Emergency Freedom Alerts: 5-30-22-Part 1

Table of Contents: Updated Group Prayer–List of Current Event Prayer Points Hymn: “With Christ My Savior and My God” Praise the Lord Jesus Christ!!! JUNE 1ST DECLARING DAY OF PRAYER AND FASTING TO CONFESS OUR COUNTRIES SINS AND OUR PERSONAL SINS AND ASK FOR GOD’S SPIRIT TO BE POURED OUT UPON HIS PEOPLE Uvalde massacre…

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Emergency Freedom Alerts: 5-30-22-Part 2

Table of Contents: Praise the Lord! Biden’s Satanic Amendments Defeated at the WHO Treaty Meeting NYC – DEMONS TAKING OVER — STAY AWAY FROM THERE — THE CITY IS MORE DANGEROUS THAN EVER Biden’s “Disinformation Governance Board” declared unconstitutional by FCC DEWS (Directed Energy Weapons) ONCE AGAIN ARE BEING DEPLOYED IN CALIFORNIA–SOUTH ORANGE COUNTY GOING…

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Emergency Freedom Alerts: 5-16-22-Part 1

Table of Contents: PRAYER TO NEUTRALIZE OCCULT RITUALS Psalm 77—When Your Discouraged Remember all the Good Things the Lord has Done Supreme Court Reportedly Votes to Overturn Roe v. Wade–Let States Protect Babies From Abortion What is Despicable about ROE is that All the Governments of Men Obeyed SCOTUS for 49 Years while the Preborn…

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Emergency Freedom Alerts: 5-16-22-Part 2

Table of Contents: Elon Musk Says He’s ‘Ok’ With Ending Up In Hell, Claims ‘The Vast Majority Of All Humans Ever Born Will Be There’ Elon Musk’s Tesla covers travel costs for workers seeking abortions Pretend Rebel Billionaire Elon Musk Twitter DIGITAL ID Agenda Elon Musk Is Evil It Begins! First Human Trials Start for…

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Newsletter: Emergency Freedom Alerts: 5-7-22

Pro 4:14 Enter not into the path of the wicked, and go not in the way of evil men. Pro 12:12 The wicked desireth the net of evil men: but the root of the righteous yieldeth fruit. Pro 24:1 Be not thou envious against evil men, neither desire to be with them. Pro 24:19 Fret…

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Emergency Freedom Alerts: 5-2-22-Part 1

Table of Contents: STRATEGIC WARFARE PRAYER!!!! We are Fearfully and Wonderfully Made–Fetal-Maternal Microchimerism For pregnancy–The supplements that are essential for your baby Prayer Alert!!–EMERGENCY GLOBAL GOV’T ALERT: Threat to national sovereignty set to go down May 22-28 at WHO World Health Assembly–World Health Organization Is Preparing Vote To Strip The US (And 194 Other Nations) Of…

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Emergency Freedom Alerts: 5-2-22-Part 2

Table of Contents: Beta Testing For the Rest of the World–Nigeria Blocks 73 MILLION Smart Phones For No Digital ID Italy Announces Rollout of Dystopian ‘Social Credit System’ to ‘Conserve Resources’– First of its Kind in the EU – Compliant Citizens Will Be Rewarded for ‘Good Behavior’ Demonic “Creature-Like Thing” Exits Jab Victim: 32 Year…

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Emergency Freedom Alerts: 4-25-22-Part 1

Table of Contents: Updated Group Prayer–List of Current Event Prayer Points Comment Regarding My Information on Easter Says: I mean this with all respect but EVEN IF what you are saying is true, why would it be a bad thing to take an old pagan practice and transform it into a Christian reality? Drag Queen…

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Emergency Freedom Alerts: 4-25-22-Part 2

Table of Contents: Emergency Freedom Alerts: 10-25-21-Part 1 By Scott Johnson …General Michael Flynn Prays to Archangel Michael & Invokes Luciferian Madame Helena Blavatsky’s & Elizabeth Clare Prophet’s “Seven Rays” (Which Are Linked to the Ascended Masters) at “Pastor” Hank Kunneman’s Religious Event Emergency Freedom Alerts: 12-6-21-Part 1 By Scott Johnson …Exposed Again: General Michael…

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Emergency Freedom Alerts: 4-18-22

