End Time Current Events: 11-13-11–Part 2

End Time Current Events: 11-13-11–Part 2 Table of Contents: ‘Chrislam’: Straight from the pits of hell Religious Leaders Say Best Hope For Peace Lies In United Global Super Church Vatican Calls For World Government & World Bank Pope Benedict is said to be preparing to resign the Papacy in April, 2012! This time frame would…

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End Time Current Events: 11-13-11–Part 3

End Time Current Events: 11-13-11–Part 3 Table of Contents: Joel Osteen’s 147.00 Cover Charge & Dr. Myles Munroe 199.00 Pay Per View Fee Bankrupt Crystal Cathedral’s Former Pastor Rev. Robert Schuller wants Food Donations for Malnourished Wife Ferried to her Limos California Church Preaches Gospel at the Bar … Beer Replaces Coffee Christian church teams…

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End Time Current Events–10-30-11–Part 1

End Time Current Events–10-30-11–Part 1 Table of Contents: Call For Worldwide Global Increase In Number Of WICCA Teachers To Meet Accelerated Demand For Witchcraft Spell Teaching & Learning Black magic widespread in Middle East What Real Witches Practice During Halloween & Beyond-Part A Click Here For the Part 1 Audio PDF for End Time Current…

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End Time Current Events–10-30-11–Part 2

End Time Current Events–10-30-11–Part 2 Table of Contents: What Real Witches Practice During Halloween & Beyond-Part B DHS Announces Halloween Checkpoints In Tennessee To Keep Children Safe Click Here For the Part 2 Audio PDF for End Time Current Events 10-30-11

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End Time Current Events–10-30-11–Part 3

End Time Current Events–10-30-11–Part 3 Table of Contents: 18 Examples Of How Christians Are Being Specifically Targeted By Big Brother Electric skin implants sign of the BEAST be warned New World Order: Implantable RFID chips capable of remotely killing non-compliant ‘slaves’ are here White House death panel, fully operational: Secret panel can put Americans on…

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End Time Current Events–9-25-11–Part 2

End Time Current Events–9-25-11–Part 2 Table of Contents: Want some torture with your peanuts? Airline tracking bracelet that would also serve as in-flight taser-like stun device Shocking Info on US Government Automobile Surveillance Additional confirmation on automobile surveillance Big Brother OnStar Begins Spying On Customers’ GPS Location For Profit Iris Scanners & Microchips Click Here…

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End Time Current Events–9-25-11–Part 3

End Time Current Events–9-25-11–Part 3 Table of Contents: Big Sis Ordered NFL Grope Downs–Guilty until proven innocent – the decline and fall of America accelerates United Nations & Palestine Logo Suggests Elimination of Israel Now that the “Arab Spring Revolt” is five months old, it is clear that selected governments have been weakened which is…

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End Time Current Events–9-11-11–Part 1

End Time Current Events–9-11-11–Part 1 Table of Contents: Evangelicals Left Off National (Pagan) Cathedral 9/11 Program Crane topples at National Cathedral, comes down ‘like thunder’ Petition seeks 9/11 ceremony invites for NYC first responders Click Here for the Part 1 Audio PDF for 9-11-11

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End Time Current Events–9-11-11–Part 2

End Time Current Events–9-11-11–Part 2 Table of Contents: India scans 2.4 billion eyes to see end to poverty Facebook is nothing but a pit of Vipers – I cannot see why everyone is so obsessed with this–Facebook want me to upload a government ID with photograph to them!! Electronic ‘tattoo’ could monitor vital organ functions…

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End Time Current Events–9-11-11–Part 3

End Time Current Events–9-11-11–Part 3 Table of Contents: U.K. Judge Tells Teacher Sex-Offender Busted with Child Pornography: ‘I Don’t Criticize You for Being…Attracted to Children’ 4-Year-Old Toddler Given Fake Breasts & Buttocks For Beauty Pageant Mother dresses girl aged THREE as prostitute in Toddlers and Tiaras pageant, Beyond Perverse – Swiss Officials Mandate “Sex Boxes”…

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End Time Current Events–9-11-11–Part 4

End Time Current Events–9-11-11–Part 4 Table of Contents: Lesbian Baptist Pastor Refuses to Wed Straights Until Gays Allowed to Marry in NC Get ready, the new phase/”FACE(S)” of Protestantism – MAINSTREAM CHRISTIANITY: EMERGING CHURCH TO TRANSFORM  OUTLAW  PREACHERS JAY BAKKER AND FIXING GHANDI Blasphemous Pastor turns heads by blending tradition and irreverence Creeping unnoticed into…

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End Time Current Events–9-4-11–Part 1

