)” places private companies on notice that they must act within 72 hours of any order to provide the materials necessary to activate FEMA camps Does the Indefinite Detention Bill Foretell Future? Happy New…

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2012 End Time Current Events & Health Alerts: 1-8-12–Part 2

2012 End Time Current Events & Health Alerts: 1-8-12–Part 2 Table of Contents: US Churches Now Part of FEMA & Homeland Security Initiatives DHS Officers Armed With Semiautomatics Set Up Unannounced ID Checkpoint The Pentagon Is Offering Free Military Hardware to Every Police Department In The US Proactive Measures The Federal Government has created a…

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2012 End Time Current Events & Health Alerts: 1-8-12–Part 4

2012 End Time Current Events & Health Alerts: 1-8-12–Part 4 Table of Contents: Warning: Flu Shots Are Coming to Your Church–If You Go to Church, Heed This Warning Your Immune System, Vitamin D-3, Vitamin C & Colloidal Silver – Mild Silver Protein 5000ppm Silver Special Guidelines & start up dosage for the Mild Silver Protein…

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Exposing Christ-Mass, Catholicism, the Pope, the Catholic Mary, the Queen of Heaven & the Coming One World Religion–Part 1

Exposing Christ-Mass, Catholicism, the Pope, the Catholic Mary, the Queen of Heaven & the Coming One World Religion–Part 1 Table of Contents: The True Shocking Meaning of the Word Christ-Mass The Pope’s New Evangelization Program Centered Around Marian Apparitions: Bishop Ricken, Greg Laurie, Chuck Smith, Calvary Chapel & Ascended Master Mary Click Here for the…

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Exposing Christ-Mass, Catholicism, the Pope, the Catholic Mary, the Queen of Heaven & the Coming One World Religion–Part 2

Exposing Christ-Mass, Catholicism, the Pope, the Catholic Mary, the Queen of Heaven & the Coming One World Religion–Part 2 Table of Contents: The Pope’s New Evangelization Program Centered Around Marian Apparitions: Bishop Ricken, Greg Laurie, Chuck Smith, Calvary Chapel & Ascended Master Mary Satan’s servant the Pope highlights Mary’s role as ‘woman of the apocalypse’…

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Exposing Christ-Mass, Catholicism, the Pope, the Catholic Mary, the Queen of Heaven & the Coming One World Religion–Part 3

Exposing Christ-Mass, Catholicism, the Pope, the Catholic Mary, the Queen of Heaven & the Coming One World Religion–Part 3 Table of Contents: Bible Study Proving Mary was a sinner just like the rest of humanity in need of the Savoir Jesus Christ Revelation 6 Bible Study: The Women the Man-child & the Dragon Click Here…

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Exposing Christ-Mass, Catholicism, the Pope, the Catholic Mary, the Queen of Heaven & the Coming One World Religion–Part 4

Exposing Christ-Mass, Catholicism, the Pope, the Catholic Mary, the Queen of Heaven & the Coming One World Religion–Part 4 Table of Contents: Catholics Proclaim: “Our Lady of all nations will defeat Satan” Catholic Mary – Queen of Heaven of Lebanon blessed in Church in Italy Mary Magdalene’s supposed skull venerated and worshiped in Catholic Church in France Catholic church…

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End Time Current Events: 12-4-11–Part 1

End Time Current Events: 12-4-11–Part 1 Table of Contents: Bible Study ‘Indefinite Detention’ Bill Passes Senate 93-7 Senate approves military sodomy, bestiality, 93-7 Man-Made Super-Flu Could Kill Half Humanity US Researchers And Pharmaceutical Companies Conducting Human Experimentation in Africa National Shame: 1929 – 1974 The State Forced Sterilizations Were Performed in North Carolina Click Here for…

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End Time Current Events: 12-4-11–Part 3

End Time Current Events: 12-4-11–Part 3 Table of Contents: Exposing George Noory’s New Book Promoting Witchcraft: “Talking to the Dead “ Satanic Parlor Tricks: Do loved ones bid farewell from beyond the grave? Click Here for the Part 3 Audio PDF: End Time Current Events 12-4-11

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End Time Current Events: 11-27-11–Part 1

End Time Current Events: 11-27-11–Part 1 Table of Contents: Defining the Terms Armageddon & Apocalypse Iran Claims Secret Energy Weapon, Dares Israel To Attack Them Now Iran Also Making Plans To Nuke U.S. With EMP? Gingrich Warns EMP Is Greatest Strategic Threat Russia Retaliates Against US: Puts Radar Station On Combat Alert, Prepares To Take…

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End Time Current Events: 11-27-11–Part 2

End Time Current Events: 11-27-11–Part 2 Table of Contents: Nephilim and Fallen Angels, the elephant in the room mainstream Christianity won’t discuss Actual UCLA Sanctioned UFO Alien Abduction Experiment What is Astral Projection? Alien DNA – Genetic Takeover: The End of Humanity? Click Here for the Part 2 Audio PDF: End Time Current Events 11-27-11

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End Time Current Events: 11-13-11–Part 1

End Time Current Events: 11-13-11–Part 1 Table of Contents: Bible Study UK expects Israeli attack on Iran next month with US logistical support Why Iran’s Top Leaders Believe That the End of Days Has Come War of words escalate between Iran and Israel- Iran threatens to widen war to Europe if attacked Russian Foreign Minister Issues…

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