Table of Contents: PRAYER TO NEUTRALIZE OCCULT RITUALS Easter/Ishtar: Paganism Repackaged–& Is it Good Thursday or Good Friday?–By Scott Johnson   Pentagon releases 1,500 pages of secret documents about shadowy UFO program UFO occurrences such as “apparent abduction” and “unaccounted for pregnancy”! FROM BEYOND–Alien first contact ‘could destroy religion and spark global chaos’–Plus a Bible…

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Newsletter: Emergency Freedom Alerts: 4-15-22

Isaiah 5:20: “Woe unto them that call evil good, and good evil… Proverbs 17:15: “He that justifieth the wicked, and he that condemneth the just, even they both are abomination to the LORD.” Psalm 94:16&20: “Who will rise up for me against the evildoers? or who will stand up for me against the workers of iniquity?…Shall…

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Emergency Freedom Alerts: 4-11-22-Part 1

Table of Contents: STRATEGIC WARFARE PRAYER!!!! Military Deployed In Some National Parks? Americans Ritualistically Killed in US National Parks? Are the Giants/Nephilim Getting Ready to Make their Big Debut? Super Charged ‘Do it Yourself’ Anointing Oil Sick Wicked Child Molester Supporter/Enabler Ketanji Brown Jackson Confirmed To Supreme Court by the Evil Senate!!! Child Molesters Are…

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Emergency Freedom Alerts: 4-11-22-Part 2

Table of Contents: BOMBSHELL VIDEO: Economist at World Government Summit says new financial world order about to shift in dramatic new direction–The NWO Financial Reset Being Discussed At “World Government Summit 2022” NEW WORLD FINANCIAL ORDER WILL BE NEGOTIATED: MOSCOW Russia-Ukraine War To Trigger New World Order: BlackRock CEO The Incoming Tyranny of CBDC’s–which are…

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Emergency Freedom Alerts: 3-28-22-Part 1

Table of Contents: Updated Group Prayer–List of Current Event Prayer Points Must Listen–The Latest Colossal Lies From the Disclosure Movement!! Get Ready as the ‘Strong Delusion’ is Just Getting Cranked up!! Space Arks and the Arriving Alien ET Seeders Beyond Insane: Hellywood Predicts This Exact Deception In Last Scene of the Movie “Mission to Mars”:…

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Emergency Freedom Alerts: 3-28-22-Part 2

Table of Contents: Vessel of Satan and Serial Child Molester Joe Biden says: “There’s Going To Be A New World Order, And America Has To Lead It” Current NWO “Order out of Chaos” Headlines Gas rationing, food vouchers and hunger are now being normalized for the war phase of the plandemic MASSIVE SHORTAGE OF EGGS…

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Newsletter: Emergency Freedom Alerts: 3-23-22

Pro 8:11-13 & 17: For wisdom is better than rubies; and all the things that may be desired are not to be compared to it. I wisdom dwell with prudence…The fear of the LORD is to hate evil: pride, and arrogancy, and the evil way, and the froward mouth, do I hate…I love them that…

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Emergency Freedom Alerts: 3-21-22-Part 1

Table of Contents: PRAYER TO NEUTRALIZE OCCULT RITUALS Listener Comment on Church Covid Garbage & Where To Go to Get Baptized Kandahar Giant Cover-up Debate: Did the US Military Kill a Real Giant in an Afghanistan Cave? Lying Signs and Wonders? UFOs Help Ukrainians in War as an Answer to Prayer? Do Not Trust These…

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Emergency Freedom Alerts: 3-21-22-Part 2

Table of Contents: The World’s Oceans Regulate The Amount Of C02 And Carbon Automatically–Global Warming, Climate Change Is A Scam Ukraine silently implemented the WEF’s ‘Great Reset’ by setting up a Social Credit Application combining Universal Basic Income (UBI), a Digital Identity & a Vaccine Passport all within their Diia app!  10 Signs The War…

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Emergency Freedom Alerts: 3-14-22-Part 1

Table of Contents: STRATEGIC WARFARE PRAYER!!!! No This is Not a Misprint!: Maryland Senate Bill 669 Legalizes Infanticide Up To 28 Days After Birth!!! Maryland Prepare for God’s Fury!!!!! ‘This codifies what Satan wants’: Maryland legislator blasts abortion bill Organization Endorsed by Democratic Party Promotes Sexual Assault of Babies Satan’s Final War Plan || The…

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Emergency Freedom Alerts: 3-14-22-Part 2