End Time Current Events–9-4-11–Part 1 Table of Contents: Fukushima Is Continually Blasting All Of Us With High Levels Of Cesium, Strontium And Plutonium And Will Slowly Kill Millions For Years To Come Pure Effect Water Filters – Safeguard Your Drinking Water From Fluoride And Radiation! Retraction–Dr. Johnson does not recommend this anymore: Highly recommend “Black…

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End Time Current Events–9-4-11–Part 2

End Time Current Events–9-4-11–Part 2 Table of Contents: Mike Adams: Exposes Vaccine Industry Ties to Military Involvement with IoM 1/3 Gates Foundation Vaccinates 131 Children at Gunpoint in Malawi Mexico to give HPV vaccine to all girls from 2012 Rick Perry’s Slimy Connections to Merck & the HPV Vaccine Another HPV Success Story–The HPV Vaccine:…

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Satan’s Agenda for Disclosure – First Contact – Part 5

Satan’s Agenda for Disclosure – First Contact – Part 5 Table of Contents: Whistleblowers Coming Out Of The Woodwork Madoff Whistleblower: Big Banks Are Ripping Off Pension Funds Whistleblower Claims Massive Pattern Of Document Destruction At The SEC MOODY’S ANALYST BREAKS SILENCE: Says Ratings Agency Rotten To Core With Conflicts, Corruption, And Greed Dow Ends…

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Satan’s Agenda for Disclosure – First Contact – Part 6

Satan’s Agenda for Disclosure – First Contact – Part 6 Table of Contents: Maitreya Q & A – Share International magazine July / August 2011 HAMAS CALLS OFF TRUCE WITH ISRAEL(Like there ever was one) As Rocket Fire Continues From Gaza 30 Rockets Strike Israel Since Thursday After Coordinated Terror Attacks Kills 8 Jews on Thursday EGYPT ISSUES FIRST…

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Satan’s Agenda for Disclosure – First Contact – Part 2

Satan’s Agenda for Disclosure – First Contact – Part 2 Table of Contents: Alien UFO Invasion: Are We Ready? with Michelle Rodriguez premiered on August 14th at 8PM e/p on Discovery Channel NEW AGERS COMMENTARY–The Final Days and Life After First Contact Listen to the Part 2 Audio PDF–Satan’s Agenda for Disclosure – First Contact

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End Time Current Events–8-7-11–Part 1

End Time Current Events–8-7-11–Part 1 Table of Contents: Super Congress To Target Second Amendment Super Congress: The Final Nail In The Coffin Of Representative Democracy And Freedom As We Know It Super Congress Council of 13 Rises New World Order- The Illuminati Lyndon LaRouche: Obama to Become ‘Fuhrer’ After Super Congress Debt Ceiling Vote Opponents…

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End Time Current Events–8-7-11–Part 2

End Time Current Events–8-7-11–Part 2 Table of Contents: Who Added “Christian” and “Conservative” to Norway Shooter’s Facebook Page Yesterday? “Helpers of Global Jihad” claims, then disclaims, responsibility for Oslo blast, youth camp shooting Norway’s Mass Killer Copied the Unabomber Word for Word – Ted Kaczynski Known Victim of CIA Mind Control Experiments Theodore Kaczynski, a.k.a.…

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End Time Current Events–8-7-11–Part 3

End Time Current Events–8-7-11–Part 3 Table of Contents: New York City Public School Gay Tolerance Campaign Israel agrees to negotiate over pre-’67 lines Dallas Willard and Richard Foster Warning–The “New” Emerging Theology Breeds Atheism in a Generation of Young People Listen to Part 3 of the 8-7-11 Audio PDF–End Time Current Events 8-7-11

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End Time Current Events–8-7-11–Part 4

End Time Current Events–8-7-11–Part 4 Table of Contents: Review on Harry Potter New Movie: Parents please don’t take your children! Harry’s Last Battles Noise of Thunder Will Not Be Silent—Chris Pinto Article Turned Away Due To Subject Matter Nigerian ‘baby factory’ raided–32 teenage girls free–Many Babies Uses in “Rituals G. Edward Griffin Warning Listen to…

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End Time Current Events–8-7-11–Part 5

End Time Current Events–8-7-11–Part 5 Table of Contents: Murdoch’s Media Malpractice And The Genetic Altering Of Human Beings Through DNA Vaccines Autism Boom Correlates with Aborted Fetal DNA in Vaccines Study Confirms Autism Boom – Correlates with Aborted Fetal DNA in Vaccines Proudly Selling Their Black Souls to Satan–Vaccine Manufacturers Genetic Genocide: Humanity’s Greatest Threat…

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Pseudo-Christianity Gone Insane–Part 1

Pseudo-Christianity Gone Insane–Part 1 Table of Contents: Another Step Closer To A One World Religion: 50 U.S. Churches To Read From The Quran Pastors, Churches and Insanely Wicked Things Exposed Listen to Part 1 PDF for Pseudo-Christianity Gone Insane

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