God TV, Lakeland, Todd Bentley & Satanism-Part 2

God TV, Lakeland, Todd Bentley & Satanism-Part 2 6/8/2008 In this teachings we will be looking at the overwhelming body evidence existing; that indicates that individuals like ‘faith healer’ Todd Bentley are not just deceived, they are actually propositioned high level Satanists/Luciferians. Todd Bentley says the ‘Holy Spirit’ told him to ‘Kick Her In The…

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Dominionism/Kingdom Now/Reconstructionism/Theonomy Exposed-Part 2

Dominionism/Kingdom Now/Reconstructionism/Theonomy Exposed-Part 2 6/1/2008 & 6/8/2008 http://www.rapidnet.com/~jbeard/bdm/Psychology/cor/ Currently there is a movement about that is known as Reconstructionism, Kingdom Now theology, Theonomy, and/or Dominion theology, and it is a curious blend of Reformed/Calvinist theology and Charismatic influence (See my ‘Lakeland Revival’ Teachings). ‘That movement has been called by three different names: Reconstructionism (because it…

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Dominionism/Kingdom Now/Reconstructionism/Theonomy Exposed-Part 3

Dominionism/Kingdom Now/Reconstructionism/Theonomy Exposed-Part 3 6/1/2008 & 6/8/2008 http://www.rapidnet.com/~jbeard/bdm/Psychology/cor/ Currently there is a movement about that is known as Reconstructionism, Kingdom Now theology, Theonomy, and/or Dominion theology, and it is a curious blend of Reformed/Calvinist theology and Charismatic influence (See my ‘Lakeland Revival’ Teachings). ‘That movement has been called by three different names: Reconstructionism (because it…

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Vatican Easing Humanity Toward Alien Disclosure?-Part 2

Vatican Easing Humanity Toward Alien Disclosure?-Part 2 5/25/2008–Vatican chief astronomer Father Jose Gabriel Funes in a long interview with the L’Osservatore Romano newspaper this week made news by saying ‘Just as we consider earthly creatures as ‘a brother,’ and ‘sister,’ why should we not talk about an ‘extraterrestrial brother’?’. The statements by Funes are the…

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Vatican Easing Humanity Toward Alien Disclosure?-Part 3

Vatican Easing Humanity Toward Alien Disclosure?-Part 3 5/25/2008–Vatican chief astronomer Father Jose Gabriel Funes in a long interview with the L’Osservatore Romano newspaper this week made news by saying ‘Just as we consider earthly creatures as ‘a brother,’ and ‘sister,’ why should we not talk about an ‘extraterrestrial brother’?’. The statements by Funes are the…

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Lakeland Revival, Conv. Child Molester-Todd Bentley, Lying Signs & Wonders-Part 2

Lakeland Revival, Conv. Child Molester-Todd Bentley, Lying Signs & Wonders-Part 2 5/18/2008 http://www.scribd.com/doc/2909690/AN-ANGEL-CALLED-EMMA Recently ‘Christian Television’ (primarily through ‘God-TV’) have issued glowing reports of a ‘revival’ breaking out in Lakeland, Florida at ‘Ignited Church’ pastored by Stephen Strader. Every night up to 126 million people are being deceived by this movement/Todd Bentley (convicted child molester,…

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Lakeland Revival, Conv. Child Molester-Todd Bentley, Lying Signs & Wonders-Part 3

Lakeland Revival, Conv. Child Molester-Todd Bentley, Lying Signs & Wonders-Part 3 5/18/2008 http://www.scribd.com/doc/2909690/AN-ANGEL-CALLED-EMMA Recently ‘Christian Television’ (primarily through ‘God-TV’) have issued glowing reports of a ‘revival’ breaking out in Lakeland, Florida at ‘Ignited Church’ pastored by Stephen Strader. Every night up to 126 million people are being deceived by this movement/Todd Bentley (convicted child molester,…

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‘The Manifest Sons of God’/’Joel’s Army’/’Later Rain Movement’ Exposed-Part 2

‘The Manifest Sons of God’/’Joel’s Army’/’Later Rain Movement’ Exposed-Part 2 5/11/2008 ‘The Manifest Sons of God'(MSOG) movement has many names such as, The Latter Rain Movement, Identity, Joel’s Army, Restoration and Reconstruction. MSOG doctrine has been around in some Pentecostal circles for many years, but it was the ‘Latter Rain Movement’ of 1948 that gave…

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‘The Manifest Sons of God’/’Joel’s Army’/’Later Rain Movement’ Exposed-Part 3

‘The Manifest Sons of God’/’Joel’s Army’/’Later Rain Movement’ Exposed-Part 3 5/11/2008 ‘The Manifest Sons of God'(MSOG) movement has many names such as, The Latter Rain Movement, Identity, Joel’s Army, Restoration and Reconstruction. MSOG doctrine has been around in some Pentecostal circles for many years, but it was the ‘Latter Rain Movement’ of 1948 that gave…

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Indigo & Star Children Exposed!-Part 1

Indigo & Star Children Exposed! (3 Parts)04/27/08To a New Age occultist, every 2,160 years of cyclic time welcomes a New Age that advances a new global revelation. Supposed enlightened humans serve as “planetary light bearers” who have broken free …

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Indigo & Star Children Exposed!-Part 2