Table of Contents: Listener Comment About a 2021 Movie That Describes Alien Disclosure Happening the Same Time Russia and Ukraine Are At War Will This Be How Disclosure Happens? Supposed Space Ark In Ukraine Now Controlled by Russia? Insane World Headlines! The First Casualty Of War Is The Truth Listener Comment:  I wanted to give…

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Emergency Freedom Alerts: 3-7-22-Part 1


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Emergency Freedom Alerts: 3-7-22-Part 2

Table of Contents: Will Russia/Ukraine War Bring Us Into the New World Order? Perspective Check: Why Take Sides When it’s All The Same Web? If they Can Keep You In Fear-They Keep You Under Control! Klaus Schwab Confirms Putin is His Puppet President….Is the Ukraine War Another Psy-Op like Covid??? And let us not forget…

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Emergency Freedom Alerts: 3-7-22-Part 3

Table of Contents: Dr. Viviane Brunet on black-eyed babies of vaccinated parents Listener Comment: Time Magazine Cover Shows Human DNA Strands Turning into a Serpent and Talks about how Genetic Engineering will Change Us Will The Covid Vaxxed Become Mind Control Slaves? Johns Hopkins University Confirms You Can Be Vaccinated with a PCR Swab Test…

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Newsletter: Emergency Freedom Alerts: 3-4-22

Psa 11:7: For the righteous LORD loveth righteousness; his countenance doth behold the upright. Hebrews 13:15: By him therefore let us offer the sacrifice of praise to God continually, that is, the fruit of our lips giving thanks to his name. ++Shocking study finds covid vaccines REWRITE your DNA… criminal CDC proven to have repeatedly…

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Emergency Freedom Alerts: 2-21-22-Part 1

Table of Contents: PRAYER TO NEUTRALIZE OCCULT RITUALS Is World War 3 Imminent? When all else fails they take you to war! Top Headlines   Opinion: Canada Is Falling–America Is In It’s Final Stages! Here Comes the CHICOM Peacekeepers! The Doug and Dave Intel Report Listener Comment: UN Bluehat peacekeepers are here in Canada A…

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Emergency Freedom Alerts: 2-21-22-Part 2

Table of Contents: Trudeau Can Delete a Post But He Can’t Delete a Picture – The Scandal is Growing Proof: U.S. Directed Energy Weapons Burn The Faces Of Australians–Globalist Leadership Gone Mad: Tyrants Hunt Down Freedom Crusaders With Sonic Weaponry Medical Treason Killing Soldiers: Intentional Harm, Death carried Out By Military Command FDA Broke Pfizer’s…

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Newsletter: Emergency Freedom Alerts: 2-19-22

2Ch 15:7 Be ye strong therefore, and let not your hands be weak: for your work shall be rewarded. Ecc 8:11 Because sentence against an evil work is not executed speedily, therefore the heart of the sons of men is fully set in them to do evil. MICROWAVE WEAPONS CAUSED SERIOUS BURNS AND INJURIES TO…

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Emergency Freedom Alerts: 2-14-22

Table of Contents: STRATEGIC WARFARE PRAYER!!!! Are We On the Cusp of the Long Predicted WW3 That Will Most Likely Take Us Into The Tribulation? Top Headlines Pointing In That Direction—Regarding the End Times & Tribulation Period Jesus Predicted in Matthew 24:6-8 KJV: “And ye shall hear of wars and rumours of wars: see that…

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Emergency Freedom Alerts: 2-7-22-Part 1

Table of Contents: Updated Group Prayer–List of Current Event Prayer Points Psalm 39 Bible Verses Researcher Claims Almost All Churches in America Have Muslim Spies in Them Who Are ‘Cataloging’ Every Christian in Preparation for Jihad—This In Addition To the Traitorous Clergy Response Team “Pastors” Selling Out Their Congregations Plus the Witches and Warlocks Hidden…

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Emergency Freedom Alerts: 2-7-22-Part 2

Table of Contents: This Explains So Much: 5G Powered Graphene Based Nano-Tech in the Pfizer Vaccine–Forced Trans-humanization of society is happening now Update On The Covid Agenda Legal Actions ~ Proceedings Start Soon Plus Covid Agenda Pushback Updates! Reiner Fuellmich’s Opening Statements @ Grand Jury Covid-Crimes Against Humanity Nuremberg 2.0 Trial Covid Pushback Headlines Covid…

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Emergency Freedom Alerts: 1-24-22-Part 1

