Child Porn/Pedophilia Pandemic & High Level Cover-up Part 3

Child Porn/Pedophilia Pandemic & High Level Cover-up Part 3 4/5/2009 Dr. Judith Reisman, an internationally-recognized author, scientist, and educator specializing in sexual perversion, says the growing appetite for child pornography corresponds to the “pornographic, erototoxic epidemic.” “Historically it is known as ‘monkey see monkey do.’ Pornography wires viewers brains to lust after rape of women…

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Child Porn/Pedophilia Pandemic & High Level Cover-up Part 4

Child Porn/Pedophilia Pandemic & High Level Cover-up Part 4 4/5/2009 Dr. Judith Reisman, an internationally-recognized author, scientist, and educator specializing in sexual perversion, says the growing appetite for child pornography corresponds to the “pornographic, erototoxic epidemic.” “Historically it is known as ‘monkey see monkey do.’ Pornography wires viewers brains to lust after rape of women…

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The Dollar Collapsing, The Amero & G-20

The Dollar Collapsing, The Amero & G-203/21/2009This study will include analysis of the following breaking news briefs: How Much is 1 TRILLION Dollars? -Glenn Beck: Ron Paul on G-20 summit~New Currency: http:/…

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Disturbing 501c3 Corporate Church Report-Part 1

Disturbing 501c3 Corporate Church Report (Parts 1-4)2/15/2009 & 2/22/2009 The L.A. Times has just reported that local ministers are being asked to spread the word about the upcoming digital TV switch. Standing in the pulpit of Mount Moriah Baptist Chur…

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Disturbing 501c3 Corporate Church Report-Part 2

Disturbing 501c3 Corporate Church Report-Part 2 2/15/2009 & 2/22/2009 The L.A. Times has just reported that local ministers are being asked to spread the word about the upcoming digital TV switch. Standing in the pulpit of Mount Moriah Baptist Church in South Los Angeles FCC Commissioner Jonathan S. Adelstein asked the Baptist Ministries Conference of…

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Disturbing 501c3 Corporate Church Report-Part 3

Disturbing 501c3 Corporate Church Report-Part 3 2/15/2009 & 2/22/2009 The L.A. Times has just reported that local ministers are being asked to spread the word about the upcoming digital TV switch. Standing in the pulpit of Mount Moriah Baptist Church in South Los Angeles FCC Commissioner Jonathan S. Adelstein asked the Baptist Ministries Conference of…

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Disturbing 501c3 Corporate Church Report-Part 4

Disturbing 501c3 Corporate Church Report-Part 4 2/15/2009 & 2/22/2009 The L.A. Times has just reported that local ministers are being asked to spread the word about the upcoming digital TV switch. Standing in the pulpit of Mount Moriah Baptist Church in South Los Angeles FCC Commissioner Jonathan S. Adelstein asked the Baptist Ministries Conference of…

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The Doctrine of Bloodguiltiness-Part 4

The Doctrine of Bloodguiltiness (Part 4-5)6/22/2008 Bad Biblical theology inevitably leads to bad behavior. This premise reveals why the Church is either complicit with the dominant evils that are destroying America & the world. Unfortunately, much of …

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The Doctrine of Bloodguiltiness-Part 5

The Doctrine of Bloodguiltiness-Part 5 6/22/2008 Bad Biblical theology inevitably leads to bad behavior. This premise reveals why the Church is either complicit with the dominant evils that are destroying America & the world. Unfortunately, much of the Church seems blissfully & willfully ignorant of this proposition. As bad theology corrupts the Church, it not…

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The Doctrine of Bloodguiltiness-Part 1

The Doctrine of Bloodguiltiness (3 Parts)6/15/2008 external link: http://www.elijahmin.comBad Biblical theology inevitably leads to bad behavior. This premise reveals why the Church is either complicit with the dominant evils that are destroying Ameri…

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The Doctrine of Bloodguiltiness-Part 2

The Doctrine of Bloodguiltiness-Part 2 6/15/2008 external link: Bad Biblical theology inevitably leads to bad behavior. This premise reveals why the Church is either complicit with the dominant evils that are destroying America & the world. Unfortunately, much of the Church seems blissfully & willfully ignorant of this proposition. As bad theology corrupts the…

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The Doctrine of Bloodguiltiness-Part 3

The Doctrine of Bloodguiltiness-Part 3 6/15/2008 external link: Bad Biblical theology inevitably leads to bad behavior. This premise reveals why the Church is either complicit with the dominant evils that are destroying America & the world. Unfortunately, much of the Church seems blissfully & willfully ignorant of this proposition. As bad theology corrupts the…

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Biblical Keys to Deliverance & Protection-Part 1

Biblical Keys to Deliverance & Protection (2 parts)3/23/2008 Regarding the endtimes that we are moving into, many Christians are very apprehensive and concerned about the well being of their families and themselves. Biblically there are many answers an…

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Biblical Keys to Deliverance & Protection-Part 2

Biblical Keys to Deliverance & Protection-Part 2 3/23/2008 Regarding the endtimes that we are moving into, many Christians are very apprehensive and concerned about the well being of their families and themselves. Biblically there are many answers and remedies regarding this subject. In this teaching we will be looking at the Bible verses that pertain…

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The One World Religious Convergence

The One World Religious Convergence2/10/2008 Catholic pope is currently very concerned about the mass exodus of members that is happening to the Catholic region in some countries. Currently the pope cannot authorize …

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Mega-churches & The Greedy Hirelings in Their Pulpits

Mega-churches & The Greedy Hirelings in Their Pulpits11/25/07The ‘LA Times’ reports Creflo A. Dollar, senior pastor of World Changers Church International, preaches that God will reward his faithful with material riches. It is a gospel that has won the…

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Zeitgeist Movie Rebuttal to Its Attack on Jesus Christ-Part 1

Zeitgeist Movie Rebuttal to Its Attack on Jesus Christ 10/28/07The first 37 minutes of the Zeitgeist movie is one of the most ludicrous, damnable, unbiblical deceptions that Satan has ever concocted. This movie takes some (mostly inaccurate, easily re…

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Zeitgeist Movie Rebuttal to Its Attack on Jesus Christ-Part 2

Zeitgeist Movie Rebuttal to Its Attack on Jesus Christ-Part 2 10/28/07 The first 37 minutes of the Zeitgeist movie is one of the most ludicrous, damnable, unbiblical deceptions that Satan has ever concocted. This movie takes some (mostly inaccurate, easily refutable) pagan history and tries to apply it to Jesus Christ. Satan is the great…

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Zeitgeist Movie Rebuttal to Its Attack on Jesus Christ-Part 3

Zeitgeist Movie Rebuttal to Its Attack on Jesus Christ-Part 3 10/28/07 The first 37 minutes of the Zeitgeist movie is one of the most ludicrous, damnable, unbiblical deceptions that Satan has ever concocted. This movie takes some (mostly inaccurate, easily refutable) pagan history and tries to apply it to Jesus Christ. Satan is the great…

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Mars, Lord Maitreya, The Ascended Masters & Strong Delusion

Mars, Lord Maitreya, The Ascended Masters & Strong Delusion4/29/2007In this teaching we will be examining a very important tenant of the end time delusion relating to the recently released NASA photos of the surface of Mars (taken from the “Viking Ma…

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THE SECRET: New Age NAME IT AND CLAIM IT4/15/2007 external link to Lighthouse Trails ResearchIn this teaching will be examining the much talked about (Oprah, Larry King, etc.) heresy called “The Secret”. Beyond any cursory look at “The Secret”,…

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