Indigo & Star Children Exposed!-Part 2 04/27/08 To a New Age occultist, every 2,160 years of cyclic time welcomes a New Age that advances a new global revelation. Supposed enlightened humans serve as “planetary light bearers” who have broken free from (in this case) the Age of Pieces to forge in its place the Age…

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Indigo & Star Children Exposed!-Part 3

Indigo & Star Children Exposed!-Part 3 04/27/08 To a New Age occultist, every 2,160 years of cyclic time welcomes a New Age that advances a new global revelation. Supposed enlightened humans serve as “planetary light bearers” who have broken free from (in this case) the Age of Pieces to forge in its place the Age…

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Jehovah’s Witnesses Exposed!-Part 1

Jehovah’s Witnesses Exposed! (2 Parts)4/20/2008 The Cult of the Jehovah’s Witnesses (JW’s) was officially founded in 1884 & officially adopted the name of JW’s in 1931 by Charles Taze Russell (1852-1916). In 1870, Russell was exposed to the teachings o…

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Jehovah’s Witnesses Exposed!-Part 2

Jehovah’s Witnesses Exposed!-Part 2 4/20/2008–The Cult of the Jehovah’s Witnesses (JW’s) was officially founded in 1884 & officially adopted the name of JW’s in 1931 by Charles Taze Russell (1852-1916). In 1870, Russell was exposed to the teachings of William Miller, one of the founders of the Second Adventist Movement and acquired an interest in…

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The Church of Oprah Exposed!-Part 1

The Church of Oprah Exposed! (2 parts)4/19/2008 http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=QgKIkruHZkoHave you heard about the largest church in the world? Oprah reaches 15-20 million everyday. Oprah’s new online class covering Eckhart Tolle’s ‘A New Earth’ are …

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The Church of Oprah Exposed!-Part 2

The Church of Oprah Exposed!-Part 2 4/19/2008 http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=QgKIkruHZko Have you heard about the largest church in the world? Oprah reaches 15-20 million everyday. Oprah’s new online class covering Eckhart Tolle’s ‘A New Earth’ are yet one more way she is trying to indoctrinate the masses into aggressive New Age teachings. Oprah conducted her first mass,…

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C.S. Lewis: In His Own Words-Part 1

C.S. Lewis: In His Own Words (2 Parts)3/30/2008Today C.S. Lewis is revered by many “Christians” as a master of Christian apologetics. He was the author of 40+ books which included poems, novels, children’s books, science fiction, theology, literary…

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C.S. Lewis: In His Own Words-Part 2

C.S. Lewis: In His Own Words-Part 2 3/30/2008 Today C.S. Lewis is revered by many “Christians” as a master of Christian apologetics. He was the author of 40+ books which included poems, novels, children’s books, science fiction, theology, literary criticisms, educational philosophy and an autobiography. In his book “Mere Christianity” pp. 176-177 he wrote: ‘There…

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Biblical Keys to Deliverance & Protection-Part 2

Biblical Keys to Deliverance & Protection-Part 2 3/23/2008 Regarding the endtimes that we are moving into, many Christians are very apprehensive and concerned about the well being of their families and themselves. Biblically there are many answers and remedies regarding this subject. In this teaching we will be looking at the Bible verses that pertain…

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The Spell and Deception of Barack Obama

The Spell and Deception of Barack Obama2/24/2008 Barack Hussein Obama is an African-American that by birth and blood was a Muslim for at least 27 years. Obama’s father, grandfather, stepfather, stepbrothers, stepsisters, Sarah (who Obama calls grandmot…

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The ‘Cross of Christ’ vs. the ‘Accursed Tree’-Part 2

The ‘Cross of Christ’ vs. the ‘Accursed Tree’-Part 2 2/17/2008 In this study we will look at the differences between the ‘Cross of Christ’ and the ‘Accursed Tree’ of the Bible. The cross symbol (in various forms) has been used both as a religious symbol and as an ornament from the dawn of man’s civilization.…

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The ‘Cross of Christ’ vs. the ‘Accursed Tree’-Part 3

The ‘Cross of Christ’ vs. the ‘Accursed Tree’-Part 3 2/17/2008 In this study we will look at the differences between the ‘Cross of Christ’ and the ‘Accursed Tree’ of the Bible. The cross symbol (in various forms) has been used both as a religious symbol and as an ornament from the dawn of man’s civilization.…

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The One World Religious Convergence

The One World Religious Convergence2/10/2008 http://www.chick.com/default.aspThe Catholic pope is currently very concerned about the mass exodus of members that is happening to the Catholic region in some countries. Currently the pope cannot authorize …

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The Deception of Christian Ghostwriting

The Deception of Christian Ghostwriting2/10/2008 The “Reverend” Mel White is a homosexual activist (& Co-founder of Soulforce-a proactive gay agenda group) who lives with his male lover, Gary Nixon, in Dallas, Texas. ‘I am gay, I am proud, and God …

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Female Angels with Wings? What about Halos?

Female Angels with Wings? What about Halos?2/10/2008 The word translated to read ‘angel’ means ‘a messenger’, from ‘angello’, or to deliver a message. The angelic beings of God are those created beings who do His will and His bidding. The Bible speaks …

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What Can Women do for the Lord?-Part 1

What Can Women do for the Lord? (2 Parts)2/3/2008 In this study we will primarily be looking at the subject of: WHAT CAN WOMEN DO FOR THE LORD? & Women Pastors?–The Biblical Qualifications for Pastors, Elders, Deacons and Spiritual Overseers. We will …

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