Table of Contents: PRAYER TO NEUTRALIZE OCCULT RITUALS Biblical Parameters for Giving and Receiving Receiving Correction America’s Food Supply Fertilized With Human Remains And Coated With Nanoparticles Activating 5G towers could KILL people who took COVID-19 vaccines, analysts warn The Covid Vaxxed–Marked for life-tracked till death? Listener Comment: The Big Picture and End Game–Elite In…

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Emergency Freedom Alerts: 1-24-22-Part 2

Table of Contents: Receipts: Hospitals Paid to Kill-Providers Incentivized By Feds to Murder Covid Patients Organ Harvesting A Real Concern—Unvaxxed Organ Donors Better Think Twice About Going to the Hospital!!! Hospitals Killing For Organs “This is Absolutely Evil And A Crime Against Humanity!” Organ Donor & Transplant Warning–GUTTED ALIVE-MEDICAL DEBAUCHERY AND ORGAN HARVESTING IN OUR…

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Emergency Freedom Alerts: 1-17-22-Part 1

Table of Contents: STRATEGIC WARFARE PRAYER! Pastor who was nearly killed by a tyrant, speaks out “The Authority of a County” is a 16-minute talk by Pastor Matt Trewhella  The Dollar Has Entered A Death Spiral, And A Lot More Inflation Is On The Way Quebec Canada plans to hit unvaccinated with a ‘significant’ tax…

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Emergency Freedom Alerts: 1-17-22-Part 2

Table of Contents: Shocking Warning About Monoclonal Antibodies / Regeneron!!! New Details: Deadliest Vax Lots: Vial Went to All 50 States Still on Circulation CDC Whistleblower Drops Nuke: Deadly Bioweapon Lots Targeting Specific Groups Breaking: Epstein & Maxwell Are Israeli Spies, Planned Bioweapon Shots, Says Doctor Thousands of Miscarriages Following COVID-19 Injections Reported in VAERS…

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Newsletter: Emergency Freedom Alerts: 1-16-22

Pro 10:16: The labour of the righteous tendeth to life: the fruit of the wicked to sin. Col 1:12-14: Giving thanks unto the Father, which hath made us meet to be partakers of the inheritance of the saints in light: Who hath delivered us from the power of darkness, and hath translated us into the…

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Emergency Freedom Alerts: 1-10-22-Part 1

Table of Contents: Updated Group Prayer–List of Current Event Prayer Points Witchcraft For Kids: Hot Toy This Holiday Season Is Magic Mixies Magical Misting Witchcraft Cauldron Witchcraft: The Emerging One World Religion-Parts 1-4 By Dr. Scott Johnson | The Fake Alien Invasion | Project Blue Beam – Maitreya Hellywood Predictive Programing Ascended Masters Returning–ETERNALS Official…

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Emergency Freedom Alerts: 1-10-22-Part 2

Table of Contents: Life insurance companies sound DEATH ALERT warnings over nearly 100,000 excess deaths per month happening right now in the USA Crisis in America: Deaths Up 40% Among Those Aged 18-64 Based on Life Insurance Claims for 2021 After COVID-19 Vaccine Roll Outs GLOBAL ALERT: An estimated 10 million people PER DAY are…

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Emergency Freedom Alerts: 1-3-22-Part 1

Table of Contents: PRAYER TO NEUTRALIZE OCCULT RITUALS Listen to What Demons Say About the Covid Kill Shot!!!! Hell’s HORDES Are HERE To STEAL, KILL & DESTROY!!! NASA Hires Top Priest To Prepare Humanity for Major ‘Life-Changing’ Announcement Bible Verses on What a “Just” Government/Society Should look Like Extreme Blasphemy Alert!!: Woman Who Says “She…

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Emergency Freedom Alerts: 1-3-22-Part 2

Table of Contents: Part 2–Who is David Wilcock’s (& General Michael Flynn’s) “Michael the Arch-Angel”? Plus a listener comment about this subject and the blasphemous “Book of Urantia” Exposed: Urantia book, Urantia Society, Urantia Foundation, Urantia Fellowship,  and the Urantia Brotherhood universes–Ancient Earth Extra-Biblical Revelations Ghislaine Maxwell Vows to ‘Sing Like a Canary’ Following Guilty Verdict…

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Emergency Freedom Alerts: 1-3-22-Part 3

Table of Contents: Ariyana Love Reveals Hydra Parasite Used to Turn Humans into New Hybrid Species! WHO Head Admits Vaccines Being Used To Kill Children The New Normal: Covid Vaxxed Moms Delivering Injured & Dead Babies IRREFUTABLE EVIDENCE – COVID-19 Jabs Are Killing People! Top Doctor Tells Joe Rogan That Covid-19 was a Premeditated Attack…

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Newsletter: Emergency Freedom Alerts: 12-18-21

Colossians 3:15:  And let the peace of God rule in your hearts, to the which also ye are called in one body; and be ye thankful. Col 3:17:  And whatsoever ye do in word or deed, do all in the name of the Lord Jesus, giving thanks to God and the Father by him. Jeremiah…

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Emergency Freedom Alerts: 12-13-21-Part 1

Table of Contents: STRATEGIC WARFARE PRAYER!!!! X-Mas History Timeline Going All the Way Back to 500BC: The Biggest Pagan Holiday/Holyday of the Year Prayer Alert: JUSTICES MAY TOSS ROE vs Wade–ROE’S LEGACY: OVER 62 MILLION DEAD BABIES Positive Covid Pushback Headlines HR 550: House Passes Bill To Fund Federal Vaccination Database THE HOLOCAUST RETURNS: EU…

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Emergency Freedom Alerts: 12-13-21-Part 2

Table of Contents: Funeral Director Says COVID-19 Jabs KILLING Everyone; Destroying Immune Systems Fauci Patent: Covid Vaxxed Induced Aids–Biotech Analyst Finds that HIV Glycoprotein Contained in Vaxx Listener Comment: Covid-19 and the INSANE increase in jet pilot deaths after the Covid kill shot!!!! 109 Death of pilots in 2021 compared to 6 in 2020 and…

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Emergency Freedom Alerts: 12-13-21-Part 3

Table of Contents: Turns out the Australian Aboriginal Land Has Already Been Sold to the highest bidder–so those 15 million people that live there need to be killed off (with the Covid clot shot) or moved off the land so these Satanic Elite can take possession—That is the main reason the Australian government is attacking…

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Emergency Freedom Alerts: 12-6-21-Part 1

Table of Contents: Updated Group Prayer–List of Current Event Prayer Points The Ongoing Cover Up of the Global Elite’s Child Sex Blackmail Operation–Entire Week of Ghislaine Maxwell Case Ignored By MSM Despite Shocking Details of Epstein Network–The corporate media is totally bent on ignoring and diminishing the case as much as possible to protect the…

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Emergency Freedom Alerts: 12-6-21-Part 2

Table of Contents: U.N. Taking Down Private Websites — Domain Level Censorship We are not there yet but the stage is being set!!!: Can’t Buy or Sell without the Mark—Imbedded Covid Vaccine Passport Chips Coming?<<Please Remember From Antiquity Only the Christian Bible Predicted This Scenario A Microchip Containing Your Covid Vaccine Passport Information Can Now…

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Emergency Freedom Alerts: 11-29-21-Part 1

Table of Contents: PRAYER TO NEUTRALIZE OCCULT RITUALS Biden Incest and Child Molestation Confirmed: Ashley Biden’s Diary Legitimate, FBI Cover-up Exposed VICTIM Ally Carter: “BIDEN & OBAMA RAPED ME”: POWERFUL ELITES, CELEBS, DEMONIC SEX ABUSE RING Long Time Listener Comment: I am a sexual assault survivor trying to help others now-plus prayer request 666 Months:…

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Emergency Freedom Alerts: 11-29-21-Part 2

Table of Contents: The COVID Cult: The New State Religion of Satan Right on Satanic Cue–Current Headlines Read: ‘OMICRON’ SINKS STOCKS-NEW TRAVEL BANS-It’s VAX-RESISTANT?-GLOBAL ALARM-WHO EMERGENCY-MEET The Omicron Variant DEVIL FAUCI OPENS DOOR TO LOCKDOWNS DUE TO Omicron variant Corporate media hysteria pushers conjure up another COVID “Nu”/ Omicron “scariant” campaign in desperate FEAR PLOY…

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Emergency Freedom Alerts: 11-29-21-Part 3

Table of Contents: Commentary: It’s Not Just Smallpox, It’s Small Pox + Ebola That Will Soon Be Released If I get smallpox what is the chance of survival if I go the medical route? THE SMALLPOX VACCINE RACKET Smallpox Recommend Protocol Recommended Products Dr. Johnson Carries to build up the Immune System: Scott Johnson’s Previous…

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